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It is not possible for the <<ccp>> to block only certain pages of websites that use HTTPS.

This is because the connection is encrypted: the CCP can only see which domain the user is accessing, but only the website itself can see which page was requested.

So either they have to block the entire IP/domain name, or nothing.

This is the basis of <<keyword-attack>>.

One way that the CCP works around this is <<chinese-web-browser-censorship>>.

Known events:

* 2020-08: "Text editor Notepad{plus}{plus} banned in China after ‘Stand With Hong Kong' update" where "banned" means "the download page where they keywords are shown is now blocked in Chinese browsers". The rest of the website is still up. So no domain block due to HTTPS, browser only action for now.

===== Chinese web browser censorship (中国网页浏览器审查)

This allows the <<ccp>> to overcome <<it-is-not-possible-to-block-a-single-page-of-an-https-website>> for users that are using Chinese browsers.

Some screenshots can be seen at:[]. Mentioed browsers include:

*[QQ browser]
*[360 Secure Browser] from <<qihoo>>
* WeChat browser from <<wechat>>
* vivo
* mi from <<xiaomi>>
* oppo


* <<notepad-chinese-browsers-block-2020>>
* <<china-dictatorship-chinese-web-browser-block>>

====== china-dictatorship Chinese web browser block (2021, china-dictatorship 中国浏览器审查)

Report with screenshots at:

This is an example of <<chinese-web-browser-censorship>>.

==== Wumao (五毛)
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50 Cent Party, 五毛党, Wumao Dang:
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They can be classified as a form of[information warfare] (link:信息战[信息战]).
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A wise person once said:
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It is impossible to distinguish wumaos, <<little-pink,idiots>> and <<not-chinese,brain washed>> people. So we just call all of them wumaos.
But of course, the <<ccp-cult,CCP is a cult>> (and <<democracy-is-a-religion,democracy, a religion>>), and therefore <<preconceived,any discussion is also pointless>> in general.
To a large extent, wumao's goals are to dilute useful conversation with shit, normally <<evil-west>> and <<western-democracies-are-not-perfect>>.
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This leads to endless idiotic conversions of type:
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You: Chinese friend, your house is on fire, let's try to put the fire out!
Wumao: I don't care, your house is also on fire!
You: that's true, that fire is also very serious, and I'm trying to put it out!
Wumao: look everyone, his house is on fire! Mine isn't!
Therefore, it is crucial to have a working algorithmic policy to handle them: <<how-to-deal-with-wumaos>>.
Notable wumaos <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,should be investigated by intelligence agencies>>.
If it is determined that they are knowingly funded by China, they should be put into jail as foreign agents.
There is a tradeoff between privacy rights and snuffing out wumaos, and it is hard to decide where to set the line. But snuffing out wumaos is important, and must be done.
If we were to give up on privacy completely, one possible rule would be: block anyone that lives in China and whose revenue therefore cannot be investigated properly by your government to determine if they are funded by the CCP.
Here are some people completely against blocking wumaos. Those silly Democrats never prepare well enough for war:
** it mentions the "Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016"[], which is exactly what Western countries should do
The <<baidu-baike>> definition of wumao五毛/24163406[] ([archive])) is priceless:
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Fifty cents, an internet buzzword, refers to people who collect money for a certain unit to say good things on the Internet
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"Good". And not mention of the CCP in the article, of course.
Other names:
*网军 (online army), example: "Github也出現網軍了嗎?" (Is there an emerging wumao army on GitHub?) on <<ptt>>
* 2020-03-12 <<jennifer-zeng>>'s publishing of purported Wumao guidelines with translation. Translated title: "<<cac,CAC>> (link:[Cyberspace Administration of China]) Internal Documentation for Internet Commentators (no spreading)"
* 2018-09-27 "Chinese Internet Trolls Get Paid 50 Cents For Every Comment" by <<serpentza-laowhy86,laowhy86>>
* 2017-04-09 "How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument" by "Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts"
* 2015-05-20 "Hackers Leak Files Showing Inner Workings of 'China's 50-Cent Army'", hacker group name "Unicorn Nocturne". TODO material, silly reporters that don't give links
* 2014 emails of some Wumaos were hacked/phished and leaked at (down, no web archive, but[]) revealing operational details
毛 (mao2) is a colloquial form of 角 (jiao3) both meaning "one-tenth". Coins actually use 角. See also:
* The fourth and fifth series Wikipedia currently have a 50 cent picture:
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.50-cent coin (五角) from the[fourth series of renminbi] (第四套人民币[第四套人民币], 1987-1997). This image is going to be very useful. Note the beautiful plum blossom drawings reminiscent of <<chinese-traditional-painting>> which <<ciro-santilli>> loves. Note how it uses 角 (jiao3) instead of 毛 (mao2).[Source].
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===== Little pink (小粉紅, 小紅粉, 兔友)
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<<slang,Slang>> name for <<stupid,brainwashed>> <<ccp,CCP>> supporters who are not necessarily paid professional <<wumao,wumaos>>, notably young, idealistic and enthusiastic ones, <<little-pink-american-dream-vs-chinese-dream,Little pink explains the difference between the American dream  and the Chinese dream>> contains a prototypical video example.
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兔友 (friend of the rabbit) is another variant referring to: <<that-rabbit>>.

