The level of unknown surveillance that Snowden uncovered is a bad thing about the US.
Snowden's prosecution was inevitable. Countries need secret services. Secret services need laws that prevent leaking classified information that was produced by government officials.
<<ciro-santilli>> has never and will never criticize China or any other country for spying or prosecuting spies.
If Snowden were Chinese, the Chinese government would ban talking about him or anything he uncovered. A <<keyword-attack,keyword attack>> with "Snowden" in the West has no effect.
It is obvious that the level of surveillance in any dictatorship will be infinitely higher, since the Government has much more power and no-one can criticize.
On the West however, the debate Snowden sparked cannot be censored, and has helped to control excessive and secret state power.
Ultimately, Ciro thinks camera surveillance is somewhat inevitable, because people will always want to fight crime and terrorism and surveillance technology keeps getting cheaper and cheaper.
He also believes that a good solution to balance out government power is the <<second-amendment>>. It is better to have more school shootings and less full-blown dictatorship led genocides / mass human rights violations.
In 2019 China amusingly censored passages Snowden's "Permanent Record" autobiography book, which Snowden then published on Twitter:
* ([archive])
* ([archive]).
As a[Redditor put it]:
I don't think they understand that what Snowden stands for is completely the opposite of what the Chinese gov is lol
Snowden then later released the entire Chinese version of the book for free online with the censored parts underlined: ([archive]), link to the book: link:++[] ([archive]). One wonders why he didn't just do that in the first place for all versions, maybe he needed to pay the writer that helped him?
.Snowden highlighted defects on abuses of power in a Western democracy, and the discussion he sparked helped to control such abuses. <<to-obey-is-to-betray,To obey is to betray>> comes to mind.[Source].
image::{china-dictatorship-media-base}/Snowden.jpg[height=500] "A matter of internal security: the age old cry of the oppressor". Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation s03e11 "The Hunted".
===== Bad things have been done in the name of freedom (以自由的名义人做过很多坏事)
E.g.:[September 11th].
Bad things have been done in the name of anything.
It's just that <<war,much>>, <<xinjiang,worse>> <<tiananmen,things>> are done without freedom than with it.
Democracies cannot necessarily protect weak countries from powerful ones either. No political system can do that, because humans are trash essentially.
What democracy do is to protect its own people against its own government. Because when the government turns against part of the population in a dictatorship, that part of the population gets crushed entirely, without any chance to fight, because they don't have an army or ally countries like other countries do.
Here are some images that <<wumao>>'s like to post:
* Left Right Slaughterhouse comic:
Obviously not, just <<richer,inefficient>> and <<war,dangerous>>.
It is just another non-democratic empire like the <<qing-dynasty>>, we might as well cal it:
共产朝 +
The Communist Dynasty
Expression previously mentioned at:
Like any other organization and individual everywhere in the entire world, they are just doing everything that they can to maintain their own power.
It just happens that China's the current is political system allows the CCP to do really bad things.
And it should also be noted that <<henri-meyer,it is in part the West's fault>> that China currently has this shitty system.
<<falun-gong>> thinks otherwise of course, they think the CCP is actually made up of real actual devils in some dimension: <<does-ciro-santilli-believe-in-or-practice-falun-gong>>. E.g. on the Falun Gong lead campaign:
The demon CCP has plundered the ancient land of China
==== Chinese politicians really care about the Chinese citizens (中国政客真正关心中国公民)
Sometimes people say Ciro Santilli is naive.
Politicians are the same all over the world.
Some might have good intentions, but most don't give a shit about anyone else.
But all must play a careful political game, and sometimes betray their own beliefs to not lose power entirely.
Even those that genuinely care might have to play such political games.
China's problem is not its politicians.
It's the current shitty political organization, which allows/convinces those politicians to do really bad things: <<richer>>, <<war>> and <<corruption>>.
Western politicians don't care about the people either: <<western-society-is-extremely-unequal>>. But at least they have to pretend a little.
By John Kenneth Galbraith, possibly based on an earlier <<soviet-union>> joke[]:
Under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism, it's just the opposite.
==== Is Chinese politician X evil? (中国政客X邪恶吗?)
The term evil does not make sense unless you are <<falun-gong,religious>>.
The best definition of evil is a psychopath with zero empathy for anyone: although this can be better characterized as a disease or extreme personality trait.
The huge majority of those politicians are just regular dudes with a knack for politics but brought up in a fucked up political situation.
Just like you, Ciro Santilli and other politicians in any country.
The more <<ciro-santilli>> learns about the Nazis, the more similar they CCP looks to them. As of 2020, the <<ccp>> is much more like Nazi Germany than it is like the <<soviet-union>>.
Both CCP and Nazis share the same basic core ideology: capitalism, <<little-pink-american-dream-vs-chinese-dream,love your country/leader mindlessly>>, work hard, <<most-chinese-people-like-their-dictatorship,throw any dissidents under the bus>>, and <<overlook-human-rights-for-profit,everyone will become richer>> (except the dissidents who will be in jail or dead).
Thankfully, the CCP is possibly less bad as of 2020 it has less of "this minority (Jews) is the cause of all our problems/racial supremacy approach". But everything else, and arguably the key points that got most German people on-board in the first place, are so similar, that it has to raise huge red flags.
