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==== USA government media (美国政府媒体)
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Partial support:
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===== National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
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====== Boxun (博讯, USA government media)
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====== China Digital Times (CDT, 中国数字时代, USA government media)
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<<ned>>-funded as mentioned e.g. at:
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They have some amazing anti-<<ccp,CCP>> content, notably:
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*[Grass-mud-horse Index], mentioned at: <<where-can-i-find-good-words-for-a-keyword-attack>>
* as of 2021, their Chinese content is not well unified with the English one, and is much better, e.g.:
** list of major events
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A scraped mirror of CDT was created on <<github>> pages by Tang Wenzheng from <<fuck-xuexiqiangguo>> is present at:
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* JavaScript SPA that reads data from the data repository, which is stored as JSON (JAMstack)
* the data
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Firs commit  Jun 30, 2019. The first article is from 2010, so maybe it did scrape everything. It appears to be automatically updated daily. The images seem to be re-uploaded to[], e.g. contains which just fetches from GitHub automatically:[] while the original article stores images locally:[]. This approach is more censorship resistant, since all images are under a single domain, so takedown would require a full statically domain takedown, which would break other things. Although CDN blocks are not unheard of, e.g. as mentioned at:[].
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. "From 'fart people' to citizens on China's internet | Xiao Qiang | TEDxLiberdade" by TEDx Talks (2014). Presentation by[Xiao Qiang] (蕭強[萧强]), founder of <<china-digital-times>>. He was a Physicist from[USTC] who went mad after <<tiananmen>>. <<wife>> also studied there and said that's the most anti-CCP of all big Chinese universities.
====== Human Rights in China (organization, HRIC, 中国人权)
===== Jamestown Foundation (USA government media)
===== BBC (英国广播公司, British government media)
===== Deutsche Welle (DW, 德国之声, German government media)
==== Anti-CCP media
===== Bitter Winter (寒冬)
Italian-based magazine about freedom of religion.
China category:
===== Human rigts organizations
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In other sections:
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* <<chinese-human-rights-defenders>>
* <<front-line-defenders>>
* <<hric>>
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====== Amnesty International (国际特赦组织)
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UK based, had investments from United States and European governments.
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====== Human Rights Watch (人权观察)
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New York based.
==== USA-based media bias
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2018 graph that everyone needs to see:
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===== Voice of america (VOA, 美国之音, USA government media)
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===== Radio Free Asia (RFA) (自由亚洲电台, USA government media)
Just because they are/were funded/founded by the CIA, it doesn't mean that we can't use their xref:rebel-pepper[amazing satirical cartoons] to fight xref:dictatorship[], right?
=== Hong kong media (香港媒体)
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==== South China Morning Post (SCMP, 南华早报)
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<<hong-kong>> based, but bought by <<alibaba>> in 2016, but it still continued to publish censored stuff widely, e.g.:
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* <<hao-haidong>>
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==== Apple Daily (苹果日报)
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Founded by <<jimmy-lai>>.
Pro-democracy. Raided soon after <<hong-kong-national-security-law>> started.
Forced to shutdown 2021-06:
* Hong Kong billionaire's last interview as a free man by BBC News (2021)
==== Hong Kong Free Press
=== Media that we are not sure is biased or not
==== Caixin (财新传媒)
Beijing based, but does publish stuff that seems to be very sensitive:
* <<covid>> Government fuckups
* "China magazine Caixin defiant on censorship of article"
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== Videos (视频)
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Ciro Santilli committed[]: <<ciro-santilli>>'s "China Politics" playlist. It is a collection of all sensitive videos he has ever found on YouTube. Ping him if you find any he hasn't included.
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Interesting videos that were deleted/made private since he added them:
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* 2019-04-17 the Leica ad: Re-upload by <<scmp>>:
* 2019-05-18 not on Web Archive, lesson learned
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== Funny (搞笑)
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Humour is the greatest weapon against <<dictatorship,dictators>>:
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* <<xi-jinping>>
** <<chrysanthemium-xi-jinping>>
** <<winnie-the-pooh>>
* officially named "Measures on the Management of the Reincarnation of Living Buddhas" (藏传佛教活佛转世管理办法)
* 2015 Zimbabwe dictator wins Confucius prize
* South Park S32 E1 "Band in China" (2019), episode criticizing <<censorship,Chinese censorship>>
** free preview
** free episode but only for US / Canada...
** reply from show creators to censorship
** BBC's report
* "Tibet, Uyghur, Hong Kong, World" China death knocking door cartoon. TODO source, originally seen at: ([archive])
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See also:
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* <<life-of-brian-1979>>
* <<zone-theory>>
* <<weibo-logo>>
=== Cartoonists (漫画家)
Reasonable lists:
* The website blocks Web Archive.
