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Reddit was banned in China in August 2018:

Tencent will invest 150 million on Reddit in 2019: See also: <<biased-media>>.
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===== Reddit subs with lots of anti-commie info

* is arguably the best as of 2020, see also: <<anti-ccp-info-sources>>
* small as of 2020 but promising
* had 3x more users than r/china as of 2020 after <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>.
* TODO understand what that bullshit sub is about
* for <<corona>>

==== Where can I find good words for a keyword attack?

* List of blacklisted keywords in China
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*[Complete GFW Rulebook for Wikipedia v3.0]
* This is was an amazing source, extremely comprehensive and up-to-date, but the series was stopped in September 2018:
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** word of the week
** censorship directive reports
***有关部门/真理部指令/?view=all chinese version
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** a wiki version of the censored word lists, the ,"<<shitpost,Grass-mud horse>> index" (cao3n2ma3 草泥马), with a censored term of the week section.
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** sensitive words list
** Fun 2015 ebook:
* <<tiananmen-square-protests-keywords>>
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==== How do you choose keywords for the keyword attack?
I haven't counted, but the limit for Stack Overflow is quite low, and I'm always almost at the maximum, which is about "Ciro Santilli" + 3 3-4 Chinese character events with a separator.

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These are some of my prioritization guidelines:
* recent cases receive a large prime over the raw death toll, because older cases can always be attributed to other people.
E.g., I've heard there is even some opening towards acknowledging the Great Famine, thus 烏坎事件 (and others from my previous profile names)
* words must refer to a precise event, and must be clearly summarizable in very few chars, for increased impact, and profile name length limitations.
E.g. "High corruption rates, high pollution", although very serious, feel too generic.
* events that relate directly to freedom of speech receive a prime, since they can only happen in China and very few other countries.
E.g.: <<falun-gong>>, <<tiananmen>>.
Non e.g.: corruption and pollution. Those are hard to quantify, and there is always an immediate reply: china GDP per capita is low, same happens in India, Brazil, etc.
Freedom of speech however, is immediately verifiable (e.g. "my Weibo was taken down"), and undeniably caused by the current central government.
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* the more people affected, and the more deeply they have been affected, the more important obviously

I am currently trying to maintain in my Stack Overflow Location a ranking of events in a single string, so that it can be easily copy pasted around. The location appears on every page if you hover over my account name, so it is likely in the HTML at least.
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If you think that this list can be improved, please open an issue explaining how and why.
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==== Are there other openly dissident users on Stack Overflow?

Query to find them:

Notable ones only here (high rep or innovative criticism):

* "GNUSupporter 8964民主女神 地下教會"
** Real name: Vincent Tam from social media links.
** Keyword attack inspired by me
* Yu Hao
** "<<gfw,GFW (Great Firewall of China)>> is one of the most notorious inventions in the history of Internet. Anyone working for it should be ashamed."
* iBug
** iBug
** "The Communist Party of China is a state criminal that is continuously committing state crime to ordinary Chinese citizens!" followed by an event list.
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* gotqn
** "Free Tibet From China Domination"
* Scott 混合理论混合理论
The same message as Yu Hao, I wonder if it is an external thing or direct copy of Yu, but no Google hits besides them.
* Terry Wang
** Lego recreation of Tankman on the profile picture: <<lego-tank-man>>
Users who had <<gfw,GFW>> references but removed it:
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Misc interesting stuff:

* <location>火车站酒店小姐 (about 20 accounts with that pattern)
** Interesting list of prostitution spam/sockpuppets? All have the exact same profile information.
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** Hitting query due to "审查", but the usage is unrelated to the Firewall.

Anti-dissident users:

** username: "请封掉Ciro Santilli 中国共产党万岁"
** profile: "中国万岁! 中国共产党万岁! 法轮功,民运,台独在中国共产党的铁蹄下不过是螳臂当车!"
** username: "Ciro Santilli 的造谣是可耻行为"
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** username: "Snowden Assange Wounded Knee"
** profile: "燃(ri)烧(si)您(ni)的(de)梦(ma),Ciro Santilli. StackOverflow上的一个用户. The Oliver Stone Experience"
** explanation:
*** "燃烧您的梦":
*** "Wounded Knee":
Query to find them:
==== Other notable keyword attacks

===== Notepad++


It might be a newbie text editors for newbie Windows users, but at least they use it to good use by doing keyword attacks:

* 2019-10: "In October 2019 Notepad++'s GitHub issue tracker was flooded with pro-Chinese and anti-western messages after a version codenamed "Free Uyghur" (v7.8.1) was released"
** "Notepad++, after voicing their support for the Uyghurs, is now being bombarded by Chinese nationalists on Github." See e.g.: and earlier issues
* 2008-03: "In March 2008 the "Boycott Beijing 2008" banner was placed on Notepad++'s homepage":

The creator appears to be a Vietnamese immigrant or descendant living in France. There are many such immigrants due to Vietnam being an ex-colony: Also he must have good reason to dislike the commies due to similar commit bullshit in Vietnam. He was at[Paris Diderot] in 2000: ([archive]).

