scene.cpp 13.59 KiB
#include "scene.hpp"
#include "tree.hpp"
#include "interpolation.hpp"
#include "ball.hpp"
#include "bird.hpp"
#include "bat.hpp"
#include "terrain.hpp"
#include "projectile.hpp"
using namespace cgp;
int num_trees = 200;
int num_grass = 200;
std::vector<vec3> tree_position;
std::vector<vec3> grass_position;
float terrain_length = 250;
void scene_structure::initialize()
camera_control.initialize(inputs, window); // Give access to the inputs and window global state to the camera controler
//for orbit camera
//camera_control.look_at({ 20.0f,15.0f,15.0f }, {0,0,0});
//for first person camera
camera_control.camera_model.position_camera = { 0,0,evaluate_terrain_height(0,0,terrain_length)+10};
camera_control.camera_model.set_rotation_axis({ 0,0,1 });
//custum function we added to ..first_person_euler
//skybox_debug.png for debugging
image_structure image_skybox_template = image_load_file("assets/skybox2.jpg");
std::vector<image_structure> image_grid = image_split_grid(image_skybox_template, 4, 3);
//x neg, x pos, y neg, y pos, z neg, z pos
skybox.texture.initialize_cubemap_on_gpu(image_grid[7].rotate_90_degrees_counterclockwise(), image_grid[1].rotate_90_degrees_clockwise(), image_grid[4].rotate_90_degrees_clockwise().rotate_90_degrees_clockwise(), image_grid[10], image_grid[3], image_grid[5].rotate_90_degrees_clockwise().rotate_90_degrees_clockwise());
int N_terrain_samples = 500;
mesh const terrain_mesh = create_terrain_mesh(N_terrain_samples, terrain_length);
// terrain.material.color = { 0.6f,0.85f,0.5f }; terrain de couleur de base verte
terrain.material.color = { 1,1,1 };
terrain.material.phong.specular = 0.0f; // non-specular terrain material
terrain.shader.load(project::path + "shaders/mesh_multi_texture/mesh_multi_texture.vert.glsl", project::path + "shaders/mesh_multi_texture/mesh_multi_texture.frag.glsl");
terrain.texture.load_and_initialize_texture_2d_on_gpu(project::path + "assets/texture_grass.jpg",
terrain.supplementary_texture["image_texture_2"].load_and_initialize_texture_2d_on_gpu(project::path + "assets/snow.jpg",
int r = 1;
int h = 5;
mesh cyl_mesh = create_cylinder_mesh(r, h);
cyl.material.color = { 0.58f,0.294f,0.0f };
cyl.material.phong.specular = 0.0f;
r = 3;
h = 2;
int z = 3;
mesh cone_mesh = create_cone_mesh(r, h, z);
cone.material.color = { 0.0f,0.8f,0.0f };
cone.material.phong.specular = 0.0f;
mesh tree_mesh = create_tree();
float x = 1.0;
float y = 2.0;
tree.model.translation = { x, y, evaluate_terrain_height(x,y, terrain_length) };
tree_position = generate_positions_on_terrain(num_trees, terrain_length-1);
grass_position = generate_positions_on_terrain(num_grass, terrain_length-1);
mesh quadrangle_mesh;
quadrangle_mesh.position = { {0,0,0},{1, 0, 0}, {1,0,1}, {0, 0,1} };
quadrangle_mesh.uv = { {0,0},{1,0}, {1,1}, {0,1} };
quadrangle_mesh.connectivity = { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3} };
quadrangle_mesh.fill_empty_field(); // (fill with some default values the other buffers (colors, normals) that we didn't filled before)
// Convert the mesh structure into a mesh_drawable structure
grass.texture.load_and_initialize_texture_2d_on_gpu(project::path + "assets/grass.png",
bouncing.initialize(10); //10 balls
void scene_structure::initialize_mvt()
// Definition of the initial data
// Key 3D positions
numarray<vec3> key_positions =
{ {-1,1,0}, {0,1,0}, {1,1,0}, {1,2,0}, {2,2,0}, {2,2,1}, {2,0,1.5}, {1.5,-1,1}, {1.5,-1,0}, {1,-1,0}, {0,-0.5,0}, {-1,1,0} };
float h = 20+evaluate_terrain_height(0,0,terrain_length);
for (int i = 0; i < key_positions.size(); i++) key_positions[i][2] += h;
// Key times (time at which the position must pass in the corresponding position)
numarray<float> key_times =
{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 3.0f, 3.5f, 3.75f, 4.5f, 5.0f, 6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f };
// Initialize the helping structure to display/interact with these positions
keyframe.initialize(key_positions, key_times);
// Set timer bounds