Other cartoonists/illustrators:
* Greta Samuel
** "Chińczycy grożą śmiercią polskiej ilustratorce! Pracodawca chce ją zwolnić?¨" Google translates to: "The Chinese are threatening the death of the Polish illustrator! Employer wants to fire her?"
* Rin Sanada (真田鈴) from <<xi-jinping-porn>>
==== Rebel Pepper (变态辣椒, RFA cartoonist)
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Real name: Wang Liming (王立铭)
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Personal media:
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Without a doubt, the greatest anti-Communist joke cartoonist of the 2010s.
As of 2019 he does work for <<rfa>>, so a possible list of all cartoons of this era can be found at:
His best work can be found scattered throughout this document in the relevant sections.
.Rebel Pepper's self portrait as a perverted pepper (the literal translation of his Chinese name "变态辣椒") used in his Sina and <<tencent>> accounts before those got deleted[according to the BBC].变态辣椒[Source].
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==== Kuang Biao (邝飚)
Sample work:
* <<li-wenliang-by-kuang-biao,Li Wenliang with barbed wire mask>>
* <<trump-twitter-kuang-biao,Trump Twitter ban cartoon>>
==== Scarfolk Council
Not about China specifically, but broadly anti-dictatorship, and so much of it applies perfectly!!! With that typical British humour touch of course.
We have to translate the following into Chinese and add to the relevant sections:
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* <<censorship>>
** "Unknown Poster Campaign (1970s)", content "For more information please re-read"
** "Talking about the contents of this poster is illegal"
** <<scarfolk-public-displays-of-personal-distress-are-unpatriotic,Public displays of personal distress are unpatriotic>>
* <<scarfolk-children-the-cause-of-crime>>
* <<scarfolk-win-your-human-rights,Win your human rights>>
* "Illegal to gather in groups of one". This is a reference to <<covid>>, but it also applies perfectly to the lack of freedom of assembly in China
** 丢面子和丢脸有什么大的区别吗? (What's the difference between the two above.)
* <<scarfolk-whatever-you-do-dont,Whatever you do, don't>>
* <<scarfolk-children-the-cause-of-crime,Children: the cause of crime>>
."Lose face" spoof poster by <<scarfolk-council>> (2020). "Lose Face" reminds one of the popular Chinese expression "miànzi 面子" translated at as "face; side; reputation; self-respect; prestige, honor; social standing" and the corresponding "to lose face": (丢脸, 丢面子丢面子 on <<baidu-baike>>).[Source].
==== Baidiucao (巴丢草)
Has a more artistic red-black-white-yellow style.
==== Harry Harrison
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Cartoonist for <<scmp>>.
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A subset of his posts on his column "Harry's view":
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Selected work:
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* <<i-need-to-talk-to-a-human-rights-lawyer,I need to talk to ahuman rights lawyer>>
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==== Paresh Nath
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Not China only like <<rebel-pepper>>, but does have some good China ones.
** "We don't seek to conquer foreign lands", "It seeks to conquer foreign minds!"
** "We believe in free trade and reforms"
** "Communism", "Democracy" and "Hong Kong" illustrates democracies disadvantage, that it is hard to get everyone on the same boat to fight together compared to dictatorships. This was also seen clearly on WW2 when the British government hesitated for a long time to attack while seeking peace, until Churchill stepped up.
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==== Matsuyama Miyabi (松山雅)
Does he have anything besides the sexy BDSM gag ball 和諧/阿中哥哥 girl from February 2020 <<covid,COVID19>> time?
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==== Sun Xiangwen (孙向文)
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Appears to be mostly pro-Japan stuff, can't find any open examples, does not seem amazing.
===== Wumao artists
====== Wuheqilin (乌合麒麟, wumao photographer)
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Publishes as public domain, so the images can be uploaded to Wikipedia. That's something that <<rebel-pepper>> and the <<rfa>> could learn from them.
