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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Ciro doesn't think either China or West is perfect: <<western-media-has-exaggerated-reports-on-flg-for-propaganda-reasons>>.
He's just listing arguments why he thinks democracy is better, e.g.: <<richer>>, <<war>>.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

* <<preconceived>>
* <<bias>>
And Ciro never gets mad. Only a slightly sad or annoyed sometimes.
But maybe no radical ever considers themselves a radical? Hmmm...
Or maybe: link:[The Dark Knight - Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn]?
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
==== Ciro Santilli is stupid

D E E P:


Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
Feel free to publish any proof of your own incredible intelligence.

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
==== Is Ciro Santilli a SJW?
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Ciro Santilli committed
SJW: there is a seed of SJW in <<ciro-santilli>>.
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Ciro Santilli committed
One major difference between Ciro and the stereotypical SJW is that he never engage in lengthy discussions as per <<reply-policy>>.
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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He limits himself to listening as much as he can to learn new arguments.
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
So the rationale of his actions is no_ to convince anyone, but rather:
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
* increase the monetary cost of censorship by binding politics to tech with <<keyword-attack>>
* group up like-minded people who don't like <<censorship>>
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Ciro Santilli committed

See also: <<preconceived>>
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Ciro Santilli committed

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
===== Is Ciro Santilli a China watcher? (Pekingologist, 三西猴是观察中国者吗?)


Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
Yup.[Nope]? Well, Ciro's what you'll get on <<github>> until someone better comes along.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
===== Are you a SJW?

Moved to <<is-ciro-santilli-a-sjw>>.

==== Does Ciro Santilli hate China? 三西猴讨厌中国吗?
On the contrary. China has his favorite:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

* <<restaurants,food>>
* <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese,language>>
* <<music>>
* history
* nature
* culture, notably:
** intense respect for older people. Whenever Ciro was with his <<ciro-santilli-mother-in-law-jail,mother-in-law>> and asked for help from young Chinese people, they were extremely nice.
It is hard to understand how the same people have not managed to speak up when <<flg-persecution,70 million old ladies were put into jail when Falun Gong was banned>>. Only the extreme fear of also going to jail could explain it. Living in China is living in constant fear if you can think for yourself.
** enormous importance given to education. One must not forget however: grades are useless, and all that matters is how much you improve society
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

And because of that: <<would-ciro-santilli-like-to-live-in-china>>.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

As link:[Bjarne] said:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses
Ciro only focus here on negative things to provide content that will <<keyword-attack,activate the Great Firewall>>.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
A small poem:

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
爱国恨党 +

Support the Chinese people, oppose the Party +
Love the country, hate the Party +
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The second sentence well known:爱国恨党love_china_hate_ccp/

.Round gate at[Yu Garden 豫园] in Shanghai. link:++[Source].
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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===== Chinese traditional painting (中国传统绘画)
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See also: <<museum>>.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Some free online collections:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* Smithsonian collection at a search for Paintings before 1800. Drill down further by "topic" e.g. "Mountains" or "scholar"
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

."Plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum" (梅兰竹菊) painting by[Zheng Xie (郑燮)] representing the[four gentlemen (四君子)]. Ciro is a big fan of[traditional Chinese bird-and-flower painting (花鸟画)] like this.[Source].
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

===== Why does Ciro Santilli love China so much?
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

<<ciro-santilli>> does not <<does-ciro-santilli-believe-in-or-practice-falun-gong,believe in reincarnation>>, but sometimes he's tempted to.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

It is interesting how different people get <<does-ciro-santilli-hate-china,different impressions>>!
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Of course, the fact that his wife is Chinese and <<flg-bias,does Falun Gong>> may or may not have played a role in it :-)
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

It was like this: Ciro started getting interested in Chinese culture, then he started hanging out with Chinese people, and then he started hanging out with his wife!
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

So yes, it is a chicken and egg type of thing. The fact that she is one of the most intelligent, morally upright, cute, and "never give up" person I know may have helped me choose too.
==== Ciro Santilli's China freedom campaign is selfish
* <<flg-bias>>
* <<throne>>
* <<harm-programmers>>
===== Ciro Santilli is doing his China freedom campaign to become famous
No, he am a selfless human being, only concerned with the greater well being of humankind.
More serious answer:
* he believes in this. As evidence, it has limiting effects on his technological career: <<does-your-employer-support-this>>, and he doesn't think he can/wants to become a politician in China if the CCP ever falls
* the more famous Ciro is, the more impact he will have in the future
* the more famous Ciro is, the more feedback he have that what he's been doing has been working
Keyword: attention whore.
===== Ciro Santilli is doing his China freedom campaign because it makes him feel important
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

===== Ciro Santilli is doing his China freedom campaign to vent off his anger
No, he is not angry at all, see also: <<harm-programmers>>.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
===== Is Ciro Santilli's china-dictatorship campaign funded or otherwise supported by some organization? 谁收买三西猴散布关于中国的谣言?

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Sure, the CIA sends Ciro 10 thousand USD checks from time to time, but that doesn't change at all what he would be doing.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
And sometimes the NSA, FBI, MI6, MI5, Mossad, Al-Qaeda and ISIS also pitch in a bit depending on their needs.

