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== Books 书籍

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Either banned, or relevant.

For other censored material types, see: <<lists-of-material-censored-in-china>>.

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=== Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel (AKA "1984") 乔治·奥威尔 一九八四 (1949)
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Read for free from Project Gutenberg:

* ([archive])
* ([archive])
* ([archive]) Chinese translation, text says by <<programthink>>. It also has some images added (many from the John Hurt mentioned below), which is cool.
Programthink also has a literary critique article about it: "书评:《一九八四》——反乌托邦的代表作" (Book commentary: "1984". A representative work about dystopia.) by <<programthink>>
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This book is very fun to read, and it is not very long.

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1984 has coined some amazing terms which perfectly describe aspects of dictatorships:

*[Thourhgcrime], see also: <<thoughtcrime>>
*[Newspeak], see also "Cult-speak" from <<orange-papers>>

Quotes present in other sections:

* <<nineteen-eighty-four-war-is-peace>>

In Part Three, Chapter 3, O'Brien explains the end goal of their evil government system to Winston:

In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy--everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always--do not forget this, Winston--always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever.'

On Part Two, Chapter 5, Winston explains the <<censorship,erasing of the past>> to Julia:

Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished? If it survives anywhere, it's in a few solid objects with no words attached to them, like that lump of glass there. Already we know almost literally nothing about the Revolution and the years before the Revolution. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself. After the thing is done, no evidence ever remains. The only evidence is inside my own mind, and I don't know with any certainty that any other human being shares my memories.

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See also:

* <<censorship-of-images-in-the-soviet-union>>
* <<baidu-baike-censorship-of-hao-haidong>>
With the advent of the Internet and <<wayback-machine>>, this has become a bit harder though :-)

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There is also a decent movie made released in the year, you guessed, 1984: starring[John Hurt].

On Part Three, Chapter 4, The Law of Gravity quote perfectly illustrates the CCPs approach to lying:

Anything could be true. The so-called laws of Nature were nonsense. The law of gravity was nonsense. 'If I wished,' O'Brien had said, 'I could float off this floor like a soap bubble.' Winston worked it out. 'If he THINKS he floats off the floor, and if I simultaneously THINK I see him do it, then the thing happens.' Suddenly, like a lump of submerged wreckage breaking the surface of water, the thought burst into his mind: 'It doesn't really happen. We imagine it. It is hallucination.' He pushed the thought under instantly. The fallacy was obvious. It presupposed that somewhere or other, outside oneself, there was a 'real' world where 'real' things happened. But how could there be such a world? What knowledge have we of anything, save through our own minds? All happenings are in the mind. Whatever happens in all minds, truly happens.
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. Gravity scene from the 1984 movie.


* asks how much George Orwell thought about China at the time

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=== Brave New World 美丽新世界 (1932)

This is basically a less good <<nineteen-eighty-four>>, but the following passage[from Chapter 17] rocks:

The Controller, meanwhile, had crossed to the other side of the room and was unlocking a large safe set into the wall between the book- shelves. The heavy door swung open. Rummaging in the darkness within, "It's a subject," he said, "that has always had a great interest for me." He pulled out a thick black volume. "You've never read this, for example."

The Savage took it. "The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments" he read aloud from the title-page.

"Nor this." It was a small book and had lost its cover.

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"Nor this." He handed out another volume.

"The Varieties of Religious Experience. By William James."

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"And I've got plenty more," Mustapha Mond continued, resuming his seat. "A whole collection of pornographic old books. God in the safe and Ford on the shelves." He pointed with a laugh to his avowed library to the shelves of books, the rack full of reading-machine bobbins and soundtrack rolls.
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"But if you know about God, why don't you tell them?"

Related: <<western-democracies-also-censor-subjects-such-as-child-porn-and-hate-speech>>.

.[Eric Drooker]'s "Censorship" (TODO year) has become one of the most recognizable censorship symbols as of 2020.[Source].

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==== Internal censorship is necessary to prevent fake USA accounts from creating harmful propaganda

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The USA cannot create enough fake accounts to overwhelm real 1.5 billion Chinese accounts, especially considering things like forcing mobile number account verification.

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Chinese politicians are just using this fear as an excuse to stay in power: <<evil-west>>.
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What if a Chinese person who really loves China and wants to improve the country disagrees with the Government?

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What if this person is right, and wants to express this publicly to get support and make change happen?
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Should this person just be put into jail as is done currently? Do you really think that the CCP can never do anything seriously wrong? <<chinese-politicians-really-care-about-the-chinese-citizens>>?
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When citizens stop trying to contribute due to fear, this is known as the[chilling effect (寒蝉效应)].

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What if a <<is-chinese-politician-x-evil,politician>> does something bad, and <<corruption,suppresses the news to protect themselves>>?
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Without freedom of speech, who will watch over the actions of those in power?[Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?]

I hear always the admonishment of my friends:

"Bolt her in, constrain her!"

But who will guard the guardians? The wife plans ahead and begins with them.

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With internal censorship, leaders inevitably become <<xi-jinping,Gods>>, and soon zealous sons betray their fathers and brothers in loyalty to the leader and their fake ideal. See for example: <<man-in-the-high-castle>>.

. Scene from[The Man in the High Castle] S04E06 in which the devoted young Thomas Smith hands himself in to be killed by the Nazis whom he worships after discovering that he has a disease, which is not acceptable in <<nazi,Nazi>> America.