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Featured on <<chinese-government-media>> e.g. at:
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* by <<global-times>>
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Sample works:
* <<blood-cotton-initiative-wuheqilin,"Blood Cotton Initiative" by Wuheqilin>>
=== Falun, Sweden 法轮,瑞典
A Swedish University town called "Falun", with the same "Falun" Chinese characters as those in <<falun-gong>>, which got the town blocked by the <<internal-censorship,GFW>> on some websites, mentioned at:
Known primarily for its mine, which was one of the oldest operating companies in the world:
== Art (艺术)
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* Fisheye Placebo by Wenqing Yan. Webcomic that talks a lot about climbing the xref:censorship[great wall]. Artist obviously pro-democracy:
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=== Dictatorships are bad for the arts
Ermm, fear of going to jail for not kissing up to dictators well enough? Part of <<censorship>>.
. Shostakovich - How to Compose Music Despite [ R E D A C T E D ] by Tantacrul (2019) highlights how the famous Russian composer[Dimitri Shostakovich] had to continually work around the <<russia,Soviet Union>>'s censorship in his compositions.
==== Pornography ban (色情禁令)
This will be the fall of China:
And yet, every single Chinese teenager knows very well the meaning of "AV": Adult Video, the term[originating notably from Japan] (the Chinese really), which is one of the most common ways of referring to vide pornography.
Curious, right?
The <<nineteen-eighty-four>> quote "The sex instinct will be eradicated." comes to mind, see that section for fuller context.
Some news coverage:
* 2020 during <<covid>>, while[Pornhub was offering free premium subscriptions], China was cracking down on porn harder than usual
** FP report
** (<<chinese-government-media,biased>>) "China intensifies crackdown on pornography, illegal publications"
* 2018-01-15 "Sora Aoi: Japan's porn star who taught a Chinese generation about sex. When Japanese actress and former porn star Sora Aoi announced her marriage online, it set off a frenzy on Chinese social media."
* 2017-06-17 "Watching porn on China's censored internet is an infinitely evolving cat-and-mouse game"
.Ming-era dynasty illustration of a scene from the novel[Jin Ping Mei] (金瓶梅[金瓶梅]) where Qing Ximen (西門) and Golden Lotus (潘金蓮) are engaging in foreplay in a <<yuyuan-garden,beautiful ancient Chinese house>>. For an old depiction of homosexual male sexual activity, see: <<qing-gay-scroll,this image>>.金瓶梅格子门插图2.JPG[Source].
==== Tattoo television ban 刺青电视禁令 (2018) notably shows soccer players covering up their tattoos. <<hao-haidong>> must have loved this!
And more generally, anything "cringey" was also banned from television in 2018-2019[]:
Men's earrings aren't the only objectionable material that China's censors are blurring, covering up or cutting out. Soccer players wear long sleeves to cover their tattoos. Women in costumes at a racy video game convention have been told to raise their necklines. Rappers can rhyme only about peace and harmony.
No wonder that China basically unable to produce a lot of worthwhile art with such restrictions.
* 2018-03 Funny pics at:
* 2018-01
===== Live streaming
Fun is forbidden in China, all people must be good <<xi-jinping>> loving <<ccp-cult,Zealots>>, or else:
* 2019-04-15 "The Stars Who Vanished from China's Live-streaming Galaxy" talks about the fall of:
** Li Tianyou: "Li Tianyou's downfall was deeply embedded in his rap lyrics and the lifestyle that he promotes in his shows. Several of his now-banned songs praised methamphetamine, calling the illicit drug "wonderful" and capable of "erasing all worries" (our translation), and describing in detail the sensation of being high on meth. Li's livestreams also featured extravagant displays of wealth, including stacks of cash, luxury watches, and expensive sports cars."
** Lu Benwei (卢本伟, alias 55kai): "As for Lu Benwei, profanity eventually became his undoing. After being accused of using cheats when live-streaming a game in November 2017, Lu vehemently defended himself on his channel, insulting the content creator who made the accusation and instigating fans to verbally abuse him."
** Chen Yifa: "offense stemmed from a single live-streaming session in 2016. According to a widely circulated video, Chen made joking mention of historical events such as the Nanjing Massacre and Japan's occupation of northeast China. She also described a game character's movement as honoring the Yasukuni"
** Yang Kaili (楊凱莉, alias 莉哥): "Yang Kaili, or "Lige," was the only one of the four banned live-streamers to have broken the law. During a live-streaming show on Huya in October 2018, Yang was seen singing China's national anthem, "March of the Volunteers," in a jovial tone while waving her arms like an orchestra conductor", so basically 
2018 coverage:
Clip: It was just a very small section, as part of the stream opening.