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* 2020-06-29 "小粉红"现象调查 (An investigation of the "Little Pink" phenomenon)
* 2017 "小红粉小粉红是什么 家长发现孩子自称小粉红怎么办" (What is a little pink? If a parent discovers that their children call themselves little pinks, what should they do about it?). Kill them.
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.Perceived comparison between <<wumao>> and <<little-pink>> suggesting that unpaid Little Pinks are more nationalist and extreme than the paid wumaos, which is not too surprising, considering that they do it for free. A translation is available at:[].[Source].
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====== That Rabbit (那兔)
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<<little-pink,Little pinks>> are often symbolized by a rabbit.
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The origin of this appears to be the 2011 webcomic[Year Hare Affair] (那年那兔那些事兒[那年那兔那些事], literally "That year, That rabbit, Those events), where different animals represent different countries, and the rabbit represented China.
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The little pink rabbit is generally called simply "那兔" (That Rabbit) derived from the Chinese title.
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* 2020-01-14 "问下小粉红为什么叫中共兔子?" (Why do Little Pinks call the CCP Rabbit)
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.As of 2020, a particularly popular representation is this cute one wearing a <<pla>>-hat and with a[red star] (紅星[红星]) on the chest, but in the original cartoon That Rabbit appeared to be more aggressive. <<wife>> told him that <<that-rabbit>> reminded her of[Mashimaro] (流氓兔[流氓兔]), a cute Korean cartoon she used to watch when she was small.[Source].
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===== How to deal with wumaos (如何应对五毛)
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Above all, never reply intelligently to wumaos. Ignore all their notifications, and ignore their profile wherever possible. And if they start generating too many notifications, block them.
* <<reply-policy>>
*[C.K. Hung]'s wumao reply strategy:
為什麼我不刪五毛的回應反而要刪你的回應? 因為你只能跟人類講道理, 沒辦法跟原始物種講道理啊!
Why I delete your posts, but I don't delete wumao's posts? Because it is only possible to reason with humans, it is not possible to reason with primitive animals!
*【麻辣总局】新型敏感词武器:赵弹磁铁/ by <<china-digital-times>> 
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===== Where to find wumaos (哪里可以找到五毛?)
<<wumao,Wumaos>> are particularly easy to spot on <<censorship-monitoring,Western websites banned in China>> and when written in English, since there is no way that strong pro-CCP opinions would get any support in such circumstances:
* <<quora>> is completely infested by wumaos as of 2020, see more information on that section
When they write in Chinese, it is much harder to know if they are paid or not, most are just <<stupid,brainwashed>>, some places to find them:
* <<zhao-heming>>
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===== CCP apologists (中共辩护士)
If it is ever proven that those people are directly supported by the Chinese government, their nationalities should be revoked, it is very simple.
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<<ciro-santilli>> feels that it is unlikely however that the CCP directly pays those apologists, as that would be too risky for both parties.
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Rather, Ciro believes that they are either:
* saying that the CCP is good to get more views and ad revenue from CCP supporters that want to hear it from a white (most cases)
* even bigger complete idiots who actually believe China is good (the minority)
Then, when they reach a certain size, the CCP can support them indirectly, notably by featuring them in <<chinese-government-media>> such as <<cgtn>>, e.g. as happened <<nathan-rich>> at[], in order to boost their views and ad revenue.
For this reason, it is very hard to stop them without quenching freedom of expression.
Ciro's currently recommended approach is the following: if a prominent pro-CCP YouTubber never ever criticized the CCP, and it gets featured in CCP media, treat that channel exactly as you should treat CCP media, which is by adding a notice at the bottom along the lines of:
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This account supports the Chinese Government, which is a fucking murderous dictatorship.
followed by a funny meme image that is forbidden in China, e.g. <<xi-jinping-memes>>.
It would be amazing if we could demonetize the apologist channels only for views coming from Chinese citizens, and it would be possible without completely destroying privacy by using decentralized ring signatures as mentioned at:[].
Related discussion at: <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china>>.
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It is also interesting to note that many of them don't speak a word of Chinese, or very basic Chinese. It is fine when you say "the CCP is great" as a foreigner, but if you say "the CCP is bad", then <<not-chinese>>.
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* 伏拉夫 (fu2 la1 fu1): Russian, says I love China in ridiculously enthusiastic tone which is despised even by the Chinese, samples:[]
Video by <<lele-farley>> making fun of him and <<nathan-rich>>:
It does not feel like he is paid by the Chinese government, but rather that he is just trying to get some views.
+ 如何评价俄罗斯籍中国网红伏拉夫? on <<zhihu>> with 17k likes as of 2020-06.
* Carrie Lam supporter
* "Living in China" by Jason Lightfoot: Sample video:
** "The CCP is Wonderful! Thank you China not a government shill 谢谢你中国"
** "British vlogger: The life of Uygurs and other minorities in China" reposted by <<cgtn>> (2021)
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TODO decide:
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* the JaYoe Nation Sample video: "Chinese Government Officials Corrupted My Videos! | JaYoe Conversation" 
* Mexicanos en China Sample video: "Is the CHINESE GOVERNMENT PAYING US to Make Videos: Our Trip to Shaanxi // 中国政府是否付钱给我们制作视频" says they were sponsored for the video.
* Gweilo60's Channel:
* Eric Favreliere:
* Laoma Chris (Chris Max, 口语老炮儿马思瑞). No ultra-pro CCP content, but has some anti-US content, and significant business interest in China. Large channel, 700k+ subscribers as of April 2021:
** Why Is Police Brutality So Common in the US? (2020)
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Non-political (as far as we can tell) channels of interest:
