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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

* <<zhihu-purge>>
* <<zhihu-censorship-of-hao-haidong>>
Other discussions:
===== Ciro Santilli's Zhihu purge 2019-11-03
On this day, not only the posts made by Ciro himself were deleted: he had never asked any questions or made any Zhuanlan posts himself, only replied to those. But that content made by other users was still removed. Therefore, this is not just a simple user ban, but active censorship.
Ciro received an email from
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您好,Ciro Santilli,很抱歉您的回答受到了牵连,您回答过的问题「 是谁维护的,为什么会收集邮箱地址?」因「违反互联网相关法律法规」已被删除。
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followed by Ciro's answer to <<zhihu-46957710>>. Ciro could not login anymore, the login screen showed:
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So likely someone must have used the fact that this was an edgy personally information release subject issue, and then someone from Zhihu decided to purge Ciro and anyone posts that ever talked about him.
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Ciro's blocked account:
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* before deletion:
* after deletion (redirects to login page):
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Random unblocked control account: ([archive]).
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Furthermore, all questions related to Ciro, including the posts criticizing him such as[] ([archive]), were taken down. This made Ciro laugh: in China, you can't even criticize that which is censored, or your post also gets taken down.
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Ciro then created an anonymous Zhihu account after this event.
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Interestingly however, the following answer came up later on: <<zhihu-ted-chiang-answer>> and stayed up for at least 5 months, which indicates that Zhihu did a one-off removal, and did not set up a filter for Ciro's name.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

====== Ciro Santilli's Zhihu ban 2018-06-25
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Ciro Santilli committed

<<ciro-santilli>> was banned from Zhihu on 2018-06-25 for "<<politically-sensitive>>" content.
As a result, since that time I will be answering Zhihu questions as issues in this repo with the `zhihu` label:
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I have however never posted anything politically sensitive on Zhihu, unless my name and profile picture have reached that distinction, and therefore the ban is clearly an unfair per-person ban.
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Ciro Santilli committed

But of course, all is fair in love and war, and politics.
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Posting any sensitive content on Chinese websites is a waste of time, since it only means that they will be removed and you will waste time creating a new account, I will never do that.
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Ciro Santilli committed

The only significant content I ever posted on Zhihu is the answer to: which is purely technical, and trivial replies on threads that other people have started about me. Have those people been blocked like me?
My posts are still up and it does not appear to be possible for people to see that I have been banned, but whenever I try to take any action on the website a popup appears saying:
由于严重违反 知乎社区管理规定 ,该帐号已被永久禁言
This includes liking, commenting, answering, asking or trying to update my profile to say that I have been blocked.
This message also shows on my public page for everyone to see: but they use some JavaScript scheme complicated enough that cannot capture it.
I still get notifications however, but I am unable to reply to them, especially given that all Chinese accounts, unlike mine, have no personal identifiable information due to the understandable fear Chinese citizens have of their own government, even though such accounts might be illegal in theory: <<anonymous-accounts-ban>>.
The only action that I can take now is to report abusive comments people make to me.
Obviously, the only effect of such ban is that I will create an <<anonymous-accounts-ban,anonymous account>> under Tor with a second cell phone if I wish to contribute in the future, and China will have less information about my political interests than before.
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Ciro Santilli committed

The private messages the website sends while banning you are:
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知乎管理员 :您好,根据用户举报,您的帐号发布了「<<politically-sensitive,政治敏感>>」内容,帐号已根据知乎社区规范被永久禁言。处理详情可查看社区服务中心。具体规范请查看知乎社区管理规定。 6月25日 16:37 回复 | 删除
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知乎管理员 :您好,根据用户举报,您的部分个人信息由于不符合知乎用户信息管理规范已被重置。用户名可以在设置页面中修改,修改后会自动进入审核等待通过;其他个人信息可以在个人主页中编辑。感谢您对知乎社区的理解和支持。 6月25日 16:37 回复 | 删除
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Those messages contain links to: | and |
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The ban came soon after I posted a link to my GitHub repo as a comment at: maybe they are related.
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====== Who reported Ciro Santilli on Zhihu
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At the same time the ban happened I received a public comment from user "Eureka" | on this thread: | saying:
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你滥用了github, 也滥用了Stackover。这个一个纯粹计算机、编程和知识分享的地方,请不要带入政治性的色彩。请不要这么做, 维护社区的非政治性、中立和技术性纯粹,是每个热爱cs的人应尽的义务。
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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I am unable to get a URL that shows the comment on, so I have no proof of this claim. If you trust me, then here is a screenshot:
Since I expect the ban lists to be private, I find it extremely likely that this was the user who reported me, unless both were simultaneously triggered by a third event which I have not seen. So correct me if I'm wrong here.
Users with the same user id `crb912`, related "Eureka" username or same profile picture, can be found at:
* (unable to archive)
* | which suggests a possible real name
By Googling the email found on the GitHub repos, we find: | which might, at last, contain a photo of my nemesis.
My public message to the reporter whomever he may be:
While you have also raised issues that were raised a thousand times before, and clearly answered in the FAQ, at least you were able to take some actual action leading to an actual ban, and I respect you for that.
I hope that one day you will redirect that cunning and initiative towards taking down the root cause of the problem, which are the Chinese communist Party and their Firewall themselves.
===== Zhihu questions related to Ciro Santilli
Parent section: <<backlinks>>
All Zhihu posts related to Ciro Santilli were deleted following <<zhihu-purge>>. Some had been deleted before.
* 2019-06-12: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "德国极端分子黑我们大中国!犯我中华者,虽远必诛!!". Ciro wonders why the poster thought Ciro was German.
* 2019-03: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "如何看待Github Trending上Ciro Santilli的众多开源项目?". Due to: being featured on Hacker News:
* 2018-11: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "如何评价Ciro Santilli对Stack Overflow和GitHub的扰乱?"
* 2017-03-07: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "StackOverflow 上的一个智障用户"
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** 2017-03 ([archive]) by ([archive]) "StackOverflow 上的一个智障用户" contains a copy of the post by the same author.
It just makes Ciro smile whenever he thinks that their post criticizing Ciro was deleted by the CCP, and they still might support the CCP, <<meant-to-be-used,Stockholm syndrome comes to mind>>.
As of 2020, that website generates a constant stream of incoming traffic to the issue it links to:[]. Unfortunately brglng was a coward and removed his comments leaving the conversation a bit broken, and this was before Ciro <<wayback-machine,web archived obsessively>>.
* 2015-08-18: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "你们怎么看stackoverflow上某人故意屏蔽中国访问的事件?"
A random control question that shows that 404's are actually deleted questions: ([archive]).
Mentions not yet deleted as of writing:
* at <<zhihu>>
====== Answer to the Zhihu question "How do you evaluate Ted Chiang's 'Evil Chinese Characters' essay?" "如何评价姜峯楠(Ted Chiang)在纽约客上的随笔《坏汉字》?"的回答 ([archive])
Contains reactions to the post: <<evil-chinese-characters-by-ted-chiang>>, and this answer says that even though Ciro Santilli is amazingly smart, he cannot be bothered to learn Chinese characters, quoting Ciro's comments from: <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese>>.
This post was interesting because it happened after <<zhihu-purge>>, which indicates that Zhihu did not setup an automated "Ciro Santilli" filter.
====== 是谁维护的,为什么会收集邮箱地址? ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])).
Asked in 2016-09 after Ciro published:
Deleted after <<zhihu-purge>>. Ciro's answer before deletion:
你用的git config user.email当然是公开的:谁都会git clone就知道了。
问题就是git repository很大,我们不会都clone.
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1. Google 把邮件从BigQuery删除
2. GitHub 更新他们的隐私声明GitHub Privacy Statement
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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Quora is a generally shitty website, with mechanisms that allow <<wumao,wumaos>> to quench freedom of speech.
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Ironically, as usual, is it also blocked in China:
* according to <<greatfire>>:
* 2018-03 news coverage
Examples of activity related to Ciro Santilli:

* 2016 Ciro Santilli's profile was blocked because it had Chinese keywords on both my username and credentials. Justification: "non-English".
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* 2017 created one in English: Cook <<tiananmen,Tiananmen Square>> Noodle Shop, from <<falun-sweden>>
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Added my Noodle shop to maps:,15.6687509,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x94603408e3c63fb3!8m2!3d60.6132538!4d15.6687509
Leach websites that picked it up:
Quora is also shitty because wumaos can downvote your answer privately regardless of reputation and make it become collapsed as "Answer may need improvement", which means it goes to the bottom and readers have to click an "expand collapsed answers" button to see it, so that very few people will ever see it.
Then have to appeal and wait for moderators to evaluate it.
This happened for example at: (see also <<t-shirt>>).
Ciro appealed in 2020-03-10 and the answer was reinstated on day later, but by then the question was already not being suggested as much to readers, and the other wumao answers (which criticize the USA rather than answering the question about China).
While there is some probability that the answers themselves are not wumaos, their upvoters almost certainly are and must be investigated.
Other shitty aspects of Quora include:
* block <<wayback-machine>> archives with their robots.txt, gotta use <<archive-today>>
* automatically add random topics that you don't care about to your suggestions, with no easy way to prevent that.
* questions cannot have more than one sentence. There used to be a question body, but it was replaced with a "link for context". Ridiculous.
As a result, on the few occasions that Ciro posts on Quora, all content will also be mirrored here. Ciro's China Quora answers include:
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*[What would happen if I walked around Beijing with a t-shirt that said "freedom of speech is pretty great"?] ([archive]) see also: <<t-shirt>>
*[What is the net worth of Xi Jinping?] see also: <<panama-papers>>
Some <<wumao,wumaos>>:
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*[]: a Han supremacist!
==== PTT Bulletin Board System 批踢踢實業坊
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Popular <<taiwan,Taiwanese>> forum system and server from 1995, pre HTML, works from telnet terminal, so likely very programmer heavy, and obviously anti-CCP, as of 2020 often shows <<falun-gong>> ads.
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<<ciro-santilli>>'s appearances on PTT:
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* 2020-10-09: 如何一秒惹怒中國人 (how to provoke a Chinese person in one second) by[abc60575986] saying "台灣是一個國家" (Taiwan is a country). Then[kugwa] linked to <<keyword-attack,Ciro Santilli's Stack Overflow profile>>
* 2020-01-31: "stackoverflow菁英卻痛恨中國" by["Eric0605 (我還有點餓)"] on the Gossiping board
* 2017-06-19 "Ciro Santilli <<the-709-crackdown,709大抓捕>> 六四事件 法轮" on the Gossiping board
* 2016-10-03 "Github也出現網軍了嗎?" by gocreating on the Soft_Job board
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Archaic, fucking impossible to learn how to use. Ciro Santilli hasn't managed yet, so if you want a reply from him, open an issue on this repo instead. Some tips:

* on the web UI rendering replies can be either likes (推 as in 推荐), dislikes (噓, hush!) or neutral (right arrow)
* per-page threads are basically flat. You can however reply to another post with a "Re:" post. One application of this seems to be to post images which might only be allowed on the thread starters, e.g.: is a "Re:" to It is not clear if Re: and original posts are interlinked in any way.
TODO: can anyone comment, without having a Taiwanese university address? This suggests no: Also asked at:
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A source informed Ciro that now only[NTU] alumni can have an account.