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=== Separatism 分离主义

If a large number of people in a given region want to leave an country strongly or have greater autonomy, I believe that they should be allowed to do so.


* if they don't feel they are getting a good deal out of your country, it is unfair to keep them in
* keeping them in the country forcibly implies large scale violation of human rights: mass incarceration and removing freedom of speech.
Which in turn implies terrorist backslash.
All of which are against my principles.

What makes me the most mad is the censorship. If you are going to put people in jail, write a clear law about it, and let international reporters come to see the situation.

But why do you do something and then hide it? Maybe because you are not doing the right thing?

See also: <<western-democracies-have-invaded-other-countries-and-crushed-separatism>>.

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==== Taiwan 台湾 Republic of China 中華民國
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If you are interested in Taiwan, one important programmer forum is: <<ptt>>.

Some interesting links:

* (zh) "【這就是科學|柯文哲】EP3/從癌症治療看政治!除惡務盡→除惡「勿」盡?「與敵共存」才是生存之道!", 柯文哲, 2019-06-26. Ko Wen-je, the mayor of Taipei 台北 and a professor in medicine, applies the concept of isolation and mutation in evolution to Taiwan and China

===== One China policy 一个中国

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Taiwan is not a case of <<separatism>>.
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Taiwan is a completely separate country split due to civil war, long ago.
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Almost every country, and all reasonably powerful countries, have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. They just don't call them diplomatic relations to not piss off China so they can keep doing business.

The fact that most countries in the world does officially recognize Taiwan as a country is a joke, considering that the only thing keeping it afloat is the West's military threat.

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<<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,The West must not>> let China advance and take more territories. The more they take, the more they will want.
The West must protect China's neighboring countries with military support and assurance.

The West must recognize Taiwan for what it is: a separate country, under threat of invasion, and in need of support.

If China's claim to Taiwan is valid, then Taiwan also has an equally valid claim on China.

If China's claim to Taiwan is valid, then so will its claim to any other country.
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China, if you want to claim that Taiwan is a part of you, just grow some balls and invade them already. Or just stop this stupid joke.
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Interesting quote from
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Taiwan's Status Is a Geopolitical Absurdity
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And calls the One China policy a:
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polite fiction hi, I want a "not VISA" to Taiwan. Thanks.
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A well educated Mainlander who lived outside of China once told Ciro:
Taiwan should not be considered a country by China, because then it would not join back to China when China becomes a democracy, and would be used by the USA to do evil things as they did in the Middle East
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Ciro was shocked. He considered that person highly intelligent and not fully brainwashed! Reply:
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China claiming that Taiwan is a part of them only drives Taiwan closer to the West! Who wants to be part of a dictatorship unless you have been brainwashed by one?
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They truly believe in <<evil-west>>.
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The US first caved in in 1972 with theé[Shanghai Communiqué].
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* 2020-05-26 "Brazilian netizens fight back against CCP threats over Taiwan support"
** It should also be mentioned that this campaign could be being used/created by pro-Bolsanaro politicians as a way to detract focus from the COVID-19 epidemic that is reaching its deadliest phase in Brazil, e.g.:
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* 2020 <<corona>> and Taiwan:
** Taiwan was at a disadvantage during since it was not part of the[World Health Organization] and therefore could not get information as fast and influence decisions
. WHO officer[Bruce Alyward] pretends not to hear question from[Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)] about the possibility of Taiwan's membership in the WHO during a one-to-one Skype interview,[reference].

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* 2020-03-27 "U.S. President Donald Trump has signed into law an act that requires increased U.S. support for Taiwan internationally". But he didn't recognize it as a country. Semi bullshit.

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.The flag of Taiwan. Like most modern countries, Taiwan has one.[Source].

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.[Presidential Office Building of Taiwan] (總統府_(臺灣)[總統府_(臺灣) | 总统府 (台湾)]). What is that flag we see on top of the central government building of Taiwan? It appears to have a blue rectangle on the top left![Source].
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.It is fun to see that some small random Latin American countries–Taiwan_relations[like Paraguay] recognize only Taiwan and not Mainland China. Brave warriors!!![Source].

.Washington DC TECRO. Instead of "embassies", Taiwan has["Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Offices" (TECROs)]臺北經濟文化代表處[(台北经济文化代表处|臺北經濟文化代表處)] The just happen to issue VISAs and passports like embassies, but remember, they are not embassies. No flag you see? This is because idiotic countries don't allow TECROs to have the Taiwan flag. In 2019 Senator Ted Cruz planned on passing a law to allow that though:[].[Source].