// The timer must span a time interval on which the interpolation can be conducted
// By default, set the minimal time to be key_times[1], and the maximal time to be key_time[N-2] (enables cubic interpolation)
int N = key_times.size();
timer_mvt.t_min = key_times[0];
timer_mvt.t_max = key_times[N - 1];
timer_mvt.t = timer_mvt.t_min;
void scene_structure::display_frame()
// Update the current time
// Must be called before drawing the other shapes and without writing in the Depth Buffer
glDepthMask(GL_FALSE); // disable depth-buffer writing
draw(skybox, environment);
glDepthMask(GL_TRUE); // re-activate depth-buffer write
//Walking on ground
if (! {
vec3 eye_level = camera_control.camera_model.position_camera;
eye_level[2] = evaluate_terrain_height(eye_level[0], eye_level[1], terrain_length) + 0.75;
camera_control.camera_model.position_camera = eye_level;
// Set the light to the current position of the camera
environment.light = camera_control.camera_model.position();
if (gui.display_frame)
draw(global_frame, environment);
draw(terrain, environment);
if (gui.display_wireframe)
draw_wireframe(terrain, environment);
for (int i = 0; i < num_trees; i++) {
tree.model.translation = tree_position[i];
draw(tree, environment);
vec3 p = display_mvt();
if (gui.display_wireframe)
draw_wireframe(tree, environment);
void scene_structure::display_bird(vec3 p)
// Apply transformation to some elements of the hierarchy
bird1.bird["Bird head"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 0,1,0 }, 0.3 * cos(timer.t));
bird1.bird["Bird wing left1"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 1,0,0 }, 0.5 * cos(5 * timer.t));
bird1.bird["Bird wing left2"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 1,0,0 }, 0.7 * cos(5 * timer.t));
bird1.bird["Bird wing right1"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 1,0,0 }, -0.5 * cos(5 * timer.t));
bird1.bird["Bird wing right2"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 1,0,0 }, -0.7 * cos(5 * timer.t));
// This function must be called before the drawing in order to propagate the deformations through the hierarchy
//Orientation and position of the bird along the path
float t = timer_mvt.t;
vec3 p2;
if(t+0.1f > timer_mvt.t_max) p2 = interpolation(0.01f, keyframe.key_positions, keyframe.key_times, gui.k);
else p2 = interpolation((t + 0.1f), keyframe.key_positions, keyframe.key_times, gui.k);
bird1.bird["Bird base"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_vector_transform({1,0,0}, normalize(p2 - p));
bird1.bird["Bird base"].transform_local.translation = p;
/* Exemple TD5
hierarchy["Cylinder1"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 0,0,1 }, timer.t);
hierarchy["Cube1"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 1,0,0 }, -3 * timer.t);
hierarchy["Cyl2"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 0,0,1 }, 6 * timer.t);
hierarchy["Cyl3"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 0,0,1 }, 6 * timer.t);
hierarchy["Cube base"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 1,0,0 }, 0.8 * cos(3 * timer.t));
draw(bird1.bird, environment);
if (gui.display_wireframe) {
//draw_wireframe(hierarchy, environment);
draw_wireframe(bird1.bird, environment);
void scene_structure::display_bat(vec3 p)
// Apply transformation to some elements of the hierarchy
bat1.bat["Bat wing left1"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 0,1,0 }, 0.5 * cos(5 * timer.t));
bat1.bat["Bat wing right1"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_axis_angle({ 0,1,0 }, -0.5 * cos(5 * timer.t));
// This function must be called before the drawing in order to propagate the deformations through the hierarchy
//Orientation and position of the bird along the path
float t = timer_mvt.t;
vec3 p2;
if (t + 0.1f > timer_mvt.t_max) p2 = interpolation(0.01f, keyframe.key_positions, keyframe.key_times, gui.k);
else p2 = interpolation((t + 0.1f), keyframe.key_positions, keyframe.key_times, gui.k);
bat1.bat["Bat base"].transform_local.rotation = rotation_transform::from_vector_transform({ 0,-1,0 }, normalize(p2 - p));
