Ciro Santilli authoredCiro Santilli authored
If Stack Overflow if blocked, there will be less good programmers to fight against the dictatorship
This is a good point, and one that does make me think.
The commies calculate their actions very well to stay in power.
Why don't they just take down the entire internet?
Because that would hurt them. People would go mad, and revolt.
By forcing them to do this, we are forcing them to do something they do not want, and thus making them weaker.
Programmers are more likely to develop better Firewall climbing tools is SO is blocked
If we don't take any action to show our dissatisfaction, the dictatorship never ends.
You are not Chinese, you can't interfere in Chinese politics
If I lived under a dictatorship, I would welcome foreign intervention.
The commies say that all foreigners are bad.
I disagree. There are good and bad ones.
The commies do this because most foreign countries are telling the Chinese to get rid of the dictatorship.
We live in the same world.
If China's economy is bad, my economy is worse.
If China's environment is bad, my environment is worse.