Maybe the email requirement is the only way to prevent <<wumao,wumaos>> from flooding the website.
Normal people see it on a web viewer hosted on:
However it is fucking impossible to web archive that web interface because there is a cookie I'm 18-years-old confirmation before the first connection.
This shows how to connect for the first time:
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luit -encoding big5 telnet
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But the main page says:
"本站目前暫停開放新帳號註冊。" "This site is currently suspended for new account registration."
And you try `new` it says: "目前無法註冊帳號![按任意鍵繼續]" "Account cannot be registered at this time."
Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed

OK, ptt2 went further:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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luit -encoding big5 telnet
Then there is a registration process that seem to require you to prove that you work at Taiwanese university, but not sure it is mandatory to post.
But I couldn't find Gossiping there either, which is the only board that matters, so not sure it is on this server.
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==== LIHKG (連登)



<<hong-kong>> Reddit. Requires a Hong Kong IP or university address to login, a bit in the spirit of <<ptt>> to avoid <<wumao>>.

TODO meaning of "LI"?

<<ciro-santilli>> mentions:

* 2018-07-31 Title: "依條友都幾屈機, 係Stack overflow撚共匪". I'm unable to understand the first sentence, but the end is something along "to play tricks on the commies". First comment (likely by OP): "佢個個人home page好多5毛留言, 唔知會唔會搞到block堆stackoverflow". The entire thread is about Ciro's <<stack-overflow>>.
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* 2019-10-05 "聽講GitHub好好用" (Attending lectures on GitHub is very useful.). But likely some <<slang,slang>> for politics, because on first comment "可以好好上去發表下愛國論". Then someone links to <<nine-nine-six-icu>>, then to the GitHub <<mirrors,mirror of this page>>, and then to <<gitee>>.
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* 2019-10-31 "Notepad{plus}{plus}新版代號「自由維吾爾」,GitHub網頁被灌爆,網站遭DDoS" about <<notepad>> "Free Uyghur" version. On page 3 comment links to Ciro's <<stack-overflow>> account. Big thread with 500+ likes.
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==== Google 谷歌
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Related subjects:
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* <<google-china>>
* <<google-cache>>
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===== Google mirrors 谷歌镜像
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Do the names mean anything? Are they owned? The fact that they are Alexa top 1000 domains is just so funny, Google redirects for China.
Alexa top 1000 domains and blocked in China as per <<greatfire>>:
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed large list of university Google/Google Scholar/Wikipedia/Twitter mirrors maintained by Chinese university students under an unified system. Each one asks for verification that you are from that university via some little known fact about the university:
* from[Zhejiang University] "需要验证您是否来自浙江大学". Question: "请问浙江大学内网最大的论坛中, 每天发帖量最大的版块是哪个?" (Ask your colleagues on the internal forum, what is the most popular section of the forum every day?)
* from[Nanjing University] "需要验证您是否来自南京大学" Question: "西大楼是哪个系的?" (Which department is in the big Western building?)
* 闭站维护中
No HTTPS?!?! Brains?!?!
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Lists of mirrors:
=== Christianity 基督教
The commies are not a fan. But as someone once told me: the commies are not a fan of a bunch of things!
As mentioned at there are only a few state approved churches under total CCP control, and the others are forbidden. For example one of them is called the[Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association]! God and CCP on the same sentence.[Pope Pius XII] excommunicated people from that organization who were appointing new Bishops!
* 2018-12 "100 Christians detained in China crackdown" published by CNN
* 2018-09 Vatican Christian pope makes deal with China
.<<rebel-pepper>> 2018-09 cartoon showing the Pope with a Christian cross containing the Hammer and Sickle communist symbol, in reference to one of the accords that the Vatican struck with the Chinese government.[Source].
* 2018-01 Chinese authorities demolish Christian mega-church "Golden Lampstand" sparking fears of religious persecution
.China's Golden Lampstand Church being demolished.[Source].
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* 2016 pastor 14 years jail
* 2015
.<<rebel-pepper>> 2018-09 cartoon showing Jesus and the Apostles in the Last Supper being arrested by CCP guards.[Source].
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.[Zhang Hongtu] cartoon showing <<mao-zedong,Mao Zedong>> and other communist officials at the Last Supper instead of Jesus and the Apostles.[Source].
. Nazi Jew deleted scene from <<life-of-brian-1979>>. If you want to stop <<christianity>>, don't put them in jail like the <<dictatorship,dictators>>. Do it the same way you stop dictators: with <<funny,comedy>>. Otherwise, the dictators remain in power, and <<intolerance,next person in jail, will be you>>. <<the-secret-life-of-brian-2007>> is a good documentary about it.

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. "How China uses intimidation, negotiation to bring Christians under its control" by CBC News: The National (2018). Talks about the Pope's deal with the CCP. Shows some good footage of a house church with a guard in front of the door.

==== Eastern Lightning 全能神教會 (1991-)


A persecuted Christian sect that believes that some Chinese woman is Jesus.

