Victor Ruelle authoredVictor Ruelle authored
branching.py 11.36 KiB
from globals import id,max_index_branching_candidates,max_constraint_branching_candidates,opt, branching_type,max_branching_search_time,max_branching_search_attempts,pyo,simple_index_branching,branching_lower_bound,branching_upper_bound,max_branching_set_length, constraint_branching_strategy
from logging_cvrp import log,timer
from statistics import stats
from instance_managing import solve
from pyomo.environ import value
from instance_managing import number_of_active_constraints
from instance_managing import set_lower_bound
from random import random, shuffle
from numpy import inf
from time import time
def branch(instance,instance_manager):
#branches instance problem into two complementary sub problem instances over a specific index
#adds two new instances that have been correctly initialised to instance_manager
#returns success of branching
log.subtitle("entering branching",instance.id)
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,number_of_active_constraints(instance.c_cap)],"start branching")
initial_time = time()
if branching_type == "index":
branched_instances = branch_over_index(instance)
if branching_type == "constraint":
branched_instances = branch_over_constraint(instance)
if branching_type == "integer_fix":
branched_instances = integer_pseudo_branch(instance)
#at this point, branching type should be valid since it is verified in the main
if instance==None:
return False
#adding new instances to solving queue
for instance in branched_instances:
solver_success = solve(instance)
if solver_success :
log.write("value of objective function is " +str(round(instance.objective_value,2)) + " for new instance " +list_to_string(instance.id)+" with lower bound "+str(instance.lower_bound),instance.id[:-1])
log.end_subtitle("end of branching ("+str(round(time()-initial_time,2))+"s)",instance.id)
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,number_of_active_constraints(instance.c_cap)],"end branching")
return True
def branch_over_index(instance):
#must return the instances that have been created an initialised
index = find_branching_index(instance)
if index==(-1,-1):
log.write_timed("no branching index found, branch must be cut",instance.id)
return None,None
log.write_timed("branching index found over index "+str(index)+" with value "+str(round(instance.x[index].value,4)),instance.id)
#creating new instances ! recycling the old one into one of the new branches
instance.x[index].fixed = True
instance2 = instance.clone()
instance.x[index].value = 0
instance2.x[index].value = 1
log.write_awaiting_answer("finished creating new instances",instance.id)
return [instance,instance2]
def branch_over_constraint(instance):
branch_set = find_branching_set(instance)
if branch_set == []:
log.write("no branching set found, returning to a branching over index",instance.id)
return branch_over_index(instance)
log.write_timed("branching constraint found over set "+str(branch_set)+" with demand "+str(round(sum(instance.demands[i]/instance.capacity.value for i in branch_set),4))+" and coboundary "+str(sum( sum( instance.x[max(node,node_out),min(node,node_out)].value for node_out in instance.nodes if not(node_out in branch_set)) for node in branch_set)),instance.id)
instance2 = instance.clone()
instance3 = instance.clone()
expression = sum( sum( instance.x[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for j in instance.nodes if not(j in branch_set) ) for i in branch_set )
expression = sum( sum( instance2.x[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for j in instance2.nodes if not(j in branch_set) ) for i in branch_set ) #obligé car il faut remplacer les éléments de instance par ceux de instance2
expression = sum( sum( instance3.x[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for j in instance3.nodes if not(j in branch_set) ) for i in branch_set ) #obligé car il faut remplacer les éléments de instance par ceux de instance2
instances = [instance,instance2,instance3]
log.write_awaiting_answer("finished creating new instances",instance.id)
return instances
def integer_pseudo_branch(instance):
index = find_branching_index(instance)
instance.x[index].domain = pyo.NonNegativeIntegers
instance.depth += 1
instance.id = id.get_and_increment()
log.write_awaiting_answer("finished creating new instance",instance.id)
return [instance]
def increment_depth_and_id(instances):
#global id
id0 = instances[0].id
depth = instances[0].depth
for inst in instances:
inst.depth = depth+1
#inst.id = id0+[id.get_and_increment()]
inst.id = id0+[instances.index(inst)]
def find_branching_index(instance):
#must return an index for branching