The famous[Heinrich Heine] (German but from the 19th century, before the Nazis) saying also comes to mind:

Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings.

Do you not think that this translates well to the modern version:

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Where they have deleted online posts, they will end in deleting human beings.
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It is actually easier for the USA to manipulate a dictatorship than a democracy, because then all you have to do is buy/blackmail a few key corrupt politicians instead of manipulating millions of people's feeds.

.Internal censorship is so strong, that many Chinese people who leave China to live abroad continue to believe that the CCP is always right, despite having access evidence that suggests otherwise. This <<rebel-pepper>> 2019-08 cartoon shows frogs coming out of a big well still remain inside their own small wells made up of Chinese media such as <<zhihu-purge,Zhihu>> and CCTV. It is a reference to the Chinese proverb井底之蛙[井底之蛙] which means that a frog in the bottom of the well can only see a very limited portion of the sky.[Source].
.<<nazi,Nazis>> burning books in Berlin in 1933.[Source].
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.<<falun-gong>> books being destroyed with a[road roller] in 1999 in China in an extremely low quality early Internet still of a video TODO Ciro saw a 3s sequence in[], find timestamp again. How far do you think mass jailings and torture would be? One wonders why they didn't burn the books though.'ouvrages_du_Falun_Gong_lors_de_la_répression_de_1999_en_Chine.jpg[Source].
==== China has more freedom of speech than the USA!

When you hear that online, it really makes you wonder if those people believe it or are paid to say it.

Luckily, this is easy to verify: just create an online account on a Chinese website, and start posting about censored political subjects, and wait for your account to get banned.

Then create an account on an American website, and start posting about censored political subjects. The first good question is: what will you post about since no political subject is censored?

Here is one concrete and well documented example: <<zhihu-purge>>.

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Or maybe why not <<t-shirt,go out on the street in China with a T-shirt with censored words and share some photos online>>?
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. 2016-10-18 BBC stopped from visiting China independent candidate for local elections, Liu Huizhen (刘惠珍). They returned a few days later when the thugs weren't there:[].

===== What happens if you wear a T-shirt with censored words in China?

See also <<ciro-santilli>>'s answer to[What would happen if I walked around Beijing with a t-shirt that said "freedom of speech is pretty great"?] on <<quora>>.

Some cases where that didn't end well for them:

* 2017 Li Xiaoling (李小玲) was arrested and released "on bail" for wearing a <<tiananmen,Tiananmen>> T-shirt:
* 1989 <<pu-zhiqiang-shirt,Pu Zhiqiang (浦志强) freedom of speech shirt>> during <<tiananmen>>

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* 2000 Autralian Zhang Cuiying (张翠英) went to China to protest against Falun Gong oppression and was kept 8 months in jail there. When she returned to Australia on 2000-11-04, she wore a t-shirt saying:
为了一句公道话, +
法轮大法是正法, +
为此坐牢八个月, +
历经艰险讨公道, +
头可断,血可流, +
浩气丹心留狱中, +
中国镇压法轮功, +
translated as:
Because of the truth I said +
Falun Dafa is righteous +
I was imprisoned for 8 months +
I went through the hardship just to attain the justice +
I am not afraid of bleeding or other sacrifice +
My righteous mind was shown in the prison +
China suppresses Falun Gong +
Which is unforgivable

.In 2016 activist Quan Ping (Kwon Pyong,权平,[BraveJohnny]) was sent to jail for wearing a <<nazi,Xitler>>/<<xi-jinping-memes,習包子/大撒币>> t-shirt in public and posting selfies online. This photo is in front of a Government building (TODO exact location, reports say he is from[Jilin City 吉林] transcription of the sign on top of building: 诚信立市工业强市[工业强市] 依法治...)[New York Times coverage]. He was later sentenced and served 18 months in prison because of this:[Front Line Defenders profile].[Source].

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.In 2009 activist Liu Shihui (刘士辉) was arrested for wearing a t-shirt saying "One-party rule is a disaster" (一党独裁,遍地是灾) in 2009 in Guangzhou. This is a quote from a <<chinese-government-media,Xinhua News>> editorial【历史的先声】一党独裁,遍地是灾/[from the 1940s]. On the back was another quote by former president[Liu Shaoqi (刘少奇)] "The CP [Communist Party] opposes the Kuomintang's one-party dictatorship, but the CP will not establish a one-party dictatorship". This interesting <<zhihu>> page has many other similar quotes BTW:[] ([archive]). He was later assaulted, spent 108 days in jail without a trial, and was forcefully sent back to his home town in Inner Mongolia:[Front Line Defenders profile]. Quotes from the <<hundred-flowers-campaign>> also come to mind.[Source].

==== Great Firewall (GFW) 防火长城


Golden Shield Project:

And so, the spirit of Internet freedom that the Chinese themselves had at the start, was crushed :


Across the Great Wall, we can reach every corner in the world.

Source: the first International email sent from China in 1987 by王运丰[Wang Yunfeng (王运丰)] in the Beijing-based Institute for Computer Application (ICA) of the China Ordnance Industry Corporation under the中华人民共和国机械电子工业部[Ministry of Machinery and Electronics of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国机械电子工业部)] to[Werner Zorn] from the[Karlsruhe Institute of Technology] see also:[].