We must however be careful not to demonize the Nazis, as that is not a helpful way to learn from the past.
The Nazis were also people like us, and that is the scary thing we must never forget, thus we should never fall for:
*[Reductio ad Hitlerum]
Notably, it can be argued that the Nazis did bring economic growth and stability to Germany, which the people desperately needed, see also <<goring-nuremberg,Goring's appearance on the Nuremberg trials>>.
* Xitler (习特勒). 习 "xi2" is very close in sound to the Chinese name of Hitler:阿道夫·希特勒[希特勒] (xi1 te4 le4)
* Chinazi (赤纳粹 Chi Na Cui). TODO why 赤. Means Red, which is a reference to Communism, although red was of course it was also the color of the original Nazis. But where else is it used? Chi is also chosen to achieve the sound "Chi Na" as a variant of <<shina>>
* <<young-pioneers-vs-hitler-youth,Young Pioneers vs Hitler Youth>>.
* 这么好的人民,不倒点霉都对不起他们 "These are such good people, if they have a bit of bad luck, excuse them." article by yashalong 押沙龙 published on <<caixin>>. The article discusses how Nazi Germany propaganda worked, without mention to the CCP, but it was still apparently[banned in China]. has a good quote:
Would you have stood up to Hitler when he came to power? Or would you have been an appeaser, like Chamberlain? Or perhaps even a supporter of fascism, like the Daily Mail's owner at the time?
We all like to imagine we're courageous enough to stand up to tyranny and persecution. That we would have stood up to the villains of the past. Seen them for what they really were, even helped rescue their victims from danger. We certainly don't like to think we would have bought their goods or funded, invested in their economies...
TODO some failed attempts at ASCII art flags:
卐 卐
卐 卐 卐
卐 卐卐 卐
卐 卐 卐 卐 卐
卐 卐卐卐卐卐 卐
卐 卐卐卐 卐
卐 卐 卐
卐 卐
卐 卐
卐 卐
卐 卐
.Photoshopped <<xi-jinping>> with raised fist with Nazi uniform and flag on the background.[Source].
.Likely original or similar image of <<xi-jinping>> with raised fist as he took oath when coming into or renewing office.[Source].
.German's 1938-1945 war flag called the "War Ensign of Germany" in English or "Reichskriegsflagge" in German.[Source].
.Hitler has of course a few raised fists on Google Images, but they tend to be more aggressive, and less compatible with Xi's apathic poker face.[Source].
.Photoshopped cover of Mein Kampf with Xi's face on top of Hitler's and other modifications such as Mian instead of Mein, likely the same 面 (mian4, face) as the Chinese character at the bottom right. <<xi-jinping-thought>> also comes to mind.[Source].
.Original cover of Mein Kampf. How Rich Was Hitler? by Mark Felton Productions (2021) mentions that the success of the book helped Hitler a financially a lot when he was in great need. Ciro speculates that the same applies to <<li-hongzhi>>, which has retained copyright of <<flg-canon,all his works>> (despite them being the truth of the universe, a natural force essentially), as can be seen by the copyright notice on[]. link:++,_1943).pdf++[Source].
.Photoshopped photo of Hitler giving the Nazi salute from a car with Himmler on the background with Xi's face on top of Hitler's.[Source].
.Original photo of Hitler giving the Nazi salute from a car with Himmler on the background. This photo shows them reviewing SS troops during a Reichsparteitag (Reich Party Day) parade in Nuremberg (1938-09-05 - 1938-09-12).[Source].
.Chinazi flag (赤纳粹旗) by <<hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests-2019,Hong Kong protesters>>. Seen【盛世一景】赤纳粹旗(chinazi-flag)/[on streets].[Source].
. <<serpentza-laowhy86,laowhy86>> video "Can We Compare China to Nazi Germany?" published on 2020-04-29. Good side-by-side video comparisons. Says that China is more like Nazi than <<russia>>, but Ciro disagrees, all three are <<is-chinese-politician-x-evil,evil dictatorships>>.
.[Mitchell and Webb] "Are we the Baddies?" Nazi Sketch. In this sketch, Mitchel, a cute self-conscious Nazi, starts to wonder with Webber, his Nazi friend, if they aren't on the side of evil, particularly due to the usage of[Nazi skulls (Totenkopf)] on their uniforms. This echoes <<goring-nuremberg,Goring's appearance on the Nuremberg trials>>. Like the CCP, many Nazis thought of course that they were doing great things.
==== Hitler Has Only Got One Ball (希特勒只有一个蛋, 1939)
We have to make a <<xi-jinping>> version of this!!!
*[Hitler Has Only Got One Ball]
*[Possible monorchism of Adolf Hitler]
There's even an[Uncencyclopedia page for it].
We have to do a Chinese version. A starting point:
近平,只 有一只蛋
.[Left source],[right source].
. A version of the "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball" song.
. The Armstrong and Miller Show "Hitler Has Only Got One Ball" sketch depicts in a funny way the imaginary creation of the song.
==== Thousand-Year Reich (中华人民共和国万岁)
As mentioned at a popular way of referring to the Nazi rule was as the:
Thousand-Year Reich
In China, a popoular expression for "Long Live" is "万岁", which means "live for ten thousand years".