====== Flag desecration (亵渎旗帜)
Fuck countries, long live humanity. "Chinese National Anthem" (2017) This crazy dud plays several tunes on trumpet on one hand, while using a handgun for the beat on the other hand.
== Books (书籍)
Either banned, or relevant.
For other censored material types, see: <<lists-of-material-censored-in-china>>.
=== Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel (AKA "1984") 乔治·奥威尔 一九八四 (1949)
Read for free from Project Gutenberg:
* ([archive])
* ([archive])
* ([archive]) Chinese translation, text says by <<programthink>>. It also has some images added (many from the John Hurt mentioned below), which is cool.
Programthink also has a literary critique article about it: "书评:《一九八四》——反乌托邦的代表作" (Book commentary: "1984". A representative work about dystopia.) by <<programthink>>
This book is very fun to read, and it is not very long.
1984 has coined some amazing terms which perfectly describe aspects of dictatorships:
* <<thoughtcrime>>
* <<newspeak>>
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Quotes present in other sections:
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* <<nineteen-eighty-four-war-is-peace>>
In Part Three, Chapter 3, O'Brien explains the end goal of their evil government system to Winston:
In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy--everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always--do not forget this, Winston--always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever.'
On Part Two, Chapter 5, Winston explains the <<censorship,erasing of the past>> to Julia:
Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished? If it survives anywhere, it's in a few solid objects with no words attached to them, like that lump of glass there. Already we know almost literally nothing about the Revolution and the years before the Revolution. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself. After the thing is done, no evidence ever remains. The only evidence is inside my own mind, and I don't know with any certainty that any other human being shares my memories.
See also:
* <<censorship-of-images-in-the-soviet-union>>
* <<baidu-baike-censorship-of-hao-haidong>>
With the advent of the Internet and <<wayback-machine>>, this has become a bit harder though :-)
There is also a decent movie made released in the year, you guessed, 1984: starring[John Hurt].
On Part Three, Chapter 4, The Law of Gravity quote perfectly illustrates the CCPs approach to lying:
Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. 'If I wished,' O'Brien had said, 'I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.' Winston worked it out. 'If he THINKS he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously THINK I see him do it, then the thing happens.' Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: 'It doesn't really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.' He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a 'real' world where 'real' things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
. Gravity scene from the 1984 movie.
* asks how much George Orwell thought about China at the time
==== Newspeak (新语)
See also "Cult-speak" from <<orange-papers>>, related <<ccp-cult>>.
===== Community with shared future for mankind (人类命运共同体)
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==== Thoughtcrime (思想罪)
See also: <<thoughtcrime>>
=== Brave New World (美丽新世界, 1932)
This is basically a less good <<nineteen-eighty-four>>, but the following passage[from Chapter 17] rocks:
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The Controller, meanwhile, had crossed to the other side of the room and was unlocking a large safe set into the wall between the bookshelves. The heavy door swung open. Rummaging in the darkness within, "It's a subject," he said, "that has always had a great interest for me." He pulled out a thick black volume. "You've never read this, for example."
The Savage took it. "The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments" he read aloud from the title-page.
"Nor this." It was a small book and had lost its cover.
"The Imitation of Christ"
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"Nor this." He handed out another volume.
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"The Varieties of Religious Experience. By William James."
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"And I've got plenty more," Mustapha Mond continued, resuming his seat. "A whole collection of pornographic old books. God in the safe and Ford on the shelves." He pointed with a laugh to his avowed library to the shelves of books, the rack full of reading-machine bobbins and soundtrack rolls.
"But if you know about God, why don't you tell them?"
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=== Classical Chinese Books
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Interesting websites:
*[], has <<icp-license>>
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==== Confucianism (儒家)
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===== Analects (论语, c. 475-200 BC)
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Made of 20 books, with each paragraph numbered. So e.g. 15.9 means "Boodk 15, paragraph 9".
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====== Analects translation by Robert Eno (2015)
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Includes commentary.
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License: non-commercial only.
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===== Mencius (book, 孟子 (书), c. 300 BC)
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* link:++
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====== Mencius translation by Robert Eno (2016)
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Includes commentary.
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License: non-commercial only.
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==== Taoism (道教)
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===== Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, 庄子, c. 300 BC)
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33 chapters. The first 7 are likely by Zhuang Zhou himself, and the rest a mishmash.
