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= China Dictatorship 中国独裁统治
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Chinese "Communist" <<dictatorship,"Dictatorship">> "facts". 中国《共产主义》<<dictatorship,《独裁统治》>>的《事实》。<<faq,FAQ>>, <<news,news compilation>> and <<restaurants,restaurant>> and <<music,music>> recommendations. <<faq,常见问答集>>,<<news,新闻集>>和<<restaurants,饭店>>和<<music,音乐>>建议。<<xi-abolishes-term-limits-2018-03,Heil Xi 卐>>. <<xi-abolishes-term-limits-2018-03,习万岁>>。
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== FAQ 常见问答集

=== Why are you attacking websites with censored keywords?

<<keyword-attack, The attack>>.

To <<effective,destroy the firewall>>.

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This would then end <<censorship>>.

And then <<dictator-needs-gfw,I believe>> that this would also <<why-end-dictatorship,end the dictatorship>>.

The keyword attacks increase the cost of censorship.

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If commies censor things, they will get worse IT technology, and thus become less <<richer,less rich>> and militarily powerful.

Since all they care about, like any other politicians, is power, the only way to make them stop censorship is to make the cost of censorship higher than not censoring.

Without the threat that China will be less technologically, and therefore militarily advanced, there is no incentive for the CCP to destroy the firewall.

The goal is to put them in a position where they have to choose between either:

* having military power
* remaining a <<dictatorship,dictatorship>>

but not both, since having both means that they will <<war,start WW3 and destroy humanity>>

==== Do you want to harm the Chinese programmers?


This is not a revenge of any kind.

I know I am harming you on the short term, and I don't like myself for it.

But I believe that this harm is a necessary means to reach my real goal, which is to destroy the firewall, and the dictatorship.

Don't you think it is worth a try? Destroying the firewall, would <<why-end-dictatorship,enormously benefit>> not only Chinese programmers, but every single other Chinese person too.

Once the firewall is destroyed, which <<dictator-needs-gfw,may destroy the dictatorship>>, I want China to develop the best science and technology in the world, and <<would-you-like-to-live-in-china>>.

And by the way, by contributing to open source, I am already helping China, and all underdeveloped countries become stronger.

See also: <<your-profile-disturbs-me>>.

=== Why do you want to end the dictatorship?

Because I think that this would make China, and the world:

* <<richer,richer>>
* less likely to get into <<war,WW3>>

==== Why would democracy and freedom of speech make China richer?

There is infinite debate about this out there, some examples:



* dictatorships are more likely to start <<war>> or other crazy policies like the Great Leap Forward, which completely destroy the economy in one go
* society becomes richer when people know that they can do their startups, get rich, and stay in the country without fear of being persecuted unfairly and losing everything instead of migrating to Canada.
Any criticism of the government, even if constructive, is taken as menace to power, and more likely to be shut down, which makes the government and just becomes less efficient since there is less feedback.
* governments are monopolies, and the more powerful they are, the worst it is for competition an efficiency in general. E.g.: the startup with better government ties wins, instead of the most efficient one.
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* dictatorships need <<censorship>> to survive, and they must control all information to make themselves always look good.
As a result, knowledge of problems flows more slowly, and therefore they also take longer to solve.
Maybe this hurts my argument, but Hillary agrees: "Secretary Clinton Speaks on Internet Freedom", U.S. Department of State, 2010-01-22 :-)
But countries that restrict free access to information or violate the basic rights of internet users risk walling themselves off from the progress of the next century
Also mentioned at: link:[Google versus China - VPRO documentary - 2011]
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This is also well illustrated in the link:[HBO 2019 miniseries "Chernobyl"], which suggests that part of the reason why Chernobyl happened is because of the Soviet Union's obsession to save face.


* presidents only care about the 4-8 year horizon, while dictators can make longer term decisions to maintain power forever, their power being limited only by "the people are happy enough to not start a revolution"
* dictatorships can make changes faster without the same amount of discussion that happens in democracies, where power is more spread out.
Killing a million people will make us richer? No problem, let's do it.
That is great when they make good decisions, but it sucks when they make <<war,bad ones>> more likely.

I really like Posners' way of putting it:

While average rate of growth do not appear to differ much between democracies and authoritarian regimes, the variability in performance does differ more among authoritarian governments. China has had remarkable growth since the 1980s, but the prolonged devastation and hardship produced by China's “great leap forward” (when millions of farmers starved to death) and its Cultural Revolution would unlikely have occurred in a democratic country like say India. Nor is it likely that say Cuba and many African nations would have suffered so long with such terrible economic policies if they had reasonably democratic institutions.

