@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ I also have doubts about certain things I do as expressed throughout this FAQ.
Also, I have never said that that anyone else is wrong.
In the end, I just end up thinking about new replies to things people say to me, and add them to this FAQ so that future replies will be faster to copy paste.
In the end, I just end up thinking about new replies to things people say to me, and add them to this FAQ so that future replies will be faster to copy paste. See also: <<better-to-do>>.
==== Have you ever lived in China?
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ This is how much time I spend on this to give you an idea:
* every week or two, someone sends me a message, I reply with "read the FAQ", and usually update
* I follow https://www.reddit.com/r/China amongst many other programming subs, and all major bad news show up there. See also: <<anti-commie-info>>
* when something bad enough comes up, I go to https://chinadigitaltimes.net/china/sensitive-words-series/ and update <<keyword-attack,my keyword attack>>. I've only been updating it on Stack Overflow these days, since GitHub does not show my profile name prominently.
* when something bad enough comes up, I go to https://chinadigitaltimes.net/china/sensitive-words-series/ and update <<keyword-attack,my keyword attack>>. I've only been updating it on Stack Overflow and GitHub these days.
Then I just contribute to programming websites exactly as I would if I weren't making this campaign.
@@ -1016,6 +1016,22 @@ When a government controls all information to make it look good, and no one can
It is much better to have some fake news, but also few sources which are likely telling the truth.
=== What is your reply strategy?
People get kind of passionate sometimes about politics. And some of them might also be just malicious wumaos, although it is generally not possible to distinguish between them.
In order to not waste too much time on those, I use the following strategy:
If the original thread post is not very interesting, I try to parse it quickly and reply once, always <<better-to-do,linking to the FAQ>>, and then unfollow.
I then do my best to never read the inevitable reply again. An interesting reply never follows from a non-interesting original post.
If the user keeps generating notifications, warning + temporary block.
If the post is outright useless and offensive, direct user block, with a link to the link:CONTRIBUTING.md[].
I have also been pointed out to the following reply strategy by C.K. Hung which might be of interest: https://ckhung0.blogspot.com/2017/07/50-cents-party.html
=== Falun Gong
==== Do you support FLG, or just use it because it is a censored?
@@ -1769,6 +1785,7 @@ How I find them: <<anti-commie-info>>.