.2014 cartoon by D Nguyen summarizing the Taiwan China relationship in history. Featuring: fatter and fatter <<mao-zedong>> on first three cartoons to the left, likely <<deng-xiaoping>> to left on the last, and[Chiang Kai-shiek] (蔣中正[蔣中正]) to the right. TODO middle figure on last cartoon. TODO find proper attribution source, originally seen at:[].
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2015 meme started by[H1Z1] streamer AngryPug, in which he repeatedly taunts the Chinese streamer Em0 by pretending to be Taiwanese.


. ANGRYPUG's official YouTube upload of the clip "Taiwan #1" meme.

See also: <<photobombing-like-attacks>>.

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==== Xinjiang 新疆

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In 2017 - 2018, details of[Uyghur] internment camps are emerging.
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.<<rebel-pepper,Rebel Pepper>> 2017-04 cartoon showing that Xinjiang is like a prison inside a greater prison, which is China itself. Chinese characters read: 新疆(Xinjiang) and 中国(China). TODO source.
* 2019-12: "A Secret Look Inside a Chinese Labor Program for Uighurs | Visual Investigations" by "The New York Times" published on Dec 30, 2019. Description: "China is relocating Uighurs and other Muslim minorities to urban areas as part of a contentious labor program. The Times obtained rare footage taken inside one."
* 2919-12: Muslim German Turkish Arsenal player link:++[Mesut Özil] criticizes concentration camps on Twitter, and China stops broadcasting arsenal matches
** ([archive])
* 2019-11: "What happened to me" manga depicting Uighur torture hits 2.5m views
** ([archive])
* 2019-11 The Xinjiang Papers: leaked cables about Xinjiang internment camps policy, some reported by the New York Times and others by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, soure yet unknown.
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** 2020-02-18 the "Karakax list" leaked spreadsheet contains detailed information on 331 citizens Karakax County in Xinjiang and sheds further insight on why certain people have been persecuted
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** 2020-02: more leaks containing detailed records of several citizens:
* 2019-09-22 Drone footage of Xinjiang prisoner transfer uploaded to YouTube. TODO confirm the location and that these are political prisoners rather than "normal criminals".
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** Upload sources
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** News coverage
*** Drone footage, video sources:
** Reddit:
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.Video still of 2019-10 drone footage of blindfolded Xinjiang prisoners being marched taken at time 00:30.[Source].
* 2019-07-31 "Doubt Greets China’s Claim That Muslims Have Been Released From Camps"
* 2019-07-19 "37 countries defend China over Xinjiang in UN letter"
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-07 cartoon showing <<xi-jinping>> claiming to have won the global opinion on the Xinjiang re-education camps because all other dictatorships support him, including <<other-islam-countries-speak-up-for-uyghur,Islamic dictatorships>>.[Source].
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* 2019-07-04 "China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families"
* 2019-06-18 "Inside China's 'thought transformation' camps - BBC News" China gives BBC "access" to a chosen show camp where everyone claims they are happy and willing to stay. They are however clearly adults being treated like children, taking courses and even having to sing and dance for the camera.[486s] is also golden, when the CCP officer Zhang Zhisheng explains how they are <<thoughtcrime,just preventing future crime from happening>>. How can they be so stupid? How can they not see that this is not what the West wants to hear? Amazing dark-comedy like stuff.
* 2019-05-07
* 2019-05-07 CNN does a few Xinjiang interviews and sends reporter to visit some of the concentration camps
* 2019-02-24
* 2019-02-17 "China data leak exposes vast hi-tech surveillance operation in Xinjiang", leak by SenseNets Technology.
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* 2019-03 database of Xinjiang victims, with precise names, location, date of birth and ID card number of victims and testimonies
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* 2018-12 In full: 'I begged them to kill me' - ex-Xinjiang detainee Mihrigul Tursun gives testimony in the US. Observers however rightly brought up the[Nayirah testimony].
* 2018-11 Xinjiang legalizes 're-education' camps
* 2018-08
* 2018-07 Sairagul Sawytbai testifies to the existence of Chinese concentration camps in Xinjiang
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* 2018-05 generic report
* 2018-05 mapping internment camps with satellite imaging:
**新疆再教育集中营列表-99720372419c List of Re-education Camps in Xinjiang 新疆再教育集中营列表 Shawn Zhang
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* 2018-05 Omir Bekali's account of Xinjiang education camps:
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* 2017-04
.Image of prisionners wearing blue sitting down in Xinjiang concentration camp, with some prisionners identified to indicate that they are not criminals but rather detained purely for political reasons.[Source].
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===== Why don't other Islamic countries speak up for the Uyghur persecution?


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News source: Became larger than `r/china` during the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>.

The solution to Hong Kong's problem is: give those people easy VISAs to leave China, with priority to the rich/educated ones. Give them free language courses on the country of arrival, and help them find jobs.