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* Blondie in China food and travel. Speaks Chinese. TODO name.
* The China Traveller. Real name: Stuart Wiggin (司徒). British, studied in Oxford, speaks Chinese. Avoids ultra-sensitive topics like <<xinjiang>> and <<censorship>>, and covers positive rosy (and to some extent real) improvements in China mostly, in addition to neutral food/travel. LinkedIn:[] ([archive]). Worked for <<china-radio-international>> from 2012 to 2017 and for <<netease>> since 2016. Other media: Sample videos: 
**[]: watermarked[] "到底是不是习近平?Is that a famous Asian world leader?", but takes <<xi-jinping>> lightly by showing a <<xi-jinping-lookalikes,bad Xi Jinping lookalike>>
** "I Train with the Troops at Tiananmen Square". Participates in a flag raising ceremony.
* Kevin in Shanghai. Mostly language and cultural differences.
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* tankies, despair, and politics: a case study by the woke global times (2020) on <<the-woke-global-times>>
* 如何判断一个老外夸中国,是发自真心,还是财富密码? (How to judge whether a foreigner praises China from his sincerity or the code of wealth? is about) on <<zhihu>>
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Discussion/lists: <<quora>>:
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* on <<quora>>
* "Expat YouTubers attacked for pro-China views" by <<cgtn>> (2021). TODO investigate all of those shown at the given timestamp.
** <<raz-gal-or>>
** Leo (Germany) TODo
** Brian (Argentina)
** Alistair Bayley (UK/Australia)
** Vlad (Russia). <<russia>> is not part of the West.
** Thomas (Germany)
** Rachele (Italy)
** Jason Lightfoot (UK)
** Jared (Canada)
** Lila (US). This is Lila Kidson, <<raz-gal-or>>'s girl
* "EXCLUSIVE: How China is Influencing YouTubers into Posting State Propaganda" mentions "They tried to get me to post Chinese propaganda" by J.J. McCullough (2019) was approached to publish an anti-<<shen-yun>> video by what was likely a Chinese agent.
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<<reddit>> threads:
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* about Jason Lightfoot
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.Elbow-to-elbow against the common enemy! French division of the Waffen SS (Coude a coude contre l'ennemi commun! Division française de la Waffen SS) 1942 propaganda poster for the French SS division, formally known as[33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne]. Mentioned at: French SS - Berlin 1945 by Mark Felton Productions (2020).[Source].
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====== Tankie
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Adapted from the cold war, this term has been widely used to describe pro-CCP western people, i.e. <<ccp-apologists>>, examples:
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* tankies, despair, and politics: a case study by the woke global times (2020) on <<the-woke-global-times>>
* Upvote this absolute chad to piss off the tankies at r/GenZedong on <<reddit>>
====== Nathan Rich (Hotpot King, 火锅大王)
YouTube channel:
As mentioned at:[]:
His vlogging career is inexplicably successful. He has 385,000 subscribers on his channel, a huge amount for someone with so little time and so few videos on the platform.".
____ mentions another interesting very strong circumstantial evidence:
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His videos feature perfect Chinese in the subtitles along with Chinese video titles, meaning that he is almost certainly having these videos produced by someone else/and or a group of people. I can guarantee that based on his pronunciation of the few Chinese words he says in the video, his Chinese ability should not be anywhere close to fluent.
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Sample videos:
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* he says <<serpentza-laowhy86,SerpentZA>> is a fraud "because he criticizes China".
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* "如何评价 B 站 UP 主「NathanRich火锅大王」?" on <<zhihu>>. TODO what is "B站UP"?
* 2020-07-05 <<cgtn>> approves: "Nathan Rich: 'Hotpot King' delivering truth about HK to the world"
2020-06-01 "China propagandist Nathan Rich's criminal record revealed" contains an outline of Richs criminal records, with including mugshots. Most of this was already likely known, but it gives good detail. In particular, it comments on the fact that in 2013 Beijing started to more strictly do criminal background checks for VISA applicants:[], and that Rich managed to get the VISA two years later nonetheless, notably including a drug trafficking charge.
白 characterises him as "左五无毛". While this does not seems like a specific expression, and maybe is not even accurate, learning the meaning of "左五" is of interest:
====== Barrett Channel
2021-09-21 (on <<reddit>>:[]) claims that:
The Times has found that some of their videos were funded by <<china-radio-international,Chinese Radio International>>, a media organisation that has been exposed as the secret owner of an international network of propaganda radio stations.
In November they visited the Shaanxi district of China with several other foreign YouTubers who live in China and make videos supporting the government.
The trip was organised and funded by the Chinese Radio International and an official press release described the visit as "International Internet Celebrities Witnessing the Happiness of Shaanxi People".
In a candid video about the visit that was subsequently removed, Lee admitted that a trip to a mountain was cancelled so they could witness "propaganda" regarding the area's prosperity.
He said: "It wasn't until the second day they started talking about cutting the trip short by a day, and there was no real reason given for that." A fellow YouTuber Jayoe Nation said: "They had to fit in more propaganda."
Lee replied: "They didn't say that, did they, but that's what happened."
Various videos from the trip show the YouTubers visiting locations in the district including a farm where Oli performed a farcical dance while holding vegetables.
Father and son British expats: Lee Barrett, the father, and Oli Barrett, the son.
100k subs one year after. Don't speak a word of Chinese it seems, but all videos have full bilingual translation.
Their tone is natural unlike others more exaggerated like <<nathan-rich>>, so maybe they believe in the shit they say? Either that, or they are a good fake by the CCP.