This comes from old Imperial times, but applies perfectly to the Nazi/CCP analogy.
==== China is like the Borg from Star Trek (博格 (星际旅行和中共长得很想)
TODO memes?? Only one image here: but we need more, e.g. several top commies with Borg photoshop, or even better something showing the people as borgs as well.
Notable mentions:
* 2019 When Will the Borg Assimilate Hong Kong?: Is Resistance Futile?
* 2018 A real Borg collective, Xi Jinping's China is America's defining challenge in 2019
=== Contributing guidelines (贡献指南)
==== I want to take my chances and make a shitpost in cirosantilli/china-dictatorship (屎帖子)
So, have you reached the conclusion that your[shitpost] is[worth the risk of getting blocked]?
Remember that shitposts can also be creative: if you are going to insult Ciro Santilli, at least do it in a creative way, or else you look like an even bigger idiot than you really are.
A collection of shitposts for you to take inspiration from can be found at:
Also, when opening a shitpost you may mark it clearly such with the shitpost issue template which automatically assigns the shitpost label. Doing so will make you look like less of an idiot.
While we require polite replies to polite posts, no matter what which side they are defending, if a post is marked as a shitpost, things are much more relaxed and fun, and you can generally get away with telling the OP to fuck themselves[without getting blocked].
.Real shit photos may be posted in reply to shitposts.[Source].
.Amazing shitposts may recieve a Golden Shit award and the[golden-shit label]. The image is from a Japanese[Kin no unko (金のうんこ)], which is likely inspired by[golden Sycees].[Source].
.To <<censorship,censor>> or not to censor good shitposts: that is not the question, <<ciro-santilli>> will never censor them![Source].
.The legendary[Grass Mud Horse (草泥马, caonima)] is also said to appear in shitposts from time to time.
==== I am going to write a huge wall of text to prove my point
Feel free to do that, but no one will ever read most of it.
If you want your comment to be read, choose your key point well, and deliver it.
It is a shame that most people who are ever able to do that are <<shitpost,shitposters>>, but credit where credit is due.
If you don't know English well enough, that's fine though, go for Chinese, Ciro Santilli will likely understand it: <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese>>.
But if you do, use English.
It is more productive for you to write in English, so that the rest of the West can also learn something new.
Especially since it seems that most Chinese already know what you are talking about, so you are better off teaching Western people about it.
===== I am going to use a bunch of Chinese slangs because it makes me feel smart (我知道网络语言,我很聪明)
Obviously, if you want to be understood, use simple and standard Chinese, since as Ciro has already stated clearly, his Chinese sucks: <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese>>.
Avoid slangs, otherwise Ciro might not have patience to Google your useless slangs down <<zhihu,Zhihu>> questions.
Of course, if you have to read this, you likely are not going to say anything useful in the first place, so not reading your post is likely fine, just make sure to mark it as a <<shitpost>> if you don't want Ciro to think you are a complete idiot.
Using slangs makes some people feel smart due their advanced knowledge of a specific subculture, or makes them feel part of that subculture to gather allies. I.e., it is a form of[shibboleth]. It mainly comes down to a way of avoiding any rational conversation about China's obvious problems by highlighting <<not-chinese>>.
Or maybe they just want to waste Ciro's time.
Such idiots don't see however that every major slang is Googleable, and that every overly obscure slang is already not understandable by a large part of the Chinese population, and won't be understood by anybody in 5 years, so that you are wasting your time writing this gibberish. But since you are an idiot, it's not like you have anything better to do with your time, so maybe it doesn't matter.
If you want to efficiently prevent anyone from understanding your stuff, Ciro recommends that you just use SHA-256 instead:
$ printf 'heil xi' | sha256sum
286b183bf41d6c9de5315bbd64f1ca35a58157ae2e7f38086978c108e67c4882 -
A Chinese insult tip 101, avoid similar sound euphemisms. If you are going to say shit at least grow some balls or tits and use the proper characters, Ciro will respect you more for it:
* 屄 cunt, most often for傻屄[傻屄]
** 逼
*** "sb"
*** "B":
* 肏 fuck: 操
* 傻 idiot: 沙
Places to try and decrypt Internet slang when you feel like wasting your time:
** "网络用语" is the most common word for "Internet Slang", so also useful for Google searches
Random slangs of interest and related concepts:
*火星文[火星文] ([Martian language]). This figures for example in the language rules of the <<ptt>> joke board: (禁止使用簡體字、注音文、火星文、外國語言或其他無法直觀理解之內容作為文章主體).
Some useful slangs seen on the wild:
* 敏感瓷: 敏感词 sensitive words, phonetic approximation
GitHub issue label:
.A[Vagina] (阴道[阴道]) also known as cunt (屄), is the female reproductive organ, including the naturally occurring black hole that appears in front of it whenever a picture is taken to prevent <<github>> from taking down this page. Even though <<porn,you've never seen one>>, there's no need to be afraid of it, and refer to it in euphemisms like "SB".[Background source] and[black hole source].
Basically a 2 character slang for <<hurt-the-feelings-of-the-chinese-people>> which cool people in the web use:
* 天天辱华,辱华的到底是谁? on <<zhihu>>
*一系列国际大牌纷纷陷入辱华风波/a-49994530 on <<dw>>
* on <<bbc>>
The pardox is: as soon as you start talking about ruhua, you start to risk getting banned in China, because most of ruhua is banned in China itself.
