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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* nature

in the world. And because of that: <<would-you-like-to-live-in-china>>.

As link:[Bjarne] said:

There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses

I only focus here on negative things to provide content that will activate the Great Firewall.

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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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===== Why do you love China so much?

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I <<do-you-believe-in-or-practice-falun-gong,don't believe in reincarnation>>, but sometimes I'm tempted to.

Interesting how different people get <<do-you-hate-china,different impressions>>!

Of course, the fact that my wife is Chinese and <<flg-bias,does Falun Gong>> may or may not have played a role in it :-)
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It was like this: I started getting interested in Chinese culture, then I started hanging out with Chinese people, and then I started hanging out with my wife!

So yes, it is a chicken and egg type of thing. The fact that she is one of the most intelligent, morally upright, cute, and "never give up" person I know may have helped me choose too.

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==== Are you doing this just to become famous?
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No, I am a selfless human being, only concerned with the greater well being of humankind.

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More serious answer:

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* I believe in this. As evidence, it has limiting effects on my technological career: <<does-your-employer-support-this>>, and I don't think I can / want to become a politician
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* the more famous I am, the more impact I will have in the future
* the more famous I am, the more feedback I have that what I've been doing has been working

Keyword: attention whore.

Duplicate pool:


Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
===== Are you doing this because it makes you feel important?

See: <<famous>>.

==== Would you be doing this if you were in China?

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
Not with my real name attached to it, see also: <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship>>
==== Is your campaign funded or otherwise supported by some organization?


But then, a shady supporting organization might require that I don't disclose their support, so maybe the best answer is that you will never know for sure.

Of course, a hidden support would represent a reputation hit for both such organization and for me, which makes it less likely that I would have accepted or had such an offer.

Also consider my motivation. If your mother in law were put into jail unfairly for 15 days, for following the same religion that <<flg-bias,your wife follows>>, and if you had a social media presence, wouldn't you be tempted to do the same?

What about you, are you funded by the CCP?

See also:

===== Does your employer support this?

My employer has nothing to do with this.

He doesn't approve or disapprove of the Chinese government or of my private actions.

The only thing that my employer _does_ believe in is that employees can have their own political opinions, and that this should not affect hiring decisions.

Obviously, this action limits my ability to lead high profile deals with China.

Also I'm quite curious if this would limit my ability to go to China for business, but I haven't applied for a visa since I've started this. It likely wouldn't be a good idea for me to go to China :-)

But my employer believes that inclusion and non-discrimination is more valuable.

I will always do my best to not let my personal opinions affect my professional decisions, as that would be unfair to my employer.

==== Don't you have anything better to do?

In 1989, a beautiful thing called the World Wide Web was invented.

The Internet gives everyone the magic power of writing something, and having million people read it for free!

This is how much time I spend on this to give you an idea:

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* every week or two, someone sends me a message, I reply with "read the FAQ", and usually update
* I follow amongst many other programming subs, and all major bad news show up there. See also: <<anti-commie-info>>
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* when something bad enough comes up, I go to and update <<keyword-attack,my keyword attack>>. I've only been updating it on Stack Overflow and GitHub these days.
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* when I see a good new heavily anti-CCP Twitter accounts I add it to this list:

Then I just contribute to programming websites exactly as I would if I weren't making this campaign.

=== Were you influenced by the Cute cat theory of digital activism?

Nope, someone told me about it after a while, but it is basically what I'm doing.

You can never invent anything new anymore nowadays.

=== People in China have already considered democracy, and rejected it

OK, shall we put that to an anonymous vote just to make sure?

Dear sir or madam: do you want more control over your government? y/n

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=== Would it be right to use violence to overthrow the CCP?
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In an ideal world, Ciro Santilli is of course "against violence".
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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But what if you could prevent a lot of future violence with some violence today?
.One baby <<nazi,Hitler>> or 5 Million Jews[trolley problem].
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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Ah, the eternal question which only God can answer:
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*[the ends justify the means]
**[trolley problem]
* link:[nonviolent resistance]

Do you really think that the communists will step down if you ask them nicely enough?

A quote from[V for Vendetta (2005)]

Q: What do you think will happen [when the people protest against heir Government]?

A: What usually happens when people without guns stand up to people with guns.

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
How do you think the CCP or any other party got into power and maintained that power in the first place? Violence.

The question of if violence is right or wrong makes no sense. All that matters is: what is the most <<richer,efficient form of government>> and who has the power to do what.

