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. English version taken from a scene of the link:++érables_(2012_film)++[Les Misérables (2012)] film.
. Original French version, overlayed on top of scenes from the miniseries,_ennemi_d%27État["Victor Hugo, ennemi d'État 2018"].
. Thousands sing 問誰未發聲 in 26th June 2019 in Hong Kong as a protest song.
== The best Chinese traditional instrumental music albums (中国传统器乐音乐)
Much like <<restaurants,real Chinese food>>, your mind will be blown.
The best approach is to start with the largest multi-artist anthologies available to get a general overview of what is there.
Then, you can start Googling by instrument. The main four instruments are undoubtedly:
** <<suwu>> hearding sheep (苏武牧羊) by Erhu virtuosa Song Fei (宋飛[宋飛]):
but there is also amazing content on others including:
*[Suona]. Sample:
*[Xiao flute]
and there is of course the infinite Wikipedia instrument list:
Quality indicators:
* bad:
** Western instruments or modern digital effects
** on YouTube: "relax" videos with boring generic music.
They usually have some cute landscape scenes or overly produced good looking women as the thumbnail.
Good video covers will show the musicians with their instruments, or Chinese traditional painting.
* good: single instrument solo. There are some good multi-instrument and songs as well though, but harder to find.
Due to the language and political barrier, Chinese traditional music distribution is unfortunately atrocious, so learn what an[ISRC] is and don't use BitTorrent which the Chinese call "BT".
If you find album cover pictures on Google images, the ISRC should be somewhere on the back.
Other good lists:
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=== Free music (免费音乐)
Here are the few best I've seen. Not enough to replace the non-free, but pretty good.
* my "Chinese Traditional Music YouTube playlist with all good music videos I found on YouTube. This will give you an initial idea.
** Notable longer videos
*** 42 minute live Guqin presentation by Chen Leiji published by "Asia Society" on Jan 23, 2018, recorded in New York, January 20, 2018.
** Channels
*** 自得琴社 Zi De Guqin Studio. Amazing production.
*** "SoundofChina Guzheng" channel with a lot of guzheng content!
** Good YouTube lists
*** "Chinese" by "Ungern Sternberg"
* John Thompson's Guqin website. Holy crap amazing list of Guqin pieces by the guy for MP3 download!
** Download all mp3: `wget -r -np -l 1 -A mp3`. Contacted John by email in 2019 telling him to put his stuff on YouTube and offering help.
** John focuses on playing the tunes in a "historically informed performance", in particular using silk strings rather than metal ones which are used by most modern artists:
* several loose tracks for direct download. Not sure if legal, but has been up forever. The following sections are pretty good:
** music from the["Dream of the Red Chamber" 1987 TV series]. Amazing!!! See also: <<television-series>>.
=== Non-free music
==== Master of Chinese Traditional Music 中国民族音乐大师系列
20-CD anthology.
ISRC of CD 1: CN-E01-04-450-00 / A.J6
Amazon link of CD 1: ([archive])
Publisher: <<china-record-corporation>>.
Chinese information:
English information with Google Translate:
English song names properly copied from images:
A search on Amazon leads many of their albums in loose form: and you can patch together most of them by looking at the following two cover art styles:
TODO golden cover vs gray cover: ([archive]), TODO find the precise list.
==== Masters of Chinese Traditional Music Solo Appreciation 中国民乐大师纯独奏鉴赏
14-CD anthology.
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ISRC: CN-A50-06-389-00 / A.J6 (seems to be for the whole anthology)
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Chinese information:
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Chinese name: 中国民乐大师纯独奏鉴赏
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Publisher: Chinese Musicians' Association |中国音乐家协会
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==== Chinese Ancient Music 中国古乐
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ISRC of CD 1: CN-F13-03-435-00 / A.J6
Publisher: <<china-record-corporation>>.
Amazon link of CD 1: ([archive]).
English tracklist and front covers:
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==== Not-free TODO evaluate
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* Treasury Of Chinese Musical Instruments
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=== Music publishers
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==== China Record Corporation (中国唱片总公司)
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The most important publisher, AKA "CRC Jianian".
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<<ccp-evil,Government-owned unfortunately>>, their website takes forever to load:[], and features mostly Communist shit, and I can't find the decent traditional music listed there.
One thing to try is an Amazon advanced search by label "China Record Co":
== Chinese festivals (中国节日)
=== Dragon Boat Festival (端午节)