In this project for example: the author is aiming to create a list of such insults. So someone came and suggested adding this project to the list at:[], which is obviouly censored in China, as an example. They even have an <<icp-license>> at[], isn't that cute?
To which the repo owner replied:
Google Translate:
Thanks for submitting, this person is a bit crazy. I won't add it to the record, because if you add it, you will see more people. Not everyone has the ability to distinguish between authenticity and falsehood for this information. I'm afraid that some people will believe him or be induced by him. Therefore, it is better to silence him and reduce exposure. These people and countries must have been monitoring them, so we can rest assured.
This perfecly shows the ruhua paradox. In the end, you are only allowed to talk about the most idiotic and insipid events, while censoring any serious self criticism.
<<uneducated-masses>> also comes to mind.
TODO the README says that it is a static blog, but I can't find the source on GitHub anywhere, that repo contains almost nothing.
The large majority of posts are about <<western-companies-that-comply-with-chinese-censorship-requests>>, because those cowards retract their claims afterwards.
Some sample posts that are not about Western companies:
* NBA辱华事件是怎么回事?NBA莫雷辱华事件! (What happened to the NBA insult to China? NBA Morey insulting China incident!) about <<lebron-james-opposes-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests-2019>>
* 如何判断一个老外夸中国,是发自真心,还是财富密码? (How to judge whether a foreigner praises China from his sincerity or the code of wealth?) is about <<ccp-apologists>>
* 卖国求荣许秀中个人简历:留学生中的败类!汉奸中的“佼佼者”!西方媒体眼中的“宝藏女孩”! is about <<vicky-xu>>
* notepad{plus}{plus}辱华事件:作者Don HO在推特上公开发表辱华言论 (Notepad{plus}{plus} insulting China incident: author Don HO publicly published insulting remarks on Twitter) about <<notepad>>
* 无脑黑中国,孙向文漫画辱华是为了自己要入日本籍,但他至今仍没有如愿 is about <<sun-xiangwen>>
====== Shina (zhina, 支那)
Derogatory or humorous way to refer China. Occurrences:
* <<zhina-wiki>>
A variant sound "Chi Na" is also seen at Chinazi (赤纳粹) from <<nazi>>.
====== Internet number slang (网络数字语言)
*网络数字语言#2 on <<baidu>>
* highlights how numeric emails and URLs are especially popular in China, in part due to the ASCII/West-centrism of web standards:
Examples in this page:
* <<nine-nine-six-icu>> is an example that is not phonetic, but just about meaning
* 六四 used to refer to <<tiananmen>>
* and from <<cac-report-website>> are likely examples where older well known official phone numbers were just directly converted to URLs
=== Personal questions about Ciro Santilli (关于三西猴的问题)
==== Has Ciro Santilli you ever lived in China? (三西猴住过中国吗?)
Not as of 2019, he has only visited once in 2012, and it was <<does-ciro-santilli-hate-china,amazingly beautiful>>.
.Ciro Santilli with a stone carved[Budai (布袋和尚)] in the[Feilai Feng caves (飞来峰)] near the[Lingyin Temple (灵隐寺)] in Hangzhou taken during his legendary 2012 touristic trip to China. Will he ever be able to go to China again to re-experience such marvelous locations? If the CCP falls before he dies, and if the statue hasn't been destroyed by the commies, Ciro will return to that exact spot and take a second picture. How will he look like?
But he doesn't think it is a good idea for him to do that now, in case his Visa got accepted, because he is not interested in learning about the Chinese jail system! :-)
He knows that if you don't mind contributing to making <<war,WW3>> deadlier and shut up and obey the CCP, China is already a fine place to live as much as any other developing country.
===== Would Ciro Santilli like to live in China? (三西猴想住在中国吗?)
If the dictatorship ends, <<ciro-santilli>> would like to <<does-ciro-santilli-hate-china,migrate to China>> if given a decent job to help China develop and become awesomer.
Before the Dictatorship, Ciro likely won't be able to enter/it wouldn't be a good idea: <<would-ciro-santilli-be-able-to-visit-china-before-the-ccp-ends>>.
And it is immoral to help make dictatorships richer by working for their companies: <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china>>.
===== Would Ciro Santilli be able to visit China before the CCP ends? (三西猴能否在中共结束之前访问中国?)
It would be interesting to apply for a VISA to find out.
But Ciro won't do it because it is too risky that it would be a waste of Ciro's precious <<better-to-do,time and money>>.
Firstly,[Jamal Khashoggi] taught us that walking into enemy into consulates of enemy countries is a bad idea.
Then, even if the VISA were accepted, Ciro could still be turned back on entering the country, thus wasting the flight time and money. This could either be a genius plot to waste the money of enemies of the state, or due to a crappy divided IT system between the border control and the VISA people.
Finally, even after the border, there is still the possibility that Ciro could be stopped in the country half-way through the visit and sent back, or be interrogated for a few days, or less likely murdered with poison.
Therefore, if you think that living in China is fundamental to understand it, please just explain what you think one can learn from the experience instead. Do you really need to live there to see its censorship machine working? It would arguably be harder to see it from the inside.