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

A shady supporting organization might require that he does not disclose their support, so maybe the best answer is that you will never know for sure.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Of course, a hidden support would represent a reputation hit for both such organizations and for me, which makes it less likely that I would have accepted or had such an offer.
Also consider Ciro's motivation. If your <<ciro-santilli-mother-in-law-jail,mother in law were put into jail unfairly for 15 days>>, for following the same religion that <<flg-bias,your wife follows>>, and if you had a social media presence, wouldn't you be tempted to do the same?
What about you, are you funded by the CCP?
See also:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

==== Would Ciro Santilli be doing his China freedom campaign if he was in China?
Not with his real name attached to it, see also:
* <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship>>
* <<not-chinese>>
===== Does your employer support this?
My employer has nothing to do with this.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

He doesn't approve or disapprove of the Chinese government or of my private actions.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

The only thing that my employer _does_ believe in is that employees can have their own political opinions, and that this should not affect hiring decisions.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Obviously, this action limits my ability to lead high profile deals with China.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Also I'm quite curious if this would limit my ability to go to China for business, but I haven't applied for a visa since I've started this. It likely wouldn't be a good idea for me to go to China :-)
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

But my employer believes that inclusion and non-discrimination are more valuable.
I will always do my best to not let my personal opinions affect my professional decisions, as that would be unfair to my employer.
==== Doesn't Ciro Santilli have anything better to do than pissing off China?
In 1989, besides <<tiananmen>> and <<ciro-santilli>>'s birth, a beautiful thing called the World Wide Web was invented!
The Internet gives everyone the magic power of writing something, and having million people read it for free!
This is how much time Ciro spends on this project to give you an idea:
* every week or two, someone sends me a message, he reply with "read the FAQ", and usually update
* Ciro amongst many other programming subs, and all major bad news show up there. See also: <<anti-ccp-info-sources>>
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
* when something bad enough comes up, Ciro go to by <<china-digital-times>>and update <<keyword-attack,his keyword attack>>. He's only been updating it on Stack Overflow and GitHub these days.
Then Ciro just contributes to programming websites exactly as he would if he weren't making this campaign, and voila.
Edit: to be fair, the end of 2019 and start of 2020 was such as hot year with <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>> and <<covid>> that Ciro might have spent a tiny little bit more ;-)
But Ciro did it only when his brain was too tired of technical stuff and unable to do more, or as a brain warm up routine in the morning.
Telling the CCP to fuck off is surprisingly relaxing, you should try it some time too. It uses a different part of your brain other than the programming one. It is, one could say, an art form.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

=== People in China have already considered democracy, and rejected it
OK, shall we put that to an anonymous vote just to make sure?
Dear sir or madam: do you want more control over your government? y/n
Oops, I forgot that <<most-chinese-people-like-their-dictatorship,proposing such a vote would put in you jail>>, nevermind.
=== Would it be right to use violence to overthrow the CCP?
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Ciro Santilli committed

In an ideal world, Ciro Santilli is of course "against violence".
But what if you could prevent a lot of future violence with some violence today?
Ah, the eternal question which only God can answer:
* "What is the origin of the quote 'The end justifies the means?'"
**[Trolley problem]
* link:[Nonviolent-resistance]
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Do you really think that the communists will step down if you ask them nicely enough? Even after <<tiananmen>>?
A quote from[V for Vendetta (2005)] comes to mind:
Q: If they do, what do you think will happen [the people protest against their Government]?
A: What usually happens when people <<second-amendment,without guns>> stand up to people with guns.
. V for Vendetta (2005) "What you think will happen" scene.
How do you think the CCP or any other party got into power and maintained that power in the first place? Obviously[through violence]. And likely due to earlier <<not-chinese,Japanese invasions which weakened the Guomindang>>.
And the CCP actually uses "the ends justify the means" as an argument to justify its own actions: <<overlook-human-rights-for-profit>>.
The question of if anything is morally right or wrong makes no sense. All that matters is: what is the government that maximizes the happines of its own people, and who has the power to do what? <<richer,Getting richer,>> is part of the equation, but so is <<rule-of-law,not being constantly affraid that you will be randomly put in jail for no good reason>>.
If you do decide to strike though, <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship,stay safe, gather your forces on the Internet, and only strike when victory seems certain>>.
For "violence is illegal" arguments, see also: <<follow-the-law>>.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
.One baby <<nazi,Hitler>> or 5 Million Jews[trolley problem] illustrates well the moral dilemma of["the ends justify the means"].
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.Translation: What women think men want (a kiss). What men actually want (decapitating <<xi-jinping>>). The image from the left comes from the Japanese manga[Okaeri Alice] according to Reddit comments. The image to the right is based on an illustration of the decapitation of[Louis XVI] (路易十六[路易十六]) during the[French Revolution] (法国大革命[法国大革命]), but with Louis' head replaced by Xi Jinping's head. An original can be found at:[].真正的需要/[Source].
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

==== Second amendment (美國憲法第二修正案)


If China had the second amendment in 1989, the <<ccp>> would not be in power in 1990.

<<dictatorship-variability,It is better to have a bit of random shootings every day, than to have a full scale revolution every 20 years>>.

The availability of guns however only explains part of the problem of gun violence in the USA: the other huge thing that must be addressed is to <<western-society-is-extremely-unequal,reduce inequality>>.

A somewhat popular <<wumao>> criticism of gun violence in the USA (+ other problems) in song/poem form was brought up at


自由美利坚, +
枪击每一天; +
白恨黑卑微, +
黑仇黄有钱。 +
世界第一强, +
川普再号强; +
新冠启示录, +
群体免疫法; +
比强还更强, +
世界一病夫。 +
如今五十万, +
耶稣爱美国, +
与民天国欢。 +
人命如草芥, +
不及股市贵; +
战火连中东, +

Related discussions:


TODO origin?