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===== Would ending the Great Firewall truly end the dictatorship?
In <<russia>>, for example, the Internet is relatively free, but the government controls most professional media, which is what most people end up seeing, by suing dissidents media out of business.

But on the other hand Russia is already much freer than China.

Although I don't like them, I can't deny one thing: the commies are smart, and when they do something (e.g. censorship), it tends to keep them in power.

===== The Great Firewall is necessary to protect China from harmful USA propaganda and data collection

<<ciro-santilli>> doesn't think this is below the USA, but:

* without censorship, you would be much richer and stronger, and more able to defend yourselves
* why does China also censor its own people in addition to foreign propaganda?
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* maybe this fear is greatly emphasized by the Chinese government beyond truth just to help them keep control of the country by fear and maintain their own power. Can the Americans really have that much influence in your country? <<evil-west>>
* maybe the regions that want to split from China feel like China is not giving them anything back, and they are themselves looking for allies outside of China to help them split. With democracy, people are more likely to get what they want, and there will be split parties and votes.
* the same argument can be used to justify any action, no matter how bad. E.g.: we must put all who criticize the government in jail, or else they will make China less united and weaker against the USA!

<<deng-xiaoping>> notably had this ideology, even though he explicitly recognizes that there are also <<censorship-makes-countries-poorer,benefits to not having online censorship>>:


which translates as:

If you open the window, both fresh air and flies will enter.

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====== Google China 谷歌中国


.Faithful Google China users/employees made a funeral-like flower tribute on the company's entry sign in Beijing[Tsinghua Science Park] when the company was[kicked/hacked out of China in the 2010 Operation Aurora]. This was one example of the unfair <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,joint venture technique imposed on foreign companies>> by China.[Source].

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===== Jingjing and Chacha 警警察察

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Friendly looking mascots of Internet Censorship in China created by the Shenzhen Government in 2006.
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Ciro Santilli committed "Roger Dingledine - The Tor Censorship Arms Race The Next Chapter - DEF CON 27 Conference" mentions that choosing friendly looking mascots for internet censorship is a comon practice in several dictatorships, so to suggest that they are just <<evil-west,protecting citizens>>, These show the cute UAE censorship page for example:
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* Iran
* Quatar
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The images were[removed from Wikipedia] presumably due to fair use concerns, so Ciro asked how to check that at: After understanding the case, Ciro[reuploaded the images], hopefully for good.
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.Jinjing (警警) is the male cop.[Source].

.Chacha (警警) is the female cop.[Source].

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.Jingjing and Chacha picture shown on the street, presumably in China.[Source].
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.Image with Jingjing and Chacha together and explanations (深圳网络警察,Shenzhen Network Police), good for copy pasting. TODO a bit small.[Source]..
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.Beijing version of the Shenzhen-created Jingjing and Chacha. TODO what does it say on the images? On car "XX网络110" (XX Internet 110) so it must be the phone number of the Internet police department. At bottom right something like (联合新作, joint XX), so likely means it is a joint action between two departments.[Source].
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.Angry Chinese cop cartoons extracted from[Encyclopedia Dramatica] with the racist subtitles removed. It is hard to be sure what is the original image that they were Photoshopped from, but they are very similar to the Beijing Jingjing and Chacha although this is not a direct copy paste of the above since several details differ. The image was uploaded in 2011 to ED.[Source].
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.The Qatar friendly censorship page likely from around 2011 sowing that China is not alone in this "cute censorship mascots" technique.[Source].
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===== Western companies that sell censorship technology to dictatorships

To China:

* Cisco may have knowingly helped to build the Chinese internet censorship infrastructure in the 2000's
*** they had a demo with a <<falun-gong>> module
*** Internal CISCO documents quote the Chinese Government saying: "The Golden Shield Project ... Combat Falun Gong evil religion and other hostiles"

To other dictatorships:

* 2019: IBM
* 2017: Amesys France for facial recognition surveillance in Egypt:
* 2011: Netsweeper Inc. from Canada to UAE
** claim:
* 2009:[Forcepoint], previously Websense
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** claims on Wikipedia:

In 2019, the European Union was considering making stricter laws about cyber surveillance exports, to include more technologies that can be used either for Censorship or other non-evil applications (dual-use), <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,kudos to them>>:

See also: <<western-companies-that-comply-with-chinese-censorship-requests>>.
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.Cartoon showing how Amesys systems are used to suppress citizens in Egypt. Do you want the logo of your company to figure there instead?[Source].
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Projects that attempt to understand how the Great Firewall works and what it blocks:
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* Garry King Harvard papers:
* GFW emulation
* data on Censorship
* from the Geneva Project of the University of Maryland. Source:
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It is also worth noting that as mentioned at <<is-stack-overflow-blocked-in-china>> that websites can become non-functional if CDNs they rely on are taken down, instead of the website being taken down itself.
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====== GreatFire 自由微博
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A group that produces tools and websites against censorship in China, central website:
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Backed by <<rfa>> and therefore USA Government.
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The GreatFire Analyzer is their most important tool, it checks if websites are blocked or not in China:

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It also keeps a calendar of previous checks so you can see when a website started getting blocked.
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One of the highlighted collections is the[Alexa] Top 1000 domain block analysis:

Quite a few amazingly named porn ones, how could you live without them? <<porn>>


And some interesting random stuff that is hard to understand why its blocked, some of them appear to be pure protectionism:

* interesting! The ex-<<github>> was blocked unlike GitHub as of 2020:
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* weirdly named <<google-mirrors,Google mirrors>>
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* Jehovah's Witness
* a Japanese Electronics retailer

Other tools:

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* a Weibo archive to overcome deleted posts
* made some noise at the time

====== Wayback Machine 网站时光机

Their Wayback Machine tool archive snapshots of webpages and allows youto browse the history of all archives:

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By the Internet Archive organization:


This Chrome extension helps to quickly archive pages:

But remember that if you archive too many in a very quick succession before the previous ones have been archived, even if manually through that plugin, your account/IP might get blocked, so just give a few seconds for the current archive to terminate before starting new ones.

This happed to Ciro in 2020-06-14, but then he emailed the admins as mentioned at: and they re-enabled it.

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Some website specific techniques:

* Google Docs: visit the page while logged off (e.g. via browser private mode), click the print button, and then archive the resulting PDF URL



Like <<wayback-machine>> by uknown shady individuals, so less trustworthy.

But it does not care about robots.txt, so it sometimes works where Wayback Machine fails, so its better than nothing when it does.

And no, you can't Wayback Machine archive an, they blocked the domain.

====== Google Cache

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Google caches every indexed page that shows up on the search, you just have to click on the arrow and select "Cache" to see it.

The advantage over <<wayback-machine>> is that Google crawls many more pages than the Wayback Machine.

How to get the Google cache for a given URL:

It is not possible however to see old caches, therefore you have to archive the Google caches with <<wayback-machine>> if you find anything interesting in them to not lose it:


The Google cache also has a text-only mode which is great for more complex webpages like those on <<zhihu>>, which due to JavaScript madness keep showing and disappearing.

===== Lists of material censored in China

For materials hosted on GitHub, see: <<github-repositories-with-censored-information>>.

For books, see: <<books>>
* <<falun-gong-media>> contains a few:
** <<bannedbook-org>>

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Chinese people widely use this website list with browser extensions, so as to only use more expensive and risky <<censorship-circumvention>> traffic when accessing certain webpages.

The result is a well maintained list of interesting websites. About half of which is porn.

Get the full list with:

base64 -d gfwlist.txt

See also:

* "How to use this repo?"
* "Add categories tags to each entry"

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===== Censorship circumvention 翻墙
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It is interesting to note how <<falun-gong>> is a good source of censorship-circumvention material, see e.g.: <<github-gov-takedowns>>.

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===== ICP license 非经营性网站备案 (2000)

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Part of the <<internal-censorship,Internet censorship machine>>, although it predates the GFW proper.

It can be seen at the bottom of many many many websites, it is likely mandatory to display it.

If you see one of those, you already know hat it cannot be trusted for politics.

For example,[as of April 2020], the <<zhihu>> sidebar shows:
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京 ICP 备 13052560 号 - 1

where "京" indicates that the certificate was issued by the Beijing Provincial level city.

In 2014, almost 15 years later, <<russia>> finally caught up, what a relief: <<russia-mandatory-registration-of-bloggers>>.

===== Anonymous accounts ban (2017)


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===== Pornography ban 色情禁令

This will be the fall of China:


And yet, every single Chinese teenager knows very well the meaning of "AV": Adult Video, the term[originating notably from Japan] (the Chinese really), which is one of the most common ways of referring to vide pornography.

Curious, right?

The <<nineteen-eighty-four>> quote "The sex instinct will be eradicated." comes to mind, see that section for fuller context.
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Some news coverage:

* 2020 during <<corona>>, while[Pornhub was offering free premium subscriptions], China was cracking down on porn harder than usual
** FP report
** (<<chinese-government-media,biased>>) "China intensifies crackdown on pornography, illegal publications"
* 2018-01-15 "Sora Aoi: Japan's porn star who taught a Chinese generation about sex. When Japanese actress and former porn star Sora Aoi announced her marriage online, it set off a frenzy on Chinese social media."
* 2017-06-17 "Watching porn on China's censored internet is an infinitely evolving cat-and-mouse game"
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.Human[penis] (人類陰莖[陰莖]) penetrating a human <<vagina,vagina>> while wearing a condom during[human sexual intercourse] (性交[性交]), showing the[naturally occuring bees] that automatically appear during the event to obscure the view and prevent <<github>> from taking down this page. This is also basically what all porn looks like (sometimes without the bees), and it is very, very boring to watch.[Background source] and[bee source].

.Ming-era dynasty illustration of a scene from the novel[Jin Ping Mei] (金瓶梅[金瓶梅]) where Qing Ximen (西門) and Golden Lotus (潘金蓮) are engaging in foreplay in a <<yuyuan-garden,beautiful ancient Chinese house>>. For an old depiction of homosexual male sexual activity, see: <<qing-gay-scroll,this image>>.金瓶梅格子门插图2.JPG[Source].

===== Tattoo television ban 刺青电视禁令 (2018) notably shows soccer players covering up their tattoos. <<hao-haidong>> must have loved this!

And more generally, anything "cringey" was also banned from television in 2018-2019[]:

Men's earrings aren't the only objectionable material that China's censors are blurring, covering up or cutting out. Soccer players wear long sleeves to cover their tattoos. Women in costumes at a racy video game convention have been told to raise their necklines. Rappers can rhyme only about peace and harmony.