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Ciro Santilli committed
If you do decide to strike though, <<what-should-pro-democracy-chinese-living-in-china-do-about-the-dictatorship,stay safe, gather your forces on the Internet, and only strike when victory seems certain>>.

For "violence is illegal" arguments, see also: <<follow-the-law>>.

==== It is fine for the CCP to treat some of its citizens unfairly if the majority is better off

Basically same discussion as: <<violence>> but with the tables turned.

See also: <<the-chinese-masses-are-not-interested-in-politics-and-therefore-not-ready-to-vote>>

=== Why do you say China is a dictatorship?

True, I'm using the word in an extended / jokingly sense.

Maybe authoritarian is a more precise term.

In particular, dictatorships are harder to sustain than authoritarianism, since it generally implies even less freedom.

Dictatorship is becoming link:[more and more precise under Xi] however.

=== What is a screen name keyword attack?

Adding censored words to your username:

This only works on websites that show usernames everywhere.

This then leads to your username appearing on thousands of pages, depending on how much you contribute to the website.

It is also possible to do it with with images, although this is less effective in taking down websites since images are harder for the firewall to track automatically. But:

* they are more memorable than words
* they also work on websites like GitHub where your real name does not show on most pages, only slug

so maybe the most effective approach is to use both keywords and images to get the best of both worlds ;-)

.<<chrysanthemium-xi-jinping>> has been used by Ciro Santilli as a profile picture censored image attack
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This type of attack is essentially an embargo.

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See also: <<photobombing-like-attacks>>.

==== Do Stack Overflow policies allow for keyword attacks?

The current consensus is yes:


The Chinese law doesn't I'm afraid :-(

==== What are the best sources of anti-commie news?

Catches all the important news

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A large part of the posts is controversial material.

Has some noise of course as well, but less than other media I find.

Highly worth your feed.

Reddit was banned in China in August 2018:

Tecent will invest 150 million on Reddit in 2019: See also: <<biased-media>>.

==== Where can I find good words for a keyword attack?

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* This is the best source I've seen so far. Extremely comprehensive and up-to-date.
** word of the week
** censorship directive reports
*** chinese version
** a wiki version of the censored word lists, the "Grass-mud horse index" (cao3n2ma3 草泥马), with a censored term of the week section.
** sensitive words list
** Fun 2015 ebook:
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* |
*[Complete GFW Rulebook for Wikipedia v3.0]
* 261 ways to refer to the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
==== How do you choose keyword for the keyword attack?
I haven't counted, but the limit for Stack Overflow is quite low, and I'm always almost at the maximum, which is about "Ciro Santilli" + 3 3-4 Chinese character events with a separator.

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed
These are some of my prioritization guidelines:
* recent cases receive a large prime over raw death toll, because older cases can always be attributed to other people.
E.g., I've heard there is even some opening towards acknowledging the Great Famine, thus 烏坎事件 (and others from my previous profile names)
* words must refer to a precise event, and must be clearly summarizable in very few chars, for increased impact, and profile name length limitations.
E.g. "High corruption rates, high pollution", although very serious, feel too generic.
* events that relate directly to freedom of speech receive a prime, since they can only happen in China and very few other countries.
E.g.: Falun Gong, Tiananmen.
Non e.g.: corruption and pollution. Those are hard to quantify, and there is always an immediate reply: china GDP per capita is low, same happens in India, Brazil, etc.
Freedom of speech however, is immediately verifiable (e.g. "my Weibo was taken down"), and undeniably caused by the current central government.
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* the more people affected, and the more deeply they have been affected, the more important obviously

I am currently trying to maintain in my Stack Overflow Location a ranking of events in a single string, so that it can be easily copy pasted around. The location appears on every page if you hover over my account name, so it is likely in the HTML at least.
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If you think that this list can be improved, please open an issue explaining how and why.
Ciro Santilli's avatar
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==== Are there other openly dissident users on Stack Overflow?

Query to find them:

Notable ones only here (high rep or innovative criticism):

* "GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會"
** Real name: Vincent Tam from social media links.
** Keyword attack inspired by me
* Yu Hao
** "GFW (Great Firewall of China) is one of the most notorious inventions in the history of Internet. Anyone working for it should be ashamed."
* iBug
** iBug
** "The Communist Party of China is a state criminal that is continuously committing state crime to ordinary Chinese citizens!" followed by an event list.
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* gotqn
** "Free Tibet From China Domination"
* Scott 混合理论
Same message as Yu Hao, I wonder if it is an external thing or direct copy of Yu, but no Google hits besides them.
* Terry Wang
** Lego recreation of Tankman on profile picture.