Maybe China was poor because of Mao's crazy communist regime. Similar regimes also made <<russia>> poor. And yes, before that exploitation by the West may have been a factor.

Definitely, the current regime is better than Mao's, but just imagine how rich China could be if it had more freedom and justice.

Imperial China lost the race for the Industrial Revolution. Will another dictatorship be able to stay on top of the next technological revolution?

==== Why would democracy and freedom of speech make China less likely to start a war?

This has been discussed to death:


Some arguments include:

* the people who will actually fight and die on the front can't vote against it
* dictators have huge power, so if they put it in their heads that they want to start a war, it is much harder for sensible people to stop them
* dictators need <<fear-of-west,to keep the people in fear all the time to keep their power>>, and a war is a great way to achieve that

==== The commies exaggerate the thread of the West to keep in power

This is a common strategy, but the West is not as evil as they say:

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Once upon a time, there was a farmer with a farm.

One day, the animals in the farm started feeling a bit trapped, and started bumping against the fence to get out.

The farmer, however, was smart, and told the animals:

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Careful! There is a wolf outside! If you go out, you will be eaten by the wolf!

The animals, were not that smart, and listened to the farmer, they were afraid!

From time to time, one of the animals would disappear (and without their knowledge, reappear on the farmer's dinner table).

But the farmer kept giving the animals delicious food without them doing any effort, so they decided to believe the farmer's explanation that that animal had escaped and been eaten by the wolf.

Maybe, there was actually a wolf outside. But if they had escaped, only some of the animals would have been eaten by that wolf.

But by staying in the farm, all the animals were, sooner or later, eaten one by one.
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TODO source.

==== The Chinese masses are still uneducated, and not fit for free speech and democracy

When will they be ready? Who decides? What if they think that they are ready now?

=== Will the keyword attacks really help to destroy the firewall?

==== Embargoes make the dictatorship stronger

The <<keyword-attack,keyword attack>> is basically an embargo.

There is already a lot of literature about this, specially in the cases of Cuba and North Korea. It is basically a libertarian vs conservative / Cato vs Heritage thing in the US:


The key dilemma is is:
* if we keep contact with the Dictatorship, maybe its people will see that democracy is better and start a liberating revolution
* if we keep giving technology to the Dictatorship and it does not become a democracy, we are making a Dictatorship more technologically advanced, and therefore <<war,dangerous>>

Some interesting aspects of the keyword attack embargo:

* it is immediately self enforcing: we don't need politicians to decide and enforce the complex "if you do this, we punish you like that" question.
By political and technological information is together, and this immediately puts the dictatorship in a bad spot, without us having to decide anything.
* by affecting programmers in particular through Stack Overflow and GitHub, we make them more likely to develop better Firewall climbing tools themselves

One point in favor of the embargo is that China has opened up since the 80's 90's, but did freedom improve at all? Under Xi Jinping, it may be argued that it did not, and maybe that we should just stop feeding them technology and accept that they won't become free.

Trump's link:[2019 China trade war], and in particular the Huawei ban, is an event that have brought this question to the spotlight once again.

===== Keyword attacks could be used by certain CCP political groups to justify blocking off the entire external Internet, and make the dictatorship even more pervasive

It is a risk, but it would make China drastically <<richer,less powerful>>, so at least they wouldn't be able to start or sustain <<war,WW3>>. So I don't think it will go that way.

==== What you are doing will never have any effect

That is true with high probability, just like any other individual which tries to influence 1B people.

Every action is statistical: I just push the balance a little bit towards freedom.

This FAQ and any talk is useless. You and I are wasting our times here.

The possibility of blocking Stack Overflow and GitHub is 1000x more useful than any talk, but it is still useless.

However, potentially blocking those websites takes <<better-to-do,0 of my time>>, I just leave the content there, so it is worth my time.

To have an idea, in 2015 there are about:

* 20M developers in the world
* 2M in China :
* 5M Stack Overflow users
* TODO I wonder what percentage of GDP those programmers control. I'll bet any programmer on Stack Overflow is at least 5x more powerful than the average Chinese.

And if we never start somewhere, nothing will ever happen.

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==== Stack Overflow and GitHub could be blocked at no cost by the Chinese government

Hitting the block button has of course no cost.