No wonder that China basically unable to produce a lot of worthwhile art with such restrictions.

===== TLS 1.3 ENSI


This amazing standardized feature encrypts the domain as well as the URL.

This means that censors are unable to block only certain websites!!!

In 2020-08, it was reported that the firewall was already blocking it:

Therefore, <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,all the West has to do>> is to force all of its websites to serve ENSI-only!

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===== Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC, 国家互联网信息办公室)

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This is where the Internet censors work.

Reports such as highlighted that this website has a "report harmful or garbage information" entry, which can notably be used by Chinese expats to report people who badmouth the CCP, and in particular other Chinese nationals.

Typing "国家互联网信息办公室" on Google autocompleted to "国家互联网信息办公室举报" (举报 == report), and finds[].

And one of the categories of report on that page is: "网络不良与垃圾信息举报受理中心" (center for reporting harmful or garbage information,[archive]).

Notably, there is one separate entry for illegal activity as well (网络违法犯罪举报网站) and another one for <<porn,pornography (中国扫黄打非网)>>, so it is interesting to see that there is one specifically for "misinformation".

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The harmful information page redirects to: which has further categories.

The "report website" (举报不良网站) category links to and then has a "[reactonary] and politically sensitive" (ttps://反动[反动]及政治敏感) checkbox.

After you submit, it leads you to: in which you can optionally provide further contact details:[]. This appears to be no link with the previous page, so they might just do it via IP. Registration requires both a cell phone and an email.

From the website source code (very simple, hand written, we see that it uses <<baidu,Baidu Analytics>>. The CCP obviously trusts Baidu a lot :-)

==== 50 Cent Party 五毛党 (Wumao Dang)
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They can be classified as a form of[information warfare] (信息战[信息战]).

A wise person once said:

It is impossible to distinguish wumaos, idiots and <<not-chinese,brain washed>> people. So we just call all of them wumaos.

It has been pointed out however that there is a funny slang name for brainwashed CCP supporters who are not necessarily paid professional wumaos: "link:小粉紅[小粉紅]" (little pinks)
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To a large extent, wumao's goals are to dilute useful conversation with shit, normally <<evil-west>> and <<western-democracies-are-not-perfect>>.

This leads to endless idiotic conversions of type:

You: Chinese friend, your house is on fire, let's try to put the fire out!

Wumao: I don't care, your house is also on fire!

You: that's true, that fire is also very serious, and I'm trying to put it out!

Wumao: look everyone, his house is on fire! Mine isn't!

Therefore, it is crucial to have a working algorithmic policy to handle them: <<how-to-deal-with-wumaos>>.

Notable wumaos <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,should be investigated by intelligence agencies>>.
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If it is determined that they are knowingly funded by China, they should be put into jail as foreign agents.

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There is a tradeoff between privacy rights and snuffing out wumaos, and it is hard to decide where to set the line. But snuffing out wumaos is important, and must be done.
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If we were to give up on privacy completely, one possible rule would be: block anyone that lives in China and whose revenue therefore cannot be investigated properly by your government to determine if they are funded by the CCP.

Here are some people completely against blocking wumaos. Those silly Democrats never prepare well enough for war:
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** it mentions the "Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016"[], which is exactly what Western countries should do

Wumaos are particularly easy to spot on <<censorship-monitoring,Western websites banned in China>> and when written in English, since there is no way that strong pro-CCP opinions would get any support in such circumstances:
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* <<quora>> is completely infested by wumaos as of 2020, see more information on that section

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* 2020-03-12 <<jennifer-zeng>>'s publishing of purported Wumao guidelines with translation. Translated title: "<<cac,CAC>> ([Cyberspace Administration of China]) Internal Documentation for Internet Commentators (no spreading)"
* 2018-09-27 "Chinese Internet Trolls Get Paid 50 Cents For Every Comment" by <<serpentza-laowhy86,laowhy86>>
* 2017-04-09 "How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument" by "Gary King, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E. Roberts"
* 2015-05-20 "Hackers Leak Files Showing Inner Workings of 'China's 50-Cent Army'", hacker group name "Unicorn Nocturne". TODO material, silly reporters that don't give links
* 2014 emails of some Wumaos were hacked/phished and leaked at (down, no web archive, but[]) revealing operational details
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毛 (mao2) is a colloquial form of 角 (jiao3) both meaning "one-tenth". Coins actually use 角. See also:

* The fourth and fifth series Wikipedia currently have a 50 cent picture:

.50-cent coin (五角) from the[fourth series of renminbi] (第四套人民币[第四套人民币], 1987-1997). This image is going to be very useful. Note the beautiful plum blossom drawings reminiscent of <<chinese-traditional-painting>> which <<ciro-santilli>> loves. Note how it uses 角 (jiao3) instead of 毛 (mao2).[Source].
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===== How to deal with wumaos 如何应对五毛

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Above all, never reply intelligently to wumaos. Ignore all their notifications, and ignore their profile wherever possible. And if they start generating too many notifications, block them.

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* <<reply-policy>>
*[C.K. Hung]'s wumao reply strategy: "為什麼我不刪五毛的回應反而要刪你的回應? 因為你只能跟人類講道理, 沒辦法跟原始物種講道理啊!" "Why I delete your posts, but I don't delete wumao's posts? Because it is only possible to reason with humans, it is not possible to reason with primitive animals!"

