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Why are you attacking websites with censored keywords?

To increase the cost of censorship.

If commies censor things, they will get worse IT technology, and thus become less rich and powerfull.

Maybe this hurts my argument, but Hillary agrees: :-)

Since all they care about, like any other politicians, is power, the only way to make them stop censorship is to make the cost of censorship higher than not censoring.

The goal is to put them in a position where they have to choose between either:

  • power
  • censorship

but not both.

This repository is completely biased against the Chinese Government!

I prefer the term focused :-)

That being said, I take the agenda of information sources very seriously.

E.g. I try to clearly classify Communist Party and Falun Gong linked sources.

If programming websites get blocked, there will be less good programmers to fight against the dictatorship

This is a good point, and one that does make me think.

  1. The commies calculate their actions very well to stay in power.

    Why don't they just take down the entire Internet like they did in Xinjiang in 2010?

    Because that would hurt them:

    • people would go mad, and revolt
    • people would work less efficiently, making the country, and thus themselves, poorer

    So this puts pressure on them to take away the firewall.

  2. Programmers are more likely to develop better Firewall climbing tools if SO is blocked

  3. If we don't take any action to show our dissatisfaction, the dictatorship never ends.

    The commies exist like any other organization for a sole purpose: maintain their own power.

    If nothing is done to show dissatisfaction, they will never give up on that power.

    There are two extremes of action (both which I don't support):

    • everyone become a willing mindless slave of the leader: perfect stability
    • everyone take up arms and do terrorism: perfect instability

    But between those two extremes, what is the right measure? I think that saying nothing is too close to stability.

    I do see that one alternative scenario is that if we do nothing, maybe there will be more and more contact with Western countries, and the Chinese will see for themselves that we are not that bad, and eventually request democracy.

  4. Even if programmers get very powerful, it is not very likely that they will succeed to undo the dictatorship, they simply don't have enough power.

    I'd rather have a less strong dictatorship, than one with good programmers.

Censorship is necessary to protect China from harmful USA propaganda

I don't think this is below them, but:

  • without censorship, you would be much richer and stronger, and more able to defend yourselves
  • why does China also censor its own people in addition to foreign propaganda?
  • maybe this fear is greatly emphasised by the Chinese government beyond truth just to help them keep control of the country by fear and maintain their own power. Can the Americans really have that much influence in your country?
  • maybe the regions that want to split from China feel like China is not giving them anything back, and they are themselves looking for allies outside of China to help them split. With democracy, people are more likely to get what they want, and there will be split parties and votes.
  • the same argument can be used to justify any action, no matter how bad. E.g.: we must put all who criticize the government in jail, or else they will make China less united and weaker against the USA!

If anyone disagrees with the government they must be punished to keep the stability of the country

Destroying diversity is the best way to reach a point where everyone can agree to start a new big war and destroy everything.

The CCP thrives on the excessive fear it instigate into its own people.

How can society improve, if we are never allowed to try new things out?

Change does not require violence. Violence happens because the government punishes any dissidence, even if pacific, to retain its own power.

In democracies, radical policy changes happen without dropping a single drop of blood.

You are harming the Chinese programmers

What is the root of the harm: me or GFW?

There are bad things happening all over the world, why don't you fight for those causes as well / instead?

We have to choose the one we think is the worst, and focus on it.

What is worse is a subjective choice. For me:

  1. I love China and my Chinese GF
  2. I hate dictatorships, and China is the largest one

My SO username and protest time are not infinite.

You are not Chinese, you can't interfere in Chinese politics

  1. If I lived under a dictatorship, I would welcome foreign intervention.

    Even if you don't, I know several who do.

  2. The commies say that all foreigners are bad.

    I disagree. There are good and bad ones.

    The commies do this because most foreign countries are telling the Chinese to get rid of the dictatorship.

  3. We live in the same world.

    If China's economy is bad, my economy is worse.

    If China's environment is bad, my environment is worse.

    If China starts a war, I might have to fight it.

  4. You can't do anything about it.

    I don't like this argument, but in the end, this is what all politics comes down to: power.

    I recognize that in that sense, I may be similar to the CCP and any other political party.

You are not Chinese, you have been brainwashed by the USA know nothing about China

I don't doubt that you know more about China than me.

If you know something I don't, please tell me, I always want to learn.

But if you are Chinese, also consider that you have been brainwashed by the commies, and likely more than me since you live in a dictatorship.

In the Tweet you say "correctional facility", but reeducation through labour has been abolished

My bad here, the precise term is "jail". I'm not talking about: Unfortunately I can't edit a Tweet.

You have nothing to lose by doing that, but we Chinese programmers do

I think I have the most to lose personally: no enterprise who wants to do business with China will ever hire me for a high position.

I also have an increased risk of being hacked.

Chinese programmers all know how to climb the wall.

This is your personal problem, we have nothing to do with it, stop punishing us for it

We have to fight for justice for our fellows, or else when injustice happens to us, no one will fight for use either.

Every form of protest incurs some damage. E.g., if we manifest on the street, it generates a traffic jam.

I don't like it, but I think it is worth it.

What you are doing will never have any effect

That is true with high probability, just like any other individual which tries to influence 1B people.

Every action is statistical: I just push the balance a little bit towards freedom.

This FAQ and any talk is useless. You and I are wasting out times here.

The possibility of blocking Stack Overflow and GitHub is 1000x more useful than any talk, but it is still useless.

However, potentially blocking those websites takes 0 of my time, I just leave the content there, so it is worth my time.

To have an idea, in 2015 there are about:

And if we never start somewhere, nothing will ever happen.

You are using Stack Overflow in a way that it was not meant to be used, so what you are doing is in principle wrong

This is somewhat true, and I don't like myself for it.

But I think freedom is worth it.