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Sample videos:
* "China Doesn't Have Free Speech!"
====== Daniel Dumbrill
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Daniel's family name is telling: "<<ciro-santilli-is-stupid,DUMB>> rill", so don't be too hard on him.
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Featured on <<cgtn>>:
* ([archive]) "Daniel Dumbrill: Hong Kong is far freer since its return to China" supporting <<hong-kong-national-security-law>>
* "Daniel Dumbrill: I want my children to be proud of being Chinese"
Sample content form his channel:
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* "Speaking With a Uyghur Activist About Xinjiang Abuse" interviews[Arslan Hidayat], who was also interviewed by <<china-uncensored,China Unscripted>>: and appears to be denouncing the oppression. Video description is filled to the brim with links about how the West is using Xinjiang for fake news. TODO how can he make a video with that guy and still live in China? This suggests strongly that his videos obtain direct CCP approval.
* "Daniel the Pro-China 'Shill'" replies to accusations of being pro-China
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At 2021-03-29 ([archive]) from <<pincong>> people are saying that they even if the USA is evil, the CCP is more, one commenter quoted Churchill:
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If <<nazi,Hitler>> invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.
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====== Nigel Ng (ungle-roger, mrnigelng, 罗杰叔叔)
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* "'Uncle Roger' apologises and deletes video featuring fellow YouTube star who criticised China"
* "Uncle Roger comedian deletes video with China critic"
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Nigel had published a collaboration video called "Uncle Roger Review UGLIEST DUMPLING EVER" with another YouTuber called[Mikey Chen], who unknown to Nigel, is a somewhat discreet <<falun-gong>> believer ([source])
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The video then removed solely because of Mikey's believes expressed elsewhere. The apology on <<weibo>>:[] Excerpt:
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During the process of working with the content-creator, I wasn't aware of his political thoughts and his past incorrect remarks about China. This is my negligence, and I will be more careful when I make content in the future.
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This is the original video link: according to this reaction video: No archives of the original were made unfortunately.
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Nigel had 125k <<weibo>> followers at that point, and reuploads every YouTube video he posts over there with Chinese subtitles:[], extremely likely done by paid professionals.
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Saying hi:
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====== Raz Gal-Or (高佑思, Ychina, Y-Platform, 歪果仁研究协会)
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* Was being considered for deletion for non-notability: but it got through because there's a bunch of <<chinese-government-media>> that reported on him obviously. Which is a good thing as it allows us to know more about the bastard.
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Israeli, studied at Peking University. Ychina (歪果仁研究协会) is his pro-CCP propaganda organization, based in Beijing.
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His father[Amir Gal-Or] (高哲铭), also Israeli, is a venture capitalist based in China. So that's the collateral for his son's media access. Amir is an ex-Israeli Air Force. What a disgrace. Mossad is going to pay those people a visit one day. Supposing they are not already working for Mossad. Here's the happy family:[], father and son entitled "being  interviewed by my son in <<cctv>> headquarters .. a new era .." Here's his TED talk on how to educate your children to support <<nazi,Hitler>> v2 do <<xinjiang-re-education-camps,holocaust v2>>: "How to educate the next generation of global communications? | Amir Galor | TEDxYouth@Hangzhou" (2019). The <<life-of-brian-nazi-jew,Nazi Jew scene from The Life of Brian>> comes to mind very strongly.
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Y-Platform had a 3.5M investment from <<weibo>>:
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* Ychina YouTube channel
* Facebook Video channel (reposts)
* reads "Founder of Y-Platform (歪果仁研究协会) - a leading online video Multi-channel Network (MCN) in China. Y-Platform manages more than 30 online influencers/channels with a total of 100+ million followers on social media networks, averaging 500 million views per month."
* Failure is the best thing I've experienced | Raz Galor | TEDxYouth@Hangzhou (2019). He was featured in TEDx like his father
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Sample posts:
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* What I saw in Xinjiang working as a Cotton Farmer by 歪果仁研究协会 Ychina (2021) reply video to <<xinjiang-cotton>>. He got access to Xinjiang. Deep links.
* SHOCKING! Is United States Gonna Take Down <<wechat>> Too? by 歪果仁研究协会 Ychina (2020) At which point every single Western chat program is blocked in China.
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Highlighted in <<chinese-government-media>>:
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* "Expat YouTubers attacked for pro-China views" by <<cgtn>> (2021)
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* Lila Kidson (alias 星悦/StarHappy), appears very frequently e.g.[]. According to also names his associates she is "an American who studies in PKU, the vice president [of Ychina]"
* from[] How has life CHANGED for American citizens during the Epidemic outbreak? (2020):
** Dylan Jaye (dylanjayezyl, 钟逸伦)
*** "Ychina Music | “Another Day In China” RAP" (2017)
** Chris TODO
* from
** Brian
====== Jerry Goode (诸葛杰瑞)
Sample videos:
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* Livestream - CENSORSHIP in CHINA is to Protect the People on <<censorship>>
* Inside a Mosque XINJIANG Urumqi! on how <<xinjiang>> is great
* The Truth about Larung Gang - Tibetan Buddhists! on how <<tibet>> is great
* CHINA Changed us! ft. Oli BARRETT from <<barrett-channel>>
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====== World war ii propaganda (二战宣传) mentions some uncited ideas:

* one CIA operative drew up a plan to also have packets of extra-large condoms, labelled only "small" or "medium"
* the CIA made a propaganda porn film of President Sukarno of Indonesia

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====== World war 2 radio propaganda (二战电台宣传)
During WW2, lots of pro-<<nazi,Nazi>> and pro-Alllied radio propaganda was produced and transmitted to the enemy:
*[Radio propaganda]
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Most notable pro-Nazi ones:
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* William Joyce (alias[Lord Haw-Haw])
His broadcasts opened with "Germany calling, Germany calling" and were spoken in a faked affected upper-class English accent.
They seem to be very just boring propaganda news however, no jokes.
William Brooke Joyce (24 April 1906 – 3 January 1946), nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was an American-born British fascist politician and Nazi propaganda broadcaster to the United Kingdom during World War II. He took German citizenship in 1940.
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Joyce was convicted of one count of high treason in 1945 and sentenced to death, with the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords both upholding his conviction. He was hanged on 3 January 1946, making him the last person to be executed for treason in the United Kingdom.
** Lord Haw Haw William Joyce Final Broadcast 1945
** AP hanging news
*[Axis Sally]
**[Rita Zucca]
** Gillars[Mildred Gillars]. A large Hollywood production was made about her in 2021: Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally[American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally]
**[Philippe Henriot] pro-Nazi in French
*[Robert Henry Best], alias "Mr. Guess Who"
*[Jane Anderson], alias "The Georgia Peach"
*[Frederick Wilhelm Kaltenbach], alias "Lord Hee Haw"
Most notable Allied ones:
*[Sefton Delmer], who actually carried out[black propaganda] (false flag propaganda that identifies as coming from the enemy itself). Related terms:
**[White propaganda]: identifies its source, e.g. <<rfa>>
** Gray propaganda: does not identify source
**[political warfare]. The main photo of the wiki page is Sun Tzu :-)
***[Psychologial warfare]
. "Tokyo Rose" - WW2 Traitor or Victim? by  Mark Felton Productions (2021) talks about[Tokyo Rose] (東京玫瑰[東京玫瑰]), alias for several women who broadcast English propaganda for the Japanese, but most notably[Iva Toguri D'Aquino]. This one was really good, she was cute and made fun of herself, and played music, the Americans actually enjoyed listening to it. Soft power at its best.
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==== Real username law (2015)
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* 2015-03 China forces real usernames on the net, and provoking ones
** "New Internet Rules in China Target Usernames, Avatars as Subversive Tools"
** "Chinese internet giants purge 60,000 accounts for inappropriate usernames"
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And guess which idiotic Western websites requires real usernames and no privacy? <<quora>> and <<linkedin>>, of course:

===== Anonymous accounts ban (2017)

It is interesting to note that anonymous accounts are in theory banned, almost all Chinese people still have anonymous accounts, even <<little-pink,little pinks>>, brecause everyone is always afraid of saying the wrong thing, or of the payback of when the dictatorship falls.



* <<linkedin>> requires you to use the real username and photo
* <<anonymous-middle-fingers,Anonymous middle fingers (2021)>>
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==== Journalism
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===== Western journalists in China
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* 2020-09-21 "'You will be put into detention': Former ABC bureau chief tells story of fleeing China for first time"
* 2016 <<video-bbc-local-election-interview-block-2016>>
* 2015 Ursula Gauthier from <<liubukou-massacre,Luibukou massacre>>
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=== Social Credit System (社会信用体系)
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* 2019-06-04 "A Look Inside China's Social Credit System | NBC News Now" by "NBC News"
* 2018-12-12 "China's "Social Credit System" Has Caused More Than Just Public Shaming (HBO)" by "VICE News".[328s] shows how you can donate money to the party to increase your score. This is not a hidden practice, they were filmed and everyone is showing their faces. What a brilliant idea that could never ever lead to corruption! Ciro's jaw just dropped. How can the commies not hide this kind of shit from the West, but hide other stuff the West couldn't care less about?
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=== Chinese foreign interference campaigns (中国外国干涉运动)
See also:
* <<chinese-interference-in-western-media>>
* <<chinese-interference-in-the-western-education-systems>>
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* <<communist-bread>>
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* <<operation-fox-hunt>>
==== Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路)
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* Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries
* 17+1合作
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=== Communist Youth League of China (中国共产主义青年团)
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Had a membership of 109 million (by the[17th National Congress]).
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Such state sponsored youth organizations are a hallmark of <<dictatorship,dictatorships>>, and serve both as an indoctrination device, and as a selection tool for future politicians:
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* <<hitler-youth>>
*[Komsomol] was the Soviet youth organization
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One may argue that[the scouts] are[a similar organization in the West], but one notable difference is the scale of such dictatorship-led youth organizations.
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Related news:
* 2020-02-19: "The Communist Youth League Thought It Was Creating Patriotic Idols. Instead, It Started A Conversation About Women's Rights". The anime-style mascots are named Jiangshanjiao 江山娇 and Hongqiman 红旗漫.
==== Young Pioneers of China (中国少年先锋队)
<<brainwashed-by-usa,Brainwashing>> for kids younger than the <<communist-youth-league>>.
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* <<little-pink-american-dream-vs-chinese-dream,Little pink explains the difference between the American dream  and the Chinese dream>>
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.<<xi-jinping>> basically <<nazi,Nazi saluting>> representatives attending the 7th National Congress of the <<young-pioneers-of-china>> in Beijing, June 1, 2015.[Source] by <<xinhua>>.
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.<<hitler-youth>> giving the <<nazi,Nazi salute to Hitler>> in[1933].[Source].
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.Side-by-side comparisoin of <<xi-jinping>> saluting the <<young-pioneers-of-china>> and Hitler saluting the <<hitler-youth>>.
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===== Red Army school (红军小学)
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* 2017 "To Inspire Young Communists, China Turns to ‘Red Army’ Schools"
*红军小学/8664849 on <<baidu-baike>>
* on <<zhihu>> "如何评价中国的红军小学?" (What do you think about the Red Army schools?)
* 2017 on <<global-times>>
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.Children dressed in clear-blue Red-army uniforms saluting the flag at a <<red-army-school>> in[Beichuan] (北川羌族自治县[北川]), <<sichuan>>, 2015.[Source].
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===== Hitler Youth (希特勒青年团)
The <<nazi,Nazi Germany>> youth organization.
=== One-child policy (一孩政策, 1979–2015)
*一孩政策 suggests that a 1% increase in the male/female sex ratio raised violent and property crime rates by some 3%, mentioned with percentage error at
."Children: the cause of crime" spoof poster by <<scarfolk-council>> (2017). Applies perfectly to <<xinjiang>> forced abortion accusations. The <<one-child-policy>> also comes to mind.[Source].
=== Core socialist values (社会主义核心价值观)
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A list of 12 values the CCP claims to support, some of which are ridiculously and obviously the opposite, notably democracy and freedom.