News without sections:

* 2020-05 National Security Law
** 2020-05-29 "UK could offer 'path to citizenship' for Hong Kong's British passport holders"
** 2020-05-24

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===== Hong Kong 97 SNES video game

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1995 video game realistically depicts the fight of Hong Kong against the Communist Party predicted to happen[at the handover], featuring Bruce Lee (often represented as <<entertainers-who-support-the-ccp,Jackie Chan>>) who returned from the grave to join the fight and kick <<jiang-zemin,Jiang Zemin's>> ass.
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The dead body from the game over screen was taken from a still from a video of the[1992 Bosnian War]:
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The track is a sample of the["I Love Beijing Tiananmen" (我爱北京天安门)] Cultural Revolution song that was popular before <<tiananmen>> and later became an ironic protest song:

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which means:

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The sun rises over the Tiananmen

Full song:

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.Cover of the Hong Kong 97.[Source].
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. The venerable[Angry Video Game Nerd] made a review of Hong Kong 97. 
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===== 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests

* "Last Hong Kong governor Chris Patten: Gov't defense of extradition bill 'absolute nonsense'", Hong Kong Free Press
** 2019-10 Blizzard bans top Hearthstone esports player Blitzchung (Ng Wai Chung) for pro Hong Kong message in interview
Wiki page of the event:
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. Hong Kong Yoga - Sammy J S2 (ep31) published by ABC Comedy on 2019-09-19. Very good.

====== Daryl Morey Tweet
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2019-10 Daryl Morey, NBA's Houston Rockets manager sent tweet supporting the Hong Kong protests.

But then he was a coward, removed this tweet, and apologized: ([archive]).
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NBA is huge in China.

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* 2019-10-07 Lakers vs. Heat NBA Tencent Live Stream cancelled due to fan wearing the <<taiwan,Taiwanese>> flag
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.Fan wearing Taiwan flag in 2019-10-07 Lakers vs. Heat showing fan and text (TODO from Tencent?) saying that the match will be cancelled.[Source].
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Led to: <<sport-event-live-broadcast-image-attacks>>.

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A propaganda slogan from a[French Resistance] flyer (see also <<nazi>>):

To obey is to betray. +
To disobey is to serve.

Obéir c'est trahir. +
Désobéir c'est servir.

."Obéir c'est trahir. Désobéir c'est servir." flyer featuring the[cross of Lorraine]éir_cest_trahir_Désobéir_cest_servir/1314227[Source].

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==== Photobombing-like attacks

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In online video games:

* 2020-04-08 Animal Crossing
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Explicitly forbidden in China by the law: <<real-username-law>>.

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See also: <<keyword-attack>>.

===== Appropriation attack

An appropriation attack is one where the attackers attempt to associate an existing symbol to their cause.

For example during the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>> attackers attempted to use this technique to associate a generic[Chinese Chun-Li-like] character Mei from Blizzard's link:++[Overwatch game] to try and get it blocked in China after the gaming company punished a pro gamer for defending the Hong Kong protests. Coverage ([archive]).
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.Mei from Blizzard’s Overwatch was used in an attempted <<appropriation-attack>> during the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>.[Source].
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===== Sport event live broadcast image attacks

NBA in particular is super popular in China, and people sitting at the front row can easily bomb emissions due to the small court size:

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* China’s Tencent halts NBA live broadcast over <<taiwan,Taiwanese>> flag
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Started in particular due to the <<daryl-morey-tweet>>

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==== What should Western countries do about China?
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Western governments must reciprocate unfair Chinese practices:
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Companies only care about money and have no long term view, the following must be imposed by governments on Western companies.

First of all, serious sanctions must be pot on companies that sell sensitive things to dictatorships:

* <<western-companies-that-sell-censorship-technology-to-dictatorships,censorship or anti-privacy software>>
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The most obvious thing is to go[tit for tat] on Censorship and completely ban all Chinese-sponsored social media accounts:
* Twitter
** News
*** 2020-06-12
*** 2020-06-12 "Twitter deletes 170,000 accounts linked to China influence campaign"
*** The Chinese government later contested this decision:
** Accounts that should be deleted
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** 2020-04-07 "China's Been Flooding Facebook With Shady Ads Blaming Trump for the Coronavirus Crisis"
Some websites have started marking such accounts, which is a great start, but a straight ban would be better:

* YouTube in 2018:
* Facebook in 2020:

But then those websites would lose ad revenue, right? :-)

News about Chinese state media using Western social media:

* 2016 "China’s propaganda news outlets are absolutely crushing it on Facebook"
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Accounts that are not labelled as being from the Chinese government, but which support the CCP, must be investigated to determine if they are actually funded by the Chinese government.

