Ciro Santilli authoredCiro Santilli authored
communities-that-censor-politics.md 1.06 KiB
Communities that sensor politics
Considering only websites not hosted in China of course, which are all censored already.
I'm not this user: https://github.com/cirosantilli-lovechina who only contributes to such projects.
Well, will likely be the case for a large proportion of projects:
- controlled by Chinese people
- controlled by enterprises, which only care about making money
But here we go:
- Urho3D https://urho3d.github.io on comment by Yao Wei Tjong http://archive.is/n7P3I The thread was later deleted, and my other threads had the links removed and were closed: http://archive.is/xK2LL and http://archive.is/bfHou An interesting side effect of this is that no-one in that forum can ever link to my posts since that website fetches titles, images and more. Waiting to see if they will add clear guidelines, or just use the Chinese method of having de-facto unsaid rules. It will be even more fun when my name itself becomes a censored keyword, and other people have at mentioned me. https://github.com/urho3d/Urho3D/pull/2216 http://archive.is/MgFJ2