* people in <<xinjiang>> being brainwashed to it: <<xinjiang-core-socialist-values,Xinjiang core socialist values>>.
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We made a single image mocking all of them at: <<core-socialist-values-collage,core socialist values collage>>:
* 富强 Prosperity: from from <<low-end-population>>
* 民主 Democracy: from <<tiananmen>> also shown at <<tiananmen-students-sitting,Tiananmen students sitting>>
* 文明 Civility: from from <<tiananmen>> also shown at <<tiananmen-girl-strife,tiananmen-girl-strife>>
* 和谐 Harmony: from from <<hong-kong-protests-2014>>
* 自由 Freedom: <<xinjiang-lop-county,Xinjiang Lop County>>
* 平等 Equality: <<lampstand-church-demolition,Lampstand chutch demolition>>
* 公正 Justice: from about <<liu-xiaobo>>
* 法治 Rule of law: <<jingjing-chacha>>
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* 爱国 Patriotism: from <<anonymous-middle-fingers,Anonymous middle fingers (2021)>> 
* 敬业 Dedication:[] from <<lie-flat-movement>>. Widely shared meme, could not determine original source anything .
* 诚信 Integrity:[] from <<bo-xilai>> seems like the best bet. Someone from <<panama-papers>>. Can't find a photo of Deng Jiagui, he just looks corrupt. Related: <<corruption>>.
* 友善 Friendship: maybe something from <<falun-gong>> oppression, also mentioned at <<falun-gong-police-step-over-head,falun-gong-police-step-over-head>>
TODO improve:
* 法治 Rule of law
* 文明 Civility
* 公正 Justice
* 平等 Equality
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.Core socialist values displayed on street near[Jiaguomen metro station] (建国门站[建国门站]) in Beijing on July 2021, with the most ridiculously fake ones highlighted by <<ciro-santilli>>.[Source].
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.Collage mocking each of the core socialist values by <<ciro-santilli>>. Image sources given at: <<core-socialist-values>>. Composition license: CC BY-SA 4.0 2021, most individual images are only fair use however.
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==== Democracy (民主)


The most obviously fake of the <<core-socialist-values>> that China does not have at all.

Why democracy would be good: <<richer>>.


* <<german-high-school-coordinator-2020>>

==== Rule of law (法治)
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The commies keep saying over and over that rule of law is always observed.
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Of course, some times shitty laws are passed, and we must fight those as well: <<follow-the-law>>.
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But many times, the commies don't even bother setting up a bad law, they just fuck a million people and that's it.
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But in reality they punish anyone who poses a political threat, even if they did nothing wrong themselves, some cases that come to mind:
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* <<xinjiang>>: millions were jailed/forced to live with a spy in their homes, even though they were not terrorists themselves
* <<falun-gong>>: what did they do wrong to other people that deserves putting them in jail? Is <<flg-medication>> enough to justify that? Are you sure that it is not a political motivation?
* <<the-709-crackdown>>: even lawyers who support anyone who went against the state are imprisoned. How can there be any justice when lawyers are put in jail due to their choice of clients?
* 2020-06 Hao Runze, son of <<hao-haidong>>, lost his job because his father spoke up against the CCP. Did the CCP speak up for him, like they speak up whenever a Chinese citizen gets hurt?
Notably, they punish people for their general beliefs rather than specific actions:
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* <<thoughtcrime>>
* <<flg-thoughtcrime>>
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.On 2021-03-31, a uniformed Chinese cop called Qelbinur Sedik, who was a teacher in the <<xinjiang-re-education-camps>> who[fled China and spoke to the media what she saw], to menace her through her sister, who is still in China. When he noticed that she had taken a screenshot due to a screenshot sound, he immediately took off the uniform.[Source].
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."Whatever you do, don't" spoof poster by <<scarfolk-council>> (2013). This applies perfectly to <<stack-overflow-mods-refuse-to-clarify-if-anti-ccp-imagery-is-allowed-or-not-2021>> Was actually given in the answer by Journeyman Geek's answer, and was the first time Ciro saw Scarfolk. so kudos for that.[Source].
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==== 709 crackdown (2015, 中國709維權律師大抓捕事件)
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Hundreds of human rights activists put into jail in quick succession. Short forms:
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* 709大抓捕
* 710律师劫
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709 refers to the date when the arrests started: 09 July 2015. There were about 200 arrests.
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It is impossible to have <<rule-of-law>> when the lawyers for certain causes always go to jail.
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News coverage:
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* 2015
** from <<programthink>>
** 2015-11-24 "回首2015:709律师大抓捕" by <<rfa>>
* 2017
** 2017-04
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Se also: <<intolerance>>
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.<<badiucao>> cartoon of about 40 of the arrested lawyers. TODO full name list.[Source].
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."I need to talk to a human rights lawyer. Well, you've come to the right place." by <<harry-harrison>> (2015), presumably referring to <<the-709-crackdown>>.[Source].
."Win your human rights" spoof poster by <<scarfolk-council>> (2016).[Source].
==== Picking quarrels and provoking trouble (寻衅滋事罪)
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===== Inciting subversion of state power (煽动颠覆国家政权罪)
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Also known in the West as <<richer,voting>>.
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===== Hurt the feelings of the Chinese people (伤害中国人民的感情)
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===== Politically sensitive (政治敏感)
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That's how the censors refer to stuff <<censorship,censored>> for political reasons, e.g.:
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* <<ciro-santillis-zhihu-ban-2018-06-25>>
* <<cac-report-website>>
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See also:
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* 知乎的"政治敏感",到底是谁的"政治敏感"呢? (Zhihu's "politically sensitive" is "politically sensitive" to whom?)
* "政治敏感"
* "习近平三招教你培养政治敏感性、预见性" (Xi Jinping's three methods teach you to <<flg-cult,cultivate>> political sensitivity and predictability).
This stuff could have come directly out of <<nineteen-eighty-four>>'s "thoughcrime" references.
On the website of a[Medical University], the CCP is infiltrated everywhere.
Related: <<xi-jinping-thought>>.
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Typing that on Google also suggested "People also searched for: 网络审查利弊" (What are the pros and cons of censorship?) Priceless. Bomb at:[]. <<dictatorship-variability>> comes to mind.
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===== Residential Surveillance at a Designated Location (指定居所监视居住)
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More accurately: in prison at a secret location, and without the rights to see who you wish, not even a lawyer.
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=== Support for non-scientific traditional practices
This is especially interesting given that one of the main propaganda reasons for banning <<falun-gong>> was <<flg-medication>>:
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* <<xu-xiaodong>> reveals support for Tai Chi
* 2020-06-03 Beijing considering censoring anti Chinese traditional medicine
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=== Police invite to drink tea (被请喝茶)
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* <<zhihu>> "被请喝茶是怎样的体验?"
* <<pincong>> "请大家都来曝光下身边被请喝茶或者拘留的例子,让葱油们引以为戒,让更多的人看到土共的凶残"
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=== Central Party School of the Communist Party of China (Central Party School, 中共中央党校, 中央党校))
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University to train the next dictators
Website: (Central Committee Party School).
== Chinese companies (中国公司)
=== Zoom
American company, with Chinese-born now American Citizen CEO[Eric Yuan] (袁征[袁征]), migrated to the US around 1997), and development teams largely China-based to reduce costs.
* 2020-12-18: China-based exec Xinjiang Jin ([靳新江]), AKA Julian Jin, charged with sabotaging Zoom conferences, FBI issued a wanted warrant for him.
** 2020-12-22 summarizes a bit more details about the block
** "US charges ex-Zoom employee with shutting down Tiananmen Square events"
Zoom statement:
"We learned during the course of our investigation that the China-based former employee charged today violated Zoom's policies by, among other things, attempting to circumvent certain internal access controls," it said.