The third most important festival in China, after the Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival.
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== Chinese history (中国历史)
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=== Spring and Autumn period (春秋时代, 771-476 BC)
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=== Warring States period (战国时期, 475-221)
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== The best Chinese supermarket food products (中国超市食物)
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For more daily needs, when you don't want to spend more money and time at a restaurant, here are a few nice things you can get from your local Chinese supermarket and quickly make something good to eat.
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* huge dabaicai statue ([napa cabbage])
=== Dumplings 饺子 (jiao3 zi)
A staple food of North-east China.
You can buy them frozen on bags with about 20 for about 4 dollars.
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Just boil 10-15 for 10 minutes and you have a decent ready-made meal!
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The perfect cooking technique includes:
* at first, before they float, stir often with chopsticks so that they won't stick to the hot bottom of the pan, which will cause the peel to break
* don't ever ever ever overcook. Cook the minimum possible so that it is not raw. This also means taking the jiaozi out of the hot water as soon as they are done.
* after the dumplings rise to the surface after a few minutes, let it boil, and then put some cold water on top of the hot water. Repeat this two, three or four times until they are fully cooked. This helps the jiazi keep a strong peel.
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The best way to eat them is to pour some vinegar and ready-to-eat spicy preparations like <<laoganma>> or Ciro's favorite, <<fansaoguang>> in the bowl, and then dip them one by one.
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You can also drink the soup, or for cold days, actually eat the jiaozi with their soup. Ciro likes to add soy sauce and more of the above mentioned spices.
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Can also be made by hand if you have the patience.
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<<ciro-santilli>> could basically eat those every 3-4 days and not get tired.
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.Fresh Asia Brand (香源) product line "hand crafted water dumplings" (手工水餃) is a good brand to buy if you can get it.[Source].
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. How to Cook Frozen Dumplings (Boil) by "Yongle Kitchen" shows the cool water pouring process.
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=== Chinese buns 包子 (bao1 zi) |包子
You can buy them frozen on bags with about 4 for about 4 dollars.
The best way to heat them up by far is to steam.
If you don't have a steaming pot, you can also put them on a bowl inside a regular pot with some water at the bottom, and close the lid.
See also: <<xi-jinping-memes,習包子>>.
=== Zongzi 粽子 (zong4 zi)
Eaten during <<dragon-boat-festival>>, but can be bought year round.
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Buy frozen. Pick the ones with meat and eggs!!! Boil.
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Cost about 4 dollars for 2.
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You can't eat them every day because too heavy, but they are so amazingly tasty!!!
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=== Sunflower seeds (瓜子, gua1 zi)
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They are roasted and prepared with some flavoring, often green tea.
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They are different from most Western ones you can find, because they tend harde and smooth, and the seeds are not open.
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This is good because it makes you feel the flavour that was added to the skin as you break them open.
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You have to learn how to open them with your front teeth.
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Once you do that, you start eating them nonstop like a machine until the bag is empty.
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. Chinese dude eating sunflower seeds for 9 hours non-stop. That's a good brand to get BTW:洽洽食品[Chacha Food (洽洽食品)].
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.[Qiaqia] (洽洽食品[洽洽]) sunflower seeds. TODO flavor name? The red one is the "default" flavor, and likely the best. The name of the brand is likely onomatopoeic with the sound of eating sunflower seeds. Partial transcription: "洽洽香瓜子 百煮如未香" Photo by <<ciro-santilli>>, CC BY-SA 4.0 2021.
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=== Dried broad bean snack (干蚕豆, gan1 can2 dou4)
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The name of broad bean in Chinese is interesting: it literally means "silkworm bean", because the shape of the bean looks a bit like that of a silkworm cocoon.