==== It is fine for the CCP to treat some of its citizens unfairly if the majority is better off
Basically same discussion as: <<violence>> but with the tables turned.
See also: <<uneducated-masses>>
=== Why does Ciro Santilli say that China is a dictatorship? 中国不是独裁!
Ciro is using the word in an slightly extended/joking sense.
Maybe "authoritarian" is a more precise term, but it is just too much of a mouthful.
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In particular, dictatorships are harder to sustain than authoritarianism, since it generally implies even less freedom, and a single leader whose death can destabilize everything.
The CCP is more like a social class with a large number of members and various sub-layers, and it is therefore much harder to take down on the other hand.
Dictatorship is becoming link:[more and more precise under Xi] however.
Even <<mao-zedong>> admits it and put it into the constitution:[People's democratic dictatorship 人民民主专政], so funny.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

Well known <<evil-west,Evil Western media>> that also call China a dictatorship:
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* 2020-01-29 "Coronavirus Spreads, and the World Pays for China's Dictatorship"
* 2018-03-04 "Xi Jinping's power play: from president to China's new dictator?"
* 2017-10-11 "Under Xi Jinping, China is turning back to dictatorship"
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Ciro Santilli committed

Further discussions about this useless terminology question:
==== What are the best sources of anti-CCP news?
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed[], see also: <<reddit>>
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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Catches all the important news.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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A large part of the posts has controversial material.
Has some noise of course as well, but less than other media I find.
Highly worth your feed.
Reddit was banned in China in August 2018:
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<<tencent>> will invest 150 million on Reddit in 2019: See also: <<biased-media>>.
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===== Reddit

Subs with lots of anti-commie info:
* is arguably the best as of 2020, see also: <<anti-ccp-info-sources>>
* small as of 2020 but promising
* had 3x more users than r/china as of 2020 after <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>.
* for <<covid>>
* 3k subs 2020
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* 2.5k subs 2021-03
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* (第二新S1市) modded by <<chinatimeline>> TODO title meaning
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* China Circle Jerk subs (CCJ). TODO: these appear to be <<politically-incorrect,politically incorrect>> subs, but they do seem to allow anti-commit info. As of 2020, they were either banned or private:
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TODO review:

Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* (流浪防区) claims pro-CCP, but e.g.各位键委如何看待gfw/ has <<gfw>> talks
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Ciro Santilli committed
===== r/chonglangTV

15k users 2020-03.

Chinese language, pretty good content, anti-CCP samples:

* 2020-03-27这人行能处/ (Ciro is nice)
* 2021-02致那些坚持认为不会翻墙者不配看墙外东西的粉红/
* 2021-01最双标的人/ (the people with the most double standards, 双标 is a short form or 双重标准), comments how China complained when the US imposed sanctions on <<huawei>>, while China itself had already banned everything from the West
* 2021不_言_而_喻一_目_了_然/ has a cartoon about <<jack-mas-disappearance-2021>>. Ciro's actually going to steal that.
Any comment critical of China and mods immediately ban you, e.g. on 2020-08-21 at which is related to <<gitee>>, <<ciro-santilli>> commented:
Let's see how long it takes them to block my repo/account: |
The ban message is:
You have been permanently banned from participating in r/Sino. You can still view and subscribe to r/Sino, but you won't be able to post or comment.
Try[r/westerner] TRASH doesn't get by mods here. Tiananmen Square is vindicated by China's development. Anti terror system in Xinjiang is working. End result for HK is the same since 1997, regardless of rioters. Scientology-esque FLG/Shen Yun cult show has failed for decades, if you believe their claims, it's all of them losing badly.
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Dec 31 China informed WHO about mysterious pneumonia. Jan 11 Chinese reveal virus genome Jan 23 Wuhan quarantine - businessinsider/sciencemag
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You had the genome and saw the lengths China went to. Don't blame others for failing months later.
US accused of 'modern piracy' after diversion of masks meant for Europe - theguardian
Democracies Are Better at Fighting Outbreaks - theatlantic XD
The US leads in coronavirus cases, but not pandemic response - sciencemag XD
Beliefs of founder cultleader of Falun Gong from own lectures on official falundafa site
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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====== r/russia

Completely pro-Putin, e.g. removed about <<the-poisoning-of-alexei-navalny-2020>>

===== Telegram

* see also: <<knowlesys>>

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
===== Twitter

Lists by <<ciro-santilli>>:

* anti-ccp
* pro-ccp

After Trump was unfairly banned from Twitter, his social media team created an amazing "Chongald Xrump" account <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,pretending ridiculously to be a CCP PR person>>, it had really good posts.

But that amazing account was banned: Twitter is <<politically-incorrect,trying really hard>> to beat the <<censorship,CCP at its own game>>.

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

* 2021-04-08: publicly supported the <<milk-tea-alliance>>

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.Cartoon showing Donald Trump's mouth sewn shut in a "Twitter" shape by <<kuang-biao>> (2021) after Trump was <<unjust-social-media-censorship-in-the-west,banned from Twitter>>. You know it's bad when the artists who normally criticize the <<ccp,CCP>> start to criticize you.[Source].