See also: <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship>>.
It makes <<ciro-santilli>> smile when <<wumao,wumaos>> consider he might be Chinese.
Does "<<ciro-santilli,Ciro Santilli>>" sound like a Chinese name?
Would a Chinese person write this tutorial primarly in English?
Would a Chinese person <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese,speak such obviously shit Chinese>>?
Think, wumao, think!!!
And it does not matter: <<not-chinese>>.
But <<why-does-ciro-santilli-love-china-so-much,his wife is>>.
As of 2019, oral enough for daily things, but not understand most natural casual dinner conversation or watch TV series, because they go too quickly into vocabulary subject areas that he doesn't know. And obviously, using <<slang,slangs>> just makes things really hard.
When it matters, and with some patience, he can make himself understood though with[some analogies] ([archive]) and a dictionary.
From the HSK vocabulary list, he estimates that he is definitely HSK 3, but not quite HSK 4. This would likely equate A2/B1 in the[European system].
Phonetics wise, Ciro can't distinguish or produce a few sounds, notably `-ing` vs `-in` and his off-tone rate is high, but it tends to not matter at all compared to his lack of vocabulary. Except for his <<wife,mother-in-law>>, who sometimes does not understand it at all without correct tones!
Ciro reads with[] after link:[Perapera] died when he wants to learn new words/has patience/something is very important, and can basically understand everything in that way. TODO perapera support stopped in 2021: and since browsers don't have stable API's it very quickly stopped working for everyone. Alternatives asked at:[Zhongwen] worked, source at
When he has no patience or for larger not very important chunks of text though, he reads with Google Translate as it tends to work, and then if there is an important sentence that was translated to garbage with Perapera.
Ciro writes with a mixture of link:[Pleco], Google translate and Googling to see if Chinese actually say the sentences that way, never Google translate alone as it would be too imprecise.
Ciro really wishes he could learn more Chinese. Ciro really loves the Chinese language. But he has other more important endeavors at the moment. There simply aren't enough hours in a day.
Spoken Chinese is in Ciro's opinion a relatively easy language to learn from scratch, because word formation is so often logical:, e.g.:
* volcano = fire + mountain: 火山(huo shan)
* train = fire + car: 火车 (huo che), a reference to old[steam locomotives]
and there is no useless crap like[verb grammatical conjugation],[grammatical gender],[plural inflection], capitalization, etc. ([latino sine flexione] anyone?)
Ciro <<characters,hasn't tried to learn characters>> because <<chinese-characters-are-insane,too much effort>>, but he did learn some of the most common ones without trying.
Ciro initially learnt from book that come with audio recordings in the first 6-months to 1 year in 2010, but that got impossibly boring afterward, so he later moved to just basically talking as much as possible non-important things to <<why-does-ciro-santilli-love-china-so-much,his wife in Chinese>>, and whenever he reaches one that he doesn't know that seems useful, he Plecos it up or just 怎么说 to his <<wife>> and then Pleco.
It should also be mentioned that Ciro also feels that it would be better if all countries more officially adopted English as an international language that everyone should learn for reasons explained at:
Maybe the <<ccp,commies>> for once <<richer,did something good>> by introducing[simplified Chinese characters (简化字)]?
But they should have gone further and reduced it to pinyin like the Korean and Vietnamese did, this will make your culture much easier to export.
No foreign adult will every learn to read and write Chinese unless they are completely obsessed by the culture or need it as part of their jobs. And even then, they will avoid it at all costs, because life is just too short!
Japanese[furigana] also comes to mind. The characters are so insane that you need to a well specified and widely used phonetic reading aid, especially for teenagers, but likely not only in case of rarer characters! There's even an HTML tag for that for God's sake:[the HTML Ruby tag].
*[maybe you can read faster]
*[vertical text (纵排)] is beautiful.
** the top to bottom aspect is obviously due to the binding of[bamboo and wooden slips] (简牍[简牍])
** TODO but why right to left? Left to right makes more sense as you don't put your hand on top of the most recent ink:
** but is it more efficient?[Zhihu],[Quora]).
** also clarifies that traditional shop signs are also right to left, and it is just a sub-case of the usual right to left script, but with a single row
* more historically stable, and you can still read/learn more or less quickly to read[texts written more than two thousand years ago]
* it takes up way less horizontal space as Ciro noticed while adding bilingual captions to some of the images under see e.g.:
** on the other hand, you have to use slightly larger fonts for Chinese, because the characters are so dense that if they are not tall enough they become unreadable. Still, the area is much smaller without a doubt.
* single character emoticons like "[囧]", before the[Emoticons Unicode block]! Yes, when your language has a character so useless that it becomes an emoticon, maybe you should start to worry that something went wrong somewhere... See also <<tank-man-emoticon>>.
but they just take too much time for any sane person adult to learn, it's harder than {cpp}!
<<ciro-santilli>> smirked when he came across the character "蒄" in Pleco, and the translation was: "meaning unknown (herb mentioned in old books)". Yes, at the word level, the same like exists in phonetic systems, but that it takes up a modern dictionary and Unicode slot is still funny.