Users who had GFW references but removed it:


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Misc interesting stuff:

* <location>火车站酒店小姐 (about 20 accounts with that pattern)
** Interesting list of prostitution spam / sockpuppets? All have the exact same profile information.
** Hitting query due to "审查", but the usage is unrelated to the Firewall.

Anti-dissident users:

** username: "请封掉Ciro Santilli 中国共产党万岁"
** profile: "中国万岁! 中国共产党万岁! 法轮功,民运,台独在中国共产党的铁蹄下不过是螳臂当车!"
** username: "Ciro Santilli 的造谣是可耻行为"
** username: "Snowden Assange Wounded Knee"
** profile: "燃(ri)烧(si)您(ni)的(de)梦(ma),Ciro Santilli. StackOverflow上的一个用户. The Oliver Stone Experience"
** explanation:
*** "燃烧您的梦":
*** "Wounded Knee":

Query to find them:

==== Other notable keyword attacks

===== Notepad++

It might be a newbie text editors for newbie Windows users, but at least they use it to good use by doing keyword attacks:

* 2019-10: "In October 2019 Notepad++'s GitHub issue tracker was flooded with pro-Chinese and anti-western messages after a version codenamed "Free Uyghur" (v7.8.1) was released"
** "Notepad++, after voicing their support for the Uyghurs, is now being bombarded by Chinese nationalists on Github." See e.g.: and earlier issues
* 2008-03: "In March 2008 the "Boycott Beijing 2008" banner was placed on Notepad++'s homepage":

The creator appears to be a Vietnamese immigrant or descendant living in France. There are many such immigrants due to Vietnam being an ex-colony: Also he must have good reason to dislike the commies due to similar commit bullshit in Vietnam. He was at[Paris Diderot] in 2000: ([archive]).

If a large number of people in a given region want to leave an country strongly or have greater autonomy, I believe that they should be allowed to do so.


* if they don't feel they are getting a good deal out of your country, it is unfair to keep them in
* keeping them in the country forcibly implies large scale violation of human rights: mass incarceration and removing freedom of speech.
Which in turn implies terrorist backslash.
All of which are against my principles.

What makes me the most mad is the censorship. If you are going to put people in jail, write a clear law about it, and let international reporters come to see the situation.

But why do you do something and then hide it? Maybe because you are not doing the right thing?

See also: <<western-democracies-have-invaded-other-countries-and-crushed-separatism>>.

==== Taiwan 台湾

I don't consider Taiwan separatism.

Taiwan is a country split due to civil war, long ago.

The fact that most countries in the world does officially recognize Taiwan as a country is a joke, considering that the only thing keeping it afloat is the West's military threat.

The West must not let China advance and take more territories. The more they take, the more they will want.

The West must protect China's neighbouring countries with military support and assurance.

The West must recognize Taiwan for what it is: a separate country, under threat of invasion, and in need of support.

If China's claim to Taiwan is valid, then Taiwan also has an equally valid claim on China.

If China's claim to Taiwan is valid, then so will it's claim to any other country.

If Taiwan is a part of China, why doesn't China put the Chinese flag on all major Taiwanese government buildings?

Oh, I forgot, it is because they have absolutely no control over Taiwan. Just like the have absolutely no control over any other country.

China, if you want to claim that Taiwan is a part of you, just invade them already. Or just stop this joke.

Someone once told me:

Taiwan should not be considered a country by China, because then it would not join back to China when China becomes a democracy, and would be used by the USA to do evil things like they did in the Middle East

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China claiming that Taiwan is a part of them only drives Taiwan closer to the West! Who wants to be part of a dictatorship unless you have been brainwashed by one?