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Their websites should also be blocked, see: <<chinese-government-media>>. This does have the downsides that:

* it would be harder to monitor what crazy shit the commies are doing
* those censorship mechanisms could be reused to block good websites by Western governments that are becoming Evil

But anything that pisses off the CCP is worth it, like there's much we can learn from their bullshit.

Whenever China kicks out a western journalist who is in China and reports there, the Western country must do the same and kick out a Chinese journalists for a Chinese media.

Another upside is that this would also hugely bolster <<censorship-circumvention>> technologies, as every Chinese expat would need to buy a VPN.
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And the same must be done for cultural centers that report directly to the CCP such as <<confucius-institute>> and <<cssa,CSSAs>>.
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Western governments must identify raw material dependencies on China, and reduce them, while at the same time forbidding technology transfer to China. China has been trading cheap resources for technology, and we must stop that now.

Unfair Chinese commercial practices must be reciprocated. Chinese companies should be forced to open joint ventures to operate outside of China, which is a trick China uses to control profits and more easily steal IP from Western companies:

* ([archive])
* ([archive])
Do not underestimate the CCP and its control over every Chinese companies and people. Every Chinese company and person is a potential spy.
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This is true for all countries however, and we do not reproach China for its secret service, e.g. <<snowden>> used[Dell] as an NSA front-end.

The point is that the West should not underestimate this menace that comes from a <<dictatorship>>.
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Some Chinese spy stories:
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* 2019-11: Wang Liqiang spy defection to Australia
* 2019-11: Jerry Chun Shing Lee, naturalized American, convicted for being double agent while working at CIA after being in custody for 2 years

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===== The West must ban the Chinese telecommunications software and hardware
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They are an entry point to spying, censorship and fake news.
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* 2020-02 U.S. imposes new rules on state-owned Chinese media over propaganda concerns, the companies are: Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network, China Radio International, China Daily Distribution Corp. and Hai Tian Development USA, Inc. See also: <<chinese-government-media>>.
** 2020-04-03 'Zoom's encryption is "not suited for secrets" and has surprising links to china, researchers discover"
====== Zoom


American company, with Chinese-born now American Citizen CEO[Eric Yuan] (袁征(袁征), migrated to the US around 1997), and development teams largely China-based to reduce costs.


* 2020-06-10 <<zhou-fengsuo>>'s account as blocked after a celebration of <<tiananmen>>, which was attended by many people from China. The account was later reinstated, Zoom said it acted on a CCP request on error, and it won't do this for users outside of China anymore:
** "U.S. lawmakers ask Zoom to clarify China ties after it suspends accounts"
** "Zoom closed account of U.S.-based Chinese activist 'to comply with local law'".

.2020-03-27 photo showing[UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson] using Zoom on a Cabinet meeting (a high level Government meeting) during <<corona>>. If you don't properly ban risky dictatorship-linked software, it will get used at the highest levels of Government by clueless people.[Source].
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====== Huawei 华为


Just look at the Chinese name of the company:

* 华 (China)
* 为 (to do something for)

How can the West not see this?

No proof is needed. They belong to a <<dictatorship>>, and therefore must not be trusted. Doing so is always a risk which we should not take.

At any point the Chinese government could make a request that they cannot deny.

Some news:

* 2018-12[Meng Wanzhou] (孟晚舟), daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei (任正非) and Huawei CFO as of 2018, was arrested in Canada because the US accused her of breaking Iran sanctions
** "Why are Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor still detained in China?" in apparent retaliation, under accusation of espionage.
** 2020-05-27 ""
* 5G 2019-2020
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** in 2020 the UK was trying hard to get kicked out of the 5 eyes in 2020 by using 5G equipment from Huawei
** ([archive]) "UK will allow Huawei to help build its 5G network despite US pressure"
** 2020-04-17 only after more than 10 thousand people died in the country during <<corona>> did the brits finally change their minds: "UK moves to drop Huawei as 5G vendor, citing China coronavirus transparency"
* 2019-11 "Has Huawei’s Darkest Secret Just Been Exposed By This New Surveillance Report?" Xinjiang Papers reveal the extent of Huawei's involvement in <<xinjiang>>
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."When you send a good joke from your Huawei phone", <<xi-jinping>> is also listening and laughing with you, girls.[Source].
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2018-12-10 "Why does the whole world hate me" Huawei cartoon, where Huawei's shadow shows the[hammer and sickle] to suggest that Huawei is controlled by the CCP.[Source].

.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-03-08 showing Huawei slapping the Statue of Liberty with "The Constitution of the United States" when Huawei sued the US Government for violating the Constitution. This illustrates the usual dilemma where <<what-should-western-countries-do-about-china,China uses Western freedom of speech as a weapon against the West itself>>.[Source].
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.Cartoon showing a huge China flag branded USB sucking up Western personal and military information like a vacuum cleaner in 2019-04-29 article entitled "Britain will regret doing business with Huawei". TODO cartoon author.[Source].
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.Cartoon suggesting that Huawei is a like a[Trojan Horse] being gifted to Europe. TODO: source of original non-China generic Trojan Horse background image that was edited and repurposed.[Source].