He also smiles very broadly whenever <<wife,his wife>> finds a character she doesn't remember. Or when she spends 20 seconds tabbing to find the correct character for some Proper name she wants to type in pinyin. It feels good to be right.
Posts that express similar ideas:
* <<evil-chinese-characters-by-ted-chiang>>
.The "fictional" Chinese character "Dou" from[Uncyclopedia] is roughly translated as "Impossibly complex pictogram-based writing system that takes a person a thousand thousand years to learn." and illustrates well why pictograms are a bad idea.[Source].
.The Sweet Brown[Ain't Nobody Got Time for That] meme ([knowyourmeme]) fits perfectly into how Ciro feels about learning Chinese characters.
.Chinese typewriter. As you would expect, it is insanely complex, and slow to type with.[Source].
. RARE Japanese Toshiba Typewriter. Types in Japanese, Chinese + English. Toshiba Typewriter Model BW-2112.
. Commercial for IBM's Selectric Typewriter 1960's Contrast with the above.
. "The most complex Chinese character" by Vladimir Skultety does a reasonable analysis of which Chinese character is the most complex
Seals are also of course top to bottom right to left as in the traditional texts.
Ciro's <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese>> was mentioned in a related Zhihu answer: <<zhihu-ted-chiang-answer>>.
Saying that someone is a radical is useless <<brainwashed-by-usa,ad hominem>>.
If you want to say something useful, give specific reasons why you think one specific thing that <<ciro-santilli>> said is incorrect.
Do you consider him a radical because it is unthinkable that China is not perfect?
Or just because he's trying to <<keyword-attack,take down>> some more websites that your dictatorship still does not dislike enough to block: <<china-is-fine-as-it-is-stop-making-it-worse>>?
Don't you think that it is much more radical to <<intolerance,be put in jail for your beliefs>> and <<censorship,silenced if you disagree with anything the government says>>?
Ciro doesn't think either China or West is perfect: <<western-media-has-exaggerated-reports-on-falun-gong-for-propaganda-reasons>>.
He's just listing arguments why he thinks democracy is better, e.g.: <<richer>>, <<war>>.
* <<preconceived>>
* <<bias>>
And Ciro never gets mad. Only a slightly sad or annoyed sometimes.
But maybe no radical ever considers themselves a radical? Hmmm...
Or maybe: link:[The Dark Knight - Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn]?
==== Ciro Santilli is stupid (三西猴是个傻瓜)
D E E P:
Feel free to publish any proof of your own incredible intelligence.
One major difference between Ciro and the stereotypical SJW is that he never engage in lengthy discussions as per <<reply-policy>>.
He limits himself to listening as much as he can to learn new arguments.
So the rationale of his actions is no_ to convince anyone, but rather:
* increase the monetary cost of censorship by binding politics to tech with <<keyword-attack>>
* group up like-minded people who don't like <<censorship>>
===== Are you a SJW?
Moved to <<is-ciro-santilli-a-sjw>>.
===== Is Ciro Santilli a China watcher? (Pekingologist, 三西猴是中国观察者吗?, Intelligence Analyst)
Yup.[Nope]? Well, Ciro's what you'll get on <<github>> until someone better comes along.
On the contrary. China has his favorite:
* <<restaurants,food>>
* <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese,language>>
* <<music>>
* history
* nature
* culture, notably:
** intense respect for older people. Whenever Ciro was with his <<ciro-santilli-mother-in-law-jail,mother-in-law>> and asked for help from young Chinese people, they were extremely nice.
It is hard to understand how the same people have not managed to speak up when <<flg-persecution,70 million old ladies were put into jail when Falun Gong was banned>>. Only the extreme fear of also going to jail could explain it. Living in China is living in constant fear if you can think for yourself.
** enormous importance given to education. One must not forget however: grades are useless, and all that matters is how much you improve society
And because of that: <<would-ciro-santilli-like-to-live-in-china>>.
As link:[Bjarne] said:
There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses
Ciro only focus here on negative things to provide content that will <<keyword-attack,activate the Great Firewall>>.
爱国恨党 +
Support the Chinese people, oppose the Party +
Love the country, hate the Party +
The second sentence well known:爱国恨党love_china_hate_ccp/
.Round gate at[Yu Garden] (豫园[豫园]) in Shanghai. The large characters on top read (<<chinese-characters-are-insane,left to right>>) "流翠" TODO not sure about the second character, understand reference. <<ciro-santilli>> thinks that[Chinese gardens] (中國園林[中国园林]) are amazing!!! link:++[Source].
===== If you are against the CCP, then you are against China (如果你反对中共,那么你就是反对中国)
This is actually a key <<flg-cult,cult>> characteristic: <<the-group-is-the-only-way>>.
Do all Chinese citizens support the CCP?
* <<most-chinese-people-like-their-dictatorship>>
* <<dissidents>>
* <<chilling-effect>>
If you are against Trump or Biden, does it mean that you are against the USA? So every American is against the USA?
This is what <<dictatorship,dictatorships>> want you to believe.
Some free online collections:
* Smithsonian collection at a search for Paintings before 1800. Drill down further by "topic" e.g. "Mountains" or "scholar"
."Plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum" (梅兰竹菊) painting by[Zheng Xie (郑燮)] representing the[four gentlemen] (花中四君子[花中四君子]). Ciro is a big fan of[traditional Chinese bird-and-flower painting (花鸟画)] like this.[Source].