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===== Tumblr

* 独立思考社群 (Independent thought society)

==== Where can I find good words for a keyword attack?
* List of blacklisted keywords in China
*[Complete GFW Rulebook for Wikipedia v3.0]
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* <<china-digital-times>> This is was an amazing source, extremely comprehensive and up-to-date, but the series was stopped in September 2018:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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** word of the week, ran from Mar 7, 2012 to Sep 20, 2018
*** "CDT CENSORSHIP DIGEST", monthly version of Word of the week started on Feb 10, 2020
** censorship directive reports
***有关部门/真理部指令/?view=all chinese version
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** a wiki version of the censored word lists, the ,"<<caonima,Grass-mud horse>> index" (cao3n2ma3 草泥马), with a censored term of the week section.
** sensitive words list
** Fun 2015 ebook:
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** Has received funding from US Government to some extent:
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* <<censorship-monitoring>>
* <<tiananmen-square-protests-keywords>>
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==== How do you choose keywords for the keyword attack?
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Ciro Santilli committed

I haven't counted, but the limit for Stack Overflow is quite low, and I'm always almost at the maximum, which is about "Ciro Santilli" + 3 3-4 Chinese character events with a separator.
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These are some of my prioritization guidelines:
* recent cases receive a large prime over the raw death toll, because older cases can always be attributed to other people.
E.g., I've heard there is even some opening towards acknowledging the Great Famine, thus 烏坎事件 (and others from my previous profile names)
* words must refer to a precise event, and must be clearly summarizable in very few chars, for increased impact, and profile name length limitations.
E.g. "High <<corruption,corruption>> rates, high pollution", although very serious, feel too generic.
* events that relate directly to freedom of speech receive a prime, since they can only happen in China and very few other countries.
E.g.: <<falun-gong>>, <<tiananmen>>.
Non e.g.: corruption and pollution. Those are hard to quantify, and there is always an immediate reply: china GDP per capita is low, same happens in India, Brazil, etc.
Freedom of speech however, is immediately verifiable (e.g. "my <<weibo,Weibo>> was taken down"), and undeniably caused by the current central government.
* the more people affected, and the more deeply they have been affected, the more important obviously
I am currently trying to maintain in my Stack Overflow Location a ranking of events in a single string, so that it can be easily copy pasted around. The location appears on every page if you hover over my account name, so it is likely in the HTML at least.
If you think that this list can be improved, please open an issue explaining how and why.
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==== Other notable keyword attacks
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It might be a newbie text editors for newbie Windows users, but at least they use it to good use by doing keyword attacks:
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* 2020-08: "Text editor Notepad{plus}{plus} banned in China after ‘Stand With Hong Kong' update" where "banned" means "the download page where they keywords are shown is now blocked in Chinese browsers". The rest of the website is still up. So no domain block due to HTTPS, browser only action for now.
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* 2019-10: "In October 2019 Notepad{plus}{plus}'s GitHub issue tracker was flooded with pro-Chinese and anti-western messages after a version codenamed "Free Uyghur" (v7.8.1) was released"
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** "Notepad{plus}{plus}, after voicing their support for the Uyghurs, is now being bombarded by Chinese nationalists on Github." See e.g.: and earlier issues
* 2008-03: "In March 2008 the "Boycott Beijing 2008" banner was placed on Notepad{plus}{plus}'s homepage":
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Ciro Santilli committed

The creator appears to be a Vietnamese immigrant or descendant living in France. There are many such immigrants due to Vietnam being an ex-colony: Also he must have good reason to dislike the commies due to similar commit bullshit in Vietnam. He was at[Paris Diderot] in 2000: ([archive]).
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=== Separatism (分离主义)
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If a large number of people in a given region want to leave an country strongly or have greater autonomy, <<ciro-santilli>> believes that they should be allowed to do so.
* if they don't feel they are getting a good deal out of your country, it is unfair to keep them in
* keeping them in the country forcibly implies large scale violation of human rights: mass incarceration and removing freedom of speech.
Which in turn implies terrorist backslash.
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All of which are against <<ciro-santilli>>'s principles.
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
. "It happened in ... Luxor" by Al Jazeera English (2011) is a short documentary about the[Luxor massacre in Egypt (1997)]. At this timestamp, survivorüller[Felix Mueller] whose girlfriend was killed in the attack comments that it is when people don't have an official way to express their needs due to censorship that they are more likely to turn to terrorism to express themselves.
What makes Ciro the maddest is the censorship. If you are going to put people in jail, write a clear law about it, and let international reporters come to see the situation.
But why do you do something and then hide it? Maybe because you are not doing the right thing?
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Ciro also believes that although terrorists must be fought with all our strength, they must also be given some degree respect (interspersed simultaneously <<sacred-cows,with humour>>). He sometimes prefers the term "warriors" or "fighters", because their actions are largely indistinguishable from many ideological or purely greed based actions that larger nation states have done many times over and over. It is just a war, plain and simple.

The reason why they kill mostly civilians is that they don't have the means to kill the presidents those civilians elected. An amazing scene from[The Battle of Algiers (1966)] comes to mind. After the head of the[Algerian independence] movement and terrorist,[Larbi Ben M'hidi] is arrested, the French military let him be interviewed by the press on 4 March 1967 (TODO real words? Cannot find source):


Journalist: Don't you think that it is cowardly to use the handbags and pushchairs of your women to transport your bombs? Those bombs that make so many innocent victims? [Earlier in the movie, we saw women carriying bombs into the French areas of Algiers through those means]

Larbi Ben M'hidi: And you, don't you think that it is much more cowardly to drop on defenseless villages your napalm bombs that kill thousands times more? Obviously, with airplanes, it would have been much more convenient for us. Give us your bombers, and we will give you the pushchairs.

Original text:

Journalist: Ne trouvez-vous pas plutôt lâche d'utiliser les sacs et les couffins de vos femmes pour transporter vos bombes? Ces bombes qui font tant de victimes innocentes?

