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#version 330 core // Header for OpenGL 3.3
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// Fragment shader - this code is executed for every pixel/fragment that belongs to a displayed shape
// Compute the color using Phong illumination (ambient, diffuse, specular) 
//  There is 3 possible input colors:
//    - fragment_data.color: the per-vertex color defined in the mesh
//    - material.color: the uniform color (constant for the whole shape)
//    - image_texture: color coming from the texture image
//  The color considered is the product of: fragment_data.color x material.color x image_texture
//  The alpha (/transparent) channel is obtained as the product of: material.alpha x image_texture.a

// Inputs coming from the vertex shader
in struct fragment_data
    vec3 position; // position in the world space
    vec3 normal;   // normal in the world space
    vec3 color;    // current color on the fragment
    vec2 uv;       // current uv-texture on the fragment

} fragment;

// Output of the fragment shader - output color
layout(location=0) out vec4 FragColor;

// Uniform values that must be send from the C++ code
// ***************************************************** //

uniform sampler2D image_texture;   // Texture image identifiant

uniform mat4 view;       // View matrix (rigid transform) of the camera - to compute the camera position

uniform vec3 light; // position of the light

// Coefficients of phong illumination model
struct phong_structure {
	float ambient;      
	float diffuse;
	float specular;
	float specular_exponent;

// Settings for texture display
struct texture_settings_structure {
	bool use_texture;       // Switch the use of texture on/off
	bool texture_inverse_v; // Reverse the texture in the v component (1-v)
	bool two_sided;         // Display a two-sided illuminated surface (doesn't work on Mac)

// Material of the mesh (using a Phong model)
struct material_structure
	vec3 color;  // Uniform color of the object
	float alpha; // alpha coefficient

	phong_structure phong;                       // Phong coefficients
	texture_settings_structure texture_settings; // Additional settings for the texture

uniform material_structure material;

void main()
	// Compute the position of the center of the camera
	mat3 O = transpose(mat3(view));                   // get the orientation matrix
	vec3 last_col = vec3(view*vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); // get the last column
	vec3 camera_position = -O*last_col;

	// Renormalize normal
	vec3 N = normalize(fragment.normal);

	// Inverse the normal if it is viewed from its back (two-sided surface)
	//  (note: gl_FrontFacing doesn't work on Mac)
	if (material.texture_settings.two_sided && gl_FrontFacing == false) {
		N = -N;

	// Phong coefficient (diffuse, specular)
	// *************************************** //

	// Unit direction toward the light
	vec3 L = normalize(light-fragment.position);

	// Diffuse coefficient
	float diffuse_component = max(dot(N,L),0.0);

	// Specular coefficient
	float specular_component = 0.0;
		vec3 R = reflect(-L,N); // reflection of light vector relative to the normal.
		vec3 V = normalize(camera_position-fragment.position);
		specular_component = pow( max(dot(R,V),0.0), material.phong.specular_exponent );

	// Texture
	// *************************************** //

	// Current uv coordinates
	vec2 uv_image = vec2(fragment.uv.x, fragment.uv.y);
	if(material.texture_settings.texture_inverse_v) {
		uv_image.y = 1.0-uv_image.y;

	// Get the current texture color
	vec4 color_image_texture = texture(image_texture, uv_image);
	if(material.texture_settings.use_texture == false) {
	// Compute Shading
	// *************************************** //

	// Compute the base color of the object based on: vertex color, uniform color, and texture
	vec3 color_object  = fragment.color * material.color * color_image_texture.rgb;

	// Compute the final shaded color using Phong model
	float Ka = material.phong.ambient;
	float Kd = material.phong.diffuse;
	float Ks = material.phong.specular;
	vec3 color_shading = (Ka + Kd * diffuse_component) * color_object + Ks * specular_component * vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	// Output color, with the alpha component
	FragColor = vec4(color_shading, material.alpha * color_image_texture.a);