===== Why does Ciro Santilli love China so much? (为什么三西猴喜欢中国那么多?)
<<ciro-santilli>> does not <<does-ciro-santilli-believe-in-or-practice-falun-gong,believe in reincarnation>>, but sometimes he's tempted to.
It is interesting how different people get <<does-ciro-santilli-hate-china,different impressions>>!
Of course, the fact that his wife is Chinese and <<flg-bias,does Falun Gong>> may or may not have played a role in it :-)
It was like this: Ciro started getting interested in Chinese culture, then he started hanging out with Chinese people, and then he started hanging out with his wife!
So yes, it is a chicken and egg type of thing. The fact that she is one of the most intelligent, morally upright, cute, and "never give up" person I know may have helped me choose too.
==== Ciro Santilli's China freedom campaign is selfish (三西猴是自私的)
* <<flg-bias>>
* <<throne>>
* <<harm-programmers>>
===== Ciro Santilli is doing his China freedom campaign to become famous (三西猴正在做他的中国自由运动以成名)
No, he am a selfless human being, only concerned with the greater well being of humankind.
* he believes in this. As evidence, it has limiting effects on his technological career: <<does-your-employer-support-this>>, and he doesn't think he can/wants to become a politician in China if the CCP ever falls
* the more famous Ciro is, the more impact he will have in the future
* the more famous Ciro is, the more feedback he have that what he's been doing has been working
Ciro Santilli
Ciro Santilli
Ciro Santilli
====== Ciro Santilli is doing his China freedom campaign because it makes him feel important (C三西猴正在进行他的中国自由运动,因为这让他觉得自己很重要)
Ciro Santilli
===== Ciro Santilli is doing his China freedom campaign to vent off his anger (三西猴正在进行他的中国自由运动以发泄他的愤怒)
Ciro Santilli
No, he is not angry at all, see also: <<harm-programmers>>.
Ciro Santilli
<span id="cia-funding">
===== Is Ciro Santilli's china-dictatorship campaign funded or otherwise supported by some organization? 谁收买三西猴散布关于中国的谣言?
Sure, the CIA sends Ciro 10 thousand USD checks from time to time, but that doesn't change at all what he would be doing.
And sometimes the NSA, FBI, MI6, MI5, Mossad, Al-Qaeda and ISIS also pitch in a bit depending on their needs.
A shady supporting organization might require that he does not disclose their support, so maybe the best answer is that you will never know for sure.
Of course, a hidden support would represent a reputation hit for both such organizations and for me, which makes it less likely that I would have accepted or had such an offer.
Also consider Ciro's motivation. If your <<ciro-santilli-mother-in-law-jail,mother in law were put into jail unfairly for 15 days>>, for following the same religion that <<flg-bias,your wife follows>>, and if you had a social media presence, wouldn't you be tempted to do the same?
What about you, are you funded by the CCP?
See also:
==== Would Ciro Santilli be doing his China freedom campaign if he was in China? (如果他在中国,三西猴会做他的中国自由运动吗?)
Not with his real name attached to it, see also:
* <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship>>
* <<not-chinese>>
===== Does your employer support this project? (你的雇主支持此项目吗?)
My employer has nothing to do with this.
He doesn't approve or disapprove of the Chinese government or of my private actions.
The only thing that my employer _does_ believe in is that employees can have their own political opinions, and that this should not affect hiring decisions.
Obviously, this action limits my ability to lead high profile deals with China.
Also I'm quite curious if this would limit my ability to go to China for business, but I haven't applied for a visa since I've started this. It likely wouldn't be a good idea for me to go to China :-)
But my employer believes that inclusion and non-discrimination are more valuable.
I will always do my best to not let my personal opinions affect my professional decisions, as that would be unfair to my employer.
==== Doesn't Ciro Santilli have anything better to do than pissing off China? (除了反对中共以外,三西猴有没有别的更好的事儿要作吗?)
In 1989, besides <<tiananmen>> and <<ciro-santilli>>'s birth, a beautiful thing called the World Wide Web was invented!
The Internet gives everyone the magic power of writing something, and having million people read it for free!
This is how much time Ciro spends on this project to give you an idea:
* every week or two, someone sends me a message, he reply with "read the FAQ", and usually update
* Ciro amongst many other programming subs, and all major bad news show up there. See also: <<anti-ccp-info-sources>>
* when something bad enough comes up, Ciro go to by <<china-digital-times>>and update <<keyword-attack,his keyword attack>>. He's only been updating it on Stack Overflow and GitHub these days.
Then Ciro just contributes to programming websites exactly as he would if he weren't making this campaign, and voila.
Edit: to be fair, the end of 2019 and start of 2020 was such as hot year with <<hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests-2019>> and <<covid>> that Ciro might have spent a tiny little bit more ;-)
But Ciro did it only when his brain was too tired of technical stuff and unable to do more, or as a brain warm up routine in the morning.
Telling the CCP to fuck off is surprisingly relaxing, you should try it some time too. It uses a different part of your brain other than the programming one. It is, one could say, an art form.