====== TikTok 抖音 (Douyin)



* 2020-05 <<liu-keqing-singer>>
* 2019-11
* "The Chinese Tik-Tok just began an uninterrupted propaganda stream."

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===== What should Western media do about China?

When you report something about a person, for fuck's sake include the person's name in the title of the article, at the very least the pinyin.

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Then, in the body, also add the corresponding Chinese characters on the first mention. This is how you do it: "San Xihou (三西猴)"

Yes, Chinese people also have names. And yes, pinyin has infinitely more homonyms than characters.

In the body of the article, notably in photos, include the exact location of the event if applicable.

City at the very least, but if recognizable, where withing the city.

Yes, China is big! There are many different places in China.
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==== Western companies that comply with Chinese censorship requests
Western governments should prevent companies from complying to Chinese censorship requests, or at least impose fines and sanctions on them.
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Citizens should boycott such companies and require them to be punished.
See also: <<western-companies-that-sell-censorship-technology-to-dictatorships>>

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Some hell known companies and events:
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*[Bloomberg L.P.]: "When Bloomberg News’s Reporting on China Was Challenged, Bloomberg Tried to Ruin Me for Speaking Out"
* 2019-12 Shutterstock implements censorship for searches from China
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* LinkedIn
** 2019-01-04 "LinkedIn reverses course after censoring Chinese profile page of US-based human rights activist Zhou Fengsuo", see also: <<zhou-fengsuo>>
** 2014-06-04 "LinkedIn draws fire for China censorship" mentions: "Some LinkedIn (LNKD) users have received emails from the company in recent days informing them that their posts will not be shown in mainland China."
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* Apple
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** 2020-03-01 "China Roundup: Apple closes a 4-year-old App Store loophole"
** 2020-02-25
** 2019-04-12 "Lawmakers lash out at Apple for censoring a song about <<tiananmen,Tiananmen Square protests>>"
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.Chinese flag with Apple characteristics.[Source].
* JPMorgan
** 2016-11 "Sons and Daughters" corruption hiring program for chidren of government officials:
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.2019 summary of companies that kowtow to China.[Source].
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2019-10 carton showing several brands kowtowing to <<xi-jinping>>, while South Park alone gives the middle finger.[Source].
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.<<rebel-pepper>> 2017-07 showing <<xi-jinping>> eating an Apple Inc. logo referring to the many events where Apple gave in to Chinese demands to have access to the Chinese market.[Source].
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.[Stephen Colbert] comments in 2015 on how American films make a good image of China to be allowed in China by censors to increase sales.
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===== bandinchina GitHub repository

Contains a "List of companies who have apologized to the Chinese government and implemented censorship requests".

It only lists companies that implemented censorship outside of China however (with Hong Kong, <<taiwan,Taiwan>> and Macau defined as outside of China), therefore it is basically a Taiwan flag takedown + Hong Kong / Taiwan censorship list:

Other interesting GitHub repositories: <<github-repositories-with-censored-information>>.
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===== Entertainers who support the CCP

Boycott those:

*[Jackie Chan 陳港生] even though he is born in Hong Kong
** spoke against the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>
*[Liu Yifei 刘亦菲] who starred in the[Mulan 2020] Disney movie
** opposed the <<2019-hong-kong-anti-extradition-bill-protests>>, notably saying "What a shame for Hong Kong". The <<chinese-government-media,People's Daily>> later quoted her:[]

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=== What should pro-democracy Chinese living in China do about the dictatorship?

First of all, hide and stay safe, unless you can deal the final blow. From[World at war, 1973], ep. 16:

A dictatorship is like a snake. If you put your foot on its tail as you do it, it will just bite you and nobody will be helped. You have to strike the head.
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Once that is taken care of, a few good options are:

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* hide your thoughts, manipulate your enemies, infiltrate the corporate, political and military power circles, and go up the ladder
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* if you are an technological innovator, leave China and come work for the West. Don't strengthen commie power.

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If you don't manage to do either of the above, don't do any technological work. Go work on the fields or washing dishes. Working well for Chinese companies makes the Chinese <<dictatorship,Dictatorship>> stronger and <<war,more deadly>>. See also: <<embargo>>.
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And regardless: remember your kids that the commies are bastards every day.