===== CCP apologists 中共辩护士

If it is ever proven that those people are directly supported by the Chinese government, their nationalities should be revoked.

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The problem however is that it is impossible to distinguish between:
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* idiots who are saying what the CCP supporters want to hear from foreigners to get more views
* even bigger idiots who actually believe the CCP is good
* if any of those are directly supported by the CCP or not. Ciro feels that more likely not, because that would be too risky.
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  As those channels grow however, the CCP is extremelly very likely to at least indirectly support the channel, e.g. with bots on YouTube or more direct means on Chinese Government Chinese Internet companies, as a way of indirectly paying those creators.

  For example, <<cgtn>> directly quoted a video from <<nathan-rich>>.

It is also interesting to note that many of them don't speak a word of Chinese. It is fine when you say "the CCP is great" as a foreigner, but if you say "the CCP is bad", then <<not-chinese>>.

Part of <<ciro-santilli>> feels like the nationalities of such YouTubbers should still be revoked, since they are making a living out of helping an Evil government.

But it is hard to stopping them without quenching freedom of expression in that case. Related discussion at: <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china>>.
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* 伏拉夫 (fu2 la1 fu1): Russian, says I love China in ridiculously enthusiastic tone which is despised even by the Chinese, samples:[]
Video by <<western-dissidents,Lele Farley>> making fun of him and <<nathan-rich>>:
It does not feel like he is paid by the Chinese government, but rather that he is just trying to get some views.
+ 如何评价俄罗斯籍中国网红伏拉夫? on <<zhihu>> with 17k likes as of 2020-06.
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* Barrett Channel: ;
Father and son British expats: Lee Barrett, the father, and Oli Barrett, the son.
100k subs one year after. Don't speak a word of Chinese it seems, but all videos have full bilingual translation.
Their tone is natural unlike others more exaggerated like <<nathan-rich>>, so maybe they believe in the shit they say? Either that, or they are a good fake by the CCP.
Sample videos:
* "China Doesn't Have Free Speech!"
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====== Nathan Rich (Hotpot King, 火锅大王)


YouTube channel:

As mentioned at:[]:

His vlogging career is inexplicably successful. He has 385,000 subscribers on his channel, a huge amount for someone with so little time and so few videos on the platform.".
____ mentions another interesting very strong circumstantial evidence:

His videos feature perfect Chinese in the subtitles along with Chinese video titles, meaning that he is almost certainly having these videos produced by someone else/and or a group of people. I can guarantee that based on his pronunciation of the few Chinese words he says in the video, his Chinese ability should not be anywhere close to fluent.

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Sample videos:
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* he says <<serpentza-laowhy86,SerpentZA>> is a fraud "because he criticizes China".


* "如何评价 B 站 UP 主「NathanRich火锅大王」?" on <<zhihu>>. TODO what is "B站UP"?
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* 2020-07-05 BIASED MEDIA <<cgtn>> approves: "Nathan Rich: 'Hotpot King' delivering truth about HK to the world"
2020-06-01 "China propagandist Nathan Rich's criminal record revealed" contains an outline of Richs criminal records, with including mugshots. Most of this was already likely known, but it gives good detail. In particular, it comments on the fact that in 2013 Beijing started to more strictly do criminal background checks for VISA applicants:[], and that Rich managed to get the VISA two years later nonetheless, notably including a drug trafficking charge.

==== Real username law (2015)

* 2015-03 China forces real usernames on the net, and provoking ones
** "New Internet Rules in China Target Usernames, Avatars as Subversive Tools"
** "Chinese internet giants purge 60,000 accounts for inappropriate usernames"
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And guess which idiotic Western website requires real usernames and no privacy? <<quora>>, of course:

=== Social Credit System 社会信用体系


* 2019-06-04 "A Look Inside China's Social Credit System | NBC News Now" by "NBC News"
* 2018-12-12 "China's "Social Credit System" Has Caused More Than Just Public Shaming (HBO)" by "VICE News".[328s] shows how you can donate money to the party to increase your score. This is not a hidden practice, they were filmed and everyone is showing their faces. What a brilliant idea that could never ever lead to corruption! Ciro's jaw just dropped. How can the commies not hide this kind of shit from the West, but hide other stuff the West couldn't care less about?
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=== Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路
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=== Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团

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Had a membership of 109 million (by the[17th National Congress]).

Such state sponsored youth organizations are a hallmark of <<dictatorship,dictatorships>>, and serve both as an indoctrination device, and as a selection tool for future politicians:

*[Hitler Youth] was the <<nazi,Nazi Germany>> youth organization
*[Komsomol] was the Soviet youth organization

One may argue that[the scouts] are[a similar organization in the West], but one notable difference is the scale of such dictatorship-led youth organizations.

Related news:

* 2020-02-19: "The Communist Youth League Thought It Was Creating Patriotic Idols. Instead, It Started A Conversation About Women's Rights". The anime-style mascots are named Jiangshanjiao 江山娇 and Hongqiman 红旗漫.

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==== Young Pioneers of China 中国少年先锋队


<<brainwashed-by-usa,Brainwashing>> for kids younger than the <<communist-youth-league>>.

