"typoIntro"=>"The binet TypographiX strongly recommends that every able-bodied and sane person acquire the <i><b>Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie Nationale</b></i> as soon as possible. There he will find all the advice given on this page and a host of other typographic subtleties, each more essential than the next. The whole is presented in a clear and intelligible way, and with all the myth inherent to the National Printing House.",
"capsTitle"=>"Capital and Upper-case letters",
"capsSubtitle"=>"Or how to correctly use your <span class='monospace'>SHIFT</span> key.",
"explicationsFaciles"=>"If you are complitely lost, and the deadline is tomorow, you are in the right section. Download this <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> template. Go to <a href='https://en.overleaf.com/'>overleaf</a> and click on « New project » and « Import a project ». Drag the zipfile you just downloaded. Wait a few seconds. The page that loads is the overleaf interface for edition. On the left, you have the directory in which you can include images. the large left part is the text editor, on which you can type <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> code. On the right, there is a preview of the .pdf document generated by the code. There are explonaitions of how to use <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> in the document, you can edit it as much as you need.",
"explicationsFaciles"=>"Si tu es totalement perdu et que la limite de rendu est demain, tu es dans la bonne section. Télécharges ce patron <span class='Latex'>L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>. Rends toi sur <a href='https://fr.overleaf.com/'>overleaf</a> et cliquez sur « Nouveau projet » puis « Importez un projet ». Glissez le zip que vous venez de télécharger. Attendez quelques secondes. Il s'affichera alors de gauche à droite : la structure du dossier, vous n'en aurez besoin que pour ajouter des images ; l'éditeur de texte, c'est là que vous modifierez le document ; le rendu final en .pdf que vous pourez télécharger. Ce document contient un exemple que vous pouvez modifier.",