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=== Ciro Santilli's reply policy 三西猴的回答政策
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People get kind of passionate sometimes about politics. And some of them might also be just malicious <<wumao,wumaos>>, although it is generally not possible to distinguish between them.
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If you are not a wumao, consider this:

* Ciro Santilli is one, and antagonists are millions. It is therefore not possible to reply to all antagonists.
* Ciro has in the past tried to be nice to stupid people, and they gave nasty replies
* all discussion is useless, <<effect,only the keyword attack has any chance of having any effect, and even that is slim>>

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In order to not waste too much time on those, Ciro Santilli uses the following strategy.
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If the original thread post is not very interesting, try to parse it quickly and reply once, always <<better-to-do,linking to the FAQ>>, and then unfollow the thread. This shows that you're still alive, and takes little effort.
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Then do your best never to read the inevitable reply again, and above all, never ever reply. An interesting reply never follows from a non-interesting original post. It is hard at first, but you will eventually get the hang of it.
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If the user keeps generating notifications, block them as per[], replying to a single person multiple times is useless.
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Never block users for an initial <<shitpost,shitposts>>, just reply with a stupid joke instead. This approach creates more uncertainty and makes you look cooler. Only block if the user is generating multiple notifications.

If a shitpost is made on most other social media except GitHub issues in this repository, e.g. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, immediately block the user on that website if you have the permission to do that, with a canned reply:

Hi <idiot's name>, if you want a reply, please open an issue at:

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Note however that this is not possible on idiotic websites like <<quora>> where such comments may be deleted, possibly automatically, who the fuck knows, e.g. as done at: In that case just link to sections of the FAQ, or mute people, or maybe just block all comments on the post to not waste time with new useless notifications.

This is because it is not worth answering anywhere else where the information will be scattered and impossible to find later on, and especially on websites that are already blocked in China. Shitposts on Stack Overflow and other non-blocked websites are encouraged however, as they further help to get the website blocked in China.
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For outbursts of activity from Chinese websites, usually programming (<<backlinks,v2ex, hacpai, pingcong>>), only post the following canned answer and nothing else, because cowards/people who don't know English from the website might delete your posts, so you shouldn't waste time there with that shit:
在我的GitHub中国FAQ repository我已经回答了好几个关于我常见的问题。
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Finally, don't forget the golden rule from[Proverbs 26:4]:

Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.

which is now usually seen in the form[of unclear attribution]:
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Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Where basically idiot == someone who creates posts that obviously aren't teaching you any new useful thing, or that not praising you :-)

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Alternatively, there is also the Chinese[chengyu] version:


which means:

Playing the <<music,qin>> to a cow.

which means to talk to someone who does not have intellectual conditions of understanding what you are trying to say, bibliography:
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More <<wumao,wumao>> focused strategies at: <<how-to-deal-with-wumaos>>.

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.Cartoon depiction of the[chengyu] "Playing the <<music,qin>> to a cow" 《对牛弹琴》.[Source].
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.XKCD 386 "Duty Calls" and the famous "Someone is wrong on the Internet" quote. It is a waste of time to be like that.[Source].

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=== Who is behind this amazing FAQ?

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==== Ciro Santilli 三西猴
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Original creator of[]:
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===== Ciro Santilli's wife 三西猴的老婆
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Born and raised in China: <<why-does-ciro-santilli-love-china-so-much>>.
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She and her mother do <<falun-gong>>, see also: <<flg-bias>>.
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Believes to be descendant of the brother of a recent Qing emperor, see also: <<throne>>.

For this same reason, her father, who Ciro's wife worships, spent around 10 years in the 50's for being branded a counter revolutionary rightist (右派) during one of <<mao-zedong,Mao's>> purges, possibly:


It is also for this reason that many Manchu changed their names to hide their Manchu origins, which makes reconstructing their family tree much harder, as mentioned at: for the purposes of <<throne>>.

=== How do different websites view Ciro Santilli's profile?

<<meant-to-be-used>> contains a more general overview. This contains website specifics.

==== Stack Overflow

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This is where <<ciro-santilli>> started his <<keyword-attack>> originally in 2015 as explained at: <<why-did-ciro-santilli-start-his-keyword-attack>>.

The current consensus says that keyword attacks are allowed:


The Chinese law doesn't I'm afraid: <<real-username-law>>

==== GitHub

GitHub's site policy can be seen at:

If you believe this page violates those policies, you can click the report abuse button on[Ciro's profile], which links to: or you can just contacat

If you do so, please feel free to also open an issue on this repository saying why you believe the site policy has been violated.

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Those issues will be marked with:

It will be fun to watch you try, and fail.

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This is because you do not understand how important the concept of <<richer,freedom of speech is>> in the West, and how amazing it feels when you are right, and it protects you.

The only thing that would work is if the Chinese government makes a gov-takedown on this repo: <<github-gov-takedowns>>, in which case: <<strategy-if-this-repo-gets-added-to-github-gov-takedowns>>.

China's GitHub censorship history is documented at:

===== GitHub gov-takedowns

GitHub has absolute transparency on Government takedowns, which is awesome:

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This makes that repo into a list of fun things.