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The cost of blocking Stack Overflow lies of course in the loss of information, and slower technological development, see also: <<why-keyword-attack>>

Remember that it is not possible for the Chinese government to block only certain pages of HTTPS websites due to encryption: either the entire IP / domain name is blocked, or nothing.

The 2019 996.ICU event however brought to my attention that Chinese (usually WebKit-based) browsers are already censoring HTTPS websites selectively of course, see e.g.:

But I doubt developers use those browsers right? The only way would be for China to forbid foreign browsers entirely.

=== Would ending the great firewall truly end the dictatorship?

Not 100% sure.

In <<Russia>> for example, the Internet is relatively free, but the government controls most professional media, which is what most people end up seeing, by suing dissidents media out of business.

But on the other hand Russia is already much freer than China.

Although I don't like them, I can't deny one thing: the commies are smart, and when they do something (e.g. censorship), it tends to keep them in power.

=== This is your personal problem, we have nothing to do with it, stop punishing us for it

We have to fight for justice for our fellows, or else when injustice happens to us, no one will fight for use either.

Every form of protest incurs some damage. E.g., if we manifest on the street, it generates a traffic jam.

I don't like it, but I think it is worth it.

How can you be that certain that your children won't have dissident ideas and be punished unfairly for them?

Intolerance is a risky way to live.

If you just work to make money and have a good life, without any plans to improve the government, you are just making the economy of the dictatorship stronger, then when they start a <<war,war>> or kill yet another minority, blood will also be on your hands.

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=== If anyone disagrees with the government they must be punished to keep the stability of the country

Destroying diversity is the best way to reach a point where everyone can agree to start a new big war and destroy everything.

The CCP thrives on the excessive fear it instigate into its own people.

How can society improve, if we are never allowed to try new things out?

Change does not require violence. Violence happens because the government punishes any dissidence, even if pacific, to retain its own power.

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In democracies, radical policy changes happen without dropping a single drop of blood. People vote, and policies change, end of story.

=== You are using Stack Overflow in a way that it was not meant to be used, so what you are doing is in principle wrong

Any act of protest will use things in ways that it was not meant to be used.

For example, the street is not meant to showcase protest banners, it is meant to be a passageway for cars.

As engineers, we have a moral responsability towards society. We should not blindly follow orders of those in power if it violates our principles, e.g. build weapons or censorship mechanisms. And we should freely express our principles and violation concerns.

Making a statement where no one will ever see it, like a personal website, is <<effective,sure to have no effect>>.

Finally, it is up to the Stack Overflow community to decide what is right or wrong, and so far the consensus is go ahead:

*, see public figure comments

Much of the best art and technology is about using something in a way that it wasn't meant to be used.

==== Are you making programming contributions with the main intent of promoting your political agenda?

No, that is just a side effect.

If that were the case, I would definitely target more widely technologies, in particular Web and JavaScript, instead of obscure things like C and assembly in which I have spent tons of my time.

Also, as I've said elsewhere, my actions are very unlikely to have any actions. Much more likely to have any action, would be for me to become rich and powerful first, and the best way to do that is to invest in whatever I think is most useful.

Actually, it can even be argued that I'm somewhat irrational, since I would much more likely become rich and powerful by bowing down to the CCP and trying to get their money instead.

On the other hand, becoming rich and powerful is also highly unlikely, so maybe I'm just taking a low risk low reward path?

I have very little free time, and will never do something for political reasons, only things that interest me technically.

Finally, do you really think I'd be able to make such awesome projects if I had primarily political considerations in mind? XD

===== Are you making trivial edits on questions just to spam your name further?


I just think that website is great, and want to push it to perfection, in particular with better Google keyword hits, and uniform gramatically correct titles.

If you think that any of my edits were harmful, please ping me and open a meta thread to discuss specific edits, and I will comply with consensus.

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==== Your profile disturbs me

I know, but isn't it better to be annoyed than having <<war,war>>, <<richer,being poor>> or <<xinjiang,put into jail unfairly>>?

If the truth is too much for you to bear, worry not, I have you covered with this cool browser extension to clean up Stack Overflow: Installing it immediately gives you <<social-credit-system,10 Sesame Points>>.
See also: <<harm-programmers>>.