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* James Legge (1891):
  * side by side with Chinese, one chapter per page
== Chinese Communist Party (CCP, 中国共产党, 1949-)
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=== CCP organization
==== Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (中国共产党中央政治局常务委员会)
The seven top people of the party as of 2020, ranked in a specific order.
==== National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (中国共产党全国代表大会, 中共党代会)
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Every 5 years in october/november. Sample years:
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* 19th: 2017
* 20th: 2022
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=== CCP Shanghai member data leak (2020)
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Public news: 2020-12-13. Date of extraction: 2016.
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After authenticating the material, with the help of data security analysts Internet 2.0, IPAC passed the database to four media organisations around the world, including The Mail on Sunday.
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Security sources believe the initial data leak came from a dissident who targeted an outwardly unremarkable office block in Shanghai which housed the records.
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Despite the near certainty of being executed for treason if caught, he or she probably accessed it via a server before downloading it on to a laptop and releasing it on Telegram where it was found by <<ipac,IPAC>>.
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The database was originally leaked on Telegram, the encrypted instant messaging app, and passed in September by a Chinese dissident to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), which comprises more than 150 legislators around the world who are concerned by the influence and activities of the Chinese government.
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Ms Markson [a journalist from The Daily Telegraph] said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes. 
This had likely been mentioned by <<epoch-times>> on 2020-08-19 with a half censored and out of focus Microfot Excel screenshot: translation:
On the same day, the news that the personal information of 1.95 million party members in Shanghai had been leaked was suddenly widely discussed in major overseas forums. Many comments pointed out that the relevant list appeared to be authentic.
Epoch Times reporters downloaded two Excel files containing information about CCP members of Shanghai governments, institutions, and enterprises according to the relevant links.
This list appeared on the Internet as early as a month ago. On July 21, a person named "Chief Referee" (总裁判) broke the news on Overseas Chinese Network (海外中文网爆料) that "the register of all party members in Shanghai was leaked."
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* 上海市黃俄黨黨員信息集合第一部分.xlsx
* 上海市黃俄黨黨員信息集合第二部分.xlsx
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<<ciro-santilli>> was able to find convincing downloads with the following SHAs:
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* SHA384 (上海市黃俄黨黨員信息集合第一部分.xlsx) = cb4108956d74f46ef39a5ae0e7039e365e79a1c45d44a0e589fb5b5272b0c8a760a3440f0551f233dba9a07d28589062
* SHA384 (上海市黃俄黨黨員信息集合第二部分.xlsx) = 9bf5c1b42177993a0aa05c193ba28e8a08e69b965d8d5f6f04111f5a3f9aa05fca7818d7459a5605515b55de7aca7763
An upload was apparently available at: but it got nuked soon after 2020-12-13 brought more visibility to it.
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== Policies (政策)
=== Censorship (审查)
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* <<hate-speech>>
* <<os-problemas-da-imprensa-livre,Newspaper censorship cake recipe posts during the Brazilian military dictatorship>>
* <<dictatorships-are-bad-for-the-arts>>
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.[Eric Drooker]'s "Censorship" (TODO year) has become one of the most recognizable censorship symbols as of 2020.[Source].
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.[] Inside a Chinese internet censorship centre by <<scmp>> (2019) Interview with Zhi Heng from the censorship department of the live streaming company Inke (映客), "China's largest live-streaming app" at the time according to SCMP.[company website]. Heng proudly shows how they use machine learning to help their censoring efforts, and how the managed to block live streaming based on GPS location around a manifestation once. Pure gold. That company has close CCP ties as can be seen on <<china-daily>>[] "Inke hires 1000 supervisors to clean up live-streaming content" (2017).
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==== Internal censorship is necessary to prevent fake USA accounts from creating harmful propaganda
The USA cannot create enough fake accounts to overwhelm real 1.5 billion Chinese accounts, especially considering things like forcing mobile number account verification.
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Chinese politicians are just using this fear as an excuse to stay in power: <<evil-west>>.
What if a Chinese person who really loves China and wants to improve the country disagrees with the Government?
What if this person is right, and wants to express this publicly to get support and make change happen?
Should this person just be put into jail as is done currently? Do you really think that the CCP can never do anything seriously wrong? <<chinese-politicians-really-care-about-the-chinese-citizens>>?
When citizens stop trying to contribute due to fear, this is known as the <<chilling-effect>>.
