.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jornal_da_Tarde[Jornal da Tarde] (Afternoon Newspaper) issue entitled on top "Os problemas da imprensa livre nas Américas" (The problems of the Free Press), followed by small rectangles with coverage of several countries such as the USA, Cuba, and others, but not Brazil. The bottom half of the page however hilariously contains recipes for "Doces" (Sweets) and "Salgados" (Salted dishes, especially https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hors_d'oeuvre[Hors d'oeuvre]), instead of the presumed coverage about Brazil. Possibly dated 1973 based on the top of the image. http://www.memorialdademocracia.com.br/card/noticia-censurada-da-lugar-a-camoes[Source].
.1974 edition of the nespaper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Estado_de_S._Paulo[O Estado de Sao Paulo] with a copy of some verses of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Os_Lusíadas[Os Lusíadas] in the middle of the front page, replacing material that was censored on the last minute. Os Lusiadas was written in 1572 and the most important epic poem of the Portuguese language. It is also of course completely irrelevant to anything to do with modern politics of the 1970's. <<ciro-santilli>> believes however that a related phenomena happens in China in the early 21st century: there is an incredible number of period dramas in Chinese television and cinema. Ciro believes that this is in part because it would be much harder to offend the <<censorship,CCP censors>> with this kind of old source material. Of course, the effect is that <<dictatorships-are-bad-for-the-arts>>. http://www.memorialdademocracia.com.br/card/noticia-censurada-da-lugar-a-camoes[Source].
* 2021-05-05 Jong-ryeol "Saebyeolbe" Park, Korean, Blizzard's Overwatch game, made Taiwan Hongkong remarks. The backed down unfortunately: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpQ7dOHxl2/
** https://kotaku.com/chinese-overwatch-teams-threaten-boycott-of-korean-play-1846828529 Chinese Overwatch Teams Threaten Boycott Of Korean Player For Statements On Taiwan And Hong Kong
* 2020 https://techcrunch.com/2020/09/07/scratch-ban-in-china/ Scratch visual programming language for children website blocked