=== Gay rights LGBT权利
Yes, gay people are also <<evil-west,discriminated to different degrees in Western countries>>, and even legally prohibited notably in the Islamic world.
But <<intolerance,like all minorities>>, they are generally more fucked in <<dictatorship,dictatorships>>, since they can be easily crushed by majorities.
Therefore, all gay people must be against the CCP:
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* 2020-08-14 "Shanghai Pride cancelled after 11 years in blow to China’s LGBT community". "
Organisers are 'taking a break from scheduling any future events', they say in social media message".
** the Tweet: "上海骄傲节终止所有活动" (Shanhai Pride will be stopping all activities)
* 2020-01-07 "Why is China raising the prospect of same-sex marriage?"
* 2018 Weibo temporary homosexual ban:
** 2018-04-16 "China's Weibo reverses ban on 'homosexual' content after outcry", hashtags `#iamgay` and `#iamgaynotapervert`
** 2018-04-13
* 2017-07-16 "Chinese gay video ban sparks online backlash"
** 2017-06-30 "New Rules for Online Videos in China: "No Displays of Homosexuality""
* 2016-03-04 "China bans depictions of gay people on television". One of the most prominent series banned was link:++[Addicted (2016, 上瘾)].
.Widely distributed still from the Addicted 2016 series which was banned showing a presumably gay couple lying in bed.[Source].
* |中国同性恋史
* |各地LGBT权利
* <<gay-putin>>
* at <<zhihu>>
.Lesbian couple kissing in <<tiananmen,Tiananmen Square>> with Mao's painting and confused/disgusted guards in the background who are likely about to call their superiors to ask what they should do. The photo likely surfaced in 2006[as mentioned] in link:++[] which said it came form[Boing Boing]. It was not however picked up by any major website. Ciro actually thought this could have been ripped from some television series due to the amazing expression on the guards' faces. TODO: find the original Chinese source, translate the watermarks, and see if their identity is known.[Source].
.<<throne,Qing dynasty>> (18th–19th c.) panel from a scroll showing two men engaging in foreplay, apparently located in the[Kinsey Institute] as of 2005. For an ancient depiction of heterosexual sexual activity, see <<jin-ping-mei,this image>>.[Source].
== Russia 俄罗斯
Russia is clearly the number 2 <<dictatorship>> in the world by population / GDP and the link:[#1 nuclear arsenal], so here we go.
Ciro has always been curious about how Russia can be both oppressive and a appear democratic, unlike China which doesn't even try to pretend. This is what he gathers:
* the government controls all major media. If any media says bad things against them, the government finds pretexts to create lawsuits or increase taxes against such companies. Therefore all people end up thinking that the government is good.
* just like China, <<evil-west,they emphasize the threat of the foreign countries>>, especially the US, as a justification for having an oppressive power.
* the government puts pressure on any significant opposition candidate. One technique is to find some reason to put them in jail for two months, which by Russian law forbids them from participating in further elections. Only candidates that don't really stand a chance are left as a fake opposition. But if you reach some prominence, you start taking the same risks as politicians, although you are more likely to face more brutal illegal gangster violence threats as you are less visible
See also: <<communist-youth-league>>
While we are at it, some interesting news:
* 2019-12-14 "Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet". Russia's <<gfw>> is ready?
* 2018-04 "Russia to block Telegram app over encryption"
* 2017 Russia Jehovah's Witnesses banned after they lose appeal
* 2017
* 2016
* 1995 Vladislav Listyev
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The Russians have very different style to the Chinese, who are much more subtle, and just put people in jail or handicap them in several ways without killing them.
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Other political murders or attempts:
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* 2015 Boris Nemtsov Немцов, Борис Ефимович |Немцов,_Борис_Ефимович
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Some other interesting political suppression lists:
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*[list of journalists killed in Russia] (Список_журналистов,_убитых_в_России[Список журналистов, убитых в России]).
*[List of Soviet and Russian assassinations]
* 2017 "Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently or in suspicious ways"
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Freedom of speech reports:
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* 2017-07-18 "Online and On All Fronts Russia's Assault on Freedom of Expression"
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Other random stuff:
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* <<seventeen-moments-of-spring>>
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=== Federal List of Extremist Materials (Федеральный список экстремистских материалов)
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<<censorship-monitoring,Unlike the Chinese>>, they have a public list, each entry had a numerical ID even. This is the best thing ever made! The dream for <<keyword-attack,keyword attackers>>!
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Most of it appears to be anti/<<nazi>>, and notably anti-anti-semitic but several items are purely political anti-freedoms.
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One wonders if the majority of the items are just fillers to hide the really juicy anti-freedom ones.
We need to make a GitHub mirror of all of those some day!
The list:[] Here's an archive:[]. The website has a CSV for download with all entries at the bottom. Enca says the encoding is "MS-Windows code page 1251", convert to UTF-8 with:
iconv -f WINDOWS-1251 -t UTF-8//IGNORE export.csv
`//IGNORE` is needed because their fucking CSV export has a bug and otherwise `iconv` stops at the first error.
Result at:
From this we can grep, and then to overcome translation limits as there is no offline option yet:[], dump your selection on a gist and use Google translate on the Gist.
A website "dedicated" to bypassing censorship of the list:[]. TODO much of that website's content is not clearly marked as being on the list.
Some notable additions:
* 2791: "Blowing up Russia: Terror from Within" by <<litvinenko>>
* Religion
** 1171, 1172, 1173: "What is Scientology", which likely refers to this L. Ron Hubbard book.[] and two other books. Coverage:
** 2904: Jehovah's Witnesses website[]. Coverage:
* Ukraine due to <<russo-ukrainian-war>>
** 2596: A. M. Byvshev's poem "Ukrainian patriots", where he disagreed with Russian intervention in Donbass and supported military resistance by Ukrainians.
** searching for "суда" (Crimea) has dozens of hits
* Anti-Putin and apparently non hate-crime:
** 1000:
*** Leaflets with the following content: "Down with the power of the Cheka-nuty Putin and Medvedev", "Down with the power of the Cheka-nuty Putin"
*** Листовки следующего содержания: «Долой власть ЧК-нутых Путина и Медведева», «Долой власть ЧК-нутого Путина»
** 4071: <<gay-putin>>
** 4914:
*** The book "Where did Mr. Putin take Russia?" author Yu.E. Kozenkov (M., 2005 - 208 p.)
*** "Книга «Куда завел Россию мистер Путин?» автор Ю.Е. Козенков (М., 2005 – 208 с.)
==== Roskomnadzor (Роскомнадзор)
The Russian censorship body under <<putin>>. The Russian <<cac>>.
They are the ones who make Russian takedowns on <<github-gov-takedowns>>, e.g.
=== Putin Путин 普京 (1999-2008, 2012-∞)
* 2019-12-19: Putin proposes abolishing term limits. <<xi-abolishes-term-limits-2018-03,Learnt from Xi>>:
** 2020-03-25 vote delayed due to <<corona>>
* 2014 Putin khuylo!
==== Putin-sponsored poisonings
Russia apparently has a long list of poisoning political enemies:
* 2020 <<the-poisoning-of-alexei-navalny-2020>>
* 2018 <<skripal>>
* 2012 Alexander Perepilichny Перепеличный, Александр Юрьевич |Перепеличный,_Александр_Юрьевич
* 2006 <<litvinenko>>
* 2004 Anna Politkovskaya Анна Политковская |Политковская,_Анна_Степановна
* 2004 Viktor Yushchenko Ющенко, Виктор Андреевич |Ющенко,_Виктор_Андреевич
*[Poison laboratory of the Soviet secret services] (link:++Токсикологическая_лаборатория_НКВД_—_НКГБ_—_МГБ++[Токсикологическая лаборатория НКВД — НКГБ — МГБ])
==== Superputin
Meme partially supported by Putin himself, showing how physically strong and <<gay-putin,manly>> the president is. A form of <<ccp-cult,personality cult>>.
Similar to[Chuck Norris facts].
"Putin does manly things" photo galleries:
* 2017-06-07 ([archive])
.Putin swims Butterfly stroke in a Siberian lake around August 2009. The Telegraph[correctly interpreted this as a sign that he would be re-elected in 2012]. For reference[Lake Baikal in Siberia has a maximum temperature of 14 °C in summer]. Other dictators have used similar swim tactics before, the most notable possibly being <<mao-swim>>.[Source].
.Putin riding a horse shirtless[near Lake Seliger in August 2009].[Source].
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.Putin riding a bear.[Source].
.Putin riding a shark.[Source].
.Putin riding a giant eagle.[Source].
.Putin riding a meteor.[Source].

