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Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
$langArray = array(
    "binet" => "A binet (association) of typographers and <i>grammar nazies</i>, est. 2009.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "titileOrtographSchool" => "Before anything",
    "ortographSchool" => "To begin with, we need to remind you how to write the name of your school. It is wirtten École polytechnique, with an uppercase E with a diatric, and a lowercase p. You can shorten it to Polytechnique, with capital P, or l'X, with a capital X.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "typography" => "Typography",
    "mission" => "Our first mission as a binet is to nurture and spread the enjoyment about beautiful typography in a world
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
        invaded by Microsoft Word and <i>Comic Sans MS</i>.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "more" => "Tell me more",
    "help" => "Help!",
    "helpText" => "You have a paper due tomorrow and it is 11 pm? Your oral exam is in one hour and you haven't started your presentation? Here, you can learn the easiest ways to write beautiful documents at École polytechnique.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "toTutorial" => "Go to tutorial",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "latexText" => "<span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is a powerful and necessary tool for any scientific publications. If you want to learn more about the inner workings of <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> and its advantages over more traditional type setting software, come here!",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "latexForDummies" => "<span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> for dummies",
    "latexPolytechnique" => "<span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> at École polytechnique",
    "members" => "Members",
    "membersText" => "Come discover the wonderful members of the TypogaphiX binet.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "toMembers" => "Discover the members",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "typoSubtitle" => "Because even Vaneau knew diacritics aren't optional on capital letters.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "typoIntro" => "The binet TypographiX is sadly only trained in French typography. Thus, this page is only available in French. If reading it still interests you, please use either the button in the top right corner or the link at the bottom of the page to change language. This situation is a great mishap so if you, or anyone you know, is interested in English typography, please contact the binet as fast as possible (the link is on the bottom of the page) so that a proper introduction to English typography can be written.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "titleHelp" => "Tutorial",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "subtitleHelp" => "Beautiful typography has never been this easy !",
    "titleAdvancedUsers" => "For more advanced users",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "subtitleAdvancedUsers" => "Do not rely on the cloud anymore.",
    "titleLatexDistribs" => "A <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> distribution",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "latexDistribution" => "To compile your source code, you need a compiler and many <em>packages</em>! Depending on your operating system, use the following links to install a <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> distribution. For Linux, you should install <em>texlive</em> from your package deposit (it is rarely up-to-date, which means that the local version is behind the remote one and prevents you from using the tex-live package manager to auto-install packages)",
    "titleTextEditor" => "A text editor",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "textEditor" => "Although you could use any text editor, you should choose one adapted to <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, like TeXmaker, TeXstudio or Kile. General purpose text editors, such as VSCode and Atom have <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> extension, but they might be harder to get used to.",
    "anyOs" => "Any OS",
    "titleEnjoy" => "Enjoy!",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "enjoy" => "Now that you installed <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, you can begin to write your first masterpiece. If you want more information (especially about having a layout compatible with the École polytechnique), you may find this on the page “<span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> at the École polytechnique” (in the button down there), the page about <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> on the WikiX, or any tutorial about <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, easy to find on the Internet.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "overleafDoc" => "Overleaf documentation",
    "nextStep" => "Next step!",
    "discoverLatex" => "Discover <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>",
    "subtitleDiscoverLatex" => "Because it's better when it's better.",
    "whyLatex" => "Why would you use <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>?",
    "whyLatexSubtitle" => "Discover the dark side of <i>Word</i>.",
    "titleLatexTypo" => "<span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is a typographer",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "latexTypo1" => "<span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is actually a set of high-level commands based on the <span class='latex'>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> language, invented by Donald Knuth in 1977  to publish his masterpiece, <i>The Art Of Computer Programming</i>. The first edition of the work was printed using the hot lead technique, which was fine for him. For the second edition though, his editor switched to photocomposition process, which Knuth did not like. That is why he wanted to use a computer based approach, but as he couldn't find any word processing program meeting his expectations, he decided to create his own, in a way that respects every subtelty and typographic convention born because of the old mechanical tools that were once used to type, and forgotten by a new generation of electronic.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "latexTypo2" => "His program was created to optimize reading comfort and respect the aspect and the content of documents.",
    "titleCleverLatex" => "<span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is clever",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "cleverLatex1" => "In contrast to the other word processing programs, <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is guided by a philosophy called <i>What You See Is What You Mean</i>: a <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> document is a source file containing code, using a language vaguely similar to html. The key difference with HTML is that <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> does not take formats or styles as input, but semantic functions: in <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, you do not say <i>this phrase is in italics</i>, but <i>this phrase is important</i>, and the compiler changes the fonts accordingly.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "cleverLatex2" => "The source code is then compiled by <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, creating the final result. Thanks to this operation, <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is able to manage on its own the structure of your documents, to automatically create tables of contents, cross-references, indexes, etc. Moreover, the user is able to program and define his own commands, allowing him to gain a considerable amount of time when writing long and complex documents.",