What if a <<is-chinese-politician-x-evil,politician>> does something bad, and <<corruption,suppresses the news to protect themselves>>?
Without freedom of speech, who will watch over the actions of those in power?[Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?]
I hear always the admonishment of my friends:
"Bolt her in, constrain her!"
But who will guard the guardians? The wife plans ahead and begins with them.
With internal censorship, leaders inevitably become <<xi-jinping,Gods>>, and soon zealous sons betray their fathers and brothers in loyalty to the leader and their fake ideal. See for example: <<man-in-the-high-castle>>.
. Scene from[The Man in the High Castle] S04E06 in which the devoted young Thomas Smith hands himself in to be killed by the Nazis whom he worships after discovering that he has a disease, which is not acceptable in <<nazi,Nazi>> America.
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The famous[Heinrich Heine] (German but from the 19th century, before the Nazis) saying also comes to mind:
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Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings  +
他们在哪里烧书籍,他们也会烧人 +
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Do you not think that this translates well to the modern version:
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Where they have deleted online posts, they will end in deleting human beings.
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The[Burning of books and burying of scholars] (焚书坑儒[焚书坑儒], 212 BC) also comes to mind.
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It is actually easier for the USA to manipulate a dictatorship than a democracy, because then all you have to do is buy/blackmail a few key corrupt politicians instead of manipulating millions of people's feeds.
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.Internal censorship is so strong, that many Chinese people who leave China to live abroad continue to believe that the CCP is always right, despite having access evidence that suggests otherwise. This <<rebel-pepper>> 2019-08 cartoon shows frogs coming out of a big well still remain inside their own small wells made up of Chinese media such as <<zhihu-purge,Zhihu>> and CCTV. It is a reference to the Chinese proverb井底之蛙[井底之蛙] which means that a frog in the bottom of the well can only see a very limited portion of the sky.[Source].
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.<<nazi,Nazis>> burning books in Berlin in 1933.[Source].
.<<falun-gong>> books being destroyed with a[road roller] (壓路機[压路机]) in 1999 in China. This appears to be an extremely low quality image fromte early Internet. contains a 1 second cut of a video very likely taken at the same event, as the roller and background building look identical, and preceeded by another presumed book destruction where hundreds of blue books (presumably Falun Gong) are dumped into some kind type of destruction device. Both have Chinese watermarkrs, TODO identify. How far away do you think mass jailings and torture would be? One wonders why they didn't burn the books though.'ouvrages_du_Falun_Gong_lors_de_la_répression_de_1999_en_Chine.jpg[Source].
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.Side-by-side comparison between <<nazi,Nazi>> book burning, and <<falun-gong>> book destruction with the simplified Heinrich Heine quote: "Where they burn books, they will also burn people".
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. The Burning of the Books 10 May 1933 by British Pathé. Shows some good footage of book being burnt at night, followed by a Goebles speech at the same site. TODO subtitles, YouTube's auto-generation and translation is reasonable.
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==== China has more freedom of speech than the USA!
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When you hear that online, it really makes you wonder if those people believe it or are <<wumao,paid to say it>>.
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Luckily, this is easy to verify: just create an online account on a Chinese website, and start posting about censored political subjects, and wait for your account to get banned.
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Then create an account on an American website, and start posting about censored political subjects. The first good question is: what will you post about since no political subject is censored?
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Here is one concrete and well documented example: <<zhihu-purge>>.
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Or maybe why not <<t-shirt,go out on the street in China with a T-shirt with censored words and share some photos online>>?
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Another option is to point them to the political report categories of the <<cac-report-website>>.
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. 2016-10-18 BBC reporter stopped from visiting China local election independent candidate Liu Huizhen (刘惠珍) by local thugs who block him physically from nocking the door. Funny/scary stuff. The BBC returned a few days later when the thugs weren't there:[]. Accompaging article:[] "China elections: Independent candidates fight for the ballot".
===== What happens if you wear a T-shirt with censored words in China?
See also <<ciro-santilli>>'s answer to[What would happen if I walked around Beijing with a t-shirt that said "freedom of speech is pretty great"?] on <<quora>>.