.Putin riding a dinosaur in a Sci-Fi planet.[Source].
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. "RASPUTIN - Vladimir Putin - Love The Way You Move (Funk Overload) @slocband" by Pace Audio (2016). Somewhere in the 2010's the[Rasputin 1978 song] by[Boney M.] saw a[meme resurgence] by adapting the song to refer to Vladmir Putin instead of the original song's originally intended[Grigori Rasputin]. This video adds amazing cute animations of Russian scientists trying to create the perfect funk dancing machine, and highlights the <<superputin>> meme as Putin himself is the perfect dancing machine in the end.

==== Gay Putin (2017)
Added to the <<federal-list-of-extremist-materials>>.
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<<gay-rights,Homosexuality>> is not super popular in Russia in general:
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* 2013 Russian gay propaganda law (2013) forbids the favorable depiction of homosexuality to minors
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.The possibly Gay Putin clown image banned in 2017.[Source].
.Possibly Gay Putin kissing possibly Gay <<flg-trump,Trump>> mural entitled[Make Everything Great Again] painted in Lithuania in 2016 by by artists Dominykas Čečkauskas and Mindaugas Bonanu. It references the[Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections]. It was[later vandalized]. Now we just need a Putin <<xi-jinping>> kiss. Trump Xi kiss[can be found here].[Source].
==== The poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal Серге́й Ви́кторович Скрипáль (2018-03-04)
For more poisonings see: <<putin-sponsored-poisonings>>.
In 4 March 2018, the Russian double agent and his daughter were poisoned with[Novichok agent] (Новичок_(отравляющие_вещества)[Новичо́к]), a Soviet-era nerve agent, which was likely put on their front door knob in[Salisbury, UK], exact address[Christie Miller Road]! Straight out of a spy novel.
On 30 June 2018, the man of an unlucky drug addict couple found the counterfeit expensive looking[Nina Ricci] Premier Jour perfume bottle containing the poison, and gave it to the woman who died. How unlucky can you fucking be, as if heavy drug addiction weren't enough, you still have to deal with fucking Russian Novichok!
.The assassination suspects Alexander Mishkin (Алекса́ндр Евге́ньевич Ми́шкин, alias Alexander Petrov) and Anatoliy Chepiga (Анатолий Владимирович Чепига, alias Ruslan Boshirov) in a CCTV still at Salisbury Station on 3rd March 2018 the day before the assassination. Both GRU and Alexander being a doctor, which is consistent with a poisoning assassination attempt. They later explained on an RT interview that they were visiting the[world renowned Salisbury Cathedral] in their 3 day trip to the UK, and that they <<gay-putin,were not gay>>. Some Western sources interpreted this as an intentional suggestion that they are gay, which for many Russians would imply that they cannot be FSB agents.[Source].
.Counterfeit Nina Ricci Premier Jour packet that contained the Novichok.[Source].
. "Full Skripal case interview with the UK's suspects (EXCLUSIVE)" by RT with Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. Not gay moment at:[461s].
==== Electoral fraud in Russian elections
Besides barring opposition from participating such as <<alexei-navalny>>, electoral fraud was off the charts:
. 2019-09-12 CCTV footage of Vasily Dyachenko (Василий Дьяченко), who had reported electoral fraud concerns regional 2019 elections, getting surprise punched in the stomach at the St. Petersburg polling station 1619, while the police who is right in front of it do nothing about it. English coverage:
. 2018-03-18 alleged[ballot stuffing electoral fraud] caught on CCTV in Lyubertsy, Moscow Oblast
video::3oSeRyaFllY[youtube,height=400,width=600] Мусора избили ребёнка и наблюдателей на выборах TODO find English version
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* Golos (Голос) is the main independent election monitor organization in Russia:
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==== The murder of Alexander Litvinenko Литвиненко, Александр Вальтерович (2006)
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Poisoned with polonium-210, for more poisonings see: <<putin-sponsored-poisonings>>:
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* 2006-10-29
** meets with two former FSB agents Dmitry Kovtun and Andrey Lugovoy at Millenium Hotel London TODO exact address
** eats with[Mario Scaramella] at an Itsu in London TODO exact address. <<ciro-santilli>> believes the[Itsu] food to be the real cause of death.
* 2006-11-01 falls ill
* 2006-11-03 admitted into hospital
* 2006-11-23 dies
* 2007-01-26 UK police says they had found a teapot at Millenium Hotel containing extremely high Poloninum-210 traces
* 2010-12 US leaked cables show that Dmitry Kovtun left "positive traces" of radioactive polonium-210 in Germany before departing for Britain
His 2002 book[Blowing up Russia: Terror from Within] (ФСБ_взрывает_Россию[ФСБ взрывает Россию: Федеральная служба безопасности — организатор террористических актов, похищений и убийств]) accuses the FSB of setting up false flag bombing operations, and figures on the <<federal-list-of-extremist-materials>>.
.Litvinenko in his death bed.
==== Mandatory registration of bloggers (2014)
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Bloggers with more than 3000 daily readers must register and cannot be anonymous.
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The following Chinese policies come to mind:
* <<icp-license>>
* <<anonymous-accounts-ban>>
=== Putin opposition
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*[Yegor Zhukov]: 2020-08-31 "Yegor Zhukov: Leading Russian opposition blogger beaten up", good photo of swallen face
==== Alexei Navalny (Навальный, Алексей Анатольевич)
Casually barred from the 2018 presidential campaign:
His Wiki page does say one thing of interest though, he has right wing tendencies which scared off liberals:
The BBC noted in a profile of Navalny that his endorsement of a political campaign called "Stop feeding the Caucasus" and his willingness to speak at ultra-nationalist events "have caused concern among liberals".
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This video of his might have been added to the <<federal-list-of-extremist-materials>>, wiki:[], coverage: but I can't find where it is in the list exactly.
===== The poisoning of Alexei Navalny (2020)
For more poisonings see: <<putin-sponsored-poisonings>>.
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The second one! The first one was in 2019, but this one is more serious, the German government said tests confirmed it unequivocally that it was Novichok, which was also recently used in <<skripal>>.
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* 2020-10-18 60 Minutes interview, they flew over to Germany to interview him. He looks normal.
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* 2020-09-05 "Alexei Navalny: Trump refuses to condemn Russia over poisoning"
President Donald Trump has refused to condemn Russia over the poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny, saying he has not seen proof.