=== You are not Chinese, you can't interfere in Chinese politics

. We live in the same world.
If China's <<richer,economy>> is bad, my economy is worse.
If China's environment is bad, my environment is worse.
If China <<war,starts a war>>, I might have to fight it.
. If I lived under a dictatorship, I would welcome foreign intervention.
Even if you don't, I know several Chinese who do.
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Are you certain that your beloved CCP would be in power today if the link:[Japanese hadn't weakened the Guomindang] and the link:[Soviet Union helped out Mao]?
. You have been brainwashed by the commies who say that all foreigners are bad :-)
The commies do this because most foreign countries are telling the Chinese to get rid of the dictatorship.
Most foreigners actually want what is best for China.
. You can't do anything about it.
I don't like this argument, but in the end, this is what all politics comes down to: power.
I recognize that in that sense, I may be similar to the CCP and any other political party.

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==== You are not Chinese, you have been brainwashed by the USA know nothing about China

Everyone is "brainwashed" by their environment.

I don't doubt that you know more about China than me.

But if you are Chinese, also consider that you have been brainwashed by the commies, so likely much more than me since you live in a dictatorship.

So, instead of saying that, why don't you just actually prove your point by teaching me something interesting about China that I don't know about? I love learning new things.

But please, link to reference material instead of just saying it, it will be much more convincing.

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===== Can I contact you in Chinese?

If you don't know English well enough, that's fine though, go for Chinese.

But if you do, use English.

I am not going to learn Chinese because of your message.

It is more productive for you to write in English, so that the rest of the West can also learn something new.

Especially since it seems that most Chinese already know what you are talking about.

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See also: <<what-is-your-chinese-level>>.
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===== You have a preconceived opinion about China that cannot be changed

I try to justify here why I think China would be better with democracy, but I know that ultimately all of this is useless.

Our opinions are all determined genetically and by bring-up, and there is nothing I can do to change yours, or you change mine.

From that point of view, all of this is just a cold blooded political game, in which I try to force the CCP to take down the Firewall: <<why-keyword-attack>>.

Unfortunately I'm still still human and do get annoyed or sad sometimes, but never mad, even if your opinion is contrary to mine, and therefore wrong :-)

I also have doubts about certain things I do as expressed throughout this FAQ.

Also, I have never said that that anyone else is wrong.

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In the end, I just end up thinking about new replies to things people say to me, and add them to this FAQ so that future replies will be faster to copy paste. See also: <<better-to-do>>.

==== Have you ever lived in China?

No, only visited once.

And I don't think it is a good idea for me to do that now :-)

But I know that if you don't mind contributing to making <<war,WW3>> deadlier and shut up and obey the CCP, China is already a fine place to live as much as any other developing country.

===== Would you like to live in China?

If the dictatorship ends, I would like to <<do-you-hate-china,migrate to China>> if given a decent job to help you develop and become awesomer.

==== What is your Chinese level?

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Oral enough for daily things, but not understand a natural casual dinner conversation or watch TV series.
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If it matters, with some patience, I can make myself understood though with some analogies and a dictionary.

I read with link:[Perapera], write with a mixture of link:[Pleco], Google translate and Googling to see if Chinese actually say the sentences that way.

I haven't tried to learn characters, too much effort, but I learnt the most common ones without trying.

I really wish I could learn more, but I have other more important endeavours at the moment :-(

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Spoken Chinese is in my opinion a relatively easy language to learn from scratch, because word formation is so often logical:, e.g.:

* volcano = fire + mountain: 火山(huo shan)
* train = fire + car: 火车 (huo che), a reference to old[steam locomotives]

and there is no useless crap like verb conjugation,[Grammatical gender], plural variants, capitalization, etc.

I love this language.
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Please just get rid of the Chinese characters and move to pinyin like the Korean and Vietnamese did, this will make your culture much easier to export. Characters are beautiful, but just take too much time to learn.

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=== This repository is completely biased against the Chinese Government!

I prefer the term focused :-)

That being said, I take the agenda of information sources very seriously.

E.g. I try to clearly classify Communist Party, Falun Gong, and Western government linked sources.

Any evidence of positive political progress will also be added to this repo, e.g. people openly discussing politics online, human rights activists doing political stuff and not being put into jail, etc.

Party promises do not count, only reports of activities by individuals.

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See also:

* <<preconceived>>
* <<flg-bias>>

=== China is fine as it is, stop making it worse

Welcome to the wonderful world of democracy, a world where people can have different political opinions than you :-)

See also:

* <<why-end-dictatorship>>
* <<preconceived>>

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==== I like my Dictatorship

I can understand that.

It must feel good to have absolute truth in the <<democracy-is-a-religion,Cult of Xi>>, and let the black police <<against-censorship-and-flg,get rid of weirdos for you>>.

A scene from the awesome mini-series link:[Seventeen Moments of Script (1973)] comes to mind.