.Xi Jinping basically <<nazi,Nazi saluting>> representatives attending the 7th National Congress of the Chinese Young Pioneers in Beijing, June 1, 2015.[Source] ([biased]).

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=== One-child policy 一孩政策 (1979–2015)

*一孩政策 suggests that a 1% increase in the male/female sex ratio raised violent and property crime rates by some 3%, mentioned with percentage error at

=== Rule of law 法治

The commies keep saying over and over that rule of law is always observed.
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Of course, some times shitty laws are passed, and we must fight those as well: <<follow-the-law>>. But many times, the commies don't even bother setting up a bad law, they just fuck a million people and that's it.

But in reality they punish anyone who poses a political threat, even if they did nothing wrong themselves, some cases that come to mind:
* <<xinjiang>>: millions were jailed/forced to live with a spy in their homes, even though they were not terrorists themselves
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* <<falun-gong>>: what did they do wrong to other people that deserves putting them in jail? Is <<flg-medication>> enough to justify that? Are you sure that it is not a political motivation?
* <<the-709-crackdown>>: even lawyers who support anyone who went against the state are imprisoned. How can there be any justice when lawyers are put in jail due to their choice of clients?
* 2020-06 Hao Runze, son of <<hao-haidong>>, lost his job because his father spoke up against the CCP. Did the CCP speak up for him, like the speak up whenever a Chinese citizen gets hurt?
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==== Picking quarrels and provoking trouble 寻衅滋事罪


=== Support for non-scientific traditional practices

This is especially interesting given that one of the main propaganda reasons for banning <<falun-gong>> was <<flg-medication>>:

* <<xu-xiaodong>> reveals support for Tai Chi
* 2020-06-03 Beijing considering censoring anti Chinese traditional medicine

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== Backlinks to this page 连接到这个网页的网页
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Or to Ciro's other online presences, due to China activity.

For Zhihu backlinks, see: <<zhihu-questions-related-to-ciro-santilli>>.

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* 2020-05-23: traffic reached 3k views on that day, compared to a normal 150, but the number of individual users is the same as always. The accessed pages were only meta repo pages like "Issues", "Wiki", "Stargazers" so either of:
** someone attempted a baby DDoS with wget and a single IP
** someone is scraping repository metadata, e.g. Chinese secret service or some other commercial bot that landed here by chance for the first time
* 2020-05-09: Google translated of about in that website: " (LJR) is a nonprofit project created to support freedom of speech, develop civil society and promote free exchange of views."
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* 2020-04-21: 4 hits from but can't locate it, maybe coming from their very fast temporary chat wall
* 2019-10-31: ([archive]) "Good rundown of all the major news from China you don't see. Notice how you don't see anything about the Hong Kong protests anymore?"
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* 2019-10 Automatically generated list of repos with Chinese characters in their descriptions with the most upvotes per programming language. TODO why is this repo on their README-Part2 only? Has more stars than some stuff on main README.
* 2019-10-12: Login required, cowards. Post title: "更新 GitHub 官方 Repo 的人,竟然是个反华分子". Manual page dump after my replies with links to this FAQ: OP then deleted my comments because they don't speak English "HacPai 是个文明的社区,不会发生辱骂的现象,你有你的观点,我们有我们的观点。但抱歉,我们的水平有限,没有阅读英文的能力,还请发送有效回复,否则只能折叠处理". It is some developper website: ([archive]) linked to[]. OP then made an useless post here: As of 2019-10-12, I can't login there anymore, either because the website is shitty, or I was blocked. GitHub login just fails silently, cannot reset password. If blocked, cowards. This led me to update: <<reply-policy>> with the canned reply.
* 2019-09: Someone from GitHub has been thinking about us. s2 to you.
* "link:[]" ([archive])
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* 2019-06: interesting. OK, likely due to: but no direct links found though.
* 2019-05: someone used the FAQ to answer a question: | "'If I disappear': Chinese students make farewell messages amid crackdowns over labor activism"
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* 2019-04-10: gGTYgFulPg
* 2019-01-10: | 1300 followers.
* 2018-08: | "moron tries to dismantle chinese government by putting a few moon runes on some websites" Peak of 100 unique visitors/day from the base rate of 5
** led to: | "佢個個人home page好多5毛留言, 唔知會唔會搞到block堆stackoverflow"
* 2018-07: | "No more Xi Jinping"
* 2018-06: | puts in a blacklist containing the likes of and Awesome. Then I grepped the main one with `while true; do git checkout HEAD~; if ! base64 -d gfwlist.txt | grep -q cirosan; then break; fi; done` and found that I was added in 24a6f6f29e24d1d7eb27946bf51d7a072ddb3e6d Tue Apr 24 2018. That is input data for which turns on a proxy only for certain websites. Therefore that is a definitive list of interesting stuff. I wonder how it is curated.
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* 2018-05: a few hits from but Google cannot find any links
* 2018-05-20:
** Archive:
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* 2018-04-13: traffic peak, but no linkbacks. Many new Chinese followers, but few new stars on this repo, maybe they are afraid to star. I also blocked a user from on GitHub due to impolite post. Also possibly linked to me posting a link to the FAQ more clearly on my home page recently:
Someone subscribed me to a hundred GovDelivery mailing lists. This bullshit is also mentioned at:[]. This is the URL you can use to subscribe someone to dozens and dozens of emails by clicking checkboxes:[] without email verification, those idiots. I have to say, this was a good attack. I just mark everything from them as spam nowadays, and only get a few every other month.
* 2018-03-11: got a large traffic peak (60 vs 10 average), but no linkbacks to match. Likely source: parcerier pinged me at: and I revamped the and FAQ replied with Someone also made: which points to: . This issue was opened that day as well:
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* 2018-01: this site appears on the reference of a PhD thesis paper haha, links to complete-gfw-rulebook-for-wikipedia-v3.0.pdf.
* 2017-05: TODO where from. "Measuring Decentralization of Chinese Censorship in Three Industry Segments" by Jeffrey Knockel. Now at Citizenlab:
* 2015-09-03: (deleted) This is the user: There have also been accesses from link:[], but I don't know what that means.
* 2015-08-03: 21 visitor Facebook peak, can't find the source
* 2015-06-20: (deleted) link:[] Archive: "這阿豆阿的名字XDD" by
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* 2015-05-30: <<zhou-fengsuo>> linked to <<ciro-santilli>>'s stack overflow account!!!
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=== V2EX


