From aff653583e480508daebc7cf5efd01d133e4f02a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guillaume WANG <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 00:58:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] simplify '/login' middleware no need for a custom callback
 for passport.authenticate

 package-lock.json | 10 ++++----
 src/app.ts        | 64 +++++++++++------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 8d6fd67..4f5eca6 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
         "minimist": {
           "version": "1.2.0",
-          "resolved": "",
+          "resolved": "",
           "integrity": "sha1-o1AIsg9BOD7sH7kU9M1d95omQoQ=",
           "dev": true
@@ -1802,7 +1802,7 @@
         "graphql": {
           "version": "0.13.2",
-          "resolved": "",
+          "resolved": "",
           "integrity": "sha512-QZ5BL8ZO/B20VA8APauGBg3GyEgZ19eduvpLWoq5x7gMmWnHoy8rlQWPLmWgFvo1yNgjSEFMesmS4R6pPr7xog==",
           "dev": true,
           "requires": {
@@ -3085,7 +3085,7 @@
     "colors": {
       "version": "1.3.3",
       "resolved": "",
-      "integrity": "sha512-mmGt/1pZqYRjMxB1axhTo16/snVZ5krrKkcmMeVKxzECMMXoCgnvTPp10QgHfcbQZw8Dq2jMNG6je4JlWU0gWg=="
+      "integrity": "sha1-OeAF1Uav4B4B+cTKj6UPaGoBIF0="
     "command-line-args": {
       "version": "5.1.1",
@@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@
         "whatwg-fetch": {
           "version": "2.0.4",
-          "resolved": "",
+          "resolved": "",
           "integrity": "sha512-dcQ1GWpOD/eEQ97k66aiEVpNnapVj90/+R+SXTPYGHpYBBypfKJEQjLrvMZ7YXbKm21gXd4NcuxUTjiv1YtLng==",
           "dev": true
@@ -8501,7 +8501,7 @@
     "pinkie-promise": {
       "version": "2.0.1",
-      "resolved": "",
+      "resolved": "",
       "integrity": "sha1-ITXW36ejWMBprJsXh3YogihFD/o=",
       "dev": true,
       "requires": {
diff --git a/src/app.ts b/src/app.ts
index c13edc4..8fa6b7a 100644
--- a/src/app.ts
+++ b/src/app.ts
@@ -121,58 +121,22 @@ app.use(passport.session(), (req, res, next) => {
  * i.e. quand l'utilisateur submit le formulaire de login avec ses identifiants/mdp dans le front
  * @todo gérer le cas où une requête à /login est reçue, mais où cette requête contient un cookie valide
- * @todo vérifier qu'on ne fallthrough pas, i.e. qu'on renvoie une response et qu'on ne trigger pas les middlewares suivants une fois celui-ci terminé
- * @todo rassify
-//with custom callback:
-//'/login', (req, res, next) => {
-    console.log("Received an authentication request to /login");
-    passport.authenticate('ldapauth', (err, user, info) => {
-        console.log("| Entering passport.authenticate('ldapauth', - ) callback");
-        // If an exception occurred
-        if (err) {
-            console.log("| Error when trying to passport.authenticate with ldapauth");
-            console.log(err);
-            return res.status(err.status).json({
-                message: "Exception raised in backend process during authentication: " + err,
-                authSucceeded: false
-            });
-            // return next(err); // handle error? or drop request and answer with res.json()?
-        }
-        // If authentication failed, user will be set to false
-        if (!user) {
-            console.log("| Authentication failed, passport.authenticate did not return a user. ");
-            return res.status(401).json({
-                message: "Authentication failed: " + info.message,
-                authSucceeded: false
-            });
-        }
-        req.login(user, (err) => {
-            // If an exception occurred at login
-            if (err) {
-                console.log("| Error when trying to req.login in callback in passport.authenticate('ldapauth', - )");
-                console.log(err);
-                return res.status(err.status).json({
-                    message: "Exception raised in backend process during login: " + err,
-                    authSucceeded: false
-                });
-                // return next(err); // handle error? or drop request and answer with res.json()?
-            }
-            // If all went well
-            console.log("| Authentication succeeded! :)");
-            // passport.authenticate automatically includes a Set-Cookie HTTP header in 
-            // the response. The JSON body is just to signal the frontend that all went well
-            return res.status(200).json({
-                message: 'Authentication succeeded',
-                authSucceeded: true
-            });'/login', 
+    (req, res) => { console.log("Received an authentication request to /login"); },
+    passport.authenticate('ldapauth'),
+    // By default, if authentication fails, Passport will respond with a 401 Unauthorized status
+    // If authentication succeeds, the next handler will be invoked and the req.user property will be set to the authenticated user
+    (req, res) => {
+        console.log("Authentication succeeded! :) User "+req.user.uid+" successfully logged in.");
+        // passport.authenticate automatically includes a Set-Cookie HTTP header in 
+        // the response. The JSON body is just to signal the frontend that all went well
+        return res.status(200).json({
+            message: 'Authentication succeeded',
+            authSucceeded: true
-    })(req, res, next);
+    }
  * @desc Servir l'API GraphQL à proprement parler