In link:[Episode 7, 34:46], the main character, Stierlitz, who is an undercover Soviet spy in Germany during WW2, travels on a train with a link:[Nazi officer].

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The war is almost over, and the desolate officer tells Stierlitz:
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I told my children: I hate democracy!

No democracy in our Reich!

Any democracy in our country is doomed to end up with one thing: the dictatorship of small shopkeepers.

The more freedom we have, the more we want to be controlled by the SS again.

And then we want our secret police back, and concentration death camps again, and the universal fear everywhere!

Only then can we feel ourselves calm and secure.

No need to prove your point of view in defending the fate of the home land.

No responsibility.

Just raise your hand in the honor of him, who will take care of everything for you.

Just shout "Hail Hitler" and everything becomes understandable.

No more worries.

I find it amusing that a Soviet movie criticizes dictatorships.

=== There are bad things happening all over the world, why don't you fight for those causes as well / instead?

We have to choose the one we think is the worst, and focus on it.

What is worse is a subjective choice. For me:

* I love China and my Chinese wife, see also: <<bias>>
* I hate dictatorships, and China is the largest one by population / GDP / link:[nuclear stockpile]

My <<keyword-choice,SO username>> and <<better-to-do,protest time>> are not infinite.

See also: <<western-democracies-are-not-perfect>>

==== Western democracies are not perfect

That is definitely true.

Nothing is perfect in this world.

I just think that they are way better than dictatorships.

As link:[Churchill] once brilliantly link:[put it]:

Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.

However, this is all obviously subjective, and believing that dictatorship is a better form of government is also a valid belief.

See also:

* <<richer>>
* <<preconceived>>
* <<bias>>

===== Snowden

The level of unknown surveillance that Snowden uncovered is a bad thing about the US.

However, it is obvious that the level of surveillance in any dictatorship will be infinitely higher, since the Government has much more power.

Snowden's prosecution was inevitable. Countries need secret services. Secret services need laws that prevent leaking classified information that was produced by government officials.

I have never and will never criticize China or any other country for spying or prosecuting spies.

The problem with dictatorships, is that they make _every_ information that makes them look bad a "state secret". Including any information that hundreds of thousands of people have witnessed, or economic performance metrics.

If Snowden were Chinese, the Chinese government would ban talking about him or anything he uncovered. A <<keyword-attack,keyword attack>> with "Snowden" in the West has no effect.

Ultimately, I think camera surveillance is somewhat inevitable, because people will always want to fight crime and terrorism and surveillance technology keeps getting cheaper and cheaper.

I am however strictly against the ban of cryptography.

I also believe that a good solution to balance out government power is the second amendment. I'd rather have more school shootings and less full blown dictatorship led genocides / mass human rights violations.

===== Fake news

When a government controls all information to make it look good, and no one can challenge it, you cannot trust _any_ of the news produced by that country, as anything could be fake.

It is much better to have some fake news, but also few sources which are likely telling the truth.

==== Russia

Russia is clearly the number 2 dictatorship in the world by population / GDP and the link:[#1 nuclear arsenal], so here we go.

I've always been curious to how Russia can be both oppressive and a democracy, unlike China which doesn't even try to pretend. This is what I gather:

* the government controls all major media. If any media says bad things against them, the government finds pretexts to create lawsuits or increase taxes against such companies. Therefore all people end up thinking that the government is good.
* just like China, they emphasise the threat of the foreign countries, especially the US, as a justification for having an oppressive power.
* the government puts pressure on any significant opposition candidate. One technique is to find some reason to put them in jail for 2 months, which by Russian law forbids them from participating in further elections. Only candidates that don't really stand a chance are left as a fake opposition. is fine, but if you reach some prominence, you start taking the same risks as politicians, although you are more likely to face more brutal illegal gangster violence threats as you are less visible

While I'm at it, some interesting news:

* 2018-04 Russia to block Telegram app over encryption
* 2017 Russia Jehovah's Witnesses banned after they lose appeal
* 2017
* 2016
* 2014 link:![]
* 1995

=== Irrelevant personal questions

==== Why did you start the keyword attack?

The last straw was when in March 2015 my girlfriend's mother was arbitrarily kept 15 days in jail for doing Falun Gong. I posted this at:


I then continued because I hate political censorship.

I am against violence. <<do-you-hate-china,I love China>>.

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===== Jail post

====== Jail post en

My girlfriend's mother, a 63 year old lady, was kept 15 days inside a Chinese "correctional facility" because she does Falun Gong.

