* https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/location/china Front Line Defenders
* https://www.nchrd.org/ Chinese Human Rights Defenders
* http://cppc1989.blogspot.com/ 中國政治犯關注 China Political Prisoner Concern. Chinese blog with an infinite list of Chinese political prisoners.
=== Xu Xiaodong "Mad Dog" 徐晓冬
@@ -4203,6 +4204,9 @@ Here is one concrete and well documented example: <<zhihu-purge>>.
Or maybe why not <<t-shirt,go out on the street in China with a T-shirt with censored words and share some photos online>>?
.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1HdCIW2Xtk 2016-10-18 BBC stopped from visiting China independent candidate for local elections, Liu Huizhen (刘惠珍). They returned a few days later when the thugs weren't there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eroTCMRn2yQ[].
===== What happens if you wear a T-shirt with censored words in China?