He said the case was "tragic" but urged reporters to focus instead on China, which he said was a bigger threat to the world than Russia.
Even after Germany and NATO said it was Novichok for sure... He must be <<putin-trump-kiss,sucking Putin's cock>> to have more nukes pointed against China, or maybe with some cyberhacking for the reelection campaign. Perhaps not a bad strategy, but does completely disregard human rights. Do <<violence,the ends justify the means>>?
+ Pompeo then condemned.
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2020-09-14: laboratories in France and Sweden independently confirmed:
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* 2020-09-04 good timeline of events so far
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* 2020-09-02 "Aleksei Navalny Was Poisoned With Novichok, Germany Says". Tests done on a military weapons facility, which the German government said was based on "unequivocal evidence".
* 2020-08-24 "Alexei Navalny: Putin critic 'probably poisoned' - doctors"
He was forcibly kept in Russia for a few days to make the poison effect undetectable before they allowed him to be flown to Berlin.
Several policemen prevented family access to him while in Russia.
First doctors told family he was poisoned, but then soon after they changed their minds to some random excuse.
Poison effects consistent with[cholinesterase inhibitors], but the exact substance was not identified in tests.
.Photo published on <<alexei-navalny,Navalny>>'s Twitter on 2020-09-15 of him sitting awake in a hospital bed in Germany with his family.[Source].

==== 2020 Khabarovsk Krai protests (Протесты в Хабаровском крае)
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In support to[Sergei Furgal] (Фургал,_Сергей_Иванович[Фургал, Сергей Иванович]).
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=== Censorship of images in the Soviet Union
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.Before/after comparison of picture of Stalin with Nikolai Yezhov at the Moscow Canal. Nikolai was edited out form the second picture. (Credit: Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images & AFP/GettyImages)[Source].
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.A meeting of the St. Petersburg chapter of the Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class in February 1897, including Lenin and Alexander Malchenko.[Source].
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.Same as above, but with Alexander Malchenko edited out. link:++[Source].
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=== Stalin 斯大林 (1922-1952)
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.[Light Yagami] from[Death Note]: "I can kill anyone by simply writing his name here". Stalin: "Bitch please".[Source].
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. "Rasputin vs Stalin." Epic Rap Battles of History YouTube video. This is fire.[Explanations].
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=== Russo-Ukrainian War (2014-)
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* link:++Російсько-українська_війна_(з_2014)++[]
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==== Mykola Semena (Семена Микола Михайлович)
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Ukrainina, worked for <<rferl>> previously, and published against the annexation of Ukraina territories.
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Ciro Santilli committed suggests that one of her articles was added to the <<federal-list-of-extremist-materials>>, possibly "Blockade–the Necessary First Step for Liberation of Crimea", but I can't find the entry.
=== Anti Russia dictatorship sources
==== Radio Free Europe (Радио_«Свобода»)
USA funded sister media of the <<rfa>>.
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== Thailand (泰国)
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It is a crime to criticize the royal family:
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As[Terry Gilliam] brilliantly says in the <<the-secret-life-of-brian-2007>>[]:
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I was always convinced that there is no where you should't go. There are no[sacred cows]. And if there are, if they are really sacred, let's see how much we puncture them and see if they still float.
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Or in other word:
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Vajiralongkorn, you little piece of shit, grow some balls and learn how to take an insult. A man who cannot take an insult is not a man, but a big pussy.
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Everyone who has political power must know how to be laughed at criticized, otherwise <<dictatorship,dicatorship>> follows.
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* 2020-08-24 "After restricting a group critical of Thailand’s monarchy, Facebook says it will take legal action against the government"
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.Side-by-side comparison between[Thai King Vajiralongkorn] and[Hamtaro]. This is the Thai version of <<winnie-the-pooh>>. It[has been used by protesters] as part of the[2020 Thai protests]. Left[photo source].
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.Leading Thai politicians prostrate themselves before Vajiralongkorn in 2016, presumably during his ascention to the throne.[Source].
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.Suthida Tidjai, Vajiralongkorn's wife, prostrated before him during their marriage in 2016 before he officially ascended to the throne. Yes, prostation is a big thing in Thailand. An older king, Rama V, had apparently even[abolished this practice in 1873]. Clearly, <<xi-jinping>> could learn a thing or two from a proper monarch like Vajiralongkorn.[Source].
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== Military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985)

