You can download the webpage locally from GitHub at:
Media such as images are not stored in this repository, but rather at to keep the lightweight clone. The locally downloaded HTML will then read images from that repository.
Media such as images are not stored in this repository, but rather at to keep the lightweight clone. The locally downloaded HTML will then read images from that repository. But we've learnt after creating that repository that the subdomain that serves the images is censored: <<github-censored-subdomains>>, so they might still be broken.
You can also clone locally with Git:
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ cd china-dictatorship
make MEDIA=../china-dictatorship-media
Given <<github-censored-subdomains>>, this might be the only way to view the images from China.
The cool thing about Git is that we can maintain several mirrors on multiple websites very easily:
* Canonical source and rendered output. If ever <<github-gov-takedowns>> we do this: <<strategy-if-this-repo-gets-added-to-github-gov-takedowns>>