#pragma once

#include "cgp/cgp.hpp"

using namespace cgp;

struct environment_structure : environment_generic_structure
	// Color of the background of the scene
	vec3 background_color; // Used in the main program

	// The position/orientation of a camera that can rotates freely around a specific position
	mat4 camera_view;

	// A projection structure (perspective or orthogonal projection)
	mat4 camera_projection;

	// The position of a light
	vec3 light;

	// Additional uniforms that can be attached to the environment if needed (empty by default)
	uniform_generic_structure uniform_generic;

	void send_opengl_uniform(opengl_shader_structure const& shader, bool expected = true) const override;


// Global variables about your project
struct project {

	// Global variable storing the relative path to the root of the project (access to shaders/, assets/, etc)
	static std::string path;

	// ImGui Scale: change this value (default=1) for larger/smaller gui
	static float gui_scale;
