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Commit 7bf75f28 authored by Victor Ruelle's avatar Victor Ruelle
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parent 2703ffad
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from globals import id,opt,eps,node_selection,force_integer_to_depot
from statistics import stats
from logging_cvrp import log
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import cvrpGoogleOpt as google #upper bound function
from cap_constraint import find_components
dist = lambda x,y : pow(( (x[0]-y[0])**2 + (x[1]-y[1])**2 ),0.5)
class instance_manager():
#CAREFUL class is not thread safe!!
def __init__(self,instance):
self.queue = []
self.upper_bound = google.upper_bound(instance,instance.costs)
self.length = 0
self.best_feasible_integer_solution = None
self.branches_cut = 0
self.partial_solution_recorded = []
self.total_length = 0
def add(self,instance):
if instance.lower_bound <= self.upper_bound:
self.queue = sorted(self.queue,key = lambda x : x.lower_bound)
self.length += 1
self.total_length += 1
self.branches_cut += 1
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,len(instance.c_cap)],"add instance to queue")
def pop(self):
while self.length>0:
if node_selection == "best_bound_first":
instance = self.queue.pop(0)
elif node_selection == "depth_search":
instance = self.queue.pop(-1)
raise NameError("enter a valide node_selection stategy")
self.length -= 1
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,len(instance.c_cap)],"remove instance from queue")
#we must verify that the condition still holds because the upper_bound may have changed since time of adding
if instance.lower_bound < self.upper_bound and instance.x[1,0].value!=None :
return instance
self.branches_cut += 1
return None
def record_feasible_integer_solution(self,instance):
if instance.objective_value < self.upper_bound :
self.upper_bound = instance.objective_value
self.best_feasible_integer_solution = instance
def record_partial_solution(self,instance):
index = 0
while index<self.length and self.queue[index].lower_bound<instance.lower_bound :
index +=1
if index == self.length:
else :
def solve(instance,silent=False):
if silent:
res = opt.solve(instance)
if res.Solver[0]['Termination condition'].key=='infeasible':
if instance.reduction >= 1:
return False
instance.objective_value = pyo.value(instance.objective)
return True
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,number_of_active_constraints(instance.c_cap)],"start instance solving")
log.write_awaiting_answer("active constraints: "+str(number_of_active_constraints(instance.c_cap)))
res = opt.solve(instance)
if res.Solver[0]['Termination condition'].key=='infeasible':
if instance.reduction >= 1:
log.write_timed("no solution found to LP problem",
return False
log.write_timed("no solution found to LP problem with reduction at "+str(instance.reduction)+" going to + 0.2",
instance.objective_value = pyo.value(instance.objective)
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,number_of_active_constraints(instance.c_cap)],"end instance solving")
log.write_awaiting_answer("solved in",timed=True)
return True
def set_lower_bound(instance):
log.write_awaiting_answer("lower bound is now being calculated...",
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,len(instance.c_cap)],"start lb solving")
instance.lower_bound = instance.objective_value
'''instance2 = instance.clone()
for var in instance2.x.values():
var.domain = pyo.NonNegativeIntegers
for i in range(1,len(instance.c_cap)-max_constraints_for_lower_bound):
res = opt.solve(instance2)
instance.lower_bound = max(pyo.value(instance2.objective),instance.objective_value)
stats.update([instance.objective_value,instance.depth,len(instance.c_cap)],"end lb solving")
### SUPPORT ###
def reduce_problem(instance,threshold):
for i,j in [(a,b) for a in range(instance.n.value) for b in range(a)]:
if not ((i,j) in instance.branching_indexes):
if instance.costs[(i,j)] > threshold*instance.max_cost:
instance.x[(i,j)].value = 0
instance.x[(i,j)].fixed = True
instance.x[(i,j)].fixed = False
instance.reduction = threshold