Larbi Ben M'hidi: Et vous, ne vous semble t-il beacoup plus lache de larguer sur des vilages sans défence vos bombes au napalme qui tuent mille fois plus d'innocents? Évidement, avec des avions, ca aurait été beaucoup plus comode pour nous. Donnez vous vos bombardiers monsieur, et on vous donnera les couffins.

See also: <<western-democracies-have-invaded-other-countries-and-crushed-separatism>>.
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==== Taiwan (Republic of China, 台湾, 中華民國)
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If you are interested in Taiwan, one important programmer forum is: <<ptt>>.
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Some interesting links:
* (zh) "【這就是科學|柯文哲】EP3/從癌症治療看政治!除惡務盡→除惡「勿」盡?「與敵共存」才是生存之道!", 柯文哲, 2019-06-26. Ko Wen-je, the mayor of Taipei 台北 and a professor in medicine, applies the concept of isolation and mutation in evolution to Taiwan and China
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* 2021-03-10 "Shoppers in Asia Snap Up Taiwan’s Pineapples in Defiance of China’s Ban". In 2018 there were <<fake-news>> about that apparently: but now it became true.
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===== One China policy (一个中国)
Taiwan is not a case of <<separatism>>.
Taiwan is a completely separate country split due to civil war, long ago.
Almost every country, and all reasonably powerful countries, have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. They just don't call them diplomatic relations to not piss off China so they can keep doing business.
The fact that most countries in the world does officially recognize Taiwan as a country is a joke, considering that the only thing keeping it afloat is the West's military threat.
<<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,The West must not>> let China advance and take more territories. The more they take, the more they will want.
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The West must protect China's neighboring countries with military support and assurance.
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The West must recognize Taiwan for what it is: a separate country, under threat of invasion, and in need of support.
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If China's claim to Taiwan is valid, then Taiwan also has an equally valid claim on China.
If China's claim to Taiwan is valid, then so will its claim to any other country.
China, if you want to claim that Taiwan is a part of you, just grow some balls and invade them already. Or just stop this stupid joke.
Interesting quote from
Taiwan's Status Is a Geopolitical Absurdity
And calls the One China policy a: hi, I want a "not VISA" to Taiwan. Thanks.
A well educated Mainlander who lived outside of China once told Ciro:
Taiwan should not be considered a country by China, because then it would not join back to China when China becomes a democracy, and would be used by the USA to do evil things as they did in the Middle East
Ciro was shocked. He considered that person highly intelligent and not fully brainwashed! Reply:
China claiming that Taiwan is a part of them only drives Taiwan closer to the West! Who wants to be part of a dictatorship unless you have been brainwashed by one?
They truly believe in <<evil-west>>.
The US first caved in in 1972 with theé[Shanghai Communiqué].
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* 20201-01-10 "U.S. Eases Restrictions on Contact With Taiwan in Jab at China"
* "Taiwan finalises purchase of F-16 jets from Lockheed Martin". 90 jets, 8 billion USD.
* 2020-05-26 "Brazilian netizens fight back against CCP threats over Taiwan support"
** It should also be mentioned that this campaign could be being used/created by pro-Bolsanaro politicians as a way to detract focus from the COVID-19 epidemic that is reaching its deadliest phase in Brazil, e.g.:
** Taiwan was at a disadvantage during since it was not part of the[World Health Organization] and therefore could not get information as fast and influence decisions
. WHO officer[Bruce Alyward] pretends not to hear question from[Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)] about the possibility of Taiwan's membership in the WHO during a one-to-one Skype interview,[reference].
* 2020-03-27 "U.S. President Donald Trump has signed into law an act that requires increased U.S. support for Taiwan internationally". But he didn't recognize it as a country. Semi bullshit.
.The flag of Taiwan. Like most modern countries, Taiwan has one.[Source].
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.[Presidential Office Building of Taiwan] (總統府_(臺灣)[總統府_(臺灣) | 总统府 (台湾)]). What is that flag we see on top of the central government building of Taiwan? It appears to have a blue rectangle on the top left![Source].
.It is fun to see that some small random Latin American countries–Taiwan_relations[like Paraguay] recognize only Taiwan and not Mainland China. Brave warriors!!![Source].
.Washington DC TECRO. Instead of "embassies", Taiwan has["Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices" (TECROs)]臺北經濟文化代表處[(台北经济文化代表处|臺北經濟文化代表處)] The just happen to issue VISAs and passports like embassies, but remember, they are not embassies. No flag you see? This is because idiotic countries don't allow TECROs to have the Taiwan flag. In 2019 Senator Ted Cruz planned on passing a law to allow that though:[].[Source].
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.2014 cartoon by D Nguyen summarizing the Taiwan China relationship in history. Featuring: fatter and fatter <<mao-zedong>> on first three cartoons to the left, likely <<deng-xiaoping>> to left on the last, and <<chiang-kai-shek>> to the right. TODO middle figure on last cartoon. TODO find proper attribution source, originally seen at:[].
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.Proposed reunification flag for Taiwan and China.[Source].

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.West Taiwan, also known as Mainland Taiwan, also known as China.[Source].
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===== Taiwan #1 (2915)
2015 meme started by[H1Z1] streamer AngryPug, in which he repeatedly taunts the Chinese streamer Em0 by pretending to be Taiwanese.
. ANGRYPUG's official YouTube upload of the clip "Taiwan #1" meme.
See also: <<photobombing-like-attacks>>.
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===== Hololive

Hololive is a[VTuber] management company from Japan.