Interesting quote from

Taiwan’s Status Is a Geopolitical Absurdity

Some interesting links:

* every country has private relations with Taiwan through some trade organizations, they just don't call them embassies
* hi, I want a "not VISA" to Taiwan. Thanks.
* (zh) "【這就是科學|柯文哲】EP3/從癌症治療看政治!除惡務盡→除惡「勿」盡?「與敵共存」才是生存之道!", 柯文哲, 2019-06-26. Ko Wen-je , the mayor of Taipei 台北 and a professor in medicine, applies the concept of isolation and mutation in evolution to Taiwan and China
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==== Xinjiang 新疆

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In 2017 - 2018, details of[Uyghur] internment camps are emerging.
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.<<rebel-pepper,Rebel Pepper>> 2017-04 cartoon showing that Xinjiang is like a prison inside a greater prison, which is China itself. Chinese characters read: 新疆(Xinjiang) and 中国(China). TODO source.
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* 2019-12: "A Secret Look Inside a Chinese Labor Program for Uighurs | Visual Investigations" by "The New York Times" published on Dec 30, 2019. Description: "China is relocating Uighurs and other Muslim minorities to urban areas as part of a contentious labor program. The Times obtained rare footage taken inside one."
* 2919-12: Muslim German Turkish Arsenal player link:++[Mesut Özil] criticizes concentration camps on Twitter, and China stops broadcasting arsenal matches
** ([archive])
* 2019-11: "What happened to me" manga depicting Uighur torture hits 2.5m views
** ([archive])
* 2019-11 The Xinjiang Papers: leaked cables about Xinjiang internment camps policy, some reported by the New York Times and others by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, soure yet unknown.
* 2019-09-22 Drone footage of Xinjiang prisoner transfer uploaded to YouTube. TODO confirm location and that these are political prisoners rather than "normal criminals".
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** Upload sources
** News coverage
*** Drone footage, video sources:
** Reddit:
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.Video still of 2019-10 drone footage of blindfolded Xinjiang prisoners being marched taken at time 00:30.[Source].
* 2019-07-31 "Doubt Greets China’s Claim That Muslims Have Been Released From Camps"
* 2019-07-19 "37 countries defend China over Xinjiang in UN letter"
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-07 cartoon showing <<xi-jinping>> claiming to have won the global opinion on the Xinjiang re-education camps because all other dictatorships support him, including <<other-islam-countries-speak-up-for-uyghur,Islamic dictatorships>>.[Source].
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* 2019-07-04 "China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families"
* 2019-05-07
* 2019-05-07 CNN does a few Xinjiang interviews and sends reporter to visit some of the concentration camps
* 2019-02-24
* 2019-02-17 "China data leak exposes vast hi-tech surveillance operation in Xinjiang", leak by SenseNets Technology.
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* 2019-03 database of Xinjiang victims, with precise names, location, date of birth and ID card number of victims and testimonies
* 2018-12 In full: 'I begged them to kill me' - ex-Xinjiang detainee Mihrigul Tursun gives testimony in the US
* 2018-11 Xinjiang legalises 're-education' camps
* 2018-08
* 2018-07 Sairagul Sawytbai testifies to the existence of Chinese concentration camps in Xinjiang
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* 2018-05 generic report
* 2018-05 mapping interment camps with satelite imaging:
** List of Re-education Camps in Xinjiang 新疆再教育集中营列表 Shawn Zhang
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* 2018-05 Omir Bekali's account of Xinjiang education camps:
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* 2017-04
.Image of prisionners wearing blue sitting down in Xinjiang concentration camp, with some prisionners identified to indicate that they are not criminals but rather detained purely for political reasons.[Source].
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===== Why don't other Islamic countries speak up for the Uyghur persecution?


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News source: Became larger than `r/china` during the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>.

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===== Hong Kong 97 SNES video game

1995 video game realistically depicts the fight of Hong Kong against the Communist Party predicted to happen[at the handover], featuring Bruce Lee (often represented as Jackie Chan) who returned from the grave to join the fight and kick Jiang Zemin's ass.

The dead body is from a still from the Bosnian Civil War:

The track is a sample of the["I Love Beijing Tiananmen" (我爱北京天安门)] Cultural Revolution song that was popular before <<tiananmen>> and later became an ironic protest song:


which means:

I love Beijing Tiananmen Square
The sun rises over the Tiananmen

Full song:

.Game cover.[Source].

.The venerable Angry Video Game Nerd made a review of this amazing game:

===== 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests

* "Last Hong Kong governor Chris Patten: Gov't defence of extradition bill 'absolute nonsense'", Hong Kong Free Press
** 2019-10 Blizzard bans top Hearthstone esports player blitzchung for pro Hong Kong message in interview

====== Daryl Morey Tweet
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2019-10 Daryl Morey, NBA's Houston Rockets manager sent tweet supporting the Hong Kong protests.

But then he was a coward, removed this tweet, and apologized: ([archive]).

NBA is huge in China.