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.[Six Fortune (六福)] is a good brand of <<broad-beans>> to buy. Also they are from <<taiwan>>.[Source].
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=== Lao Gan Ma crispy chilly oil 老干妈 (lao3 gan1 ma1)
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You can basically add it to any stir fried dish ever if it is too bland.
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The one with peanuts or black beans is also good.
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Just stay away from the Chicken flavoured one.[Eww].
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.You can even buy Laoganma on Amazon! Photo by <<ciro-santilli>>, CC BY-SA 4.0 2021.
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. "What is Lao Gan Ma, and can you make it at home?" by "Chinese Cooking Demystified" published on Nov 19, 2019. Explains how it comes from Guizhou province cuisine (neighbours Sichuan).
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=== Fansaoguang (饭扫光)
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This is the best thing to eat with <<dumplings>> ever!!!
Some other flavours of the same brand are also very much worth trying, e.g. the[Enokitake] (金針菇[金针菇]) one. Others are a bit boring.
Oily, spicy and sour.
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.Photo of the Fansaoguang Fried[Enokitake] (金針菇[金針菇]) flavor. This is one of the best flavours. Another really good one was Wild brake pickles (野蕨菜), but it became less good in 2020 for some reason, that was one of the <<covid,major disasters>> of that year. Photo by <<ciro-santilli>>, CC BY-SA 4.0 2021.
=== Hot pot 火锅 (huo3 guo1)
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You just have to buy:
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* a hot pot base soup
* various kinds of frozen fish/meat balls
* thin sliced frozen beef/lamb meat sold specifically for hot pot
* leafy vegetables like Chinese cabbage or fresh Chinese mushrooms
* you can also add some dry stuff like dried mushrooms or dry tofu products
* sauces to put into a bowl and dip the cooked things in before putting them into your mouth. Could be either dedicated hot pot sauces, but sesame paste, soy sauce, vinegar and <<laoganma>> will already be good enough
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Put the electric rice cooker or a regular pot with a portable electric heater on the dining table.
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Boil the water with the soup, start with the harder to cook meaty things, and eat/add more as they become ready!
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Great fun to do in winter with family and friends!
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There are also dedicated hot pot restaurants, but <<ciro-santilli>> is not a fun, since it feels much better to do it in the privacy of your home.
YouTube explains it pretty well, no need for their fancy ying yang pans though, a rice cooker will do just fine:
* ingredient choice
* shows the actual eating
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=== Congee (粥, zhou1)
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A thick rice/cereal/bean porridge. Amazing for breakfast.
You can buy them as dry air tight uncooked cereal/bean mixtures, and there are different types.
You can also buy the ingredients separately of course, but it requires more effort.
If you get the air-tight bag, you can also buy some extra missing ingredients to taste, notably[jujubes] (枣[枣]).
Then you just boil them in a rice cooker for a few hours.
It is also possible to buy them ready-to-eat in cans, but those are nowhere near as good.
One particular type which is very good is:[Laba congee] (eight treasure congee, 八宝粥).
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Then, to eat it, you will want to add salty side dishes, all of which can be bought from the Chinese supermarket, since the congee itself is just mildly sweet and not salty at all:
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* cooked <<salted-duck-egg>>
.The HONOR brand (康樂, full name: Honor Products, 康樂產品) Eight treasure congee (八寶粥) is a good brand to buy if you can find it.[Source].
.[fermented bean curd] (腐乳[腐乳, fu3 ru3]) is a good thing to put on <<congee>>. Wangzhihe (王致和[王致和]) is a good brand, <<ciro-santilli>> prefers the dark red ones instead of the white ones.[Sample Amazon link]. Photo by <<ciro-santilli>>, CC BY-SA 4.0 2021.
. Video showing how to make eight treasure congee from scratch by "Asian garden 2 table" published on Feb 2, 2020.
==== Salted duck egg (咸鸭蛋)
===== Tea egg (咸鸭蛋)
This is good!
=== Lamian (拉面)
Silk road stuff of course.
== The best Chinese restaurants outside of China (中国以外最好的中国饭店)
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Google Maps list:
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=== Introduction
Most Western people do not know what real Chinese food is.
When you first see it, your mind is completely blown: there it was, one of the best foods in the world by far, and you had never tried it: only a completely watered down boring version that you get when you are not guided by Chinese people.