As of 2019-05 there had only been only two takedowns by China however, compared to dozens by <<russia>>. The Chinese commies are not big fans of transparency it seems.
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As of 2020-03, besides the Zhao takedown, all other takedowns happened in 2019, and most seem to be <<falun-gong,Falun Gong>>/<<falun-gong-media,Epoch Times>> sponsored ways to <<censorship-circumvention,climb the wall>>.

The message GitHub shows on the blocked countries is:

Repository unavailable in your location

This repository is currently disabled in your location. For more details please see the takedown notice.

Here are some examples of people reacting to the blocking of as per from China (and likely on the entire repository, which appears to be the block granularity implemented):

* ([archive])

See also: <<programthink>>

To check China only takedowns such as this, we cannot use <<censorship-monitoring,Great Fire Analyzer>>, which reports the page as accessible: the only tool I could find so far to capture a page from China a bit like Web Archive was: which takes screenshots of the websites, but the free trial is very limited, and you can't share the screenshots. See also: <<censorship-monitoring>>.
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====== Strategy if this repo gets added to GitHub gov-takedowns

If this happens, we well proceed to create alternative repos `china-dictatorship-2`, `china-dictatorship-3`, etc. and it would be fun to see how that gets handled.

Can they add an entire user to gov-takedowns?

But remember that we also have: <<mirrors>>, and that this can be easily rendered as a single HTML page and uploaded to any static website host.
===== GitHub repositories with censored information

For lists of censored information outside of GitHub see: <<lists-of-material-censored-in-china>>.

Content outside of GitHub: <<lists-of-material-censored-in-china>>.
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* taibangle (太棒了)
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** Open letter by student activist[Yue Xin] (岳昕[岳昕]) about the events described at["China’s #MeToo: How a 20-Year-Old Rape Case Became a Rallying Cry"]
** in-tree translation
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Mentioned in other sections:

* <<nine-nine-six-icu>>
* <<nCovMemory>>
* <<bandinchina-github-repository>>
* mentioned at <<where-can-i-find-good-words-for-a-keyword-attack>>
* from <<programthink>>

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Interesting users:

** appears to give a lot of focus to <<falun-gong>>, e.g.:
*** Falun Gong information repository
*** automatic scraper of news from banned websites into the repository, with top sites being <<falun-gong-media>>
** is the main repository, TODO what it contains exactly? Code, or just documentation of existing methods?
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Non-information but also interesting:

====== Terminus2049 端点星计划
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Jekyl GitHub Pages repository that saves full text copies of censored articles:
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This repository stores deleted articles.

Also accompanies a dynamic forum which appears to be where content for the static pages gets discussed and brought up. But it possible that the website has been compromised and is leaking identity of users.

The "Terminus" in the repo name seems to be a reference to Isaac Asimov's fictional[Terminus planet] which is called端点星[端点星] in Chinese, but it is not clear where the 2049 comes from in that context. Forgetting the Chinese name, Terminus2049 could be a reference to the fictional["World War Terminus"] from the[Blade Runner 2049 (2019)] movie, which also explains the 2049.
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First commint on 2018-04-27, GitHub pages domain blocked in China at least since 2019-03 according to <<greatfire>>: but not in <<github-gov-takedowns>> as of 2020-04.
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The full post list can be seen most conveniently at: The number of articles is insane, usually several every day.

Most articles appear to be taken from recent news at the time of writting, although there are a few from before the repo started. As of 2020-04, the oldest article was from 2016 Metoo events reported by Yue Xin (岳昕), some other topics include:

* <<gay-rights>>
* <<nine-nine-six-icu>>
* <<daryl-morey-tweet>>

They use Jekyll tags a lot, which makes for a good grouping of the topics.

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In 2020-04-25, it was reported that three Beijing-based contributors were arrested during <<corona>>:
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* Chinese article, gives the Chinese names, and some background on the arrested people
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* Chen Mei (陈玫)
**玫-陈-1607b735/ a LinkedIn account with matching photo and name
* Cai Wei (蔡伟)
* Xiao Tang (小唐), who is also Cai Wei's girlfriend

In 2020-06-12 their families received calls saying that they had been charged with <<picking-quarrels>>:


Ciro's petition to free them:
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TODO what are their GitHub accounts? Contributions appear to be anonymized behind: That appears to be just a shared account though, not an actual bot. So how did the police find their true identities?

.Side-by-side photos of Chen Mei (陈玫) and Cai Wei (蔡伟).[Source].
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====== chinatimeline

Explores several sentitive topics through interesting timelines with many pictures, for example:

* <<tiananmen>>:
* <<corona>>:
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* religious persecution, including <<falun-gong>>:
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==== Zhihu 知乎
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The Chinese <<quora,Quora>> clone with Chinese characteristics (<<censorship,political censorship>>[]).
Some interesting questions not related to <<ciro-santilli>>. Ciro related questions at: <<zhihu-questions-related-to-ciro-santilli>>.