One of Ciro's favorite stories about the dictatorship is how cake recipes or classicalís_de_Camões[Luís_de_Camões (1524-1580)] poetry were introduced in newspapers to replace news that had been <<censorship,censored>> in the last minute:

* (pt)

Who would have thought that even the limiting and ancient limitations of[pagination] would have their usefulness!!! Today's Chinese censors have it easy, as they can just remove the stuff and that damned HTML reflow automatically to fit.

. Apesar de Você (In spite of you [the Dictatorship])] by[Chico Buarque] (1970). This is one of the many anti-Brazilian-dictatorship songs of the time, and Ciro really enjoys it.[Lyrics with translation]. Top quotes: "You [the dictatorship] who invented this State, who invented sin, forgot to invent forgiveness." and "Where will you hide, from the enormous euphoria [of a revolution]? How will you prohibit it when the rooster insists in singing?". Slideshows with that song have been made for several events, e.g.[the Syrian civil war], and Ciro would like to do a China-themed one as well one day.

.[Jornal da Tarde] (Afternoon Newspaper) issue entitled on top "Os problemas da imprensa livre nas Américas" (The problems of the Free Press), followed by small rectangles with coverage of several countries such as the USA, Cuba, and others, but not Brazil. The bottom half of the page however hilariously contains recipes for "Doces" (Sweets) and "Salgados" (Dishes), instead of the presumed coverage about Brazil.[Source].

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== Falun Gong (法轮功)
<<flg-religion,Religion>> created in the '80s by a Chinese dude called <<li-hongzhi>>.
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With the support of the Communist Party to Qigong movements, it reached 70 million believers in 1999, at which point the commies decided they had to be shut down and banned the religion.

Li fled to the USA and lives near New York, where he continues to run the religion as of 2020.
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.<<falun-gong>> believer arrested by police in Beijing <<tiananmen,Tiananmen Square>> in 2000-01-10.[Source].
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. Tim and Eric's Zone Theory. If you want to stop <<falun-gong>>, don't put them in jail like the <<dictatorship,dictators>>. Do it the same way you stop dictators: with <<funny,comedy>>. Otherwise, the dictators remain in power, and <<intolerance,next person in jail, will be you>>.
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. YouTubber under pseudonym "Aarvoll" (TODO full real name, face shown in channel all the time) tells about his experience playing trumpet for Shen Yun in 2013 as a non-believer and Falun Gong in general. Reading the sacred books and doing Falun Gong exercises were mandatory. He also talks about <<flg-organized>>. Ciro agrees/finds what he says convincing. In one interesting anecdote, he tells how although Li Hongzhi claims to be a God, he looked like an average slightly overweight dude, and had a trumpet since he used to play it, but couldn't really play it because he hadn't practiced in so long. He also comments on the obvious fact that Li does not speak English very well, e.g. on the Shen Yun tour bus he was there one day answering questions, and a translator was needed.

. Christine Marie, founder of[Voices for Dignity] which takes care of[FLDS] leaves, was interviewed in VICE documentary "Polygamist Mafia: Escaping The Kingston Clan". While Ciro does not believe Falun Gong is as extreme as FLDS, he does really like the things Christine says. E.g., she calls "cult leaders" with the neutral <<flg-religion,religious>> form "<<li-hongzhi,prophet>>", just like Ciro, and mentions the important fact that "And the another thing that the public doesn't realise, is that there are also beautiful thing within those communities". This is the mindset of <<intolerance,tolerance>> that the world needs.
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=== Why is it important to talk about Falun Gong?
The main reason <<ciro-santilli>> emphasizes FLG is that it shows how the CCP can mercilessly crush a 70M strong group (according to CCPs own statistics) out of a population of 1.3B in 2000, i.e. 5% of the population, and of course not because of <<flg-bias>>, since Ciro is completely and totally unbiased.
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If that number is correct, Ciro wonders curious what you would consider an important movement? :-)

Anything much larger would take down the government and change China's history forever.

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OK, maybe the fact that 69M of those were likely old ladies didn't help much either. Tip to next <<li-hongzhi,prophet>>: make something that appeals to aspiring military officers.