We must put a stop to this madness.
After you see the light and eat the real version of a dish, then when you go to a not-real restaurant you start to think: "hey, I know what dish this was supposed to be. But it could be so much more awesome!" This makes non-real restaurants twice as bad. So beware, there is no turning back.
Maybe we should institute a Foodie Dictatorship (美食家独裁) that prevents such fake restaurants from hiding real Chinese food???
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==== Rating system
* tier 1: amazing, worth a trip
* tier 2: worth it, but not exciting, so not worth a trip just for it
* tier 3: I wouldn't go there
==== How to find good restaurants
* go with Chinese food-loving friends to Chinese restaurants
* read up Chinese restaurant recommendation websites written in Chinese by Chinese for Chinese
* read up small shady Chinese food recommendation websites by link:[sinophiles like Ciro Santilli]
Big Western sites like Google Maps reviews and TripAdvisor are completely and utterly useless for this and will recommend places in which poor non-Chinese which don't know what real Chinese food is like.
If you go out on the street by yourself, you are very unlikely to find really good Chinese food since the enormous majority of Chinese restaurants are not real Chinese food.
If there are only Chinese clients inside the restaurant, it is a good indicator that it might be good. If all clients people are Western, run away.
Western people don't know what good Chinese food is, so if you are not in a place that has a very large Chinese population, real Chinese food restaurants cannot survive, and won't exist. This usually implies being in large cities of rich countries.
Beware of restaurant owner changes: if the menu looks a bit different, it has likely happened.
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This is <<politically-incorrect,politically incorrect>>, but here goes: if the place looks as if it is maintained by more recent immigrants, and looks more modern, it is more likely to be good. There are however some venerable older uncles who have cooked well their entire lives and are still fine. Things tend to water down across generations, and there was likely not enough real Chinese clientele for them to serve real Chinese food and survive in the past.
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If a restaurant advertises itself as "Asian", it is less likely to be very good.
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Conversely, restaurants that specialize in a single region of China are more likely to be good (bot not certainly good).
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It is already difficult to do the cuisine for one part of China well, imagine for multiple countries.
Just beware of "Sichuan" restaurants: their cuisine is so well known even in the West that I've seen many not so good restaurants that describe themselves like that, even if the owners are from another region. But there are many good ones which really are from there as well.
==== Similar lists
==== How to order
For all restaurants, ask the waiter for suggestions. Tell him that you:
* want the most typical dishes, not what the foreign locals eat, but what the Chinese eat
* can eat spicy food, way more than any foreign local person can.
The spice level you generally want is "zhong1 la4" (medium spicy)
If you can't eat spicy, either learn or stop reading now and accept the fact that you will never eat good Chinese food.
* if the restaurant is from some region, ask for dishes from the region, and which are different from other regions.
I was once <<dumplings>> (super popular dish everywhere in China which I buy frozen and eat every 3 days) in a Tibetan restaurant... Yes, I do believe Tibetans also eat jiaozi! :-)
* Speaking a little Chinese goes a long way towards convincing the owners that you can handle the real thing.
Only order dishes with meat. Those without are not worth the money/time. Aubergine is the exception.
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=== France 法国
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Traiteurs are simpler restaurants that let you see pre-made foods in a glass showcase for you to choose how big your portions will be.
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They are the best way to eat a cheap and balanced meal in Paris, but I have never found one that serves exceptional Chinese food, so beware.
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==== Paris 巴黎
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Paris has one of the largest Chinese communities outside of China in the whole world centered in the 14eme arrondissement, plus a lot of Chinese students with money around.
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As a result, you can find some of the best Chinese food in the world outside of China!
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* Chinese only, Paris, website subsidiary of some larger Chinese group.