* 2019-10-07 Lakers vs. Heat NBA Tencent LIve Stream cancelled due to fan wearing Taiwan flag
.Fan wearing Taiwan flag in 2019-10-07 Lakers vs. Heat showing fan and text (TODO from Tencent?) saying that the match will be cancelled.[Source].

Led to: <<sport-event-live-broadcast-image-attacks>>.

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==== Photobombing-like attacks

See also: <<keyword-attack>>.

===== Appropriation attack

An appropriation attack is one where the attackers attempt to associate an existing symbol to their cause.

For example, during the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>> attackers attempted to use this technique to associate a generic[Chinese Chun-Li-like] character Mei from Blizzard's link:++[Overwatch game] to try and get it blocked in China after the gaming company punished a pro gamer for defending the Hong Kong protests. Coverage ([archive]).

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===== Sport event live broadcast image attacks

NBA in particular is super popular in China, and people sitting at the front row can easily bomb emissions due to the small court size:

* China’s Tencent halts NBA live broadcast over Taiwanese flag

Started in particular due to the <<daryl-morey-tweet>>

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==== What should Western countries do about China?
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Western governments must reciprocate unfair Chinese practices.

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Companies only care about money and have no long term view, the following must be imposed by governments on Western companies.

First of all, serious sanctions must be pot on companies that sell sensitive things to dictatorships:

* <<western-companies-that-sell-censorship-technology-to-dictatorships,censorship or anti-privacy software>>
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The most obvious thing is to go[tit for tat] on Censorship and completely ban all Chinese-sponsored news and culture media, e.g.:

* |

Their websites should also be blocked e.g.:

Chinese controlled social media apps such as WeChat, Zhihu, etc. must stop censoring people outside of China, or face sanctions, e.g.:

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And the same must be done for cultural centers that report directly to the CCP such as <<confucious-institute>> and <<cssa,CSSAs>>.

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Western governments must identify raw material dependencies on China, and reduce them, while at the same time forbidding technology transfer to China. China has been trading cheap resources for technology, and we must stop that now.

Unfair Chinese commercial practices must be reciprocated. Chinese companies should be forced to open joint ventures to operate outside of China, which is a trick China uses to control profits and more easily steal IP from Western companies:

* ([archive])
* ([archive])
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Do not underestimate the CCP and its control over every Chinese companies and people. Every Chinese company and person is a potential, just like spy.

This is true for all countries however, and we do not reproach China for its secret service, e.g. <<snowden>> used[Dell] as an NSA front-end.

The point is that the West should not underestimate this menace.

Some Chinese spy stories:
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* 2019-11: Wang Liqiang spy defection to Australia
* 2019-11: Jerry Chun Shing Lee, naturalized American, convicted for being double agent while working at CIA after being in custody for 2 years

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Stories showing how big Chinese companies are closely involved with the government:

* 2019-11 Xinjiang Papers reveal the extent of Huawei's involvement in <<xinjiang>>

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===== The West must ban the import telecommunications devices from China

Chinese computer and telecommunications hardware, in particular, should be avoided at all costs, as it is an entry point to spying.

."When you send a good joke from your Huawei phone"[Source]

==== Companies that comply to Chinese censorship requests

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Western government should prevent companies from complying to Chinese censorship requests, or at least impose fines and sanctions on them.

Citizens should boycott such companies.

Ciro Santilli's avatar
Ciro Santilli committed contains a "List of companies who have apologized to the Chinese government and implemented censorship requests". It only lists companies that implemented censorship outside of China however (with Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau defined as outside of China), therefore it is basically a Taiwan flag takedown + Hong Kong / Taiwan censorship list: |
Here is a quick  2019 summary:

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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-10 carton showing several brands kowtowing to <<xi-jinping>>, while South Park alone gives the middle finger.[Source].
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2017-07 showing <<xi-jinping>> eating an Apple Inc. logo referring to the many events where Apple gave in to Chinese demands to have access to the Chinese market.[Source].
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Related news:

* 2019-12 Shutterstock implements censorship for searches from China

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.[Stephen Colbert] comments in 2015 on how American films make a good image of China to be allowed in China by censors to increase sales.

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=== What should pro-democracy Chinese living in China do about the dictatorship?