She had to stay all the time in a small room with a bed and a toilet, under video surveillance, being fed three meager meals a day.

I see Falun Gong as just another moderate religion which causes no harm to its believers. The only reason that it is unofficially outlawed in China is because the communists fear it as a political competitor.

There was no trial and no explanation. She was going to take a train to visit her sister. But she didn't know that there was an important political event happening in the capital:'s_Congress So the police at the station, who already knew she did Falun Gong, took her away.

When she came back home, the house had been searched and was all messed up. Her religious books and computer were missing.

I'm glad she was not physically harmed. I find it fascinating how even well educated Chinese support a government which simply does not represent some of its people. How will you feel when something like that happens to your own family, and there is nothing you can do about it?

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====== Jail post zh
Translation by my wife:



我看过法轮功 只是一个和平的信仰,对相信它的人没有任何坏处。它在中国被非官方的定为违法(其实没有一项明确法律禁止),唯一的原因就是工产党害怕它是一个政治竞争对手。




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====== Jail post pt
Translation by myself:

A mãe da minha namorada ficou 15 dias num "centro de correção" chines porque ela faz Falun Gong.

Ela ficou o tempo todo num quarto pequeno com uma cama e banheiro, sobe videovigilância, recebendo 3 refeições pequenas por dia.

Para mim, o Falun Gong é apenas mais uma religião moderada que não causa nenhum problema para seus crentes. A única razão pela qual ele é proibido na China é porque os comunistas tem medo dele como competidor politico.

Não houve julgamento nem explicação. Ela ia pegar um trem para ver sua irmã, mas ela não sabia que teria um evento político importante na capital:'s_Congress Então a polícia da estação, que já sabia que ela faz Falun Gong pegou ela.

Quando ela voltou pra casa, a casa tinha sido procurada pela polícia e estava uma bagunça. Os livros religiosos e seu computador foram confiscados.

Eu fico feliz apenas que ela não sofreu abuso físico. Eu acho fascinante como mesmo muitos chineses educados apoiam ainda um governo que não representa parte do povo. Como você vai se sentir quando algo do tipo acontecerá com a sua família, e você não pode fazer nada sobre isso?

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===== Further details about my mother-in-law's persecution

March 2015: 15 days in jail for no reason:

June 2017: 3 cops came to her house. She was there. They asked if she still did Falun Gong. She said yes. They took photos of her Falun Gong books / posters. They were polite.

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October 2017: 7 - 8 cops came to her house _at 11PM_. They knocked the door strongly and made noise, and questioned neighbours of her whereabouts. Luckily she was not there.
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==== Are you a radical?

I don't consider myself a radical because of: <<preconceived>>

I never get mad. Only a slightly sad or annoyed sometimes.

But maybe no radical ever considers himself radical? Hmmm...

link:[The Dark Knight - Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn]. I worry sometimes.

==== Do you think Chinese politician X evil?

The term evil does not make sense to me.

The best definition I can reach is a psychopath with zero empathy for anyone: although I think that can be better characterized as a disease or extreme personality trait.

I believe that the huge majority of those politicians are just regular dudes with a knack for politics but brought up in a fucked up political situation.

Just like you, me and other politicians in any country.

==== Do you think the Chinese government is evil?

No, just <<richer,inefficient>> and <<war,dangerous>>.

To me, it's just another non-democratic empire like the Qing Dynasty. 共产朝 as I call them. But alas, I'm not the inventor of the expression:

==== Are you a SJW?

SJW: there is a seed of SJW in me.

One major difference between me and the stereotypical SJW is that I never engage in lengthy discussions.

I limit myself to listening as much as I can to learn new arguments.

So the rationale of my actions is _not_ to convince anyone, but rather:

* increase the monetary cost of censorship by binding politics to tech
* group up like minded people who don't like censorship

See also: <<preconceived>>

==== Do you hate China?

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On the contrary. China has my favorite:

* <<restaurants,food>>
* <<what-is-your-chinese-level,language>>
* <<music>>
* history and culture
* nature

in the world. And because of that: <<would-you-like-to-live-in-china>>.

As link:[Bjarne] said:

There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always bitch about and those nobody uses

I only focus here on negative things to provide content that will activate the Great Firewall.

===== Why do you love China so much?

I don't believe in reincarnation, but sometimes I'm tempted to.

Interesting how different people get <<do-you-hate-china,different impressions>>!

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==== Are you doing this just to become famous?
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No, I am a selfless human being, only concerned with the greater well being of humankind.