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Anything goes forum, but largely programmer dominated. Had <<icp-license>> in 2016, but lost it in 2019 to move servers back to USA, so shady.[Blocked in China as of 2020-06] according to <<greatfire>>.
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* 2017-07-27 ([archive]) "stackoverflow 上的较量。。" talks about which is mentioned at <<stack-overflow-anti-dissident-users>>
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* 2015-12-23: (link:[Chromium CTRL-S save]) "搜 StackOverflow,无意间发现了这个,重点在那个评论" by
* TODO restricted without mobile phone confirmation, while most other threads still work. So they must have some kind of restricted posts.
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* 2015-04-10: (cannot archive, login requires CAPTCHA, link:[Chromium CTRL-S save]) "Stack Overflow 上看到一个丧心病狂的程序员" by

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As of 2020, if you post something that is "unwelcome", your IP gets immediately blocked and trying to even access the site redirects to a "403 Forbidden nginx" page. They then tell you to contact them if you want to be restored:


This happened when Ciro tried to reply to with:

他放弃了 |

参看我的china repository fb6c69cfec0d4e9008730c0c1a9c42c2d851e678#stack-overflow-anti-dissident-users

so doesn't seem like there's anything super sensitive there.

=== Pincong 品葱品葱


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Uses a virtual currency system (游戏币): Posting articles costs 20 points, and doing stuff like replying gives you a few points.

* 2019-10-30: ([archive]) "怎么让大陆把 Github 墙了?" How to get GitHub blocked by the Firewall? OP apparently really wants to block it? If yes, <<so-block-cost,LOL>>. Trigerred by some 2019-10 <<notepad>> activity.
* 2019-04-09: | "【小众问题】为何 Stack Overflow 2019 开发者调查报告中,来自中国的开发者最为积极乐观?"
** 2019-05: Pingong people deciding if they should ban Ciro Santilli? :-) commented there once: ([archive]) This also suggests that helps censorship in China

<<ciro-santilli>>'s account:

This website might not censor stuff, e.g.: people are using <<winnie-the-pooh>> avatars: ([archive])
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TODO is is blocked by <<gfw>> or not? <<greatfire>> just hangs forever on it, e.g.:


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==== Mohu 膜乎

Website openly anti-CCP, e.g. the signup page has <<xi-jinping>> jokes. Very similar appearance to <<pincong>>, likely same engine. asks what is their relationship "请问一下品葱和膜乎之间是什么关系?"

Backlinks to this page:

* 2020-06-03 ([archive]) "专门开一个帖子,以后会把从各处搜刮来的六四学潮的视频、历史、文章之类放在这" (I'm creating this post to collect all the videos, history, articles, etc. that can be found anywhere about the <<tiananmen,Tiananmen Square protests>>)
** Then one of the replies by "习羊羊与灰战狼" was "link:[] "提供一个很全的链接,几乎可以算是反共手册。里面的4.7是谈六四的" (Here is one very complete link, it could almost be considered an anti-CCP manual. Section 4.7 of that page is about Tiananmen.) Ciro liked the sound of that very much :-)
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== Other sections

TODO migrate all into this README.

.[Movements against the Dictatorship]
. link:images/[Images]
.[Stack Overflow]
.[Stack Overflow profile]
. Personal
..[Communities that censor politics]

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== Anti-dictatorship songs 反对独裁的首歌

Not necessarily in Chinese or about China specifically.

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For Tiananmen songs, see: <<tiananmen-songs>>.

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Brazil had a dictatorship from 1964 to 1985, and some amazing songs were made in Portuguese in that era. <<ciro-santilli>>, who is Brazillian, just cannot stop thinking about some of them in relation to China.

. Apesar de Você (In spite of you [the Dictatorship])] by[Chico Buarque] published in 1970.[Lyrics with translation]. Top quotes: "You [the dictatorship] who invented this State, who invented sin, forgot to invent forgiveness." and "Where will you hide, from the enormous euphoria [of a revolution]? How will you prohibit it when the rooster insists in singing?"

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=== Do you hear the people sing (Les Miserables (musical), 1980) |À_la_volonté_du_peuple |

Cantonese version used in <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests,Hong Kong>>:問誰未發聲