It added that the employee "took actions resulting in the termination of several meetings in remembrance of Tiananmen Square and meetings involving religious and/or political activities" and "also shared or directed the sharing of a limited amount of individual user data with Chinese authorities".
** (possible uncofirmed linkedin)[]: Zhejiang University, (ex?) CISCO Webex. Work start date of 1981 could be birth date to enlarge work experience, and that would reach the correct age of 39.
* 2020-06-10 <<zhou-fengsuo>>'s account as blocked after a celebration of <<tiananmen>>, which was attended by many people from China. The account was later reinstated, Zoom said it acted on a CCP request on error, and it won't do this for users outside of China anymore:
** "U.S. lawmakers ask Zoom to clarify China ties after it suspends accounts"
** "Zoom closed account of U.S.-based Chinese activist 'to comply with local law'".
.2020-03-27 photo showing[UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson] using Zoom on a Cabinet meeting (a high level Government meeting) during <<covid>>. If you don't properly ban risky dictatorship-linked software, it will get used at the highest levels of Government by clueless people.[Source].
=== Huawei (华为, Chinese Qualcomm)
Just look at the Chinese name of the company:
* 华 (China)
* 为 (to do something for)
How can the West not see this?
No proof is needed. They belong to a <<dictatorship>>, and therefore must not be trusted. Doing so is always a risk which we should not take.
Also have a look at their Wikipedia page:
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Ren sought to reverse engineer foreign technologies with local researchers. At a time when all of China's telecommunications technology was imported from abroad, Ren hoped to build a domestic Chinese telecommunication company that could compete with, and ultimately replace, foreign competitors.
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During its first several years the company's business model consisted mainly of reselling private branch exchange (PBX) switches imported from Hong Kong. Meanwhile, it was reverse-engineering imported switches and investing heavily in research and development to manufacture its own technologies. By 1990 the company had approximately 600 R&D staff and began its own independent commercialization of PBX switches targeting hotels and small enterprises.
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The company's first major breakthrough came in 1993 when it launched its C&C08 program controlled telephone switch. It was by far the most powerful switch available in China at the time. By initially deploying in small cities and rural areas and placing emphasis on service and customizability, the company gained market share and made its way into the mainstream market.
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Huawei also won a key contract to build the first national telecommunications network for the People's Liberation Army, a deal one employee described as "small in terms of our overall business, but large in terms of our relationships". In 1994, founder Ren Zhengfei had a meeting with Party general secretary Jiang Zemin, telling him that "switching equipment technology was related to national security, and that a nation that did not have its own switching equipment was like one that lacked its own military." Jiang reportedly agreed with this assessment.
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Another major turning point for the company came in 1996 when the government in Beijing adopted an explicit policy of supporting domestic telecommunications manufacturers and restricting access to foreign competitors. Huawei was promoted by both the government and the military as a national champion, and established new research and development offices.
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At any point the Chinese government could make a request that they cannot deny.
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List of bad things Huawei has done: Mostly not political.
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List of Huawei joke:s "This project is collecting jokes about Huawei company that are deleted due to censorship. You are welcome to contribute."
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Some news:
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* 2021-01-13 "Huawei patent mentions use of Uighur-spotting tech". Related: <<em_nation_type_uygur-2020>>
* 5G 2019-2020
** in 2020 the UK was trying hard to get kicked out of the 5 eyes in 2020 by using 5G equipment from Huawei
** 2020-06-25 "Huawei's £1bn research centre near Cambridge approved" so despite all the 5G stuff, the UK still allows them to create a new research center in the UK... are they blind?
** ([archive]) "UK will allow Huawei to help build its 5G network despite US pressure"
** 2020-04-17 only after more than 10 thousand people died in the country during <<covid>> did the brits finally change their minds: "UK moves to drop Huawei as 5G vendor, citing China coronavirus transparency"
* 2018-12[Meng Wanzhou] (孟晚舟), daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei (任正非) and Huawei CFO as of 2018, was arrested in Canada because the US accused her of breaking Iran sanctions
** "Why are Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor still detained in China?" in apparent retaliation, under accusation of espionage.
** 2020-05-27 "Canada court finds against Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on double criminality; extradition trial to continue"
* 2019-11 "Has Huawei's Darkest Secret Just Been Exposed By This New Surveillance Report?" Xinjiang Papers reveal the extent of Huawei's involvement in <<xinjiang>>
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.When you send a good joke from your Huawei phone (你用你的华为手机发个好笑话的时候), <<xi-jinping>> is also listening and laughing with you, girls.[Source], shitty Chinese translation by <<ciro-santilli>>.
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2018-12-10 "Why does the whole world hate me" Huawei cartoon, where Huawei's shadow shows the[hammer and sickle] to suggest that Huawei is controlled by the CCP.[Source].
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-03-08 showing Huawei slapping the Statue of Liberty with "The Constitution of the United States" when Huawei sued the US Government for violating the Constitution when it banned government agencies from buying Huawei equipment. This illustrates the usual dilemma where <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,China uses Western freedom of speech as a weapon against the West itself>>.[Source].
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.Cartoon showing a huge China flag branded USB sucking up Western personal and military information like a vacuum cleaner in 2019-04-29 article entitled "Britain will regret doing business with Huawei". TODO cartoon author.[Source].
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.Cartoon suggesting that Huawei's 5G is a like a[Trojan Horse] being gifted to Europe. TODO: source of original non-China generic Trojan Horse background image that was edited and repurposed.[Source].
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-06-22 cartoon depicting Germany, Hungary and the United Kingdom as[Gollum]s from[The Lord of The Rings] and China as[Sauron] offering a ring which reads "5G to rule them" and "Huawei" to the Gollums who are eager to obtain it. This is a reference to The Lord of the Rings backstory in which Sauron bribed and controlled the rulers of the world by giving them[rings of power]. Now that Ciro thinks about it, maybe this was actually Tolkien making a reference to the political situation of his time.[Source].
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=== TikTok (Douyin, 抖音)
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* 2020-11-05 "A senior TikTok executive admitted the company used to censor content critical of China, 'specifically with regard to the Uighur situation'", related to: <<xinjiang-re-education-camps>>
* 2020-07 "TikTok unveils $200 million fund for U.S. creators": TikTok is trying to buy their stay in the West.
* 2020-07 "pple Suddenly Catches TikTok Secretly Spying On Millions Of iPhone Users" by reading from the clipboard
* 2020-06 India bans TikTok after Ladakh border tensions
* 2020-05 <<liu-keqing-singer>>
* 2019-11-28[]: "TikTok sorry for blocking teenager who disguised Xinjiang video as make-up tutorial". Subtitle: "Chinese-owned video sharing platform blocked Feroza Aziz after she posted film disguised as makeup tutorial"
* 2019-11
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* 2020-08 photo of ByteDance top brass with CCP members in Beijing and description of their meeting. Because obviously they have strong ties with the CCP like any other Chinese company.
* 2020-03 "The Chinese Tik-Tok just began an uninterrupted propaganda stream." during <<covid>>
* "Wife trying livestreaming on Douyin. Comes over to me in the middle of a stream and puts me on camera. After about a minute, notice pops up saying that foreigners are not allowed to appear on livestreams 'without permission'."
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Douyin does not seem to have a web interface: "有没有抖音网页版或者抖音电脑版?"
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=== Baidu (百度, Chinese Google)
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The "Google of China":
* Search engine: original business and still served at the toplevel domain
** Autocomplete suggestion for "Ciro Santilli": "cirosantilli的妻子" (Ciro Santilli's wife and Children)
** Clearly and obviously censors pages with <<keyword-attack,keywords>>, e.g.:
***["Ciro Santilli Stack Overflow"] hits and not郝海东冠状病六四事件法轮功 which has way greater reputation ([archive]). For example, a much smaller account with a much more common name hits: |
***["cirosantilli github"] does not hit ([archive])
*** but there does appear to be a manual aspect to the block possibly. For example, Ciro's top answer does hit, even though he has keywords in the page: to ([archive])
*** Pages censored in China do hit outside of China at least however, e.g.: first hits ([archive])
* Tieba blogging
* Maps
** Google Maps is not allowed to film in China for Streetview, so Baidu has its own
* Analytics
** 百度统计代码介绍
** the <<cac>> uses their analytics as of 2020
==== Baidu Baike (百度百科, Chinese censored Wikipedia clone)
The leading Chinese Wikipedia clone by <<baidu>>.
<<censorship,Censored to the brim>> needless to say, see e.g. <<baidu-baike-censorship-of-hao-haidong>>.
Seems to not have edit history. <<wayback-machine,History >> is bad for censorship, because you never know when you might need to rewrite it ;-) See also: <<nineteen-eighty-four>>.