==== Is Ciro Santilli against Communism/Socialism in general or just against the Chinese Communist Party specifically?
Anti-dictatorship and censorship, not anti-communist in general. In <<github-com-cirosantilli-china-dictatorship,this project>>, <<ciro-santilli>> has sometimes used the word "communist/commie" loosely as a shortcut for "supporter of the CCP", but it does not extend by default to communism in general.
Most importantly, China is far from being socialist or communist. It is just a dictatorship with savage capitalism. Exactly like <<nazi,Nazi Germany>>.
It is true that the CCP takes greater control of corporations, as shown e.g. in the <<xi-jinping-tech-crachdown-2021,Tech Crackdown of 2021>>, which is also something Ciro Santilli has asked for in the West, see also:
But to call it communist or socialist is a joke. There are no big specific benefits to citizens that are not already present in capitalist countries. It is nothing like the Soviet Union, where people had actual job guarantees, and everything provieded for (in theory).
And Ciro has a fundamental and irrational belief that we should not <<overlook-human-rights-for-profit,violate human rights to reach those goals>>, which is why he opposes the CCP (and others who violate human rights).
Also, being in a dictatorship is very risky business, see: <<intolerance>>, <<dictatorship-variability>>.
And there are <<i-like-my-dictatorship,concrete advantages to dictatorships>>.
Classify Ciro's techno-political goals as you will:
* endgame:
* very conservative and clearly sustainable neargame:
A possible way to get closer to either:
=== People in China have already considered democracy, and rejected it (中国人已经考虑要不要民主, 到底决定不要了)
OK, shall we put that to an anonymous vote just to make sure?
Dear sir or madam: do you want more control over your government? y/n
Oops, I forgot that <<most-chinese-people-like-their-dictatorship,proposing such a vote would put in you jail>>, never mind.
=== Would it be right to use violence to overthrow the CCP? (用暴力推翻中共正确吗?)
In an ideal world, Ciro Santilli is of course "against violence".
But what if you could prevent a lot of future violence with some violence today?
Ah, the eternal question which only God can answer:
* "What is the origin of the quote 'The end justifies the means?'"
**[Trolley problem]
* link:[Nonviolent-resistance]
Do you really think that the communists will step down if you ask them nicely enough? Even after <<tiananmen>>?
A quote from[V for Vendetta (2005)] comes to mind:
Q: If they do, what do you think will happen [the people protest against their Government]?
A: What usually happens when people <<second-amendment,without guns>> stand up to people with guns.
. V for Vendetta (2005) "What you think will happen" scene.
How do you think the CCP or any other party got into power and maintained that power in the first place? Obviously[through violence]. And likely due to earlier <<not-chinese,Japanese invasions which weakened the Guomindang>>.
And the CCP actually uses "the ends justify the means" as an argument to justify its own actions: <<overlook-human-rights-for-profit>>.
The question of if anything is morally right or wrong makes no sense. All that matters is: what is the government that maximizes the happines of its own people, and who has the power to do what? <<richer,Getting richer,>> is part of the equation, but so is <<rule-of-law,not being constantly affraid that you will be randomly put in jail for no good reason>>.
If you do decide to strike though, <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship,stay safe, gather your forces on the Internet, and only strike when victory seems certain>>.
For "violence is illegal" arguments, see also: <<follow-the-law>>.
.One baby <<nazi,Hitler>> or 5 Million Jews[trolley problem] illustrates well the moral dilemma of["the ends justify the means"].
.Translation: What women think men want (a kiss). What men actually want (decapitating <<xi-jinping>>). The image from the left comes from the Japanese manga[Okaeri Alice] according to Reddit comments. The image to the right is based on an illustration of the decapitation of[Louis XVI] (路易十六[路易十六]) during the[French Revolution] (法国大革命[法国大革命]), but with Louis' head replaced by Xi Jinping's head. An original can be found at:[].真正的需要/[Source].
==== Second amendment (美國憲法第二修正案)
If China had the second amendment in 1989, the <<ccp>> would not be in power in 1990.
<<dictatorship-variability,It is better to have a bit of random shootings every day, than to have a full scale revolution every 20 years>>.
The availability of guns however only explains part of the problem of gun violence in the USA: the other huge thing that must be addressed is to <<western-society-is-extremely-unequal,reduce inequality>>.
A somewhat popular <<wumao>> criticism of gun violence in the USA (+ other problems) in song/poem form was brought up at
自由美利坚, +
枪击每一天; +
白恨黑卑微, +
黑仇黄有钱。 +
世界第一强, +
川普再号强; +
新冠启示录, +
群体免疫法; +
比强还更强, +
世界一病夫。 +
如今五十万, +
耶稣爱美国, +
与民天国欢。 +
人命如草芥, +
不及股市贵; +
战火连中东, +
Related discussions:
TODO origin?
=== Why does Ciro Santilli say that China is a dictatorship? (中国不是独裁!)
Ciro is using the word in an slightly extended/joking sense.
Maybe "authoritarian" is a more precise term, but it is just too much of a mouthful.
In particular, dictatorships are harder to sustain than authoritarianism, since it generally implies even less freedom, and a single leader whose death can destabilize everything.
The CCP is more like a social class with a large number of members and various sub-layers, and it is therefore much harder to take down on the other hand.