First of all, hide and stay safe, unless you can deal the final blow. From[World at war, 1973], ep. 16:

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A dictatorship is like a snake. If you put your foot on its tail as you do it, it will just bite you and no body will be helped. You have to strike the head.
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Once that is taken care of, a few good options are:

* if you are a psychopath, while hiding your thoughts, manipulate your enemies, infiltrate the power circles, and go up the ladder
* if you are an innovator, leave China and come work for the West. Don't strengthen commie power.

And regardless: remember your kids that the commies are bastards every day.

=== Ciro Santilli's reply policy
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People get kind of passionate sometimes about politics. And some of them might also be just malicious wumaos, although it is generally not possible to distinguish between them.

If you are not a wumao, consider this:

* Ciro Santilli is one, and antagonists are millions. It is therefore not possible to reply to all antagonists.
* Ciro has in the past tried to be nice to stupid people, and they gave nasty replies
* all discussion is useless, <<effect,only the keyword attack has any chance of having any effect, and even that is slim>>

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In order to not waste too much time on those, Ciro Santilli use the following strategy.
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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If the original thread post is not very interesting, try to parse it quickly and reply once, always <<better-to-do,linking to the FAQ>>, and then unfollow the thread. This shows that you're still alive, and takes little effort.
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Then do your best to never read the inevitable reply again. An interesting reply never follows from a non-interesting original post. It is hard at first, but you will eventually get the hang of it.
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If the user keeps generating notifications, warning + temporary block as per[].
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If initial post is outright useless and offensive, direct user block, with a link to the[].
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Another reply strategy by C.K. Hung which might be of interest is:
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For outbursts of activity from Chinese websites, usually programming (v2ex, hacpai, pingcong), only post the following canned answer and nothing else, because cowards/people who don't know English from the website might delete your posts, so you shouldn't waste time there with that shit:
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关于我常见问题我在我的GitHub中国FAQ repository回答了好几个。



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Finally, don't forget the golden rule from[Proverbs 26:4]:

Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.

which is now usually seen on the form[of unclear attribution]:

Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Where basically idiot == someone who creates posts that obviously aren't teaching you any new useful thing, or that not praising you :-)

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Alternatively, there is also the Chinese[chengyu] version:


which means:

Playing the <<music,qin>> to a cow.

which means to talk to someone who does not have intelectual conditions of understanding what you are trying to say, bibliography:


.Cartoon depiction of the[chengyu] "Playing the <<music,qin>> to a cow" 《对牛弹琴》.[Source].

.XKCD 386 "Duty Calls" and the famous "Someone is wrong on the Internet" quote. It is a waste of time to be like that.[Source].

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=== Who is behind this amazing FAQ?

==== Ciro Santilli

Original creator:

=== How do different websites view Ciro Santilli's profile?

Stack Overflow mentioned at: <<meant-to-be-used>>.

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==== Zhihu questions related to Ciro Santilli
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Parent section: <<backlinks-to-this-repository>>

All Zhihu posts related to Ciro Santilli were deleted following <<zhihu-purge>>. Some had been deleted before.

* 2019-06-12: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "德国极端分子黑我们大中国!犯我中华者,虽远必诛!!". Ciro wonders why the poster thought Ciro was German.
* 2019-03: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "如何看待Github Trending上Ciro Santilli的众多开源项目?". Due to: being featured on Hacker News:
* 2018-11: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "如何评价Ciro Santilli对Stack Overflow和GitHub的扰乱?"
* 2017-03-07: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "StackOverflow 上的一个智障用户"
** 2017-03 ([archive]) by ([archive]) "StackOverflow 上的一个智障用户"
* 2015-08-18: ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])) "你们怎么看stackoverflow上某人故意屏蔽中国访问的事件?"

A random control question that shows that 404's are actually deleted questions: ([archive]).

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Mentions not yet deleted as of writing:

* 从知乎建站以来被封禁的用户都有哪些?Since Zhihu's founding, which accounts have been blocked on the website? ([archive]) ([archive]). The top answer contains a list, and a brief explanation of why some of them were banned:
** Ciro Santilli: S/O 红人 (fStack Overflow celebrity)
** "ww" in explanations means "big laugh" according to: because a single "w" means a small laugh
** several accounts are linked to one specific answer or comment
** other accounts are classified as often commenting on politically sensitive material (政治敏感)

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==== Ciro Santilli's Zhihu purge 2019-11-03

Ciro received an email from

您好,Ciro Santilli,很抱歉您的回答受到了牵连,您回答过的问题「 是谁维护的,为什么会收集邮箱地址?」因「违反互联网相关法律法规」已被删除。

followed by Ciro's answer to <<zhihu-46957710>>. Ciro could not login anymore, the login screen showed:


So likely someone must have used the fact that this was an edgy personal information release subject issue, and then someone from Zhihu decided to purge Ciro and anyone posts that ever talked about him.