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* Restaurant Sichuan (川里川外)
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17 Rue le Peletier, 75009 Paris
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14472 14473 14474 14475 14476 14477 14478 14479 14480 14481 14482 14483 14484 14485 14486 14487 14488 14489 14490 14491 14492 14493 14494 14495 14496 14497 14498 14499 14500 14501 14502 14503 14504 14505 14506 14507 14508 14509 14510 14511 14512 14513 14514 14515 14516 14517 14518 14519 14520 14521 14522 14523 14524 14525 14526 14527 14528 14529 14530 14531 14532 14533 14534 14535 14536 14537 14538 14539 14540 14541 14542 14543 14544 14545 14546 14547 14548 14549 14550 14551 14552 14553 14554 14555 14556 14557 14558 14559 14560 14561 14562 14563 14564 14565 14566 14567 14568 14569 14570 14571 14572 14573 14574 14575 14576 14577 14578 14579 14580 14581 14582 14583 14584 14585 14586 14587 14588 14589 14590 14591 14592 14593 14594 14595 14596 14597 14598 14599 14600 14601 14602 14603 14604 14605 14606 14607 14608 14609 14610 14611 14612 14613 14614 14615 14616 14617 14618 14619 14620 14621 14622 14623 14624 14625 14626 14627 14628 14629 14630 14631 14632 14633 14634 14635 14636 14637 14638 14639 14640 14641 14642 14643 14644 14645 14646 14647 14648 14649 14650 14651 14652 14653 14654 14655 14656 14657 14658 14659 14660 14661 14662 14663 14664 14665 14666 14667 14668 14669 14670 14671 14672 14673 14674 14675 14676 14677 14678 14679 14680 14681 14682 14683 14684 14685 14686 14687 14688 14689 14690 14691 14692 14693 14694 14695 14696 14697 14698 14699 14700 14701 14702 14703 14704 14705 14706 14707 14708 14709 14710 14711 14712 14713 14714 14715 14716 14717 14718 14719 14720 14721 14722 14723 14724 14725 14726 14727 14728 14729 14730 14731 14732 14733 14734 14735 14736 14737 14738 14739 14740 14741 14742 14743 14744 14745 14746 14747 14748 14749 14750 14751 14752 14753 14754 14755 14756 14757 14758 14759 14760 14761 14762 14763 14764 14765 14766 14767 14768 14769 14770 14771 14772 14773 14774 14775 14776 14777 14778 14779 14780 14781 14782 14783 14784 14785 14786 14787 14788 14789 14790 14791 14792 14793 14794 14795 14796 14797 14798 14799 14800 14801 14802 14803 14804 14805 14806 14807
Last checked: 2017/06
* Chez Yong (Ding Ding Xiang, 鼎鼎香)
42, rue de la Colonie, 75013 Paris
** shui zhu niu rou
** dishes with intestines
* La Chine sur la langue (舌尖美味)
163 rue Saint-Denis, 75002 Paris
** Spicy soup with Chinese charcuteries. Ma la tang.
** Large dry and thin bread. Jing dong da bing. 京东大饼.[Picture].
* Quatre Amis (那家小馆)
29 rue de Charenton, 75012 Paris
** Fried octopus
** Shui zhu niu rou
** Anything with intestines
* Le Céleste Gourmand (福来居, fu lai ju)
8 Rue de la Tacherie, 75004 Paris
* L'Orient d'Or (福源丰)
22, Rue de trévise, 75009 Paris
** Galettes croustillantes au canard (xiang su ya dai bing, 香酥鸭带饼)
** Poisson pimentee (suan tang yu, 酸汤鱼)
** Soupe aux cartilages de porc avec algues (hai dai pau gu tang, 海带排骨汤)
Hunan style.
25 euros / person.
* Carnet de Route
57 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009 Paris
Last checked: 2016/04
* 0 d'Attente (锅先生不等位)
55 Boulevard Saint-Marcel, 75013 Paris
+33 9 81 49 68 06
Like style of chairs and cutlery.
Ironically, the service was not particularly fast as the name indicates. Normal, but not ultra-fast as I imagined :-)
lotus with rice (Nuo mi tang ou) and boeuf sechee (guo xian sheng ...) not very good, but baked fish and kaorou were great.
Last checked: 2016/02
* Autour du Yangtse (食尚煮意)
12 Rue du Helder, 75009 Paris
** Marmite de poisson et de tofu (豆花鱼)
** Saliva chicken (口水鸡)
** Aubergines farcies sur plaqua chauffante (铁板脆皮茄)
* Deux Fois Plus De Piment (绝代双椒)
Address: 33 Rue Saint-Sébastien, 75011 Paris
Sichuan style.
* Délices de Shandong (山东小馆)
88 Boulevard de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris
* Hakka Home
3 Rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris
Food from the Hakka people
Most dishes are like other good Chinese restaurants in Paris, but there were a few different ones.
* Maison Dong (东馆)
36 Rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris
Last checked: 2017/04
* Royal Tching Tao (青岛人家)
8 Rue du Bel-Air, 75012 Paris
** Galettes croustillantes au canard. Shi zi tou.
** Sweet fish (Song shu gui yu 松鼠桂鱼)
* Le Pont de Yunnan (滋味云南)
15 Rue Notre Dame de Lorette, 75009
Great food, but we had a bad service experience: got kicked out too early, even with a reservation.
* Tien Hiang (天香)
14, rue Bichat, 75010 Paris
Vegetarian food: most dishes are an imitation of a dish with meat.
Not as good as the original meat for me, but very interesting and good for a change.
Chinese vegetarians are rare. In theory, the origin of the food in this restaurant is Hong Kong Buddhism (Buddhist monks cannot eat meat, while other believers can.)
* Likafo (利口福酒家)
39 Avenue de Choisy, 75013 Paris
+[Meigan cai] roast pork (梅菜扣肉)
* Restaurant Sichuan (四川人家)
31-33 Rue Descartes, 75005 Paris
Perfect Fuqi feipian.
Huiguorou is good not my style, I prefer with leek.
Last checked: 2017/04