    "cleverLatex3" => "Best of all: <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is Turing-complete",
    "titleBeautiful" => "<span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> is beautiful",
    "beautiful1" => "Thanks to the default font of <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, created by Donald Knuth himself, <em>Computer Modern Roman</em> (and its evolutions), your documents won't remain unnoticed. A perfect harmony between text and mathematics made <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> the main software regarding scientific publications.",
    "beautiful2" => "Instead of slaving away looking for double spaces and any other typographic kink tolerated by <em>Word</em>, you will be able to take your time admiring a well laid out document written in <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>: everything has been thought out for optimal reading comfort both before and after the code is compiled.",
    "titleOurPackages" => "<span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, by TypographiX",
    "subtitleOurPackages" => "Style without effort.",
    "titlePolytechniquePackage" => "The <span style='font-family:'Lucida Console',
    monospace'>polytechnique</span> packages",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "subtitlePolytechniquePackage" => "Prettier than the competitive exams!",
    "titleOrigins" => "Origins",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "origins" => "TypographiX created the <span class='monospace'>polytechnique</span> packages to allow you to write without effort documents and slides with a good layout, consistent with the École polytechnique             requirements. To learn how to use it, read on after!",
    "titleWritingDocuments" => "Writing beautiful documents",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "writingDocuments" => "The proper documentation for this package only exists in French. An English documentation is in the works. In the meantime, you can use the overleaf template for reference (see above). The setup instructions are available in the file <span class='monospace'>guide/installation.pdf</span>. You can then read the documentation of the package in the file named <span class='monospace'>source/polytechnique.pdf</span>.",
    "titleSlides" => "Creating beautiful slides",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "slides" => "The documentation for this package is available on the wiki of the repository. Please click on the button above to access it.",
    "quickStartTitle" => "Quick start",
    "quickStartSubtitle" => "Or how to start and finish a document in an hour.",
    "quickReportTitle" => "Report",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "quickReportText" => "Download the <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> template with the button below. Then, go on <a href=''>overleaf</a> and click on “New project” then “Import a project”. Drag the zip you just downloaded on the window, then wait a few seconds. <br /> From left to right, you will then see: <br /> — the file structure, you will only need it to add images, <br /> — the text editor, where you will modify the document, <br /> — the final result in pdf, that you can download. <br /> The document given contains an example report that you can modify (you only need to modify <span style=\"font-family:'Lucida Console', monospace\">main.tex</span>).",
    "quickPresentationTitle" => "Presentation",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "quickPresentationText" => "A PowerPoint template is available through the communication department. Go to <a href=''>the media kit page</a> of École polytechnique's intranet website, then click on the button “Présentations PPT” in the “Kit Média” section. You can then download the most recent template file and open it, everything is explained inside.",
    "quickOtherTitle" => "Other documents",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "quickOtherText" => "If the document you have to do is neither a report nor a presentation, then the TypographiX binet strongly encourages you to refer to the graphical charter of École polytechnique. For that, go of the <a href=''>media kit page</a> and download it by clicking on “Charte École polytechnique”. It is sadly only available in French.",
    "latexTemplate" => "Download the <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> template",
    "templateLocation" => "../files/",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "membersTitle" => "Members",
    "membersSubtitle" => "A great team: there has always been typography nerds at l'X.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "textMerigoux" => "Recreated the binet and started the <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> packages.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "textGuedon" => "President of the binet (it seems), even though I don't do much. I mostly take care of the <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> packages. If you have any ideas for the binet or the <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> packages, or even questions about <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> don't hesitate to contact me.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "textFacklam" => "Helps with the <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> packages.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "textBreuil" => "I updated the website to make it as pretty as possible and with the maximum amount of information. Notice how all the assets of the website (except the favicon, but I'm limited by the technology of my time) are vectorized.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "textFourier" => "Self-declared president, I like to control everything, especially the layouts of my documents. I hate underfull \hbox and I love vector graphics.",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "textChopinet" => "Full time maniac, I love when things are tidy and well aligned. Technical expert, I draw all my graphics in Tikz.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "textYouMember" => "You",
    "textJoinUs" => "Join us.",
    "latexConvinced" => "Convinced?",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "latexConvincedText" => "Then go see our recommended steps to install <span class='latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> by clicking on the button below.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "latexNotConvinced" => "Not convinced?",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "latexNotConvincedText" => "If you are not convinced, here is an article written by Donald Knuth and Michael Plass to describe line wrapping in <span class='latex'>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>. It is a very complex but efficient algorithm that (obviously) is more complicated than a simple greedy algorithm. What for? To optimize type color (the perceived color of text when in peripheral vision). This greatly improves reading ease and comfort.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
    "documentPackageText" => "The repository for the document package is available by clicking on the button below.",
    "documentPackage" => "Package for documents",
    "slidesPackageText" => "The repository for the slides package is available by clicking on the button below.",
    "slidesPackage" => "Package for slides",
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed
    "slidesWarning" => "This package is still a work in progress and doesn't necessarily give the best results, in the meantime you can use the PowerPoint template.",
Paul BREUIL's avatar
Paul BREUIL committed
Thomas FOURIER's avatar
Thomas FOURIER committed