bat1.bat["Bat base"].transform_local.translation = p;
draw(bat1.bat, environment);
if (gui.display_wireframe) {
draw_wireframe(bat1.bat, environment);
void scene_structure::display_semiTransparent()
// Enable use of alpha component as color blending for transparent elements
// alpha = current_color.alpha
// new color = previous_color * alpha + current_color * (1-alpha)
// Disable depth buffer writing
// - Transparent elements cannot use depth buffer
// - They are supposed to be display from furest to nearest elements
auto const& camera = camera_control.camera_model;
// Re-orient the grass shape to always face the camera direction
vec3 const right = camera.right();
// Rotation such that the grass follows the right-vector of the camera, while pointing toward the z-direction
for (int i = 0; i < num_grass; i++) {
grass.model.translation = grass_position[i];
rotation_transform R = rotation_transform::from_frame_transform({ 1,0,0 }, { 0,0,1 }, right, { 0,0,1 });
grass.model.rotation = R;
draw(grass, environment);
// Don't forget to re-activate the depth-buffer write
vec3 scene_structure::display_mvt()
// Basic elements of the scene
environment.light = camera_control.camera_model.position();
if (gui.display_frame)
draw(global_frame, environment);
// Update the current time
float t = timer_mvt.t;
// clear trajectory when the timer restart
if (t < timer_mvt.t_min + 0.1f)
// Display the key positions and lines b/w positions
// Compute the interpolated position
// This is this function that you need to complete
return interpolation(t, keyframe.key_positions, keyframe.key_times, gui.k);
// Display the interpolated position (and its trajectory)
//keyframe.display_current_position(p, environment);
void scene_structure::draw_segment(vec3 const& a, vec3 const& b)
chain1.segment.vbo_position.update(numarray<vec3>{ a, b });
draw(chain1.segment, environment);
void scene_structure::display_chain(vec3 bird_pos)
// Update the current time
chain1.simulation_step(timer_chain.scale * 0.01f, bird_pos);
for (int i = 0; i < chain1.n; i++) {
chain1.particle_sphere.model.translation = chain1.p[i];
chain1.particle_sphere.material.color = { (float)i / chain1.n,(float)i / chain1.n,0 };
draw(chain1.particle_sphere, environment);
for (int i = 0; i < chain1.n - 1; i++) {
draw_segment(chain1.p[i], chain1.p[i + 1]);
void scene_structure::display_gui()
ImGui::Checkbox("Frame", &gui.display_frame);
ImGui::Checkbox("Wireframe", &gui.display_wireframe);
ImGui::Checkbox("Fly", &;
ImGui::SliderFloat("Time", &timer_mvt.t, timer_mvt.t_min, timer_mvt.t_max);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Time scale", &timer_mvt.scale, 0.0f, 2.0f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("K", &gui.k, 0.0f, 10.0f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Speed", &gui.speed, 0.0f, 10.0f);
// Display the GUI associated to the key position
void scene_structure::display_ball() {
bouncing.simulate(timer_chain.scale * 0.01f, terrain_length);
for (int i = 0; i < bouncing.N; i++) {
bouncing.mesh.model.translation = bouncing.pos[i];
bouncing.mesh.material.color = bouncing.color[i];
draw(bouncing.mesh, environment);
void scene_structure::display_projectiles() {
projectiles.simulate(timer_chain.scale * 0.01f, terrain_length);
for (int i = 0; i < projectiles.N; i++) {
projectiles.mesh.model.translation = projectiles.pos[i];
projectiles.mesh.material.color = projectiles.color[i];
draw(projectiles.mesh, environment);
void scene_structure::mouse_move_event()
if (!inputs.keyboard.shift)
void scene_structure::mouse_click_event()
if (camera_control.inputs->{
//std::cout << "ball created";
projectiles.add_ball(camera_control.camera_model.position_camera + 2*camera_control.camera_model.front(), 20*camera_control.camera_model.front());
void scene_structure::keyboard_event()
if(camera_control.inputs->keyboard.shift) {
void scene_structure::idle_frame()
if (camera_control.inputs->keyboard.ctrl) {
camera_control.idle_frame(environment.camera_view, 10);
else {
camera_control.idle_frame(environment.camera_view, gui.speed);