# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jun 26 13:43:04 2018 @author: GVKD1542 """ from cap_constraint import find_components from globals import * def show_x(instance): expr = " " for j in instance.nodes: expr += str(j) + " " print(expr) for i in instance.nodes: expr = "" expr += str(i) + " " for j in range(i): expr += ( str( (round(instance.x[i,j].value,2) )) if instance.x[i,j].value>eps else "-.-" ) + " " print(expr) def explore_x(instance,i): sum = 0 for j in instance.nodes: a,b = (max(i,j),min(i,j)) if(a==b): continue print(str(j)+ " : " + str(round(instance.x[a,b].value,4)) + " ") sum += instance.x[a,b].value print() print("total : " + str(sum)) def show_routes(instance): print() print("showing routes for found solution with capacity "+str(instance.capacity.value)+ " and "+str(instance.number_of_vehicles.value)+ " vehicles") print() comp = find_components(instance) for c in comp: expr = "0 " pred = 0 total_load = 0 total_cost = 0 for node in c: total_cost += instance.costs[pred,node] total_load += instance.demands[node] expr+="-- "+str(round(instance.costs[pred,node],2))+" --> " expr+=str(node)+ " (" expr+=str(instance.demands[node])+") " pred = node expr+= "--> 0" print(expr) print("total load : "+str(total_load) + " and total cost : "+str(total_cost)) print()