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More serious answer:

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* I believe in this. As evidence, it has limiting effects on my technological career: <<does-your-employer-support-this>>, and I don't think I can / want to become a politician
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* the more famous I am, the more impact I will have in the future
* the more famous I am, the more feedback I have that what I've been doing has been working

Keyword: attention whore.

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===== Are you doing this because it makes you feel important?

See: <<famous>>.

==== Would you be doing this if you were in China?

Not with my real name attached to it.

==== Do you believe in or practice Falun Gong?

No, I'm agnostic:

Here are some things that I don't like about Falun Gong for example: <<things-i-personally-dislike-about-flg>>.
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See also: <<flg-is-fake>>.

===== How much do you know about Falun Gong's claims?

I haven't read their <<flg-canon,canon>> myself, no patience, but I have constant contact with believers and so have an idea of its content.

===== What are the canonical Falun Gong texts?

It appears that Falun Gong cannon is present at:

It contains <<flg-lhz,LHZ>>'s approved texts / speech transcriptions, which are sacred.

The only sacred version is Chinese which is a sacred language, and of which there is only one perfect revision.

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I think <<flg-lhz,LHZ>> claims the specifically chose to reincarnate in China this time.

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The English translation is made by followers, and gets new revisions to reduce translation imperfection.

However, the Chinese language seems to be fundamentally sacred, and there might never be an sacred English version approved by LZH.

This is a reasonable command to download the English cannon for grepping:

wget -r -l inf --no-remove-listing --no-clobber --no-parent -w 2

TODO: need to find a way to wrap lines, otherwise grep might fail on sentences.

Nothing else is canonical. LHZ seems to have said that there are enlightened followers, but has not specified who, so we can't derive canon from anyone else.

Notably, <<flg-organized,FLG media>> such as is believer led and thus not canonical.

=== Is your campaign funded or otherwise supported by some organization?


But then, a shady supporting organization might require that I don't disclose their support, so maybe the best answer is that you will never know for sure.

Of course, a hidden support would represent a reputation hit for both such organization and for me, which makes it less likely that I would have accepted or had such an offer.

Also consider my motivation. If your mother in law were put into jail unfairly for 15 days, for following the same religion that your wife follows, and if you had a social media presence, wouldn't you be tempted to do the same?

What about you, are you funded by the CCP?

See also:

==== Does your employer support this?

My employer has nothing to do with this.

He doesn't approve or disapprove of the Chinese government or of my private actions.

The only thing that my employer _does_ believe in is that employees can have their own political opinions, and that this should not affect hiring decisions.

Obviously, this action limits my ability to lead high profile deals with China.

Also I'm quite curious if this would limit my ability to go to China for business, but I haven't applied for a visa since I've started this. It likely wouldn't be a good idea for me to go to China :-)

But my employer believes that inclusion and non-discrimination is more valuable.

I will always do my best to not let my personal opinions affect my professional decisions, as that would be unfair to my employer.

==== Don't you have anything better to do?

In 1989, a beautiful thing called the World Wide Web was invented.

The Internet gives everyone the magic power of writing something, and having million people read it for free!

This is how much time I spend on this to give you an idea:

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* every week or two, someone sends me a message, I reply with "read the FAQ", and usually update
* I follow amongst many other programming subs, and all major bad news show up there. See also: <<anti-commie-info>>
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* when something bad enough comes up, I go to and update <<keyword-attack,my keyword attack>>. I've only been updating it on Stack Overflow and GitHub these days.

Then I just contribute to programming websites exactly as I would if I weren't making this campaign.

=== Were you influenced by the Cute cat theory of digital activism?

Nope, someone told me about it after a while, but it is basically what I'm doing.

You can never invent anything new anymore nowadays.

=== People in China have already considered democracy, and rejected it

OK, shall we put that to an anonymous vote just to make sure?

Dear sir or madam: do you want more control over your government? y/n

=== Are for a violent revolution to overthrow the CCP?

No, I'm against physical violence.

And furthermore it would never work, since the CCP controls the army.

I propose instead a revolution of ideas, and efficient link:[nonviolent resistance].

Where efficient means: if you are a dissident, use privacy technology, and weight well the benefit vs risks of your actions.

You are often more useful to the cause outside of jail than inside.

=== Why do you say China is a dictatorship?

True, I'm using the word in an extended / jokingly sense.

Maybe authoritarian is a more precise term.

In particular, dictatorships are harder to sustain than authoritarianism, since it generally implies even less freedom.