<<ciro-santilli>> didn't know WTF a VTuber was before coming across this event, he's too old for that.

The key event was 2020-09-28 "Japanese VTubers banned for mentioning Taiwan during livestream":

During their most recent livestreams, Hololive Japanese VTubers Kiryu Coco and Akai Haato announced the countries where they have received the most followers based on YouTube analytics. One of the countries that they highlighted was Taiwan because it accounted for seven percent of viewers and they displayed the flag of Taiwan to represent the nation.

therefore joining the long list of <<western-companies-that-comply-with-chinese-censorship-requests>>.

This event was clarified to Ciro at: and is tracked under

Interestingly, this led to a large number of <<shitpost>>/spam on[], culminating notably at[], and many of them seemed to involve:

*[Pixiv], which is "a Japanese online community for artists" which likely has lots of VTubers,
* Japanese language, although one of the very extremely erudite and trustworthy comments at: suggests that the Japanese at there is completely broken, and it is likely just a Chinese person using Google Translate

It is however hard to understand the rationale of such posts.

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===== Internal politics of Taiwan


As of 2020, there are two relevant parties:

*["Kuomintang"], which have become a bunch of pussies, and prefer to keep the ambiguous <<one-china-policy>> status quo, to not get bombed, and do some commerce with China. Those people make <<chiang-kai-shek>> turn in his grave of shame.
*[], which wants independence, and was winning as of 2020

===== Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石, 蔣中正)


==== Xinjiang (新疆)
* 2014 something very serious happened in Xinjiang.
* 2010 Xinjiang 10 month Internet blackout
* 2009 Ürümqi riots
** 2009 Shaoguan incident

Terrorist attacks done by Xinjiang separatists:


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Notable terrorist attacks:

* 2014 Kunming attack
** photo of 8 bodies lined up after the attack:
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** Interestingly, points out that by <<china-digital-times>> said that:
The public must realize that a handful of extremists are far from qualified to represent tens of millions of local residents in Xinjiang. It is not only an irrational and biased mindset to put the blame on the entire Uyghur community or the Muslim world, but the idea will also abet and aid those separatists and terrorists who are desperate to take advantage of ethnic and religious conflicts.
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and yet as of the <<xinjiang-re-education-camps>>, all Xinjiang Muslims were fucked. <<rule-of-law>> comes to mind.
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*[Ilham Tohti] (伊力哈木·土赫提[伊力哈木·土赫提])

.<<rebel-pepper,Rebel Pepper>> 2017-04 cartoon showing that Xinjiang is like a prison inside a greater prison, which is China itself. Chinese characters read: 新疆(Xinjiang) and 中国(China). TODO source.

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===== Xinjiang "re-education" camps (新疆再教育營, 2017-)


The keyword is <<rule-of-law>>: because of a few terrorists, every single Muslim was fucked even if they did not commit any crime.
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Master issue:

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Overview projects:

