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CMakeLists.txt 3.79 KiB
# This is a generic CMake setup for CGP library use
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8) 

# Relative path to the CGP library
# => You may need to adapt this directory to your relative path in the case you move your directory
set(PATH_TO_CGP "../../cgp/library/" CACHE PATH "Relative path to CGP library location") 

# Check that the path to the library is correct
get_filename_component(ABS_PATH_TO_CGP ${PATH_TO_CGP} ABSOLUTE)
   message(ERROR " Could not import the CGP library using the relative path ${directory_to_library} - please adjust this path in the CMakeLists.txt")
   message(STATUS "The relative path to the library is set to ${PATH_TO_CGP}")
   message(STATUS "The absolute path to the library is set to ${ABS_PATH_TO_CGP}")

# Compile for Release with Debug Info
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE RelWithDebInfo) 

# List the files of the current local project 
#    Default behavior: Automatically add all hpp and cpp files from src/ directory, and .glsl from shaders/
#    You may want to change this definition in case of specific file structure
file(GLOB_RECURSE src_files ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/*.[ch]pp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/shaders/*.glsl)

# Generate the executable_name from the current directory name
get_filename_component(executable_name ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} NAME)
# Another possibility is to set your own name: set(executable_name your_own_name) 
message(STATUS "Configure steps to build executable file [${executable_name}]")

# Add current src/ directory

# Add the lib directory

# Include files from the CGP library (as well as external dependencies)
message(STATUS "Include CGP lib and external dependencies files from relative path")


# Uncomment the following line to remove assertion checks from CGP library (for full efficiency)
# add_definitions(-DCGP_NO_DEBUG)

# Add all files to create executable
#  @src_files: the local file for this project
#  @src_files_cgp: all files of the cgp library
#  @src_files_third_party: all third party libraries compiled with the project
add_executable(${executable_name} ${src_files_cgp} ${src_files_third_party} ${src_files})

# Set Compiler for Unix system
   set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER g++)                      # Can switch to clang++ if prefered
   add_definitions(-g -O2 -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -Wfatal-errors -Wno-pragmas) # Can adapt compiler flags if needed
   add_definitions(-Wno-sign-compare -Wno-type-limits) # Remove some warnings

# Set Compiler for Windows/Visual Studio
   set(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES RelWithDebInfo ) # default build as RelWithDebInfo
   set_property( DIRECTORY PROPERTY VS_STARTUP_PROJECT  ${executable_name} ) # default project (avoids AllBuild)
   set_target_properties( ${executable_name} PROPERTIES RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}$<0:> ) # default output in root dir
   set_target_properties( ${executable_name} PROPERTIES VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) # default debug execution in root dir
   # Avoids the warning /W3 overided by /W4 when using Ninja