===== Paris tier 2

Cheaper / simpler restaurants that are really worth it if you want not to be hungry, but not worth it if you want eat exceptional food:

* Ace Boucherie
58 Rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris
Korean takeaway traiteur. Very good. Try calamar.
Last checked: 2017/06
* Ji Bai He
108 Rue Olivier de Serres, 75015 Paris
Jiaozi and accompanying small dishes are great.
Last checked: 2016/03
5 Rue d'Arras, 75005 Paris
M10: Cardinal Lemoine
Liang ban mian, but do ask "wei la, they are strong.
* Noodle No 1
54 rue Sainte Anne, 75002 Paris
** Soupe aux nouilles pimentées
* Noodle bar
31 Rue nationale, 75013 Paris, France
* Chez Shen
39 Rue au Maire, 75003 Paris, France
* Dosanko Larmen
40 Rue Sainte-Anne, 75002 Paris
Order the big portion at your own risk. :-)
Last checked: 2017/04
* Chez Mamie (外婆家)
18 Rue du Grenier-Saint-Lazare, 75003 Paris,
Last checked: 2017/06

==== Marseille (马赛)

* Shanghai kitchen
14 Cours Jean Ballard, 13001 Marseille, France

=== United Kingdom (英国)



==== London 伦敦

===== Little Wooden Hut 小木屋


Little Newport Street

Last checked: 2016/08

Not yet on Google maps so I don't know the number, but the street is very small so should be easy to find.