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* Talking about Xinjiang 我们一起来谈谈新疆
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* The Xinjiang Data Project by the[Australian Strategic Policy Institute]
Also includes the <<uyghurs-for-sale>> report.
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* Breaking Down the Xinjiang Crisis
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* 202104-16 "Breaking: Xinjiang's latest 2020 Statistical Yearbook lacks ALL crucial population data"
* 2021-04 The wings of songs (歌声的翅膀, 2021) Xinjiang propaganda musical film
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** trailer
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* 2021-03-28 <<cgtn>> invents French national "Laurene Beaumond" who refutes the situation in Xinjiang:
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** <<cgtn>> article in French:[] by "Laurene Beaumond". The article was updated a day later: this time they remembered to say that Laurene Beaumond is a pseudonym. Article URL:
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** original investigation by Le Monde:
** commentary
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* 2021-03-20 "The nightmare of Uyghur families separated by repression" on <<amnesty-international>>
Although it is often extremely difficult, if not impossible, for Uyghurs overseas to receive information about the whereabouts of their family members, some parents have received bits and pieces of information in the form of coded words, or photos and videos, from relatives and friends that make them believe their children were taken to state-run “orphan camps” or boarding schools.
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* 2021-03-01 "China counters Uighur criticism with explicit attacks on women witnesses"
Chinese officials have named women, disclosed what they say is private medical data and information on the women’s fertility, and accused some of having affairs and one of having a sexually transmitted disease. The officials said the information was evidence of bad character, invalidating the women’s accounts of abuse in Xinjiang.
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* 2020-10-28 <<global-times>> in response to[The Murder of Ssamuel Paty] clarifies that the best way to counter terrorism is preventive mass incarceration and brainwashing: "Eradicating extremism is a huge challenge of governance for all countries. China has proactively explored feasible ways in its Xinjiang governance and generated positive outcomes."
* 2020-10-17 (paywall) "How Xinjiang's gulag tears families apart". "So many parents have been locked up that officials struggle to cope with the left-behind children"
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* 2020-09-19 "Chinese authorities "indirectly" confirm the scale of the camps. China claims 1.3 million Xinjiang residents given 'vocational training' each year"
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The document: also quoted on <<peoples-daily>>:
Official English translation:
Title: 新疆的劳动就业保障 (Employment and Labor Rights in Xinjiang)
Google translation:
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The average annual training for all kinds of workers in urban and rural areas in Xinjiang is 1.288 million, of which 451,400 are trained in southern Xinjiang. Participants have mastered at least one employment skill, and most of them have obtained vocational qualification certificates, vocational skill level certificates or special vocational ability certificates to achieve stable employment.
* 2020-08-27 "Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps". Good technique.
* 2020-06-29 "China cuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization"
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** 2021-01-07 Tweet from the "Chinese Embassy in US" verified account said "Study shows that in the process of eradicating extremism, the minds of Uygur women in Xinjiang were emancipated and gender equality and reproductive health were promoted, making them no longer baby-making machines", which could be interpreted as suggesting that birth control was one of the goals of the Xinjiang oppression. Some coverage:
*** comments that there is precedent to that in Peru's dictatorship:
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In the 1990s about 350,000 people were sterilized in Peru under a program promoted by President Alberto Fujimori, who argued a lower birth rate was the key to eliminating poverty. "Peruvian women should be the owners of their destiny!" Fujimori said in a 1995 speech to congress. He presented his family-planning campaign as a step forward for feminism, and even got funding from the US Agency for International Development, USAid. Many of the women who were sterilized, however, came from poor indigenous backgrounds and were coerced or forced into the procedure.
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* 2020-06-17 "Trump signs bill pressuring China over Uighur Muslim crackdown"
* 2019-12: "A Secret Look Inside a Chinese Labor Program for Uighurs | Visual Investigations" by "The New York Times" published on Dec 30, 2019. Description: "China is relocating Uighurs and other Muslim minorities to urban areas as part of a contentious labor program. The Times obtained rare footage taken inside one."
* 2919-12: Muslim German Turkish Arsenal player link:++[Mesut Özil] criticizes concentration camps on Twitter, and China stops broadcasting arsenal matches
** ([archive])
* 2019-11: "What happened to me" manga depicting Uighur torture hits 2.5m views
** ([archive])
* 2019-11 The Xinjiang Papers: leaked cables about Xinjiang internment camps policy, some reported by the New York Times and others by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, soure yet unknown.
** 2020-02-18 the "Karakax list" leaked spreadsheet contains detailed information on 331 citizens Karakax County in Xinjiang and sheds further insight on why certain people have been persecuted
** 2020-02: more leaks containing detailed records of several citizens:
* 2019-09-22 Drone footage of Xinjiang prisoner transfer uploaded to YouTube. TODO confirm the location and that these are political prisoners rather than "normal criminals".
** Upload sources
** News coverage
*** Drone footage, video sources:
** Reddit:
.Video still of 2019-10 drone footage of blindfolded Xinjiang prisoners being marched taken at time 00:30.[Source].
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* 2019-07-31 "Doubt Greets China's Claim That Muslims Have Been Released From Camps"
* 2019-07-19 "37 countries defend China over Xinjiang in UN letter"
* 2019-07-04 "China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families"
* 2019-06-18 "Inside China's 'thought transformation' camps - BBC News" China gives BBC "access" to a chosen show camp where everyone claims they are happy and willing to stay. They are however clearly adults being treated like children, taking courses and even having to sing and dance for the camera.[486s] is also golden, when the CCP officer Zhang Zhisheng explains how they are <<thoughtcrime,just preventing future crime from happening>>. How can they be so stupid? How can they not see that this is not what the West wants to hear? Amazing dark-comedy like stuff.
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.Man wearing traditional Xinjiang clothing and playing a traditional instrument inside a classroom setting inside a prison camp, as the CCP tries to show the world that they are happy and their culture is being respected, and only makes things worse. The man also shows on the video at:[] made by the BBC when they got supervised access to the camps to film, nearby segment uploaded at:[]. Commentators have compared this camp from the visit to the[Theresienstadt Ghetto], which the <<nazi,Nazis>> used as a model camp during a red-cross visit in 1944, and to the[Potemkin village].[Source].
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* 2019-05-07
* 2019-05-07 CNN does a few Xinjiang interviews and sends reporter to visit some of the concentration camps
* 2019-02-24
* 2019-02-17 "China data leak exposes vast hi-tech surveillance operation in Xinjiang", leak by SenseNets Technology.
* 2019-03 database of Xinjiang victims, with precise names, location, date of birth and ID card number of victims and testimonies
* 2018-12 In full: 'I begged them to kill me' - ex-Xinjiang detainee Mihrigul Tursun gives testimony in the US. Observers however rightly brought up the[Nayirah testimony].
* 2018-11 Xinjiang legalizes 're-education' camps
* 2018-08
* 2018-07 Sairagul Sawytbai testifies to the existence of Chinese concentration camps in Xinjiang
* 2018-05 generic report
* 2018-05 mapping internment camps with satellite imaging:
**新疆再教育集中营列表-99720372419c List of Re-education Camps in Xinjiang 新疆再教育集中营列表 Shawn Zhang
* 2018-05 Omir Bekali's account of Xinjiang education camps:
* 2017-04 "China Bans 'Muhammad' and 'Jihad' as Baby Names in Heavily Muslim Region".
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Note that Muhammad is an incredibly popular name in Islamic countries, and thought to be the most popular name in the world with 150m people sharing it:
It is so prevalent, that it is often shortened to just "Md." and people are just called by their second name to reduce ambiguity:
* 2017-04
.Image of prisoners wearing blue sitting down in Xinjiang concentration camp, with some prisoners identified to indicate that they are not criminals but rather detained purely for political reasons. A sixth one was[identified in another report].[Source].
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.Workers walking next to a prison-like security wall with concertina wire and barbed wire in the[Dabancheng] (达坂城区[达坂城区]) <<xinjiang-re-education-camps,re-education camp>> circa 2019.[Source].
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.Security towers and inmate buildings of the[Artux city] (阿图什市[阿图什市]) <<xinjiang-re-education-camps,re-education camp>> circa 2019.[Source]
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. ([GitHub upload]) 2021 video showing dozens of Uyghurs standing on a large court being brainwashed by a woman saying on a loudspeaker: 社会主义核心价值观,一定维护民族团结 (Socialist core values definitely maintain ethnic harmony). The echo of the speaker on the background buildings is eery. UNCONFIRMED.[Source].