Dictatorship is becoming link:[more and more precise under Xi] however.

=== What is a screen name keyword attack?

Adding censored words to your username:

This only works on websites that show usernames everywhere.

This then leads to your username appearing on thousands of pages, depending on how much you contribute to the website.

It is also possible to do it with with images, although this is less effective in taking down websites since images are harder to track automatically.

This type of attack is essentially an embargo.

==== Do Stack Overflow policies allow for keyword attacks?

The current consensus is yes:


The Chinese law doesn't I'm afraid :-(

==== What are the best sources of anti-commie news?

Catches all the important news

A large part of the posts is controversion material.

Has some noise of course as well, but less than other media I find.

Highly worth your feed.

Reddit was banned in China in August 2018:

Tecent will invest 150 million on Reddit in 2019: See also: <<biased-media>>.

==== Where can I find good words for a keyword attack?

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* This is the best source I've seen so far. Extremely comprehensive and up-to-date.
** word of the week
** censorship directive reports
*** chinese version
** a wiki version of the censored word lists, the "Grass-mud horse index" (cao3n2ma3 草泥马), with a censored term of the week section.
** sensitive words list
** Fun 2015 ebook:
*> <
* link:complete-gfw-rulebook-for-wikipedia-v3.0.pdf[]
* 261 ways to refer to the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China

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==== How do you choose keyword for the keyword attack?
I haven't counted, but the limit for Stack Overflow is quite low, and I'm always almost at the maximum, which is about "Ciro Santilli" + 3 3-4 Chinese character events with a separator.

These are some of my prioritization guidelies:

* recent cases receive a large prime over raw death toll, because older cases can always be attributed to other people.
E.g., I've heard there is even some opening towards acknowledging the Great Famine, thus 烏坎事件 (and others from my previous profile names)
* words must refer to a precise event, and must be clearly summarizable in very few chars, for increased impact, and profile name length limitations.
E.g. "High corruption rates, high pollution", although very serious, feel too generic.
* events that relate directly to freedom of speech receive a prime, since they can only happen in China and very few other countries.
E.g.: Falun Gong, Tiananmen.
Non e.g.: corruption and pollution. Those are hard to quantify, and there is always an immediate reply: china GDP per capita is low, same happens in India, Brazil, etc.
Freedom of speech however, is immediately verifiable (e.g. "my Weibo was taken down"), and undeniably caused by the current central government.
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* the more people affected, and the more deeply they have been affected, the more important obviously

I am currently trying to maintain in my Stack Overflow Location a ranking of events in a single string, so that it can be easily copy pasted around. The location appears on every page if you hover over my account name, so it is likely in the HTML at least.
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If you think that this list can be improved, please open an issue explaining how and why.
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==== Are there other openly dissident users on Stack Overflow?

Query to find them:

Notable ones only here (high rep or innovative criticism):

* "GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會"
** Real name: Vincent Tam from social media links.
** Keyword attack inspired by me
* Yu Hao
** "GFW (Great Firewall of China) is one of the most notorious inventions in the history of Internet. Anyone working for it should be ashamed."
* iBug
** iBug
** "The Communist Party of China is a state criminal that is continuously committing state crime to ordinary Chinese citizens!" followed by an event list.
* Scott 混合理论
Same message as Yu Hao, I wonder if it is an external thing or direct copy of Yu, but no Google hits besides them.
* Terry Wang
** Lego recreation of Tankman on profile picture.

Users who had GFW references but removed it:


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Misc interesting stuff:

* <location>火车站酒店小姐 (about 20 accounts with that pattern)
** Interesting list of prostitution spam / sockpuppets? All have the exact same profile information.
** Hitting query due to "审查", but the usage is unrelated to the Firewall.

Anti-dissident users:

** username: "请封掉Ciro Santilli 中国共产党万岁"
** profile: "中国万岁! 中国共产党万岁! 法轮功,民运,台独在中国共产党的铁蹄下不过是螳臂当车!"
** username: "Ciro Santilli 的造谣是可耻行为"
** username: "Snowden Assange Wounded Knee"
** profile: "燃(ri)烧(si)您(ni)的(de)梦(ma),Ciro Santilli. StackOverflow上的一个用户. The Oliver Stone Experience"
** explanation:
*** "燃烧您的梦":
*** "Wounded Knee":

Query to find them:

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=== What do you think about separatism?

If a large number of people in a given region want to leave an country strongly or have greater autonomy, I believe that they should be allowed to do so.