#simple mode chooses the closest to 0.5, if false, it will look for the best branching index among max_branching_candidates number of candidates
index = -1,-1
if simple_index_branching:
dist = 1
for bridge in instance.x.keys():
if abs(instance.x[bridge].value-0.5)<dist:
index = bridge
dist = abs(instance.x[bridge].value-0.5)
bridges = [(i,j) for i in range(instance.n.value) for j in range(i)]
indexes = sorted(bridges,key = lambda bridge:min(abs(instance.x[bridge].value-0.5),abs(instance.x[bridge].value-0.75)))[:min(len(bridges),max_index_branching_candidates)]
best_boost = 0
for ind in indexes:
a = value(instance.objective)
b = value(instance.objective)
c = min(a,b)
if c>best_boost:
best_boost = c
index = ind
instance.x[ind].fixed = False
return index
def find_branching_set(instance):
sets,count = [],0
while count < max_branching_search_attempts:
#print("none found, searched",len(sets.searched_sets),"sets")
sets += find_sets_on_coboundary(instance)
count += 1
if sets == []:
return []
log.write("testing best possible branching between "+str(len(sets))+" sets",instance.id)
if constraint_branching_strategy == "distance_to_depot":
sets = sorted(sets, key = lambda a_set : sorted(a_set, key = lambda node : instance.costs[(node,0)])[0]+sorted(a_set, key = lambda node : instance.costs[(node,0)])[1], reverse = True )
return sets[0]
if constraint_branching_strategy == "demand":
sets = sorted( sets, key = lambda a_set : sum( instance.demands[node] for node in a_set), reverse = True)
return sets[0]
if constraint_branching_strategy == "distance_demand_mix":
sets = sorted(sets, key = lambda a_set : (sorted(a_set, key = lambda node : instance.costs[(node,0)])[0]+sorted(a_set, key = lambda node : instance.costs[(node,0)])[1])/instance.max_cost + sum( instance.demands[node] for node in a_set)/instance.capacity, reverse = True )
return sets[0]
if constraint_branching_strategy == "exhaustive":
sets = sorted(sets, key = lambda a_set : sorted(a_set, key = lambda node : (instance.costs[(node,0)])[0]+sorted(a_set, key = lambda node : instance.costs[(node,0)])[1])/instance.max_cost + sum( instance.demands[node] for node in a_set)/instance.capacity, reverse = True )
best_set,best_delta,initial_value = 0,0,instance.objective_value
for branch_set in sets:
expression = sum( sum( instance.x[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for j in instance.nodes if not(j in branch_set) ) for i in branch_set )
delta = instance.objective_value - initial_value
expression = sum( sum( instance.x[max(i,j),min(i,j)] for j in instance.nodes if not(j in branch_set) ) for i in branch_set )
delta = min(delta,instance.objective_value - initial_value)
if delta > best_delta:
best_delta = delta
best_set = branch_set
log.write("resolving instance to its initial state after best gain found is "+str(best_delta),instance.id)
return best_set
raise NameError("enter a valid constraint_branching_strategy")
def find_sets_on_coboundary(instance,lb=branching_lower_bound,ub=branching_upper_bound):
sets = Search_set_manager(lb,ub)
nodes = sorted(instance.nodes,key = lambda node : instance.costs[node,0],reverse=True)
#for node in sorted(nodes,key = lambda node : nodes.index(node)*random()):
for node in sorted(nodes,key = lambda node : random()):
if node==0:
a_set = [node]
return sets.valid_sets
def explore_set(instance,a_set,sets):
#print("valid sets",len(sets.valid_sets),"and searched sets",len(sets.searched_sets),"current set demand",a_set.demand,"and current set coboundary",a_set.coboundary)
if len(a_set)>max_branching_set_length or sets.is_invalid(a_set,instance) or len(sets.valid_sets)>5 or sets.timer.global_time()>max_branching_search_time:
if sets.is_valid(a_set,instance):
return #THIS IS A TEST!
sorted_nodes = sorted(instance.nodes, key = lambda node : instance.costs[(a_set[-1],node)])
#sorted_nodes = sorted(instance.nodes, key = lambda node : instance.x[max(a_set[-1],node),min(a_set[-1],node)].value if node!=a_set[-1] else inf)
for node in sorted_nodes:
if not(node in a_set) and node!=0:
a_new_set = a_set.copy()
class Search_set_manager():
def __init__(self,lb,ub):
self.valid_sets = []
self.searched_sets = []
self.ub = ub
self.lb = lb
self.timer = timer()
def is_valid(self,a_set,instance):
if self.lb<=coboundary(a_set,instance)<=self.ub:
return True
return False
def is_invalid(self,a_set,instance):
return sum(instance.demands[node] for node in a_set)/instance.capacity.value > 4 or a_set in self.searched_sets
def record_set(self,a_set):
coboundary = lambda a_set,instance: sum( sum( instance.x[max(node,node_out),min(node,node_out)].value for node_out in instance.nodes if not(node_out in a_set) ) for node in a_set )
def list_to_string(ls):
#returns more readible string of a list
expr = ""
for el in ls:
expr += str(el)+"/"
return expr[:-1]