Note that not only the posts made by Ciro himself were deleted: he had never asked any questions or made any Zhuanlan posts himself, only replied to those. But that content made by other users was still removed. Therefore, this is not just a simple user ban, but active censorship.

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Ciro's blocked account:

* before deletion:
* after deletion (redirects to login page):

Random unblocked control account: ([archive]).

Furthermore, all questions related to Ciro, including the posts criticizing him such as[], were taken down. This made Ciro laugh: in China, you can't even criticize that which is censored, or your post also gets taken down.

Ciro then created an anonymous Zhihu account after this event.

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===== 是谁维护的,为什么会收集邮箱地址? ([archive before deletion], ([archive after deletion])).

Asked in 2016-09 after Ciro published:

Deleted after <<zhihu-purge>>. Ciro's answer before deletion:

你用的git config user.email当然是公开的:谁都会git clone就知道了。

问题就是git repository很大,我们不会都clone.





1. Google 把邮件从BigQuery删除
2. GitHub 更新他们的隐私声明GitHub Privacy Statement



==== Zhihu ban

I was banned from Zhihu on 2018-06-25 for "politically sensitive" content.

As a result, since that time I will be answering Zhihu questions as issues in this repo with the[label `zhihu`].

I have however never posted anything politically sensitive on Zhihu, unless my name and profile picture have reached that distinction, and therefore the ban is clearly an unfair per-person ban.

But of course, all is fair in love and war, and politics.

Posting any sensitive content on Chinese websites is a waste of time, since it only means that they will be removed and you will waste time creating a new account, I will never do that.

The only significant content I ever posted on Zhihu is the answer to: which is purely technical, and trivial replies on threads that other people have started about me. Have those people been blocked like me?

My posts are still up and it does not appear to be possible for people to see that I have been banned, but whenever I try to take any action on the website a popup appears saying:

由于严重违反 知乎社区管理规定 ,该帐号已被永久禁言

This includes liking, commenting, answering, asking or trying to update my profile to say that I have been blocked.

This message also shows on my public page for everyone to see: but they use some JavaScript scheme complicated enough that cannot capture it.

I still get notifications however, but I am unable to reply to them, specially given that all Chinese accounts, unlike mine, have no personal identifiable information due to the understandable fear Chinese citizens have of their own government (even though such accounts[might be illegal in theory to my understanding]).

The only action that I can take now is to report abusive comments people make to me.

Obviously, the only effect of such ban is that I will create an anonymous account under Tor with a second cell phone if I wish to contribute in the future, and China will have less information about my political interests than before.

The private messages the website sends while banning you are:

知乎管理员 :您好,根据用户举报,您的帐号发布了「政治敏感」内容,帐号已根据知乎社区规范被永久禁言。处理详情可查看社区服务中心。具体规范请查看知乎社区管理规定。 6月25日 16:37 回复 | 删除

知乎管理员 :您好,根据用户举报,您的部分个人信息由于不符合知乎用户信息管理规范已被重置。用户名可以在设置页面中修改,修改后会自动进入审核等待通过;其他个人信息可以在个人主页中编辑。感谢您对知乎社区的理解和支持。 6月25日 16:37 回复 | 删除

Those messages contain links to: | and |

The ban came soon after I posted a link to my GitHub repo as a comment at: maybe they are related.

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===== Who reported Ciro Santilli on Zhihu

At the same time the ban happened I received a public comment from user "Eureka" | on this thread: | saying:

你滥用了github, 也滥用了Stackover。这个一个纯粹计算机、编程和知识分享的地方,请不要带入政治性的色彩。请不要这么做, 维护社区的非政治性、中立和技术性纯粹,是每个热爱cs的人应尽的义务。

I am unable to get an URL that shows the comment on, so I have no proof of this claim. If you trust me, then here is a screenshot:

Since I expect the ban lists to be private, I find it extremely likely that this was the user who reported me, unless both were simultaneously triggered by a third event which I have not seen. So correct me if I'm wrong here.

Users with the same user id `crb912`, related "Eureka" username or same profile picture, can be found at:

* (unable to archive)
* | which suggests a possible real name

By Googling the email found on the GitHub repos, we find: | which might, at last, contain a photo of my nemesis.