Let's try to gather some well sourced footage showing huge numbers of believers on the streets:

* AP Archive: could not find a good one there
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* rehashes of Falun Gong propaganda videos with good footage:
** contains old good footage
** Chinese with English subs, above is rehashed from this one most likely
.Thousands of <<falun-gong>> practitioners in Guangzhou, China, 1998.[Source].
.Thousands of <<falun-gong>> practitioners in Liaoning Industrial Exhibition, China, likely 1998.[Source].
.Hundreds of <<falun-gong>> believers in Chengdu, China, 1998.[Source].
=== Does Ciro Santilli believe in or practice Falun Gong? 三西猴相信法轮功吗?
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No, Ciro is[agnostic] (不可知论[不可知论]) and therefore believes that all the metaphysics that <<li-hongzhi>> says is bullshit.
Here are some things that he doesn't like about Falun Gong for example: <<things-ciro-santilli-dislikes-about-falun-gong>>.
Ciro believes Falun Gong can be split into two parts, like any other <<flg-religion,religion>>:
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* the "self-help" "how to live well" part, including the physical exercises and meditation, which cannot be proven or disproven, like any other self-help and <<democracy-is-a-religion,political opinion>>
* the metaphysics, most notably, Li Hongzhi is a living God, and all other non verifiable things he claims like aliens, alternate dimensions, etc., see:
** <<flg-religion>>
** <<flg-verifiable>>
Ciro thinks that FLG's self-help part could potentially be good for you, just like many other meditative practices such as Yoga, Buddhist meditation, Tai chi, deep Catholic prayer, etc. As far as he has heard, all of it sounded good standard religious self-help: be peaceful, be good to others, etc. Like any other well managed religion, FLG does have good things to offer, see also: <<christine-marie>>.
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However Ciro believes that the metaphysics is all complete and utter bullshit, child stories made up by Li Hongzhi, and just as real as Father Christmas or the[Flying Spaghetti Monster].
Also the "obligation to reach Salvation" is boring like for many other prophetic <<flg-religion,religion>>.

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From a purely strategic point of view, the metaphysics is a trade-off:

* some people will believe you are a freaking living God
* others will laugh at you and say you are a charlatan

It may be argued however that Li played this card beautifully: since all Chinese power is concentrated in the CCP, any non-CCP movement dies out, so he was better off long run playing the metaphysics game. The only other choice would have been joining the CCP.

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To Ciro it is obvious that Falun Gong is just one of the many very similar movements that came out of the Qi Gong Boom, such as: <<zhong-gong>>. It just happens to be the one that survived due to better luck and strategy.

The absolute truth is already known by the <<li-hongzhi,prophet>>, although he does not want to give clear evidence for reasons: <<flg-verifiable>>, and Ciro finds that utterly boring. There's no fun in living in a world where the absolute truth has been found.
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For these reasons, Ciro cannot bother to read even into the self-help part: how can you read that when there is so much bullshit every other page?

Ciro would really like to know if <<li-hongzhi>> really believes in FLG himself, or is just a complete manipulating charlatan, but unfortunately we will never know that. Just imagine if before he died he published a video saying: "it was a joke, gotcha!". Now that would be **epic**!
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Since Ciro is good-natured, it's hard for him to believe that he doesn't believe in anything, how can anyone be that evil? Maybe he believes in part of it, but made up some stuff to sell it better, maybe with good intentions that selling the fake part would also lead more people to see the good part?
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Like any other prophetic religion, FLG gives tiny evidence that you can directly feel through meditation. The energies, which Ciro believe are real feelings. And then using that entry point asks you to believe a whole lot more, that you can't feel: <<flg-verifiable>>.

This becomes especially strong when a critical mass of believers is reached, and then they start interpreting all sorts of events as miracles, and you start to believe other believers without questioning them, and a circle is formed.

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This post by a former believer gives what Ciro feels is a realistic account that matches Ciro's observations: <<me-and-li-by-ben-hurley-2017>>.
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And yet, all those who love freedom, must oppose FLG ban, or be themselves enslaved by tyrants themselves: <<democracy-is-a-religion>>.
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In any case, at least FLG got one thing right: the commies are <<ccp-evil,evil>>, and we have to get rid of them.
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See also: <<flg-fake>>.
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==== How much does Ciro Santilli know about Falun Gong? 三西猴对法轮功有多熟悉?

He hasn't read their <<flg-canon,canon>> himself, no patience, but he has had <<flg-bias,constant contact with believers>> and so has an idea of its content.

Ciro has summarized his thoughts about <<falun-gong>> at: <<does-ciro-santilli-believe-in-or-practice-falun-gong>> and <<flg-religion>>

=== Is Falun Gong a religion? 法轮功是一个宗教吗?
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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If asked if they follow a religion, most FLG believers will say "no", and <<li-hongzhi>> explicitly says that in <<flg-canon>>, e.g.[]:

Falun Dafa is not a religion, but future generations will regard it as one.
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E.g. they call themselves "practitioners" or "students" (学员) or "disciples of the Great Law" (大法弟子, or mare accurately, of <<li-hongzhi>>'s Law) instead of "believers", and their peers "practitioner colleagues" (同修[同修]).

And if you say you don't believe in their FLG metaphysics bullshit, they will often reply "he does not understand".

To them, it is not about belief, the truth is clear, and you just don't see it yet.
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To this you should reply: "and you don't understand that <<li-hongzhi,Li Hongzhi>> is a master manipulator dude who deceived you and millions of others".

But <<ciro-santilli>> strongly believes that this is just a language barrier/FLG propaganda question (see also "Different levels of truth" from <<orange-papers>>), and that 99.9999% of people in the West would classify FLG as a religion just like <<christianity>> if they are told about FLG's beliefs:

* absolute truth comes from an enlightened <<li-hongzhi,prophet>>, who is perfect and has superhuman abilities