Some cases where that didn't end well for them:
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* 2018 several members of <<jasic>>
* 2017 Li Xiaoling (李小玲) was arrested and released "on bail" for wearing a <<tiananmen,Tiananmen>> T-shirt: on <<chinese-human-rights-defenders>>
* 1989 <<pu-zhiqiang-shirt,Pu Zhiqiang (浦志强) freedom of speech shirt>> during <<tiananmen>>
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* 2000 Autralian Zhang Cuiying (张翠英) went to China to protest against Falun Gong oppression and was kept 8 months in jail there. When she returned to Australia on 2000-11-04, she wore a t-shirt saying:
为了一句公道话, +
法轮大法是正法, +
为此坐牢八个月, +
历经艰险讨公道, +
头可断,血可流, +
浩气丹心留狱中, +
中国镇压法轮功, +
translated as:
Because of the truth I said +
Falun Dafa is righteous +
I was imprisoned for 8 months +
I went through the hardship just to attain the justice +
I am not afraid of bleeding or other sacrifice +
My righteous mind was shown in the prison +
China suppresses Falun Gong +
Which is unforgivable
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.In 2016 activist Quan Ping (Kwon Pyong, 权平,[BraveJohnny]) was sent to jail for wearing a <<nazi,Xitler>>/<<xi-jinping-memes,習包子/大撒币>> t-shirt in public and posting selfies online. This photo is in front of a Government building (TODO exact location, reports say he is from[Jilin City] (吉林市[吉林市]) in <<jilin>> transcription of the sign on top of building: 诚信立市工业强市[工业强市] 依法治...)[New York Times coverage]. He was later sentenced and served 18 months in prison because of this: on <<front-line-defenders>>.[Source].
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.In 2009 activist Liu Shihui (刘士辉) was arrested for wearing a t-shirt saying "One-party rule is a disaster" (一党独裁,遍地是灾) in 2009 in Guangzhou. This is a quote from a <<chinese-government-media,Xinhua News>> editorial【历史的先声】一党独裁,遍地是灾/[from the 1940s]. On the back was another quote by former president[Liu Shaoqi (刘少奇)] "The CP [Communist Party] opposes the Kuomintang's one-party dictatorship, but the CP will not establish a one-party dictatorship". This interesting <<zhihu>> page has many other similar quotes BTW:[] ([archive]). He was later assaulted, spent 108 days in jail without a trial, and was forcefully sent back to his home town in Inner Mongolia: on <<front-line-defenders>>. Quotes from the <<hundred-flowers-campaign>> also come to mind.[Source].
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.Activist[Alexandra Wong] (王鳳瑤[王鳳瑤]), AKA Grandma Wong (王婆婆) wearing a t-shirt that says in[grass script] "生於亂世,有種責任" (Born in troubled times, have the courage to do your duty) circa 2018 in <<hong-kong>>. The transcription can藐視法庭-梁天琦-旺角衝突-10578/【旺角衝突】王婆婆戴「光復香港」頸巾聽審-藐視法庭罪成[be found here]. Her scarf reads 光復香港 (Liberate Hong Kong), and is presumably the same that she was wearing in 2018 during the trial of activist[Edward Leung] (梁天琦[梁天琦]) for which she was fined HK$1,000 for contempt of court.生於亂世有種責任 mentions that the t-shirt sentence is a <<hong-kong-protests-2014>> protest slogan. She disappeared from August 2019 to October 2020 for <<picking-quarrels>>.,-she-says[Source].
==== Great Firewall (GFW, 防火长城)
Golden Shield Project:
And so, the spirit of Internet freedom that the Chinese themselves had at the start, was crushed :
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Across the Great Wall, we can reach every corner in the world.
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Ciro Santilli committed "GFW Contributers" has a list of people that contributed to the GFW.
Source: the first International email sent from China in 1987 by王运丰[Wang Yunfeng (王运丰)] in the Beijing-based Institute for Computer Application (ICA) of the China Ordnance Industry Corporation under the中华人民共和国机械电子工业部[Ministry of Machinery and Electronics of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国机械电子工业部)] to[Werner Zorn] from the[Karlsruhe Institute of Technology] see also:[].
===== To be walled off (被墙)
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* 什么叫被墙了?域名被墙和被污染的区别有哪些 (What is it to be walled? What's the difference between a domain name being walled and being polluted?) on <<sohu>>
* 你是否还在为域名被墙了闹心? (Are you still worried about your domain name being walled? TODO Google translate. Where is the "your" part?? Can't understand this grammar.)
* 域名被墙 (domain named was walled) on <<zhihu>>
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===== Would ending the Great Firewall truly end the dictatorship?
Not 100% sure.