My public message to the reporter whomever he may be:

While you have also raised issues that were raised a thousand times before, and clearly answered in the FAQ, at least you were able to take some actual action leading to an actual ban, and I respect you for that.

I hope that one day you will redirect that cunning and initiative towards taking down the root cause of the problem, which are the Chinese communist Party and their Firewall themselves.

==== Quora

* 2016 blocked Chinese keywords on both my username and credentials. Justification: non-English.
* 2017 created on in English: Cook Tiananmen Square Noodle Shop.
Added my Noodle shop to maps:,15.6687509,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x94603408e3c63fb3!8m2!3d60.6132538!4d15.6687509
Leaches that picked it up:

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=== Christianity

The commies are not a fan. But as someone once told me: the commies are not a fan of a bunch of things!
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As mentioned at there are only a few state approved churches under total CCP control, and the others are forbidden. For example one of them is called the[Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association]! God and CCP on the same sentence.[Pope Pius XII] excommunicated people from that organization who were appointing new Bishops!

* 2018-12 100 Christians detained in China crackdown
* 2018-09 Vatican Christian pope makes deal with China
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2018-09 cartoon showing the Pope with a Christian cross containing the Hammer and Sickle communist symbol, in reference to one of the accords that the Vatican struck with the Chinese government.[Source].
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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* 2018-01 Chinese authorities demolish Christian mega-church "Golden Lampstand" sparking fears of religious persecution
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.China's Golden Lampstand Church being demolished.[Source].
* 2016 pastor 14 years jail
* 2015

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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2018-09 cartoon showing Jesus and the Apostles in the Last Supper being arrested by CCP guards.[Source].
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Ciro Santilli's avatar
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.[Zhang Hongtu] cartoon showing Mao Zedong and other communist officials at the Last Supper instead of Jesus and the Apostles.[Source].
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=== Falun Gong

==== Falun Gong is not important to be worth discussing

The main reason I emphasise FLG it that is shows how the CCP can mercilessly crush a 70M strong group (according to CCPs own statistics) out of a population of 1.3B in 2000, i.e. 5% of the population.

If that is correct, I'm curious to understand what you consider an important movement? :-)

Anything much larger would take down the government and change China's history forever.

OK, maybe the fact that 69M of those were likely old ladies didn't help much either. Tip to next <<flg-lhz,prophet>>: make something that appeals to aspiring military officers.

And of course: <<flg-bias>>

Let's try to gather some well sourced footage showing huge numbers of believers on the streets:

* AP Archive: could not find a good one there

.Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in Guangzhou, China, 1998.[Source].

.Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in Liaoning Industrial Exhibition, China, likely 1998.[Source].

.Hundreds of Falun Gong believers in Chengdu, China, 1998.[Source].

==== Do you believe in or practice Falun Gong?
No, I'm agnostic:
Here are some things that I don't like about Falun Gong for example: <<things-i-personally-dislike-about-flg>>.
I think that FLG exercises and meditation are good for you, just like many other meditative practices such as Yoga, Buddhist meditation, Tai chi, deep Catholic prayer, etc.
However I find the metaphysics and obligations boring like for any other prophetic xref:flg-religion[religion].
The absolute truth is already known by the xref:flg-lhz[prophet], although he does not want to give clear evidence for reasons. Or a Jesus put it:
Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
"If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written:

“'He will command his angels concerning you,

and they will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"

Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Ah good old prophets, their tricks haven't changed a bit in 2 thousand years!

And you just repeat these truth over and over and over:

* FLG is good
* FLG is good
* FLG is good
* xref:flg-religion[Aliens]
* FLG is good
* xref:flg-organized[You can support FLG by doing X and Y, why wouldn't you since you are saving other people?]
* FLG is good
* FLG is good
* xref:flg-religion[Alternate dimensions]
* FLG is good
* xref:flg-medication[Maybe FLG will make you healthier, but no promises, but it will make you a better person, and that's why you should do it, but if you really really believe, you get healthier]
* FLG is good
* FLG is good
* Non-followers are like this, FLG people are like that. Although non-followers who do good things are actually doing FLG without knowing it. Note: FLG even has a specific terminology for non-believers, which is translated in English as["ordinary-people"]. Like other aspects of FLG however, this appears in other religions, e.g. my mother mentioned the funny term used by her Protestant's group term but I forgot it, and you can see it in Harry Potter as well:[The Muggles].
* FLG is good
* FLG is good