Chinese review:

===== Murger Han


8A Sackville St
Mayfair, London


Last checked: 2019/01

Cuisine: Xi'an

Biangbiang noodles with all extras zhongla are amazing!!! Niuroupaomo OK, but not exciting. Roujiamo not very interesting, too bland for my taste.

===== London tier 2

====== Chinese Tapas House


Little Newport Street

Not yet on Google maps so I don't know the number, but the street is very small so should be easy to find.

Jianbing guozi, interesting spicy fast food.

====== Rice Coming Restaurant 米齐临

Rice noodles are good, and small dishes authentic.

Address: 10A Coptic St, Holborn, London WC1A 1NH

Last checked: 2019-04


==== Cambridge 剑桥

===== Spring Restaurant 春天


66 Mill Rd

Last checked: 2017/08

Spicy chicken with pasta and potatoes.

===== Seven Days 天天美食剑桥


66 Regent St

===== @72 China


72 Regent St

Douhuaniurou 豆花牛肉, kaoyu.

===== Golden House


12 Lensfield Rd

Meicaikourou, luobo bing.

===== 1 + 1 Rougamo

Tier: 2


84 Regent St

Last checked: 2019/05

Roujiamo very good. Also good: broad noodles, 凉皮.

==== Oxford 牛津

===== A Taste Of China 三秦百味

Tier: 2
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Last checked: 2019/03
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Redamian good, Biangbiangmian not as interesting. Nice people working there. Two two seat tables only, mostly takeaway. Fair price.
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===== Xi'an
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Tier: 3
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Last checked: 2019/03
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Not real Chinese food I'm afraid. Songshuyu was not cut correctly into stripes and too much liquid sauce. Sijidou beans not dry enough, maybe need more frying. Early immigration (1968, mentioned on menu), almost no Chinese clients. Nice decoration and environment.
==== Sheffield 谢菲尔德
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* China Red Restaurant
3 Rockingham Gate, Sheffield S1 4JD, United Kingdom
Last checked: 2016/06, shuizhuyu.
=== Brazil 巴西
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==== Sao Paulo 圣保罗
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* Chuanxiangyuan Restaurante (川香园餐馆 )
\R. Barão de Iguape, 47 - Liberdade, São Paulo - SP
Eat the big fish dishes, they are worth it. was not very good.
Free tea was good.
Rice could be better.
Owners are actually from , not Sichuan, as implied by the 川 in the name of the restaurant. GF told me that those big fish dishes are typical from there.
Last checked: 2016/01/09
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=== Canada 加拿大
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==== Montreal 加拿大蒙特利尔,
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Last checked: 2016/01
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* Cuisine Szechuan
2350 Rue Guy, Montréal, QC H3H 2M2, Canada
* Kanbai
1110 Rue Clark, Montréal, QC H2Z 1K3, Canada Good
* Délice oriental
1858 Rue Ste-Catherine O, Montréal, QC H3H 1M1
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Not worth it:
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* Chez Chili
1050B rue Clark
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== The best East Asian museums outside of China (中国以外最好的东亚博物馆)
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<<ciro-santilli>> liked these in order of best first. Keep in mind that he is especially interested in <<chinese-traditional-painting>>:
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*[New York Metropolitan Museum of Art], New York, United States
** 2019-05
*[Guimet Museum], Paris, France
** 2016-10-30 including Chinese Jade Temporary Exposition:
** 2013-02
*[British Museum], London, United Kingdom. Too much porcelain, too little painting.
** 2016-08
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== Chinese television series (中国电视剧)
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Modern themed television series are generally crap due to <<censorship>>, but this leads to a big focus on ancient stuff, and some of it is amazing.
A good place to start are the canonical TV adaptations of the[Four Great Classic Novels] (四大名著[四大名著])
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* 1994 Three Kingdoms
** The best[Three Kingdoms 三国] adaptation of all time? Mind blowing
** there seems to exist a version with full Chinese + English subtitles:
** official CCTV电视剧 (CCTV TV Series Channel) upload without Chinese + English subtitles on <<censorship,YouTube>>
* 1986 Journey to the West by the <<chinese-government-media,CCTV>>
** official CCTV电视剧 upload with Chinese + English subtitles
* 1987 Dream of the Red Chamber by the CCTV
** the soundtrack is mindblowing, see also: <<music-free>>
** official CCTV电视剧 upload without english subtitles by the channel
* 1986 Outlaws of the Marsh by[Shandong Television] (link:山东广播电视台[山东广播电视台])
** official CCTV电视剧 upload without english subtitles by the channel
There must be other good adaptations for other classics mentioned at:[], gotta find them.
== Tips to learn Chinese (学习中文方法建议)
To read on the net,[], see also: <<does-ciro-santilli-speak-chinese>>.