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In <<russia>>, for example, the Internet is relatively free, but the government controls most professional media, which is what most people end up seeing, by suing dissidents media out of business.
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But on the other hand Russia is already much freer than China.
Although I don't like them, I can't deny one thing: the commies are smart, and when they do something (e.g. censorship), it tends to keep them in power.
===== The Great Firewall is necessary to protect China from harmful USA propaganda and data collection
<<ciro-santilli>> doesn't think this is below the USA, but:
* without censorship, you would be much richer and stronger, and more able to defend yourselves
* why does China also censor its own people in addition to foreign propaganda?
* maybe this fear is greatly emphasized by the Chinese government beyond truth just to help them keep control of the country by fear and maintain their own power. Can the Americans really have that much influence in your country? <<evil-west>>
* maybe the regions that want to split from China feel like China is not giving them anything back, and they are themselves looking for allies outside of China to help them split. With democracy, people are more likely to get what they want, and there will be split parties and votes.
* the same argument can be used to justify any action, no matter how bad. E.g.: we must put all who criticize the government in jail, or else they will make China less united and weaker against the USA!
<<deng-xiaoping>> notably had this ideology, even though he explicitly recognizes that there are also <<censorship-makes-countries-poorer,benefits to not having online censorship>>:
which translates as:
If you open the window, both fresh air and flies will enter.
====== Google China (谷歌中国)
.Faithful Google China users/employees made a funeral-like flower tribute on the company's entry sign in Beijing[Tsinghua Science Park] when the company was[kicked/hacked out of China in the 2010 Operation Aurora] (极光行动[极光行动]). This was one example of the unfair <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,joint venture technique imposed on foreign companies>> by China.[Source].
===== Jingjing and Chacha (警警察察)
Friendly looking mascots of Internet Censorship in China created by the Shenzhen Government in 2006. "Roger Dingledine - The Tor Censorship Arms Race The Next Chapter - DEF CON 27 Conference" mentions that choosing friendly looking mascots for internet censorship is a comon practice in several dictatorships, so to suggest that they are just <<evil-west,protecting citizens>>, These show the cute UAE censorship page for example:
* Iran
* Quatar
The images were[removed from Wikipedia] presumably due to fair use concerns, so Ciro asked how to check that at: After understanding the case, Ciro[reuploaded the images], hopefully for good.
.Jinjing (警警) is the male cop.[Source].
.Chacha (警警) is the female cop.[Source].
.Jingjing and Chacha picture shown on the street, presumably in China.[Source].
.Image with Jingjing and Chacha together and explanations (深圳网络警察,Shenzhen Network Police), good for copy pasting. TODO a bit small.[Source]..
.Beijing version of the Shenzhen-created Jingjing and Chacha. TODO what does it say on the images? On car "XX网络110" (XX Internet 110) so it must be the phone number of the Internet police department. At bottom right something like (联合新作, joint XX), so likely means it is a joint action between two departments.[Source].
.Angry Chinese cop cartoons extracted from[Encyclopedia Dramatica] with the racist subtitles removed. It is hard to be sure what is the original image that they were Photoshopped from, but they are very similar to the Beijing Jingjing and Chacha although this is not a direct copy paste of the above since several details differ. The image was uploaded in 2011 to ED.[Source].
.The Qatar friendly censorship page likely from around 2011 sowing that China is not alone in this "cute censorship mascots" technique.[Source].
===== Western companies that sell censorship technology to dictatorships
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To China:
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* Oracle
* Cisco may have knowingly helped to build the Chinese internet censorship infrastructure in the 2000's
*** they had a demo with a <<falun-gong>> module
*** Internal CISCO documents quote the Chinese Government saying: "The Golden Shield Project ... Combat Falun Gong evil religion and other hostiles"
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To other dictatorships:
* 2019: IBM
* 2017: Amesys France for facial recognition surveillance in Egypt:
* 2011: Netsweeper Inc. from Canada to UAE
** claim:
* 2009:[Forcepoint], previously Websense
** claims on Wikipedia:
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In 2019, the European Union was considering making stricter laws about cyber surveillance exports, to include more <<dual-use-technology>>, so <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,kudos to them>>:
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See also: <<western-companies-that-comply-with-chinese-censorship-requests>>.
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.Cartoon showing how Amesys systems are used to suppress citizens in Egypt. Do you want the logo of your company to figure there instead?[Source].
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===== Censorship monitoring
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Projects that attempt to understand how the Great Firewall works and what it blocks:
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