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@@ -201,6 +201,9 @@ This is a point that makes me worry, but consider:
 - maybe the main reason why communists banned FLG is the political threat it posed, but that a ban was unjustified given the situation. Christian crosses are being taken down as of 2016, have they stopped taking their medications as well?
 - many some of those people would also have died soon if they had taken medication
 - maybe not all Falun Gong believers thought that it was wise to stop taking medication. But their religion was banned anyways.
+- riding motorcycles and smoking also reduce people's lifespan. Forbidding them, also has huge humanitarian costs. So why not forbid them as well?
+### There is danger that FLG
 ### Falun Gong is completely different in the West than it was in China
@@ -220,6 +223,40 @@ Even if you saw something yourself, how can you be sure that it is representativ
 And now that it has changed, maybe China should unban it?
+### FLG is dangerous because LHZ has too much power over followers
+I agree that there is danger in every religion, and specially new religions.
+However the same point can be made about political parties and in particular the CCP and it's chairman.
+Couldn't a charismatic leader chairman gain more and more power (like Xi seems to be doing), and eventually start a war and kill millions? Or just kill some minority which is not happy about the situation.
+Similarly, any charismatic leader of a pro democracy movement could become the leader of a terrorist organization.
+If you ever want democracy, you will have to learn to accept the beliefs of others, and only punish them when they actually break a law.
+### FLG downplays the fact that it is a religion
+I think that most people in the West would classify FLG as a religion if they are told that it mentions higher intelligent beings, other dimensions, and have weekly meetings where they read from a sacred book.
+Or a cult, which is nothing but a new / small religion with negative connotation, and thus meaningless.
+But consider this: how to classify what a religion is?
+Some would answer: science is what everyone can perceive with their own senses.
+But FLG followers claim to feel FLG energies when doing the exercises, and a few of them have the power of seeing the other dimensions.
+On the other hand, how many of your friends have experienced the laws of quantum field theory or general relativity in a very direct way?
+You may argue all, because e.g. of gravity. But so can FLG followers, saying that large historical events are due to their gods and daemons.
+### FLG media is not transparent about its affiliation
+Agreed, and it is a point that hurts more than helps their cause: e.g. New Tang Dynasty TV, Epoch Times and Shen Yun.
+But are all media forced to state their affiliation? Should all major newspapers start taking pools of how many employees follow which religion, and put that in their print?
 ### FLG is a fake religion
 Similar to the question: does God exist?
diff --git a/events.md b/events.md
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Events 事件
+-   2016-11 <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/38005603> Election china style, BBC interview with Chinese candidate, while thugs block him physically from nocking the door:  Funny / scary stuff. <https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/5dfigb/this_is_democracy_chinesestyle/>
 -   2016-11 <https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/5ai1s6/chinese_citizen_arrested_after_wearing_xitler/> <https://wqw2010.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/101.html> Possible Twitter: <https://twitter.com/kwonpyong>
 -   2016-09: <http://qz.com/783026/china-censorship-chinese-citizens-are-being-arrested-for-sharing-news-about-the-wukan-village-rebellion-online/> <http://qz.com/781989/foreign-journalists-are-wanted-for-3000-by-chinese-authorities-for-inciting-unrest-in-a-village/> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wukan_protests>
 -   2016-06 <https://www.theguardian.com/music/2016/jun/28/china-lady-gaga-ban-list-hostile-foreign-forces-meeting-dalai-lama>