@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ It is more productive for you to write in English, so that the rest of the West
Especially since it seems that most Chinese already know what you are talking about.
See also: <<what-is-your-chinese-level>>
See also: <<what-is-your-chinese-level>>.
===== You have a preconceived opinion about China that cannot be changed
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ See also: <<preconceived>>
==== Do you hate China?
On the contrary. China has my favorite food, language, history, culture and nature in the world. And because of that: <<would-you-like-to-live-in-china>>.
On the contrary. China has my favorite food, <<what-is-your-chinese-level,language>>, history, culture and nature in the world. And because of that: <<would-you-like-to-live-in-china>>.
As link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bjarne_Stroustrup[Bjarne] said:
@@ -929,6 +929,7 @@ In 2017 - 2018, details of internment camps are emerging.
It is still hard to get hard evidence, much like every other mass human rights violation, here go the best ones:
* 2019-03 https://shahit.biz/eng/ database of Xinjiang victims, with precise names, location, date of birth and ID card number of victims and testimonies
@@ -1068,7 +1069,7 @@ But every time I told them very clearly that I know where to download the books
And they have accepted that: they think I'm a good person, and they can accept that you can also be a good person even without doing FLG.
I do feel Falun Gong makes my mother-in-law more reluctant to use or actively search for <<flg-medicaiton,medication or treatment>>. But I think it is also linked to the fact that she didn't have a very good education or a good health system around. However, if we give her something, she will take it. My wife does not have any resistance to medication.
I do feel Falun Gong makes my mother-in-law more reluctant to use or actively search for <<flg-medication,medication or treatment>>. But I think it is also linked to the fact that she didn't have a very good education or a good health system around. However, if we give her something, she will take it. My wife does not have any resistance to medication.
==== In the Tweet you say "correctional facility", but reeducation through labour has been abolished