* Contract source:
* Feel free to let us know via PR, if you find something broken in this config
* file.
import Bouncer from '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Bouncer'
| Bouncer Actions
| Actions allows you to separate your application business logic from the
| authorization logic. Feel free to make use of policies when you find
| yourself creating too many actions
| You can define an action using the `.define` method on the Bouncer object
| as shown in the following example
| ```
| Bouncer.define('deletePost', (user: User, post: Post) => {
| return post.user_id ===
| })
| ```
| NOTE: Always export the "actions" const from this file
export const { actions } = Bouncer.define('isAdmin', (user: User) => {
return user.isAdmin ? true : Bouncer.deny('This can only be done by an admin')
| Bouncer Policies
| Policies are self contained actions for a given resource. For example: You
| can create a policy for a "User" resource, one policy for a "Post" resource
| and so on.
| The "registerPolicies" accepts a unique policy name and a function to lazy
| import the policy
| ```
| Bouncer.registerPolicies({
| UserPolicy: () => import('App/Policies/User'),
| PostPolicy: () => import('App/Policies/Post')
| })
| ```
| NOTE: Always export the "policies" const from this file
export const { policies } = Bouncer.registerPolicies({})