To overhear people and learn characters/new words Pleco:

It really hurts that there is no online Pleco, you have to go back and forth from cell phone to computer, is there anything as good online?

* extremelly annoyng ads and limited list sizes, but good otherwise
* LINE dict, has many web scraped examples, but no sources back to those examples. Works, but a bit clunky.

Maybe some day something will be extracted from: which jas a huge JSON of character data.

When you want to learn "how to say something in Chinese", the only valid routes are:

* does it have a Wikipedia page? Go on the English one then change language
* put an English sentence on[Google Translate], then Google for it.
If it is a common word, it will give useless dictionary results, so search instead with `` or ``.
Then find a sentence that contains the word written by a native Chinese, and understand the full sentence to confirm that it means what you want it to mean in a similar context.
Just using the Google translate directly will lead 70% to a weird/wrong/incomprehensible translation that no Chinese person would ever say.

Good Chinese content to consume to learn:

* 几分钟看完: illegal 10 minute summaries of movies with clips from the movies and a narrator speaking quickly instead of movie sounds.
Some have Chinese subtitles, e.g.: and it is great content to learn from, because it is someone telling a not too boring story in a natural and clear way, with supporting images to help with context.

=== Chinese character sentence component mnemonic systems

Associate one word to each character/character component.

One good way to find mnemonics is to just Google for whatever random words you want to fit into a sentence. You end up learning fun things this way, and those make the best mnemonics.

Then to learn a new character, break it down into components, and create a sentence or short story that includes all the component words.

* <<characters>>: our own!!!!!
* CC-BY-NO-SA but not clear way to contribute to it
* Proprietary books
** "Remembering Simplified Hanzi" by James W. Heisig and Timothy W. Richardson from 2008. This is the classic.
** STICK by Dr. Melanie Schmidt ed.
** "Learn Chinese Characters: Easy Mnemonics to Memorize Hanzi: 400+ Characters, 700+ Vocabulary, 1300+ Practice Questions with Solutions" by L Castelluzzo

Japanese Kanji:

* proprietary:

=== Lists of the most common characters and words

This is a good approach to tick off high frequency stuff you don't know you don't know:

* HSK word lists
** go in the "(frequency order)" links
* Official character lists learned by native Chinese students per age group. TODO find exact lists.

== History of China (中国历史)

=== Han dinasty (汉朝, 202 BC - 220 AC)


==== Suwu (苏武)


Dude was messing around with <<throne,Ciro's wife's savage ancestors>>. Bad move.

== Geography of China (中国地理)

=== Five Great Mountains (五岳)