. ([GitHub upload]) <<tiktok>> video of a few dozen Uyghur chilren being marched on the street with large bags, presumably during a displacement. The adults organizing it are a laugh, presumably at something cute one of the children did. Video markings: "@MaD DaN", location: "伯干村" (Bogancun, a town in Xinjiang[according to Google Maps]), rolling banner TODO confirm, understand: "诗书达理之山人刨作原声". TODO identify Chinese music being sang on background, it is not clear if it is an edit or from the footage. The echo of the speaker on the background buildings is eery. UNCONFIRMED.[Source].

. Here is a trick to getting longer lashes by feroza.x (2019). In this <<tiktok>> video, American then 17-year old Feroza Aziz, alias feroza.x, starts what looks likea regular makeup video, but which soon turns out to be a[bait-and-switch] video drawing attention to the <<xinjiang-re-education-camps>>. This is somewhat similar to a <<keyword-attack>> with its <<dual-use-technology>> approach.

====== Forced displacement of Uyghurs across China (2020)

Many videos were published on <<tiktok>>, 2020-07-09 "Revealed: New videos expose China’s forced migration of Uyghurs during the pandemic" has compilations of the most well known videos, with direct MP4 uploads that are easy to download.

<<github>> re-uploads at:

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.Advertisement published by Qingdao Decai Decoration Co. claiming to supply government-sponsored Uyghur workers from Xinjiang to other provinces. Source of translation:["Uyghurs for sale" report]. Original website archive from  16 Jan 2020:[]. The ad features a caricature of two dancing Uyghurs in traditional clothing. This is evidence of the CCP's mass forced eviction and slavery of Uyghurs. Another report at 2021-04-16 "Batches of 50 to 100 Uighur workers are being advertised on the Chinese internet" suggests that a <<baidu>> search for "劳务派遣" leads to incriminating ads, but which they fail to translate.
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.Uyghur workers at Taekwang Shoe Manufacturing Co. Ltd (青岛泰光制鞋有限公司) waving the Chinese flag, October 2019. Viewable on the pro-CCP China Ethnic Religion Net (中国民族宗教网) website:[], and also shown in the["Uyghurs for sale" report].
. "New footage shows Uyghurs bussed across China for forced labour in factories". At the given timestamp, contains 30 seconds of footage extracted from 3 social media posts showing Uyghurs being sent in busses to work in far way regions.
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. New footage shows Uyghurs bussed across China for forced labour in factories by Channel 4 News (2020) contains one of the many edits made with a[bella ciao] (啊朋友再见[啊朋友再见]) background, Chinese version showing uyghurs being sent in busses to work in far away locations in China. The music fits perfectly, literal translation of the Chinese version is "Ah, friend, goodbie".
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====== Merdan Ghappar's video (2020)
Self made video shows the ex-model chained to a bed in a camp. Text messages give further details.
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Text messages and translation:

. Merdan Ghappar's video footage, terrible screen capture from the BBC original, but can't find a better one.
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. Rare footage of former model held for “re-education” in China’s detention system - BBC News (2020) Reportage with more context, including previoius modeling work. They're uncapable of adding the name "Merdan Ghappar" to the title or description however, what newbs.
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====== Xinjiang cotton (新疆棉花, 2021)

Reports surfaced that <<xinjiang-re-education-camps>> people were being used to pick cotton, and boycotts followed.

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Companies that boycotted, subset of <<western-companies-that-stood-up-against-the-ccp>>:
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* 2021-03-25 "Nike, H&M face China fury over Xinjiang cotton 'concerns'", see also: <<xinjiang-re-education-camps>>.

Companies that supported:

* 2021-03-26 ""Hugo Boss tells Chinese customers it will continue to purchase Xinjiang cotton, months after telling US news outlet it has never used it". People[immediately commented] that Hugo Boss was the company who made <<nazi>> uniforms.
Here's a link to the <<weibo>> mentioned: archive:
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Original text:
Hugo Boss秉持着对生产制造高品质产品的坚持,使用来自世界各地,包括原材料源自中国各大产区的面料。多年来,我们一直尊重一个中国原则,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。我们与许多优秀的中国企业建立了长期合作,并将继续保持。新疆长绒棉是世界上最好的棉花之一,我们相信优质的原料一定会实现价值。我们将会继续采购和支持新疆棉花。
and the Google translate:
Hugo Boss adheres to the insistence on manufacturing high-quality products, using fabrics from all over the world, including raw materials from major producing areas in China. Over the years, we have always respected the one-China principle and resolutely defended national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We have established long-term cooperation with many outstanding Chinese companies and will continue to maintain them. Xinjiang long-staple cotton is one of the best cotton in the world, and we believe that high-quality raw materials will surely realize value. We will continue to purchase and support Xinjiang cotton.
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Statement on Hugo Boss' website in English saying that they are ethical: ([archive])
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* 2020-12-14 reports that Uyghurs are being forced to work on the cotton industry emmerge:
** "Coercive Labor in Xinjiang: Labor Transfer and the Mobilization of Ethnic Minorities to Pick Cotton"
** "China's 'tainted' cotton"