def reduce_problem_neighboors(instance,amount):
#reduces problem by disabling links between every node and it's neighboors
#always leaves the depot as neighboor and leaves also the amount closest neighboors (graph is not oriented so there will possibly more than amount neighboors for some nodes)
for i,j in [(a,b) for a in range(1,instance.n.value) for b in range(1,a)]:
instance.x[i,j].value = 0
instance.x[i,j].fixed = True
for i in range(1,instance.n.value):
for j in sorted([k for k in range(1,instance.n.value)],key = lambda k : instance.costs[i,k])[:amount]:
instance.x[i,j].fixed = False
instance.x[i,j].value = 0
def number_of_active_constraints(clist):
count = 0
for k in clist.keys():
if clist[k].active :
count += 1
return count
def solution_is_integer(instance):
#returns bool describing wheter instance.x only has integers
# with slack epsilon (eps)
for b in [(i,j) for i in range(instance.n.value) for j in range(i)]:
val = instance.x[b].value
expr = abs(round(val)-val)>eps
if expr:
return False
return True
def integerize_solution(instance):
#rounds solution values of instance that has been considered integer enough
for b in instance.x.keys():
instance.x[b].value = round(instance.x[b].value)
def integer_percent(instance):
count = 0
pos = 0
for b in instance.x.keys():
count += 1
if is_int(instance.x[b]):
pos += 1
return round(pos/count*100,2)
def is_int(x):
#returns bool describing whether pyo.Par/pyo.Var x is integer
# with slack epsilon (eps)
return abs(round(x.value)-x.value)<eps
def print_solution_routes(instance):
comps = find_components(instance.x,instance.n.value)
message = "\n+++++ routes found : \n\n"
total_distance = 0
for i in range(len(comps)):
distance = 0
demand = 0
message += "road "+str(i)+": "
old_node = 0
message += str(old_node) + " -> "
demand += instance.demands[old_node]
for node in comps[i]:
message += str(node) + " -> "
demand += instance.demands[node]
distance += instance.costs[old_node,node]*instance.x[max(old_node,node),min(old_node,node)].value
message = message[:-4]
message += "\ndistance of route is "+str(distance)+" and demand served during route is "+str(demand)
total_distance += distance
message += "\n\n"
message += "total distance of route is "+str(total_distance)
return message
def dilate_problem(instance,factor=2):
for i in range(instance.n.value):
for j in range(i):
instance.costs[(i,j)] = pow(instance.costs[(i,j)],factor)
def normalize_demands(instance,max=1):
max_demand = 0
for i in instance.nodes:
if instance.demands[i]>max_demand:
max_demand = instance.demands[i]
for i in instance.nodes:
def normalize_costs(instance,max=1):
max_costs = 0
for i in range(instance.n.value):
for j in range(i):
if instance.costs[(i,j)]>max_costs:
max_costs = instance.costs[(i,j)]
for i in range(instance.n.value):
for j in range(i):
def fix_edges_to_depot(instance):
for i in range(1,instance.n.value):
instance.x[i,0].domain = pyo.NonNegativeIntegers
def unfix_edges_to_depot(instance):
for i in range(1,instance.n.value):
if not((i,0) in instance.branching_indexes or (0,i) in instance.branching_indexes):
instance.x[i,0].domain = pyo.NonNegativeReals
def fix_all_edges(instance):
for i in range(instance.n.value):
for j in range(i):
instance.x[i,j].domain = pyo.NonNegativeIntegers
def unfix_edges(instance):
for i in range(instance.n.value):
for j in range(i):
if not((i,j) in instance.branching_indexes) and not((j,i) in instance.branching_indexes) and ( not( 0 in [i,j] ) if fix_edges_to_depot else True ):
instance.x[i,j].domain = pyo.NonNegativeReals
def freeze_integer_edges(instance):
frozen = []
integerized = []
for i in range(instance.n.value):
for j in range(i):
if (i,j) in instance.branching_indexes or (j,i) in instance.branching_indexes or ( 0 in [i,j] if fix_edges_to_depot else False ):
if is_int(instance.x[i,j]):
instance.x[i,j].fixed = True
instance.x[i,j].domain = pyo.NonNegativeIntegers
return frozen,integerized
def unfreeze_integer_edges(instance,frozen,integerized):
for i,j in frozen:
instance.x[i,j].fixed = False
for i,j in integerized:
instance.x[i,j].domain = pyo.NonNegativeReals
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